BfA: Die Klassenänderungen aus Build 27075

Im Laufe des gestrigen Nachmittags spielten die Entwickler von World of Warcraft zur Überraschung vieler Spieler den brandneuen Build 27075 auf die derzeit noch immer laufenden Testserver der geschlossenen Beta von Battle for Azeroth auf. Da die Veröffentlichung des als Pre-Patch zu diesem Addon fungierenden Patch 8.0.1 allerdings nur noch einige wenige Tage entfernt ist und die Tests an dieser Erweiterung so gut wie abgeschlossen sind, bestand dieses Update für die Beta interessanterweise nur aus einer Reihe von Spielbalanceänderungen an den spielbaren Klassen dieses beliebten MMORPGs. Diese höchstwahrscheinlich letzte Welle mit Klassenänderungen vor dem Launch von Patch 8.0.1 soll die verschiedenen Spezialisierungen besser untereinander balancen und die einzelnen Klassen auf den anstehenden Release der Erweiterung vorbereiten. Wer nun gerne erfahren möchte, auf welche Weise der neue Build 27075 die verschiedenen Klassen veränderte, der findet weiter unten in diesem Artikel eine umfangreiche Liste mit allen in diesem Build enthaltenen Spielbalanceänderungen.
Die Klassenänderungen:
Death Knight:
- Obliteration: Frost Strike and Howling Blast grant Killing Machine and have a 30% chance to generate a Rune, down from a 40% to generate a Rune.
- Frost Death Knight: Damage and healing bonus for all abilities decreased from 8% to 4%.
- Frost Fever: Damage increased by 42.9%.
- Remorseless Winter: Damage increased by 15.8%.
- Unholy Death Knight: Damage and healing penalty for all abilities increased from -10% to -12%.
Demon Hunter:
- First Blood: Blade Dance’s damage against the first target struck is now increased by 135%, down from 200%.
- Trail of Ruin: Damage increased by 50%.
Azerite Powers
- Cycle of Binding: Afflicting an enemy with a Sigil reduces the cooldown of your Sigils by 2 seconds, down from 4 seconds.
- Blade Dance: Damage increased by 50%.
- Death Sweep: Damage increased by 50%.
- Demon Blades: Damage decreased by 20%.
- Eye Beam: Damage increased by 50%, but your primary target now takes 50% increased damage, down from 100% increased damage.
- Fel Rush: Damage increased by 47.8%.
- Havoc Demon Hunter: Damage and healing bonus for all abilities increased from 7% to 11%.
- Sigil of Misery: Cooldown increased from 60 seconds to 90 seconds.
- Sigil of Flame: Initial damage and damage over time both decreased by 15%.
- Moonfire: Initial damage decreased by 16.7% and damage over time decreased by 14.3%.
- Soothe: Now learned at level 56 instead of level 60. Also, now available to all Druids, instead of only Balance, Feral, and Restoration, and usable in all shapeshift forms.
- Swipe: Damage increased by 50%.
- Thrash: Damage increased by 28.5%.
- Fury of Elune: Damage decreased by 18.5%.
- Predator: Tiger’s Fury lasts 5 additional seconds, up from 4 additional seconds.
- Lifebloom: Healing increased by 12.5%.
- Restoration Druid: Damage and healing bonus for Moonfire, Sunfire, and Thrash increased from 25% to 31%.
- Swiftmend: Healing increased by 14.3%.
- Calling the Shots: Casting Arcane Shot or Multi-Shot reduces the cooldown of Trueshot by 2.5 seconds, down from 3 seconds.
- Terms of Engagement: Generates 20 Focus over 10 seconds, down from 30 Focus over 10 seconds.
Beast Mastery
- Dire Beast: Increases your Haste by 5% for 8 seconds, down from 10%.
- Marksmanship Hunter: Damage and healing penalty for all abilities decreased from -20% to -17%.
- Survival Hunter: Reduced Auto Shot damage by 50%.
- Resonance: Arcane Barrage deals 10% increased damage per target it hits, down from 15% increased damage.
- Reverberate: If Arcane Explosion hits at least 3 targets, it has a 40% chance to generate an extra Arcane Charge, down from a 50% chance to generate an extra Arcane Charge.
- Touch of the Magi: Now accumulates 15% of the damage you deal to the target for 8 seconds, down from 20%.
- Fire Mage: Damage and healing penalty for all abilities increased from -5% to -16%.
- Flamestrike: Damage decreased by 9.1%.
- Frost Mage: Damage and healing penalty for all abilities increased from -18% to -24%.
