WoW Classic: Eine umfangreiche Liste mit durchgeführten Fehlerbehebungen

Auch wenn die regelmäßig immer wieder aktualisierte Liste mit den amüsanten Falschmeldungen aus der geschlossenen Beta von WoW Classic in den vergangenen Monaten viel Aufmerksamkeit innerhalb der Fangemeinde der klassischen Spielversion dieses MMORPGs erhalten hat, so haben die Tester ihre Zeit mit dieser Testversion selbstverständlich auch dafür genutzt, um eine Vielzahl von tatsächlichen Fehlern bei dem Entwicklerteam zu melden. Damit diese Tester sich nun einen Überblick darüber verschaffen können, wie wichtig ihre Arbeit für die anstehende Veröffentlichung von WoW Classic war und wie viele Probleme dank ihnen korrigiert werden konnten, veröffentlichten die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment in der vergangenen Nacht interessanterweise eine sehr lange Liste mit Fehlerbehebungen in den Battle.Net Foren. Alle in dieser Übersicht vorhandenen Bugs und Probleme wurden entweder während der Beta oder eines Stresstestes von den Spielern gemeldet und irgendwann im Verlauf der vergangenen drei Monate von den zuständigen Entwicklern behoben.
Wer sich also einen Eindruck von dem Nutzen solch einer Testphase verschaffen möchte oder sich einfach nur für die korrigierten Bugs interessiert, der sollte unbedingt einen Blick auf die am Ende dieses Beitrags vorhandene Liste werfen.
(Hinweis: Die Übersicht beinhaltet nicht alle von Spielern gemeldeten oder von den Entwicklern behobenen Fehler. Das Team arbeitet derzeit auch noch an einigen Lösungen für Probleme, die ebenfalls nicht in dieser Liste auftauchen.)
Throughout the beta and stress testing period over the past three months, thousands of players have returned to the Azeroth that was to help us prepare for the WoW Classic global launch on August 27th, 2019. Throughout this process we’ve received thousands of detailed bug reports from dedicated beta and stress testers. We felt that it was important to close the loop on all of your diligent efforts, and try to give you an idea on just how much of an impact you’ve had on helping to make this the best version of WoW Classic that it could be.
In the first reply below you will find a list of bugs that we’ve fixed in the past three months that were reported to us by players like you during the various WoW Classic stress tests and closed beta. Some of these issues were previously known to us, but many were not, and we wanted to thank each and every one of you for your efforts in helping us identify and fix these bugs.
Please note that while this list is large, it is not comprehensive. This does not include every single one of the issues that was reported by players or fixed during this period. There are also other bugs with fixes that are still in testing, and as such are not listed.
Die behobenen Fehler:
Fixed an issue that caused Warlock pets to occasionally be summoned with only default abilities and a new name
Southsea Freebooters are no longer shooting error cubes out of their guns
Fixed an issue that caused some NPCs to play the load bow animation twice when Shooting their ranged weapons
Fixed an issue with missing textures on the Warlock’s Imp pet model
Fixed dozens of creatures spawning in rocks, trees, and under terrain
Fixed an issue that prevented bosses from being summoned in Alterac Valley
Fixed an issue that caused creatures that were leashed across zone boundaries to permanently evade
Fixed an issue that was preventing spawns from exhibiting appropriate respawn functionality when a certain minimum population threshold was reached
Creatures no longer ignore collision when in combat with players
Creature pathing should no longer be disrupted by tapping the hotkey to walk backwards
Fixed a bug that caused server performance issues when a Hunter used Beast Training to teach abilities to a pet
The Spirit Healer is no longer missing from Brill
Fixed an issue that caused Hunter and Warlock pets to return to the player’s side when commanding the pet to engage a new target just before its old target dies
Stitches should no longer become neutral on his way to Darkshire, and the citizens of Darkshire should properly engage him in combat when he arrives
Fixed several issues with the pathing of Ogres in the Ruins of Alterac
Fixed an issue with Mottled Raptor respawn rates in the Whelgar’s Excavation area of Wetlands
Fixed an issue that caused Raider Jhash and Raider Kerr to become stuck in their mounting/dismounting animations when entering combat with an enemy creature
Fixed an issue that caused players to become stuck in combat when approaching Amnennar the Coldbringer in Razorfen Downs
