SC2: Die geplanten Spielbalanceänderungen für Abathur

Einem am vergangenen Freitag in den Battle.Net Foren von Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void veröffentlichten Bluepost von Game Designer Kevin „Monk“ Dong zufolge arbeitet das für dieses beliebte Strategiespiel verantwortliche Entwicklerteam im Moment an mehreren notwendigen Spielbalanceänderungen für die im Koop-Modus als Kommandant auswählbare Variante von Abathur, die mit dem nächsten Update für diesen Titel ihren Weg auf die Liveserver finden werden. Um ihre Spielerschaft nun bereits im Vorfeld über alle geplanten Anpassungen an diesem Kommandanten in Kenntnis zu setzen, beinhaltete der Bluepost dieses Entwicklers praktischerweise eine umfangreiche Liste mit allen in der nahen Zukunft erscheinenden Veränderungen für Abathur. Wer also schon jetzt erfahren möchte, was für Anpassungen die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment im Moment geplant haben, der sollte jetzt entweder einen Blick auf die folgende Übersetzung des Blueposts oder den darunter eingebauten ursprünglichen Beitrag des Entwicklers werfen.
Die Entwickler planen folgende Änderungen:
- Biomasse
- Verschiedene Einheiten von Biomasse werden nun zu einem Klumpen verschmelzen, wenn sie sich innerhalb von 4 Distanzeinheiten voneinander befinden (vorher 1.9).
- Moderate und Normale Schwierigkeit: Biomasse wird nun mit einer Rate von 5 pro Versorgung fallen gelassen (vorher 4).
- Schwere Schwierigkeit: Biomasse wird nun mit einer Rate von 4 pro Versorgung fallen gelassen (vorher 3).
- Brutale Schwierigkeit: Biomasse wird nun mit einer Rate von 2.5 pro Versorgung fallen gelassen (vorher 2).
- Virulente Nester: Gegner, die von Giftnestern verletzt wurden, hinterlassen jetzt nur noch 50% mehr Biomasse (vorher 100%).
- Schabe
- Die Kosten von Gräberklauen werden verringert: 150/150 zu 100/100.
- Die Kosten von Adaptiver Panzer werden verringert: 150/150 zu 100/100.
- Die Kosten von Iodwasserstoffgalle werden verringert: 150/150 zu 100/100.
- Adaptiver Panzer gewährt Schaben bald 6 Rüstung (vorher 3).
- Das Sammeln von Biomasse erhöht bald die Rüstung von Schaben. 100 Biomasse erhöht die Rüstung um 5.
- Verheerer
- Das Einsammeln von Biomasse verringert bald die Abklingzeit von Ätzende Galle. 100 Biomasse reduzieren die Abklingzeit um 50%.
- Die Reichweite von Ätzende Galle wird von 9 auf 12 erhöht.
- Meisterschaften
- Die Meisterschaft für die Reduzierung der Abklingzeit von Symbiont wurde durch die neue Meisterschaft „Symbiote Ability Improvement Mastery“ ersetzt. Dieser neue Bonus erhöht den verursachen Schaden und die absorbierte Menge an Schaden von Abathurs Symbiont um jeweils 3.33% pro investierten Punkt.
- Die Meisterschaft für den Erhalt der doppelten Biomasse wird von 0.5% Chance auf 1% Chance pro Punkt verbessert. Die maximale Chance für diesen Effekt liegt in der Zukunft bei 30%.
- Die Meisterschaft für den Schaden und die Respawn-Chance der Giftnester wurde in „Toxic Nest Damage Mastery“ umbenannt. Dieser Effekt gewährt den Giftnestern keine Chance mehr auf einen Respawn.
- Virulente Nester: Dieses Talent gewährt den Giftnestern von Abathur nun eine Chance von 50% darauf, dass sie bei ihrem Ableben automatisch respawnen.
- Heilen: Der HoT wird von 50 Gesundheit über 15 Sekunden zu 50 Gesundheit über 10 Sekunden verändert.
- Die Meisterschaft für das Heilen erhöht in der Zukunft in der Zukunft die Dauer des HoTs um 10% pro investierten Punkt. Das Maximum liegt bei 300%.
Co-op Mission Update – Abathur Revamp
It’s time for the first commander revamp post this round, this time featuring the master of evolution, Abathur! As always, among our primary goals with this revamp are to promote use of underused units and create more interesting decisions when selecting Masteries. In Abathur’s case, we’re also taking a close look at both the Biomass mechanic and the power of Ultimate Evolution Symbiotes. Now, onto the details.
- Biomass pickups will now merge together when less than 4 distance apart, up from 1.9.
We considered many options to improve the quality of life associated with picking up Biomass. After this change, players will hopefully be able to spend less time picking up Biomass and more actually utilizing their high-Biomass units.
- Biomass now drops at a base rate of 5 per supply, up from 4 per supply on casual and normal difficulty.
- Biomass now drops at a base rate of 4 per supply, up from 3 per supply on hard difficulty.
- Biomass now drops at a base rate of 2.5 per supply, up from 2 per supply on brutal difficulty.
- Abathur’s Level 3 Talent, Virulent Nests, now allows Toxic Nests to drop 50% additional Biomass, down from 100%.
