Hearthstone: Der neue Patch 9166 wurde entdeckt

Im Verlauf des heutigen Abends wurde ein neuer Patch für Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft auf die Download-Server von Blizzard aufgespielt, der zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt allerdings noch nicht live geschaltet wurde. Dieses Update beinhaltet dabei das „Kartenchaos“ als neuen Spielmodus und die in der letzten Woche vorgestellten neuen Helden für den Shop.
Das Kartenchaos:
Dieser neue Patch wird das bereits von den Entwicklern angekündigte „Kartenchaos“ als neuen Spielmodus mit sich bringen. Folgende Bilder zeigen Teile vom Interface dieses Features.
(Weitere Bilder findet ihr hier.)
Neue Helden:
Samsung Galaxy Gifts Promotion:
Scheinbar wird es bald ein „Samsung Galaxy“-Event geben, welches Spieler mit diesem Kartenrücken belohnt.
Folgende Kartenrücken werden Spieler zusammen mit den neuen Helden erhalten.
Das Spielfeld der Helden:
Jeder im Shop kaufbare Held wird den Bereich des Spielfelds um sein Porträt optisch ein wenig anpassen.
Karten für das Kartenchaos:
Möglicherweise werden Spieler beim Kartenchaos einige normalerweise nicht von Spielern verwendbaren Karten einsetzen dürfen.
All Classes Ability
- Armor
Give yourGive target Hero +100 Armor Type: Ability Set: Cheat - Armor 1 (New) Give target Hero +1 Armor Type: Ability Set: Cheat
- Armor 5 (New) Give target Hero +5 Armor Type: Ability Set: Cheat
- Big Banana (New) Give a minion +2/+2. Type: Ability Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 1
- Core Hound Puppies (New) Summon two 2/4 Core Hound Pups. Type: Ability Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 3
- Destroy ALL Secrets (New) Destroy all Secrets:. Type: Ability Set: Cheat
- Deviate Banana (New) Swap a minion’s Attack and Health. Type: Ability Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 1
- Living Bomb (New) Choose an enemy minion. If it lives until your next turn, deal 5 damage to all enemies. Type: Ability Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 3
- Omnotron Defense System (New) Summon a random Tron. Type: Ability Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 3
- Open the Gates (New) Fill your board with 2/2 Whelps. Type: Ability Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 8
- Rotten Banana (New) Deal 1 damage. Type: Ability Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 1
- Nefarian (New) Type: Hero Set: BRAWL2 Health: 30
- Ragnaros the Firelord (New) Type: Hero Set: BRAWL2 Health: 60
Hero Power
- Molten Rage (New) Hero Power: a 5/1 Magma Rager. Type: Hero Power Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 2
- Wild Magic (New) Hero Power: Add a random spell from any class into your hand. It costs (0). Type: Hero Power Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 2
- Atramedes (New) Whenever your opponent plays a card, gain +2 Attack. Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Race: Dragon Cost: 4 Attack: 2 Health: 8
- Becca Abel (New) Whenever you draw a card, make it Golden. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 2 Attack: 2 Health: 2
- Beomki Hong (New) Taunt. Friendly minions can’t be Frozen. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 4 Attack: 6 Health: 3
- Brian Birmingham (New) Choose One – Restore a Mech to full Health; or Give a Designer Windfury. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 3 Attack: 4 Health: 2
- Bryan Chang (New) Foodie: Make all minions edible. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 1 Attack: 1 Health: 3
- Cameron Chrisman (New) While this is in your hand, Golden cards cost (1) less. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 3 Attack: 3 Health: 3
- Christopher Yim (New) Battlecry: Your emotes are now spoken in „Radio Voice“. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 4 Attack: 6 Health: 5
- Core Hound Pup (New) At the end of each turn, summon all Core Hound Pups that died this turn. Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Race: Beast Cost: 3 Attack: 2 Health: 4
- Coren Direbrew (New) Always wins Brawls.