Hunter pets no longer occasionally become stuck following the player after switching to Passive mode
Hunter pets are much more responsive about returning to the player’s side after switching to Passive mode
A Warlock’s Curse of Doom now properly summons a Doomguard
A Warlock’s Eye of Kilrogg now only has 1 health point
Pet Bar key bindings are no longer being reset when the pet is dismissed and re-summoned or when the player relogs
Calvin Montague will no longer reset if multiple players are fighting him during the quest “ A Rogue’s Deal”
Silithid Swarms that spawn from Silithid Swarmers in the Barrens are now the appropriate level and deal correct damage
Ground Assaults no longer fail to launch in Alterac Valley
Fixed a myriad of issues with detail and ground clutter doodads spawning in incorrect areas or failing to spawn entirely
The power crystals throughout the Un’goro Crater zone now properly despawn after being looted
Fixed an issue that caused some Quest item container game objects to not despawn and to remain interactive indefinitely after being used
The Alliance quest “CLUCK” now works properly
Fixed an issue that caused the Enraged Panther to occasionally be unable to be attacked during the quest “
Hypercapacitor Gizmo”
Some quest-related game objects had an inauthentic respawn time or cooldown on usage; this has been corrected
Fixed an issue that caused many unlockable footlockers to be uninteractive
Fixed an issue that caused all water to be missing from the Ironclad Cove area of The Deadmines
Windows and other glass surfaces in some interior spaces are no longer too bright
Advanced combat logging is now more consistent with Original WoW and no longer exposes some internal values
Fixed an issue that caused the red buttons in the Mekgineer Thmeraplugg encounter to remain depressed for too long
Resolved an issue caused by Activating MSAA 2x or higher on Macs using the Intel HD 515 display adapter
Shorelines are no longer clearly visible from a distance through fog while liquid detail is set to Good or Ultra settings
The top of Stormwind Keep, the Stockade, and several trees are no longer being incorrectly culled from view in Stormwind
Corrected several issues with a Hunter’s Eyes of the Beast when used while the Night Elf Shadowmeld racial ability is active
Fixed an issue that caused the client to crash when swapping back to default chat settings in the Chat settings menu
Fixed an issue that allowed players to create both Horde and Alliance characters on the same PvP server
Relogging on the flight path passing by Ironforge no longer causes the Gryphon to path through the mountain when you resume your flight
Pressing “Request Stop” on a flight path will no longer occasionally teleport the player to their final destination
Players who are disconnected while on a flight path no longer occasionally log back in without a taxi and fall to their deaths
Fixed an issue that caused certain items to cause the player to drop the flag in Warsong Gulch
Fixed an issue that caused certain item effects to not function for players at the lowest required levels for the item
Items with randomly generated stats no longer display the <Random Enchantment> tag in the loot window and the chat tooltip
The Battle Map can no longer be opened outside of PvP Zones
Multiple texture seams on minimaps throughout Azeroth have been fixed
There is no longer a missing strip of water in the Mosshide Fen area of Wetlands
Fixed an issue that caused fog to not render properly inside of buildings and caves when viewed from outside
Fixed multiple issues with water planes on waterfalls and streams throughout Elwynn Forest
There are no longer extra or missing sections of water in Felwood at the Bloodvenom Falls and Bloodvenom River areas
Fixed several issues with the lighting in Alterac Valley
Creatures no longer fade out from view when zone boundaries are crossed
Swapping your ranged weapon no longer causes your melee weapon to be displayed in the right hand and the ranged weapon in the left hand
Queuing up Shoot with a wand during some 2-Handed Staff animations no longer causes the player character to repeatedly sheathe and unsheathe their staff
Fixed an issue that caused the Fishing Cast animation to not play while fishing
The Hunter is no longer stuck in the Kneel animation for several seconds after placing a trap
Fixed a graphical issue with Crossbow aim animations that caused additional crossbow bolts to appear
Fixed an issue that caused Night Elves to become permanently stuck in wisp form if logged out while dead
