WoD: Beta Build 18927

Die Entwickler von Blizzard haben in der vergangenen Nacht ein neues Update für die aktuell noch immer laufende Beta zu Warlords of Draenor veröffentlicht. Dieser Build 18927 hat neben den für solche einen Patch üblichen Klassenänderungen auch wieder einige überarbeitete Modelle, einen leicht veränderten Login Screen und Anpassungen an den T-17 Set Boni mit sich gebracht.
Neue Modelle des Schattenmondklans:
Überarbeiteter Login Screen:
T-17 Set Boni:
- Item – Death Knight T17 Frost 2P Bonus Activating Pillar of Frost generates
50 Runic Power.30 Runic Power. - Item – Death Knight T17 Frost 4P Bonus While Pillar of Frost is active, your special attacks trap a soul in your rune weapon. When Pillar of Frost fades, your rune weapon discharges the souls at your current target, dealing (
15%60% of weapon damage) damage per soul. - Item – Death Knight T17 Unholy 4P Bonus When you activate Dark Transformation,
31 of your runes are automatically refreshed as Death Runes.
- Item – Druid T17 Restoration 2P Bonus Nature’s Swiftness now works on the next
5 spell casts.3 spell casts. - Item – Druid T17 Restoration 4P Bonus When you cast 2 sequential Healing Touch spells, the mana cost of your next Wild Growth is reduced by
- Item – Hunter T17 Marksmanship 4P Bonus While Rapid Fire is active, your critical strike damage increases by
5% per second.3% per second. - Item – Hunter T17 Survival 4P Bonus When you hit a target with Explosive Shot, your multistrike damage is increased by
25% for 3 sec.50% for 3 sec.
- Item – Monk T17 Brewmaster 4P Bonus Purifying Brew generates
4 stacks of Elusive Brew.1 stacks of Elusive Brew. - Item – Monk T17 Mistweaver 4P Bonus Surging Mist multistrikes cause your next Thunder Focus Tea to generate 1 Chi. Stacks up to
5 times.2 times. - Item – Monk WoD PvP Windwalker 4P Bonus Increases the duration of Tigereye Brew by
7 sec.3 sec.
- Item – Paladin T17 Holy 4P Bonus When you cast Word of Glory, you have a
25%20% chance to be able to cast a free 3 Holy Power Light of Dawn.
- Item – Priest T17 Shadow 2P Bonus Consuming Shadow Orbs reduces the cooldown of Mind Blast by
1.00.5 sec per Shadow Orb consumed. - Item – Priest T17 Shadow 4P Bonus Each time Devouring Plague deals damage over time, your haste increases by
3%1% for 4 sec, stacking up to 12 times.
- Item – Rogue T17 Assassination 2P Bonus Mutilate and Dispatch critical strikes restore
10 energy.7 energy. - Item – Rogue T17 Combat 2P Bonus Increases the chance for Revealing Strike to generate an extra Combo Point by
10%.20%. - Item – Rogue T17 Combat 4P Bonus Your finishing moves have a
25%20% chance to generate 5 combo points and cause your next Eviscerate to consume no Energy. - Item – Rogue T17 Subtlety 2P Bonus
While Shadow Dance is active, your abilities cost no Energy.When you activate Shadow Dance, you gain 60 Energy. - Item – Rogue T17 Subtlety 4P Bonus
For 5 sec after Shadow Dance ends, your finishing moves will refund 5 combo points.When Shadow Dance expires, your next finishing move refunds 5 combo points.
- Item – Shaman T17 Elemental 4P Bonus When you consume more than
1215 Lightning Shield charges with Fulmination, you automatically gain Lava Surge. - Item – Shaman T17 Restoration 4P Bonus When you gain Tidal Waves, you have a
10%3% chance to reduce the mana cost of Chain Heal by 75% for 10 sec.
- Item – Warlock T17 Demonology 2P Bonus Hand of Gul’dan now has 1 additional maximum charge, and Corruption has a
10%4% chance to generate 1 charge of Hand of Gul’dan when dealing damage.
Major Glyphs
- Savagery – Savage Roar is now always active passively, but its effect is reduced by 10%, up from 5%.
- Frost Bomb initial target damage now scales with 120% of Spell Power, down from 150%.
- Frost Bomb initial target damage now scales with 120% of Spell Power, down from 150%.
- Holy Shield now increases block chance by 15%, up from 10%. Block proc damage now scales with 75% of AP, up from 50%.
- Hemorrhage now does 40% of weapon damage, down from 78%.
- Main Gauche now does 140% of weapon damage, down from 225%.
- Sinister Strike now does 160% of weapon damage, up from 100%.
- Mastery: Main Gauche now does 140% of weapon damage, down from 225%.
- Revealing Strike now does 120% of weapon damage, up from 75%.
- Backstab now does 175% of weapon damage, up from 156%.
- Hemorrhage now does 40% of weapon damage, down from 78%.
- Corruption Soul Shard generation proc rate now is 6%, down from 10%.
- Nightfall Soul Shard generation proc rate now is 6%, down from 10%.
Affliction & Demonology
- Drain Life now restores 6% health, down from 9%.
- Life Tap Restores [ 15% of Total Health ] mana. Warlock – Affliction & Demonology Spec. 15% of Total Health. Instant.
- Ember Tap now heals 6.20% of your health, down from 13.6%
- Shield Barrier now absorbs 112.5% of AP damage, down from 235%.
Arms & Fury
- Shield Barrier now absorbs 112.5% of AP damage, down from 235%.
Fury & Protection
- Execute (Fury) now does 300% of weapon damage with off-hand, up from 150%.
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Death From Above now reduces the range of Heroic Leap by 15 yds, down from 20.