- Frozen Orb: Damage increased by 15%.
- High Tolerance: Additional damage staggered bonus decreased from 10% to 8%.
Azerite Powers
- Training of Niuzao: Mastery gain decreased by 66.4%.
- Guard: Amount of damage prevented decreased by 16.7%. Duration increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds. Global cooldown reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second.
- Ironskin Brew: Recharge time increased to 15 seconds, up from 14 seconds.
- Purifying Brew: Recharge time increased to 15 seconds, up from 14 seconds.
- Life Cocoon: Shield amount decreased by 12.7%.
- Mistweaver Monk: Direct damage and healing penalty of -20% removed from Rising Sun Kick.
- Renewing Mist: Recharge time increased to 9 seconds, up from 8 seconds.
- Vivify: Healing decreased by 9.5%.
- Windwalker Monk: Damage and healing penalty for all abilities increased from -23% to -27%.
- Divine Purpose: Your next ability that consumes Holy Power deals 30% increased damage and healing, up from 20%.
- Inquisition: Increases your damage done and Haste by 7%, down from 8%.
- Retribution Aura: Damage increased by 62.8%.
- Holy Paladin: Damage and healing bonus for Consecration decreased from 150% to 110%.
- Holy Shock: Damage decreased by 14.4%.
- Light of the Protector: Recharge time decreased to 17 seconds, up from 20 seconds.
- Protection Paladin: Damage and healing bonus for all abilities decreased from 12% to 4%. Added a 4% periodic damage and periodic healing bonus for all abilities. Damage and healing penalty for Judgment decreased from -42% to -30%.
- Shield of the Righteous: Damage decreased by 22.4%.
- Schism: Damage decreased by 6.7%.
Discipline & Holy
- Smite: Damage decreased by 6.2%.
- Penance: Healing decreased by 5%.
- Power Word: Solace: Healing decreased by 9.1%.
- Holy Priest: Damage and healing bonus for Divine Star, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Holy Words, and Smite increased from 10% to 16%.
- Shadow Priest: Damage and healing penalty for all abilities increased from -25% to -31%.
- Shadow Word: Pain: Initial damage and damage over time both increased by 10%.
- Vampiric Touch: Damage increased by 10%.
- Void Eruption: Damage increased by 18.75%.
- Void Bolt: Void Bolt extends the duration of your Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch on all nearby targets by 3 seconds, up from 2 seconds.
- Crimson Tempest: Initial damage decreased by 11.1% and damage over time decreased by 9.1%.
- Slice and Dice: Attack speed bonus decreased from 60% to 50%.
- Shuriken Combo: Your next Eviscerate deals 8% increased damage for each enemy hit beyond the first, up from 5% increased damage.
- Crashing Storm: Damage increased by 50%.
- Exposed Elements: Earth Shock now increases the damage of your next Lightning Bolt on the target by 75%, down from 100%.
Elemental & Restoration
- Healing Surge: Healing increased by 3.8%.
- Elemental Shaman: Damage and healing bonus for all abilities decreased from 2% to -3%. Damage and healing bonus for Healing Surge decreased from 100% to 92%.
- Crash Lightning: Initial damage increased by 52.4%. Damage proc power increased by 49%.
- Enhancement Shaman: Damage and healing penalty for all abilities increased from -44% to -46%.
- Healing Wave: Healing increased by 6.9%.
- Restoration Shaman: Damage and healing bonus for all damaging abilities increased from 25% to 55%.
- Destruction Warlock: Damage and healing penalty for all abilities increased from -8% to -20%.
- Havoc: Single-target spells now strike the Havoc victim for 60% of normal damage, down from 75% of normal damage.
- Rumbling Earth: When Shockwave strikes at least 3 targets, its cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds, up from 10 seconds.
- Sweeping Strikes: For 12 sec your single-target damaging abilities hit 1 additional targets within 8 yds for 60% damage, down from 70% damage.
- Arms Warrior: Damage and healing bonus for all abilities decreased from 25% to 12%.
- Furious Slash: Damage increased by 15%.
- Fury Warrior: Damage and healing penalty for all abilities decreased from -16% to -12%. Auto-attack damage penalty increased from -25% to -30%.
- Whirlwind Off-Hand: Damage increased by 13.3%. Cleave damage bonus increased from 50% to 55%.
- Protection Warrior: Added a 5% damage and healing bonus for all abilities.
- Shockwave: Cooldown increased from 30 seconds to 40 seconds.
- Spell Reflection: Damage reduction from spells increased from 15% to 20%.
- Thunder Clap: Damage increased by 27.2%.