- Dean Ayala (New) You can’t lose stars while this is in your deck. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 7 Attack: 7 Health: 5
- Dragonkin Hatcher (New) Battlecry Summon two 2/2 Whelps. Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Race: Dragon Cost: 5 Attack: 4 Health: 6
- Drakonid Slayer (New) Also damages the minions next to whomever he attacks. Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Race: Dragon Cost: 6 Attack: 6 Health: 6
- Elizabeth Cho (New) Battlecry: Add Echo of Medivh and Echoing Ooze to your hand. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 4 Attack: 2 Health: 4
- Eric Del Priore (New) Has Taunt if it’s 3 AM. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 3 Attack: 1 Health: 6
- Garr (New) Whenever this minion takes damage, summon a 2/3 Elemental with Taunt. Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 5 Attack: 4 Health: 8
- Golemagg (New) Costs (1) less for each damage your hero has taken. Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 50 Attack: 20 Health: 20
- Henry Ho (New) Battlecry: Spectate your opponent’s hand. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 3 Attack: 3 Health: 4
- He-Rim Woo (New) Choose One – Punch an arm; Offer a treat; or Give a big hug. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 4 Attack: 4 Health: 3
- High Justice Grimstone (New) At the start of your turn, summon a Legendary minion. Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 3 Attack: 4 Health: 5
- Jason MacAllister (New) He’s a real stand-up guy. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 5 Attack: 6 Health: 5
- JC Park (New) Battlecry: Add a new platform for Hearthstone. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 7 Attack: 2 Health: 4
- Jeremy Cranford (New) When the game starts, this card climbs to the top of the deck. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 4 Attack: 5 Health: 4
- Jerry Mascho (New) At the start of your turn, deal 1 damage. If this card is golden, deal 1 damage at the end of your turn instead. THIS IS A HAN SOLO JOKE. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 2 Attack: 3 Health: 2
- Jomaro Kindred (New) Battlecry: TAKE any cards from your opponent’s hand that they don’t want. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 6 Attack: 7 Health: 6
- Jon Bankard (New) 50% chance to be 100% right. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 5 Attack: 5 Health: 5
- Jonas Laster (New) Whenever a Silenced minion dies, gain +1/+1. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 6 Attack: 6 Health: 6
- Keith Landes (New) At the start of your turn, get -2 Health due to hunger. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 2 Attack: 2 Health: 6
- Living Lava (New) Taunt Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 2 Attack: 6 Health: 6
- Lorewalker Cho Whenever a player casts a spell, put a copy into the other
player’splayer’s hand. Type: Minion Set: Expert Faction: Neutral Cost: 2 Health: 4 - Lucifron (New) Battlecry: Cast Corruption on all other minions. Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 4 Attack: 4 Health: 7
- Max Ma (New) Can only be played on a mobile device. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 3 Attack: 6 Health: 3
- Max McCall (New) Your emotes have no cooldown and can’t be squelched. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 4 Attack: 9 Health: 2
- Mike Donais (New) Battlecry: Replace all minions in the battlefield, in both hands, and in both decks with random minions. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 6 Attack: 4 Health: 8
- Moira Bronzebeard (New) Deathrattle: Summon Emperor Thaurissan. Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 3 Attack: 4 Health: 3
- Murloc Type: Minion Set: Promo Race: Murloc
Cost: 1 Attack: 1 Health: 1Attack: 1 Health: 1 - Razorgore (New) At the start of your turn, give your minions +3 Attack. Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Race: Dragon Cost: 6 Attack: 4 Health: 12
- Ricardo Robaina (New) Battlecry: Summon three 1/1 Chinchillas. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 4 Attack: 3 Health: 4
- Robin Fredericksen (New) Battlecry: If you have no other Erics on the battlefield, rename this card to „Eric“. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 4 Attack: 4 Health: 4
- Rock Elemental (New) Taunt Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 2 Attack: 2 Health: 3
- Ryan Chew (New) Chews One – Sing karaoke; or Leave on time and tell everyone about it. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 2 Attack: 2 Health: 3
- Seyil Yoon (New) Battlecry: Add 3 Sprints and a Marathon to your hand. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 5 Attack: 2 Health: 9
- Son of the Flame (New) Battlecry: Deal 6 damage. Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 3 Attack: 6 Health: 3
- Tim Erskine (New) Whenever this minion destroys another minion, draw a card. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 4 Attack: 3 Health: 5
- Vaelastrasz (New) Your cards cost (3) less. Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Race: Dragon Cost: 6 Attack: 7 Health: 7
- Walter Kong (New) Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to each of 2 strategic targets. Type: Minion Set: CREDITS Cost: 4 Attack: 3 Health: 2
- Whirling Ash (New) Windfury Type: Minion Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 2 Attack: 4 Health: 5
- Sulfuras (New) Deathrattle: Your Hero Power becomes ‚Deal 8 damage to a random enemy‘. Type: Weapon Set: BRAWL2 Cost: 2 Attack: 2 Health: 6