BfA: Die PvP-Talente der spielbaren Klassen

Mit dem im Verlauf der vergangenen Woche auf die Testserver der geschlossenen Beta von Battle for Azeroth aufgespielten Beta Build 26567 haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment sowohl von vielen Spielern herbeigesehnten War Mode aktiviert als auch umfangreiche Anpassungen an dem bisher für das PvP verwendetem Talentsystem durchgeführt. Aufgrund dieser interessanten Anpassungen stehen den Spielern in der Zukunft dann insgesamt vier aktive PvP-Talente (von 12 möglichen Talenten pro Klasse) gleichzeitig zur Verfügung, die in vielen Fällen auf dem Ehresystem aus Legion basieren und den spielbaren Klassen wesentlich mehr Optionen im Kampf gegen andere Spieler einräumen. Damit ihr euch nun bereits im Vorfeld der Veröffentlichung dieser Veränderungen ein Bild von diesem neuen System machen könnt, findet ihr folgend sowohl einige allgemeine Informationen zu den geplanten Anpassungen als auch eine umfangreiche Liste mit allen in BfA vorhandenen PvP-Talente für die spielbaren Klassen von World of Warcraft.
Allgemeine Informationen zu dem neuen Talentsystem:
- Die PvP-Talente sind nicht mehr länger an die Ehrenstufe der Spieler gebunden.
- Durch die Aktivierung des War Modes stehen die PvP-Talente den Spielern dauerhaft in der offenen Spielwelt zur Verfügung.
- Die PvP-Talente werden in der Zukunft in einem neuen ausklappbaren Fenster neben dem normalen Talentbaum angezeigt.
- Anstelle der bisher für das PvP verwendeten sechs Reihen mit jeweils drei verschiedenen PvP-Talenten wählen die Spieler in Battle for Azeroth einfach nur noch drei von zwölf möglichen aktiven PvP-Talenten aus. Dazu kommen die passiven Effekte aus dem Talentbaum und eine vierte aktive Fähigkeit, die speziell als Konter für Kontrolleffekt erschaffen wurde.
- Jede Klasse hat vier Slots für PvP-Talente.
- Der erste Slot muss mit einer der drei folgenden Fähigkeiten belegt werden.
Adaptation – Removes any loss of control effect with a duration of 5 seconds or more. This effect can only occur once every 60 sec.
Relentless – Duration of incoming crowd control effects reduced by 20%. Does not stack with similar effects.
Gladiator’s Medallion – Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character while in PvP combat. (Instant, 2 min cooldown)
- Die anderen drei Slots sind für die drei von zwölf möglichen aktiven PvP-Talente bestimmt.
Die PvP-Talente der spielbaren Klassen:
Hinweis: Die Talente basieren auf dem Beta Build 26567.
Death Knight
- Blood
Unholy Command – Your Death Grip has two charges.
Walking Dead – Your Death Grip causes the target to be unable to move faster than normal movement speed for 8 sec.
Strangulate – Shadowy tendrils constrict an enemy’s throat, silencing them for 5 sec. (Instant, 30 yd range, 60 sec cooldown)
Blood for Blood – Sacrifices 15% of your total health to increase the damage done by your Heart Strike by 60% for 12 sec. (Instant, 15% of Total Health)
Last Dance – Reduces the cooldown of your Dancing Rune Weapon by 50%.
Death Chain – Chains 3 enemies together, dealing [ 29.48% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and causing 25% of all damage taken to also be received by the others in the chain. Lasts for 15 sec. (Instant, 10 yd range, 15 sec cooldown)
Murderous Intent – Intimidates the target, increasing their damage taken by 3% for 6 sec. Each unique player that attacks the target increases the damage taken by an additional 3%, stacking up to 5 times. Your melee attacks refresh the duration of Intimidated. (Instant, 10 yd range, 20 sec cooldown)
Anti-Magic Zone – Places an Anti-Magic Zone for 10 sec that reduces spell damage taken by party or raid members by 60%. (Instant, 30 yd range, 2 min cooldown)
Necrotic Aura – All enemies within 12 yards take 8% increased magical damage.
Heartstop Aura – Decreases the cooldown recovery rate of abilities by [ 20 + 25% of Spell Power ]% to all enemies within 8 yards.
Decomposing Aura – All enemies within 10 yards slowly decay, losing 3% of their max health every 2 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts for 6 sec.