This set of changes is aimed at mitigating Abathur’s potential overreliance on Toxic Nests to ramp up his power. One consistent piece of feedback we’ve received is that, in order to gain Biomass, you must be able to predict enemy attack patterns, which can be difficult for newer players. In addition, players often complain about allies killing enemies before they can trigger Nests—possibly because they’re not familiar with how the mechanic works. Finally, we think that Toxic Nests in their current form give players who are able to place them perfectly too much of an early power spike in their ramp-up process, given that these players are often able to complete missions with Ultimate Evolutions alone.
After these changes, most players in most games will receive more Biomass than before. Meanwhile, the difference between killing units with or without the use of Toxic Nests will be less exaggerated.
- Tunneling Claws cost decreased from 150/150 to 100/100.
- Adaptive Plating research cost decreased from 150/150 to 100/100.
- Hydriodic Bile research cost decreased from 150/150 to 100/100.
- Adaptive Plating bonus armor increased from 3 to 6.
Roaches are Abathur’s cheap front-line forces, and one of their defining characteristics is that they cost no gas! Unfortunately, their upgrades are a bit expensive and lackluster, so we’re making a few minor tweaks in this department.
- Roaches now gain armor per point of Biomass, up to a maximum of 5 additional armor with 100 Biomass.
We didn’t want players to feel like picking up Biomass with their Roaches is a waste. This buff gives players more of an incentive to ration Biomass to their Roaches and reinforces their defensive role.
- Biomass picked up by Ravagers will now decrease the cooldown of Corrosive Bile, up to a maximum of 50% at 100 Biomass.
- Ravager Corrosive Bile range increased from 9 to 12.
Likewise, we wanted players to feel more rewarded for picking up Biomass with Ravagers, so we’re allowing the cooldown of Corrosive Bile to scale with Biomass pickups, similar to how Abathur’s Swarm Hosts currently scale with their Locust ability. We’ll also be increasing the casting range of Corrosive Bile, because Ravagers in Co-op tend to trip over each other quite often.
- Symbiote Ability Cooldown Mastery replaced with Symbiote Ability Improvement Mastery. This new Mastery increases the damage dealt and absorbed of Abathur’s Symbiote ability by 3.33% per point, up to a maximum of 100%.
- Double Biomass Chance Mastery increased from 0.5% per point to 1% per point. Maximum chance increased from 15% to 30%.
Abathur is designed to be the Evolution Master—he’s meant to grow in power as a match goes on. True to his name, he does indeed have one of the most powerful late-game armies among all Commanders. That said, with full points in the Symbiote Ability Cooldown Mastery, he can also potentially have one of the most powerful early-game armies, and this is something we’ve always seen as an issue. This newly-designed Mastery will improve Abathur’s Symbiotes by approximately 100%, versus the previous Mastery’s approximately 150%. In addition, the new Mastery will scale more linearly (the previous Mastery scaled exponentially), which could lead to situations where you might not want to go all-in on it.
Meanwhile, the Double Biomass Chance Mastery was looking a bit weak, so we’re increasing the numbers there a bit.
- Abathur’s Toxic Nest Damage and Respawn Chance Mastery changed to Toxic Nest Damage Mastery. It now no longer provides Toxic Nests with a chance to respawn.
- Abathur’s Level 3 Talent, Virulent Nests, now provides Toxic Nests with a 50% chance to respawn when they die, in addition to its current functionality.
The original Toxic Nest Damage and Respawn Chance Mastery was so good that players essentially didn’t a choice but to pick it. As a solution, we took the element that made it feel like a “must pick” and moved it into the base talent. Hopefully, the resulting Mastery will now be on a similar power level to the new Mend Mastery.
- Mend Heal Over Time changed from 50 health over 15 seconds to 50 health over 10 seconds.
- Mend Healing Mastery replaced with Mend Healing Duration Mastery. Mend Healing Duration Mastery increases the Heal Over Time duration of Mend by 10% per point, up to a maximum of 300%.
This new Mastery will allow Abathur and his allies’ forces to stay in combat for an extended duration and improves it in a way that allows for units with lower HP to benefit. It also encourages planning, as spamming Mend with the Mastery won’t net you as much of a benefit.
Weekly Mutations
Finally, we’re excited to announce that we’ll be introducing new weekly mutation combinations in an upcoming update—many of which will feature our most recent maps, including Cradle of Death, Part & Parcel, Malwarfare, and Scythe of Amon. We’d like to take some time to preview our first new Weekly Mutation: Bannable Offense.
Bannable Offense has you fighting on Malwarfare, an ancient Purifier facility where preserved Protoss personalities come to life. However, the personality of a Tal’Darim warrior has awakened, and this time, he’ll assault you with the unholy power of cheating. This Tal’Darim will attempt to glitch out his units using Evasive Maneuvers and enter the infamous “Power Overwhelming” cheat code from StarCraft I. Fortunately for you, Power Overwhelming doesn’t have the same potency it did in the original StarCraft, but you’ll still have to deal with evasive enemies that can cast random abilities.
Of course, cheating is a bannable offense.
Kevin Dong
Lead Co-op Designer