Switching targets during
Auto Shot will no longer cause the LoadBow animation to stutter and become frozen temporarily
Fixed several issues with
Stealth animations
Auto Shot’s floating combat text damage is no longer delayed when using a Crossbow
Multiple attacks from
Windfury Weapon or
Windfury Totem procs no longer incur individual melee animations
Fixed an issue that caused your player corpse to despawn when you log out as a ghost
A Hunter’s Feign Death now properly drops combat when used during a raid encounter
A Mage’s Ignite now continues to deal damage while its stacks are being refreshed
Battle Shout no longer generates less threat when affecting multiple targets
Auto Shot is no longer canceled after using another ranged ability such as
Arcane Shot
Fixed an issue that caused a Warlock’s Spellstone to not correctly remove some magic debuffs
Fixed multiple issues that prevented a Priest from moving or acting when entering a Battleground while affected by
Spirit of Redemption
The Hunter Beast Training UI no longer causes client framerate issues when attempting to train certain abilities
The buff tray is no longer capped at 8 buffs while using a temporary weapon buff
Debuffs such as
Weakened Soul are now properly applied to Stealthed targets
A Warlock’s Imp will now move to attack a target that is out of Line of Sight
The Recently Dropped Flag debuff is no longer present in Warsong Gulch
Fixed an issue that caused Auto Shot to permanently become disabled when canceled by an enemy creature moving into the player’s dead zone
Fixed an issue that caused the game client to occasionally hard lock after killing an enemy with a Wand attack
Fixed an issue that caused a Hunter’s melee Auto Attack to fail to toggle on when using Raptor Strike on an enemy target
Spell pushback now properly affects the cast duration of channeled spells
Fixed an issue that caused Stoneskin Totem to grant its damage reduction permanently
Fixed an issue that caused Item eligibility granted from certain profession-related racial abilities to not persist through a relog
Ritual of Summoning can no longer be used within a dungeon to summon targets outside of the dungeon
Corrected an issue that caused Aimed Shot to not use the appropriate animation with a bow equipped
Fixed an issue that caused some spells in a school to not be placed on a global cooldown when that school is interrupted
Multi-Shot can no longer hit totems
Fixed an issue that caused Hunter and Warlock pets‘ auto-cast abilities to not re-cast as quickly as they should
Using Feign Death while in a Battleground will now cause the Hunter to immediately drop combat
There is no longer a slight delay on Warlock pet auto-cast abilities
A Mage’s Blink now properly removes stun effects even when the Mage is silenced
Fixed an issue that caused abilities used on immune targets to incorrectly consume Combo Points, and to consume too much Energy and Rage
Corrected an issue that caused Seal of Righteousness to crash ptBR clients when learned
A Paladin’s Reckoning ability now properly stacks to 5 and no longer occasionally fails to grant extra attacks
Shoot is now cancelled immediately when players attempt to cast a spell
Casting spells such as
Hunter’s Mark no longer causes the Hunter to sheathe their bow and begin to shoot arrows with their hands
Fixed an issue that caused Warrior’s Charge ability to become stuck on terrain and prevent the Warrior from moving while still stunning the target
Mouseover macros can no longer be used to perform actions on off-targets while maintaining Combo Points on the Rogue’s primary target
Fixed an issue that caused Rogue and Druid Combo Points to not properly be refunded when a finisher is dodged, parried, or misses
Shaman totems no longer take damage from some AoE sources
The Chilled effect from
Improved Blizzard will now properly apply if the target moves out of Line of Sight of the caster
Resolved camera issues caused by two Priests attempting to use Mind Control on each other at the same time
There is no longer a grace period after a crowd control spell with a cast time lands where it will not be broken
Note: Instant cast crowd control spells still do have a small grace period -
The Infernal summoned by a Warlock’s Inferno spell will now properly attack nearby enemy players
Fixed an issue that caused Priest to permanently lose control of their characters when releasing spirit immediately prior to entering
Spirit of Redemption form
Hunter’s Mark no longer stacks on a target if multiple Hunters with different ranks of
Improved Hunter’s Mark use the ability on the same target