Dark Simulacrum – Places a dark ward on an enemy that persists for 12 sec, triggering when the enemy next spends mana on a spell, and allowing the Death Knight to unleash an exact duplicate of that spell. Against nonplayers, only absorbs some harmful spells. (Instant, 20 Runic Power, 40 yd range, 25 sec cooldown)
- Frost
Necrotic Aura – All enemies within 12 yards take 8% increased magical damage.
Decomposing Aura – All enemies within 10 yards slowly decay, losing 3% of their max health every 2 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts for 6 sec.
Deathchill – Your Death Grip automatically applies Chains of Ice free of cost, and when you Chains of Ice a target already afflicted by your Chains of Ice you Freeze them, rooting them in place for 4 sec.
Delirium – Your Howling Blast and Frost Strike apply Delirium to the target.
- A disease that debilitates the target’s movement, reducing the cooldown recovery rate of movement enhancing abilities by 25%. Stacks up to 2 times. Lasts for 8 sec.
Tundra Stalker – Damage of your Frost Strike is increased by 15% on snared targets, and critical strike chance increased by 50% on rooted targets.
Frozen Center – Your Remorseless Winter also freezes all targets within 10 yards, rooting them in place for 4 sec when cast.
Overpowered Rune Weapon – Empower Rune Weapon’s cooldown is reduced by 60 sec.
Chill Streak – Deals 3% of the target’s total health in Frost damage and reduces their movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. Chill Streak bounces up to 9 times between closest targets. (Instant, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Anti-Magic Zone – Places an Anti-Magic Zone for 10 sec that reduces spell damage taken by party or raid members by 60%. (Instant, 30 yd range, 2 min cooldown)
Heartstop Aura – Decreases the cooldown recovery rate of abilities by [ 20 + 25% of Spell Power ]% to all enemies within 8 yards.
Dark Simulacrum – Places a dark ward on an enemy that persists for 12 sec, triggering when the enemy next spends mana on a spell, and allowing the Death Knight to unleash an exact duplicate of that spell. Against nonplayers, only absorbs some harmful spells. (Instant, 20 Runic Power, 40 yd range, 25 sec cooldown)
Cadaverous Pallor – You have a 20% chance when struck by a magical spell for it to be completely absorbed and converted into a disease on yourself, dealing Nature damage over time.
- Unholy
Wandering Plague – Outbreak also infects the target with Wandering Plague, causing [ 160% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 8 sec. When Wandering Plague’s duration ends or is dispelled, it jumps to a nearby enemy within 30 yards afflicted by one of your diseases. Lasts for 3 jumps. You can only have one Wandering Plague active at any one time. (1 Runes, 8 sec cooldown)
Pandemic – When you use Outbreak, all enemies within 25 yards afflicted by your diseases take [ 16.38% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and the duration of your diseases on them are refreshed.
Crypt Fever – Enemies healed while afflicted by your Festering Wounds have a chance to take [ 16.38% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage.
Dark Simulacrum – Places a dark ward on an enemy that persists for 12 sec, triggering when the enemy next spends mana on a spell, and allowing the Death Knight to unleash an exact duplicate of that spell. Against nonplayers, only absorbs some harmful spells. (Instant, 20 Runic Power, 40 yd range, 25 sec cooldown)
Anti-Magic Zone – Places an Anti-Magic Zone for 10 sec that reduces spell damage taken by party or raid members by 60%. (Instant, 30 yd range, 2 min cooldown)
Heartstop Aura – Decreases the cooldown recovery rate of abilities by [ 20 + 25% of Spell Power ]% to all enemies within 8 yards.
- Unholy Mutation
- Reanimation
Cadaverous Pallor – You have a 20% chance when struck by a magical spell for it to be completely absorbed and converted into a disease on yourself, dealing Nature damage over time.
Necrotic Aura – All enemies within 12 yards take 8% increased magical damage.
Decomposing Aura – All enemies within 10 yards slowly decay, losing 3% of their max health every 2 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts for 6 sec.
Demon Hunter
- Havoc
Solitude – Increases your Fury generation by 10% and attack speed by 10% when there are no allies within 15 yards.
Reverse Magic – Removes all harmful magical effects from yourself and all nearby allies within 10 yards, and sends them back to their original caster if possible. (Instant, 60 sec cooldown)
Eye of Leotheras – You keep a watchful eye over the enemy. Whenever they cast a harmful spell, they suffer 5% of their health in Shadow damage and refresh the duration of Eye of Leotheras. Lasts 6 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Mana Rift – You manifest an 6 yard wide mana rift under the feet of the target. After 2 sec, it erupts dealing 8% of enemies maximum health in Chaos damage and destroys 8% of the enemies total mana if present. (Instant, 20 Fury, 20 yd range, 10 sec cooldown)
Demonic Origins – The cooldown of Metamorphosis is reduced by 2 min, but now lasts 15 sec. While not in Metamorphosis, your damage is increased by 10%.
Rain from Above – You fly into the air out of harm’s way. While floating, you gain access to Fel Lance allowing you to deal damage to enemies below. (Instant, 60 sec cooldown)
Detainment – Imprison’s PvP duration is increased by 2 sec, and targets become immune to damage and healing while imprisoned. Cooldown increased to 90 sec.
Mana Break – Deals 5% of the target’s maximum health in Chaos damage. Damage is increased the lower the target’s current mana, up to 25% of the target’s maximum health in damage. (Instant, Melee Range, 60 sec cooldown)
Glimpse – You automatically gain Blur for 3.0 sec after you use Vengeful Retreat.
Cover of Darkness – Increases the chance for you and allies to avoid damage while within your Darkness effect by 50%.
- Vengeance
Solitude – Increases your Fury generation by 10% and attack speed by 10% when there are no allies within 15 yards.
Cleansed by Flame – Immolation Aura dispels all magical effects on you when cast.
Everlasting Hunt – Dealing damage increases your movement speed by 15% for 3 sec.
Jagged Spikes – While Demon Spikes is active, melee attacks against you cause Physical damage equal to 30% of the damage taken back to the attacker.
Illidan’s Grasp – You strangle the target with demonic magic, dangling them in place for 6 sec. Use Illidan’s Grasp again to toss the target to a location within 40 yards, stunning them and all nearby enemies for 3 sec and dealing [ 10.32% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage. (Instant, 10 yd range, 60 sec cooldown)
Tormentor – Intimidates the target, increasing their damage taken by 3% for 6 sec. Each unique player that attacks the target increases the damage taken by an additional 3%, stacking up to 5 times. Your melee attacks refresh the duration of Intimidated. (Instant, 10 yd range, 20 sec cooldown)
Sigil Mastery – Reduces the cooldown of your Sigils by an additional 25%.
Demonic Trample – You enter Metamorphosis, moving at 200% increased speed for 5 sec, knocking down all enemies in your path and dealing [ 10.32% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. During Demonic Trample you are unaffected by snares but cannot cast spells or use your normal attacks. (Instant, 45 sec cooldown)
Reverse Magic – Removes all harmful magical effects from yourself and all nearby allies within 10 yards, and sends them back to their original caster if possible. (Instant, 60 sec cooldown)
Detainment – Imprison’s PvP duration is increased by 2 sec, and targets become immune to damage and healing while imprisoned. Cooldown increased to 90 sec.
- Balance
Celestial Guardian – While in Bear Form, you take 10% less damage from spells and receive 20% increased healing.
Crescent Burn – Using Moonfire on a target already afflicted by Moonfire’s damage over time effect deals 35% additional direct damage.
Celestial Downpour – Increases the duration of Starfall by 100%, but only one may be active at a time.
Eclipse – Reduces the cooldown of Celestial Alignment by 60 sec. Celestial Alignment summons a beam of light at your location granting you 70% reduction in silence and interrupts for 10 sec.
Moonkin Aura – Whenever you Starsurge, all allies within 40 yards have their spell critical strike chance increased by 15% for 12 sec. Requires Moonkin Form.
Dying Stars – Sunfire and Moonfire generate 3 Astral Power when they are dispelled.
Deep Roots – Increases the amount of damage required to cancel your Entangling Roots by 100%.
Faerie Swarm – Swarms the target with Faeries, disarming the enemy, preventing the use of any weapons or shield and reducing movement speed by 30% for 8 sec. (Instant, 30 yd range, 30 sec cooldown)
Cyclone – Tosses the enemy target into the air, disorienting them but making them invulnerable for up to 6 sec. Only one target can be affected by your Cyclone at a time. (1.7 cast, 7.5% Base Mana, 20 yd range)
Ironfeather Armor – Moonkin form increases your armor by an additional 25% and reduces your chance to be critically hit by melee attacks by 20%.
Prickling Thorns – When your Entangling Roots is removed, dispelled, or ends, the target will take [ 75% of Spell Power ] damage.
- Feral
Thorns – Sprout thorns for 12 sec on the friendly target. When victim to melee attacks, thorns deals Nature damage equal to 5% of the attackers total health. Attackers also have their movement speed reduced by 50% for 4 sec. (Instant, 12% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Earthen Grasp – Entangling Roots is no longer dispellable, reduces the target’s chance to hit by 80% but now has a 10 sec coooldown.