A Warlock’s Siphon Life damage ticks now properly break stealth effects
Shield Wall is no longer removed when the Warrior equips a two-handed weapon
Fixed an issue that allowed players to maintain crowd control effects such as Fear on multiple creatures at once
The Warrior item
Brutal Hauberk now properly gives 30 Rage
Judgement of the Crusader now properly increases the damage of
Seal of Righteousness
Pet Happiness is now displayed in the combat log by default
Lay on Hands is now properly restoring 550 mana when used on the Paladin
Shields can now be equipped and remain equipped when the target is Disarmed
Taunt spells can no longer be cast on other players
Fixed an issue with
Auto Shot and Throw tooltips displaying incorrect information
Accepting a resurrection after releasing no longer grants the resurrected player full health
Fixed an issue that caused Rage to not be refunded properly when a Warrior ability is dodged, parried, or misses
Fixed an issue causing
Soul Shards to be incorrectly consumed when a Warlock attempts to create a
Healthstone with full bags
The information revealed by
Beast Lore is no longer missing creature armor and tamed abilities
Hunter pets no longer occasionally behave erratically after combat has ended
Fixed an issue that caused the player character to occasionally stop using Shoot with a Wand without Shoot being cancelled by other means
Feign Death now properly causes the Hunter to drop the flag in Warsong Gulch
The Aimed Shot tooltip no longer misrepresents a decreased cast time when the Hunter’s ranged attack speed increases
Fixed an issue causing Combo Points to incorrectly display on a Rogue or Druid’s primary target when generating Combo Points on a secondary target using a mouseover macro
The cooldown of
Auto Shot is now always re-evaluated by the client when the player switches between a Bow and a Gun
Ranged attacks can now properly be blocked
Fixed an issue that caused the
Breath bar to refill too quickly
Fixed an issue that caused your client to become unresponsive after speaking with a profession trainer
Fixed an issue that prevented players from obtaining skins from high level creatures that they have skinned
Players are now prevented from fishing in zones that require a higher level
Fishing skill than the character possesses
Fixed an issue that caused a Druid’s Track Humanoids ability to automatically activate after looting a corpse or attacking an enemy
Skinnable creatures that are above your skill level no longer appear as orange instead of red
Fixed a few issues that caused resource nodes on zone boundaries to bcome stuck in a tapped state indefinitely
Fixed an issue that was preventing materials from
Enchanting recipes from being linked in chat channels using Shift+Click
Dying with the flag and releasing spirit immediately in Warsong Gulch no longer causes the flag to spawn at the graveyard
Players can now properly resurrect at their corpse while in a Battleground
Fixed an issue that caused the flag to incorrectly be returned to base when two players attempted to click a dropped flag simultaneously
The flag rooms in Warsong Gulch are now properly flagged as indoors, preventing players from using abilities such as
Travel Form and
Ghost Wolf
Priests can no longer cast
Blessing of Protection when using Mind Control on a Paladin who is carrying the flag in Warsong Gulch
Corrected an issue where flag captures were awarding double honor in Warsong Gulch
Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor are now properly awarded at the end of a match
Honor ranks are now displayed on the scoreboard in Battlegrounds
The spell visual effect around the flags in Arathi Basin is no longer missing while players are in the process of capturing a flag
The Battleground minimap widget no longer persists after a player deserts a Battleground that is in-progress
The Honor tab of the Character Sheet is no longer displayed while the Honor System is not yet enabled
Fixed an issue that caused the player’s own Honor rank and progress bar to be shown when inspecting other players
Players can no longer become unflagged for PvP while inside an instance on a PvP Server
You are no longer required to manually flag yourself for PvP before beginning to attack hostile faction members in your territory
Zone name pop-ups should now indicate if they are hostile, contested, or friendly territory
Leaving hostile or contested territory no longer immediately unflags you for PvP
Fixed an issue that caused Lord Gregor Lescovar to not turn hostile for non-PvP targets during the quest “The Attack!”