Freedom of the Herd – Your Stampeding Roar clears all roots and snares from yourself and allies.
Malorne’s Swiftness – Your Travel Form movement speed while within a Battleground or Arena is increased by 20% and you always move at 100% movement speed while in Travel Form.
King of the Jungle – For every enemy you have Rip active on, your damage and movement speed is increased by 3%. Stacks to 3 times.
Enraged Maim – You deal [ 27.05% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and incapacitate the target for 5 sec. (Instant, 35 Energy, Melee Range, 10 sec cooldown)
Ferocious Wound – Attacking with a 5 combo point Ferocious Bite reduces the target’s maximum health by 15% for 20 sec. Ferocious Wound can only be active on one target at once.
Fresh Wound – Rake has a 60% increased critical strike chance if used on a target that doesn’t already have Rake active.
Rip and Tear – Instantly applies Rake and Rip to the target. (Instant, 60 Energy, Melee Range, 60 sec cooldown)
Savage Momentum – Interrupting a spell with Skull Bash resets the cooldown of Tiger’s Fury.
Protector of the Grove – When using Regrowth on an ally the initial heal will always have a critical effect and the cast time of Regrowth will be reduced by 50% for 6 sec.
Tooth and Claw – Maximum health while in Bear Form increased by 15% and damage while in Bear Form increased by 30%. You also learn:
- Enraged Maul: Maul the target for [ 22.54% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.
- Guardian
Master Shapeshifter – Your Feral, Balance or Restoration Affinity is amplified granting an additional effect.
- Restoration Affinity – After you Swiftmend, the cast time of your Regrowth is reduced by 30% and its healing is increased by 30% for 8 sec.
- Balance Affinity – After you enter Moonkin Form, you gain 30% spell haste for 10 sec.
- Feral Affinity – While in Cat Form, your damage is increased by 30%.
Toughness – The duration of all stun effects are reduced by 25%.
Den Mother – You bolster nearby allies within 15 yards, increasing their maximum health by 15%.
Demoralizing Roar – Demoralizes all enemies within 10 yards, reducing the damage they do by 20% for 8 sec. (Instant, 30 sec cooldown)
Clan Defender – When nearby allies within 15 yards are critically hit by any attack, you automatically trigger your Gore effect.
- Gore: Thrash, Swipe, Moonfire, and Maul have a 15% chance to reset the cooldown on Mangle, and to cause it to generate an additional 4 Rage.
Raging Frenzy – Your Frenzied Regeneration also generates 60 Rage over 5 sec.
Charging Bash – Increases the range of your Skull Bash by 10 yards.
Entangling Claws – Entangling Roots is now an instant cast spell with a 6 second cooldown but with a 10 yard range. It can also be cast while in shapeshift forms.
Overrun – Charge to an enemy, stunning them for 3 sec and knocking back their allies within 15 yards. (Instant, 8-25 yd range, 25 sec cooldown)
Protector of the Pack – 20% of all damage done to nearby allies is redirected to you. This effect is disabled when you fall below 35% health.
Alpha Challenge – Intimidates the target, increasing their damage taken by 3% for 6 sec. Each unique player that attacks the target increases the damage taken by an additional 3%, stacking up to 5 times. Your melee attacks refresh the duration of Intimidated. (Instant, 10 yd range, 20 sec cooldown)
Malorne’s Swiftness – Your Travel Form movement speed while within a Battleground or Arena is increased by 20% and you always move at 100% movement speed while in Travel Form.
Roaring Speed – Reduces the cooldown of your Stampeding Roar by 60 sec.
- Restoration
Disentanglement – Efflorescence removes all snare effects from friendly targets when it heals.
Nourish – Your Regrowth automatically applies one of your missing healing over time spells to the target. If all of them are present, Regrowth critically heals.
Revitalize – Casting Rejuvenation grants the target 2 charges of Revitalize. Revitalize will heal the target for [ 50% of Spell Power ] after taking a melee critical strike, and increase the duration of Rejuvenation by 3 sec.
Entangling Bark – Ironbark now also grants the target Nature’s Grasp, rooting the first 2 melee attackers for 8 sec.
Thorns – Sprout thorns for 12 sec on the friendly target. When victim to melee attacks, thorns deals Nature damage equal to 5% of the attackers total health. Attackers also have their movement speed reduced by 50% for 4 sec. (Instant, 12% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Deep Roots – Increases the amount of damage required to cancel your Entangling Roots by 100%.
Focused Growth – Reduces the mana cost of your Lifebloom by 60%, and your Lifebloom also applies Focused Growth to the target, increasing Lifebloom’s healing by 50%. Stacks up to 3 times.
Encroaching Vines – When your Entangling Roots is removed, dispelled, or ends, the target’s physical damage is reduced by 25% for 4 sec.
Overgrowth – Instantly applies Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, Wild Growth, and Regrowth’s heal over time effect to the target. (Instant, 40% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Early Spring – Wild Growth is now instant cast.
Cyclone – Tosses the enemy target into the air, disorienting them but making them invulnerable for up to 6 sec. Only one target can be affected by your Cyclone at a time. (1.7 cast, 7.5% Base Mana, 20 yd range)
Druid of the Claw – While in Bear Form, your chance to be critically hit is reduced by an additional 10%. In addition, when hit by melee attacks while in Bear Form you have a 10% chance to cast Rejuvenation on yourself free of cost.
- Beast Mastery
The Beast Within – Bestial Wrath causes you and your pet to become immune to all Fear and Horror effects while active.
Wild Protector – Your pet protects allies within 8 yards, reducing damage taken by 10%.
Dire Beast: Hawk – Summons a hawk to circle the target area, attacking all targets within 10 yards over the next 10 sec. (Instant, 30 Focus, 40 yd range, 30 sec cooldown)
Dire Beast: Basilisk – Summons a slow moving basilisk near the target for 30 sec that attacks the target for heavy damage. (Instant, 40 yd range, 2 min cooldown)
Interlope – The next hostile spell cast on the target will cause hostile spells for the next 3 sec. to be redirected to your pet. Your pet must be within 10 yards of the target for spells to be redirected. (Instant, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Survival Tactics – Feign Death removes all harmful magical effects, and reduces damage taken by 99% for 1.5 sec.
Dragonscale Armor – Magical damage over time effects deal 20% less damage to you.
Viper Sting – Stings the target, reducing their healing done by 30% for 6 sec. Viper Sting is removed if the target casts a non-instant cast healing spell. (Instant, 40 yd range, 30 sec cooldown)
Scorpid Sting – Stings the target, reducing their physical critical strike chance by 50% for 8 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 24 sec cooldown)
Hi-Explosive Trap – Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing [ 57.33% of Attack Power ] Fire damage and knocking all enemies away. Trap will exist for 60 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 40 sec cooldown)
- Marksmanship
Dragonscale Armor – Magical damage over time effects deal 20% less damage to you.
Survival Tactics – Feign Death removes all harmful magical effects, and reduces damage taken by 99% for 1.5 sec.
Viper Sting – Stings the target, reducing their healing done by 30% for 6 sec. Viper Sting is removed if the target casts a non-instant cast healing spell. (Instant, 40 yd range, 30 sec cooldown)
Scorpid Sting – Stings the target, reducing their physical critical strike chance by 50% for 8 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 24 sec cooldown)
Spider Sting – Stings the target with potent spider venom for 4 sec, causing their next offensive spell cast to silence the target for 4 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Scatter Shot – A short-range shot that deals [ 25% of Spell Power + 4.46% of Attack Power ]% weapon damage, removes all harmful damage over time effects, and incapacitates the target for 4 sec. Any damage caused will remove the effect. Turns off your attack when used. (Instant, 20 yd range, 30 sec cooldown)
Hi-Explosive Trap – Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing [ 57.33% of Attack Power ] Fire damage and knocking all enemies away. Trap will exist for 60 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 40 sec cooldown)
Trueshot Mastery – Reduces the cooldown of Trueshot by 20 sec, and Trueshot also restores 100% Focus.
Ranger’s Finesse – Casting Aimed Shot reduces the remaining cooldown of Aspect of the Turtle, and Exhilaration by 5 sec.
Sniper Shot – Take a sniper’s stance, firing a well-aimed shot dealing [ 111.54% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Increases the range of all shots by 40% for 15 sec. (3 sec cast, 50 Focus, 55 yd range, 10 sec cooldown)
Roar of Sacrifice – Protects a friendly target from critical strikes, making attacks against that target unable to be critical strikes, but 20% of all damage taken by that target is also taken by the pet. Lasts 12 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 60 sec cooldown)
- Survival
Hunting Pack – Reduces the cooldown of your Aspect of the Cheetah by 50%, and Aspect of the Cheetah also causes all allies within 15 yards to gain 90% movement speed for 3 sec.
- Mending Bandage
Roar of Sacrifice – Protects a friendly target from critical strikes, making attacks against that target unable to be critical strikes, but 20% of all damage taken by that target is also taken by the pet. Lasts 12 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 60 sec cooldown)
Sticky Tar – Enemies who stand in your Tar Trap for 3 sec have their gear coated with tar, slowing melee attack speed by 50% for 5 sec.