Fixed an issue that caused multiple quests to generate Lua errors when tracked
The “
Bodyguard for Hire” quest in Desolace can now properly be obtained
Fixed an issue that prevented the quest “
The Master’s Glaive” from properly completing when entering the required sub-zone
Fixed an issue that caused Sarilus Foulborne to summon higher level creatures than intended for the quest “
Mage Summoner”
Abandoning escort quests no longer causes the associated NPC to despawn
Fixed an issue that caused the quest “Torek’s Assault” to get stuck in a state where it could not be completed
Quest completion messages will now display appropriately for escort quests
Fixed an issue that prevented players from being able to see quest bangs for quests 5 levels or more below their current level
Fixed an issue that caused players from different realms to appear on the same Zeppelin or Boat transport
Missile sounds are now properly playing when using abilities such as
Shadow Bolt and
Fixed an issue that caused the level up sound effect to not play if another nearby player had also leveled up recently
Fixed an issue that caused the bassy “swoosh” sound effect to not fire when swinging Two-Handed Weapons
Fixed an issue that caused bowstring and gun “click” sounds to not play when activating
Auto Shot
The appropriate sound now plays when someone joins your group
Fixed multiple server performance issues associated with spell visuals
Fixed multiple issues with Blizzard that caused the spell effects to not display properly
There is no longer a large delay on
Flare’s ground visual effect when used at max range
Fixed an issue that was causing the
Exorcism spell visual to not display correctly
Fixed an issue that caused certain types of thrown missile spells such as Rough Copper Bomb to not play their impact visuals
Fixed a crash caused by the elevator model leading into Gnomeregan
Item links can now be clicked from most chat windows
Spells placed on the action bar during a flight path are no longer removed from the UI after relogging
Ready Check markers no longer display on Main Tank/Main Assist target or target-of-target frames
The Release Spirit UI is now properly visible when players die while AFK
Messages sent to chat channels are no longer being aggressively throttled
Resolved multiple issues with the “stickiness” and feel of floating combat text, particularly when multiple critical strikes occur in a short time frame
Players can no longer dramatically increase the display distance of nameplates via console script
The Arathi Basin scoreboard now records the bonus honor granted for resource collection
Totems can now be targeted via macros
Right-clicking another player’s name in a chat channel no longer generates a Lua error
Mousing over a creature or player now highlights their model
Pet spell tooltips are no longer occasionally missing when viewing them in the Beast Training UI
Eye of Kilrogg and other summonable guardians no longer create a pet bar and pet frame on the player’s UI
Invite to Group and the right-click Invite context menu option are no longer present in the Friends menu for friends on a different realm
Global chat channels that the player has not yet joined are now properly displayed in chat settings
A player’s realm name is no longer displayed next to the player’s name when he or she joins a guild
Right-clicking a player’s name on the Battleground scoreboard no longer results in a Lua error
Hunters should no longer be able to drag basic pet commands off the pet action bar
Objects and NPCs that are tracked on the minimap no longer incorrectly display arrows to indicate if they are above or below the player
Fixed an issue causing
Find Minerals and Find Herbs to display as a buff in the buff bar rather than an icon on the minimap
Shaman class color is now displaying correctly in raid frames
Players are no longer incorrectly able to mount in Booty Bay
Multiple game objects associated with quests are no longer interactive for players that are not on the associated quest
Fixed multiple issues causing players and NPCs to not display correctly when their HP and Mana was observed from across zone boundaries
The General and Local Defense chat channels are no longer missing from Westfall
The Auto Shot sound effect and animation no longer plays each time you change targets while
Auto Shot is active
Commanding a pet to attack no longer immediately places the commanding player in combat
Raid frames are now brighter, making out-of-range indicators more clearly visible
Robes are now properly showing up in Auction House searches when filtering for Cloth Armor
Resolved an issue that was causing incorrect attack speed normalization values to be used for attack power bonus damage calculations
Right-clicking your character’s model in the Auction House dressing room no longer generates a Lua error
Fixed an issue that caused a loot window to trigger on allies when another nearby player loots corpses, which could interrupt flag captures in Battlegrounds