Tracker’s Net – Hurl a net at your enemy, rooting them for 6 sec. While within the net, the target’s chance to hit is reduced by 80%. Any damage will break the net. (Instant, 40 yd range, 10 sec cooldown)
Diamond Ice – Victims of Freezing Trap can no longer be damaged or healed. Freezing Trap is now undispellable, but has a 5 sec duration.
Hi-Explosive Trap – Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing [ 57.33% of Attack Power ] Fire damage and knocking all enemies away. Trap will exist for 60 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 40 sec cooldown)
Survival Tactics – Feign Death removes all harmful magical effects, and reduces damage taken by 99% for 1.5 sec.
Spider Sting – Stings the target with potent spider venom for 4 sec, causing their next offensive spell cast to silence the target for 4 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Scorpid Sting – Stings the target, reducing their physical critical strike chance by 50% for 8 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 24 sec cooldown)
Dragonscale Armor – Magical damage over time effects deal 20% less damage to you.
Viper Sting – Stings the target, reducing their healing done by 30% for 6 sec. Viper Sting is removed if the target casts a non-instant cast healing spell. (Instant, 40 yd range, 30 sec cooldown)
- Arcane
Arcane Empowerment – Clearcasting can now stack 2 additional times, and increases the damage of Arcane Missiles by 5% per stack. Clearcasting no longer reduces the mana cost of Arcane Explosion.
Torment the Weak – Increases the range of Slow by 15 yards, and affects up to 2 additional nearby targets.
Time Anomaly – Every 5 sec you have a 5% random chance to gain 4 Arcane Charges and Arcane Power for 10 sec regardless of its current cooldown.
Master of Escape – Reduces the cooldown of Greater Invisibility by 45 sec.
Rewind Time – Increases the duration of Displacement by 14 sec. (30 sec cooldown)
Mass Invisibility – You and your allies within 40 yards instantly become invisible for 5 sec. Dealing damage will cancel the effect. (Instant, 60 sec cooldown)
Netherwind Armor – Reduces the chance you will suffer a critical strike by 15%.
Temporal Shield – Envelops you in a temporal shield for until cancelled. 100% of all damage taken while shielded will be instantly restored when the shield ends. (Instant, 3% of Base Mana, 45 sec cooldown)
Dampened Magic – Magical damage over time effects deal 20% less damage to you.
Kleptomania – Spellsteal now has a 30 sec cooldown, but steals all spells from the target.
Prismatic Cloak – After you Blink, you take 50% less magical damage for 2 sec.
- Fire
Netherwind Armor – Reduces the chance you will suffer a critical strike by 15%.
Temporal Shield – Envelops you in a temporal shield for until cancelled. 100% of all damage taken while shielded will be instantly restored when the shield ends. (Instant, 3% of Base Mana, 45 sec cooldown)
Tinder – If you have not cast Fireball for 8 sec, your next Fireball will deal 30% increased damage with a 50% reduced cast time.
World in Flames – Reduces the cast time of Flamestrike by 1.25 sec, and increases its damage by 20%.
Flare Up – Fire Blast charges increased by 1. Using Fire Blast on a target not afflicted by your Ignite will refund a charge.
Firestarter – Your Fireball reduces the cooldown of your Combustion by 5 sec.
Flamecannon – After standing still in combat for 2 sec, your maximum health increases by 3%, damage done increases by 3%, and range of your Fire spells increase by 3 yards. This effect stacks up to 5 times and lasts for 5 sec.
Greater Pyroblast – Hurls an immense fiery boulder that causes 35% of the target’s total health in Fire damage. (4.5 sec cast, 5% of Base Mana, 40 yd range)
Prismatic Cloak – After you Blink, you take 50% less magical damage for 2 sec.
Dampened Magic – Magical damage over time effects deal 20% less damage to you.
Kleptomania – Spellsteal now has a 30 sec cooldown, but steals all spells from the target.
- Frost
Dampened Magic – Magical damage over time effects deal 20% less damage to you.
Kleptomania – Spellsteal now has a 30 sec cooldown, but steals all spells from the target.
Chilled to the Bone – Your Frost Nova and your Water Elemental’s Freeze deals [ 100% of Spell Power ] Frost damage when the effect ends. Damage is doubled if Frost Nova or Freeze are dispelled.
Frostbite – Gives your Chill effects a 15% chance to freeze the target for 4 sec.
Deep Shatter – Your Frostbolt deals 150% additional damage to Frozen targets. Frostbolt, Frozen Orb, Blizzard, Freeze, and Water Jet can no longer generate Fingers of Frost.
Concentrated Coolness – Frozen Orb’s damage is increased by 150% and is now castable at a location with a 40 yard range but no longer moves.
Burst of Cold – Your Frost Nova instantly resets the cooldown of your Cone of Cold and increases its damage by 400% for 6 sec.
Ice Form – Your body turns into Ice, increasing your Frostbolt damage done by 30% and granting immunity to stun and knockback effects. Lasts 12 sec. (Instant, 60 sec cooldown)
Netherwind Armor – Reduces the chance you will suffer a critical strike by 15%.
Temporal Shield – Envelops you in a temporal shield for until cancelled. 100% of all damage taken while shielded will be instantly restored when the shield ends. (Instant, 3% of Base Mana, 45 sec cooldown)
Prismatic Cloak – After you Blink, you take 50% less magical damage for 2 sec.
- Brewmaster
Microbrew – Reduces the cooldown of Fortifying Brew by 50%.
Hot Trub – Purifying Brew deals 30% of your purified staggered damage to all enemies within 10 yards.
Guided Meditation – The cooldown of Zen Meditation is reduced by 75%. While Zen Meditation is active, all harmful spells cast against your allies within 40 yards are redirected to you. Zen Meditation is no longer cancelled when being struck by a melee attack.
Guard – Guard the 2 closest allies within 15 yards for 15 sec, allowing you to Stagger 20% of damage they take. (Instant, 45 sec cooldown)
Craft: Nimble Brew – Craft a Nimble Brew to share with allies. Maximum of 2 can be carried at once.
- Nimble Brew: Removes all root, stun, fear and horror effects and reduces the duration of future such effects by 60% for 6 sec.
Incendiary Breath – Increases the radius and damage of Breath of Fire by 100%, causing it to disorient all targets it strikes for 4 sec, but its cooldown is increased by 100%. (40 sec cooldown)
Double Barrel – Your next Keg Smash deals 15% additional damage, and stuns all targets it hits for 3 sec. (Instant, 45 sec cooldown)
Mighty Ox Kick – You perform a Mighty Ox Kick, hurling your enemy a distance behind you. (Instant, Melee Range, 30 sec cooldown)
Eerie Fermentation – You gain up to 30% movement speed and 15% magical damage reduction based on your current level of Stagger.
Admonishment – Intimidates the target, increasing their damage taken by 3% for 6 sec. Each unique player that attacks the target increases the damage taken by an additional 3%, stacking up to 5 times. Your melee attacks refresh the duration of Intimidated. (Instant, 10 yd range, 20 sec cooldown)
Niuzao’s Essence – Drinking a Purifying Brew will dispel all snares affecting you.
Fast Feet – Reduces the duration of snares by 20%. You move 15% faster for 3 sec after being attacked.
Eminence – Reduces the cooldown of your Transcendence: Transfer by 5 sec.
- Mistweaver
Eminence – Reduces the cooldown of your Transcendence: Transfer by 5 sec.
Surge of Mist – Enveloping Mist is now instant cast, but has a 7 sec cooldown.
Way of the Crane – Increases your Physical damage by 35%, you remove and become immune to all snare and root effects and you heal up to 3 nearest allies for 200% of all damage done. Lasts 15 sec. (Instant, 25% of Base Mana, 60 sec cooldown)
Chrysalis – Reduces the cooldown of Life Cocoon by 90 sec.
Counteract Magic – Renewing Mist heals for 135% more when the target is affected by a magical damage over time effect.
Dome of Mist – Enveloping Mist transforms 100% of its remaining periodic healing into a Dome of Mist when dispelled.
- Dome of Mist: Absorbs damage. All healing received by the Monk increased by 30%. Lasts 8 sec.
Refreshing Breeze – Increases the healing of Vivify by 20%, and Vivify refreshes the duration of Essence Font on targets it heals.
Healing Sphere – Coalesces a Healing Sphere out of the mists at the target location after 1.5 sec. If allies walk through it, they consume the sphere, healing themselves for [ 100% of Spell Power ] and dispelled of all harmful periodic magic effects. Maximum of 3 Healing Spheres can be active by the Monk at any given time. (Instant, 1.9% of Base Mana, 3 charges, 40 yd range, 15 sec recharge)
Zen Focus Tea – Provides immunity to Silence and Interrupt effects for 5 sec. (Instant, 45 sec cooldown)
Fast Feet – Reduces the duration of snares by 20%. You move 15% faster for 3 sec after being attacked.
Surging Mist – Heals the target for [ 32.76% of Attack Power ] and increases the healing they take from Surging Mist by 50% for 6 sec. Stacks up to 2 times. (1.5 sec cast, 2% of Base Man / 30 Energy, 40 yd range)
Yu’lon’s Gift – Using Roll will dispel all snares affecting you when used.
- Windwalker
Fortifying Brew – Turns your skin to stone, increasing your current and maximum health by 20%, and reducing damage taken by 20% for 15 sec. (Instant, 1.5 min cooldown)
Ride the Wind – Flying Serpent Kick forms a path of wind in its wake, causing all allies who stand in it to have 30% increased movement speed and to be immune to movement slowing effects. Increases the cooldown of Flying Serpent Kick by 10 sec.
Tigereye Brew – Consumes up to 10 stacks of Tigereye Brew to empower your Physical abilities with wind for 2 sec per stack consumed. Damage of your strikes are reduced, but bypass armor. For each 3 Chi you consume, you gain a stack of Tigereye Brew. (Instant, 1 sec cooldown)
Tiger Style – The agile essence of Xuen infuses your Flying Serpent Kick, allowing you to control the winds during flight.
Control the Mists – Every 10 sec, Vivify can be cast instantly, and reduces its Energy cost by 100%. Each Chi spent reduces the remaining time by 2 sec.
Yu’lon’s Gift – Using Flying Serpent Kick will dispel all snares affecting you when used.
Disabling Reach – Disable now has a 10 yard range.
Grapple Weapon – You fire off a rope spear, grappling the target’s weapons and shield, returning them to you for 6 sec. (Instant, 30 yd range, 60 sec cooldown)
Eminence – Reduces the cooldown of your Transcendence: Transfer by 5 sec.
Heavy-Handed Strikes – Your first strike of Fists of Fury knocks targets to the ground, stunning them for 4 sec.
Fast Feet – Reduces the duration of snares by 20%. You move 15% faster for 3 sec after being attacked.
- Holy
Pure of Heart – Whenever you or allies within 20 yards are healed from any source, they are cleansed of 1 Disease and Poison effects.
Avenging Light – When you heal with Holy Light, all enemies within 10 yards of the target take Holy damage equal to 30% of the amount healed.
Ultimate Sacrifice – Your Blessing of Sacrifice now transfers 100% of all damage to you into a damage over time effect, but no longer cancels when you are below 20% health.
Darkest before the Dawn – Every 5 sec the healing done by your next Light of Dawn is increased by 10%. Stacks up to 10 times. This effect does not occur while Light of Dawn is on cooldown.
Spreading the Word – Your allies affected by your Aura gain an effect after you cast Blessing of Protection or Blessing of Freedom.
- Blessing of Protection: Physical damage reduced by 30% for 6 sec.
- Blessing of Freedom: Cleared of all movement impairing effects.
Blessed Hands – Your Blessing spells all now have 1 additional charge.
Divine Vision – Increases the range of your Aura by 30 yards.
Cleanse the Weak – When you dispel an ally within your aura, all allies within your aura are dispelled of the same effect.
Divine Favor – Your next Holy Light or Flash of Light is increased by 100%, costs no mana and is unable to be interrupted. (Instant, 45 sec cooldown)
Light’s Grace – Increases the healing done by your Holy Light by 50%, and your Holy Light reduces all damage the target receives by 5% for 8 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.
Hallowed Ground – Your Consecration clears and suppresses all snare effects on allies within its area of effect.
- Protection
Hallowed Ground – Your Consecration clears and suppresses all snare effects on allies within its area of effect.
Steed of Glory – Your Divine Steed lasts for an additional 2 sec. While active you become immune to movement impairing effects, and you knock back enemies that you move through.
Sacred Duty – Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection and Blessing of Sacrifice by 33%.
Judgments of the Pure – Whenever you cast Judgment upon an enemy, a nearby ally within 40 yards is healed for [ 62.5% of Spell Power ].
Guardian of the Forgotten Queen – Empowers the friendly target with the spirit of the forgotten queen, causing the target to be immune to all damage for 10 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 3 min cooldown)
- Guarded by the Light – Increases your total Stamina by 40% and your block chance by 50%. Reduces the chance you will be critically hit by melee attacks by 0%. Your spell power is now equal to 100% of your attack power, and you no longer benefit from other sources of spell power. Grants 6% of your maximum mana every 5 sec.
Inquisition – Intimidates the target, increasing their damage taken by 3% for 6 sec. Each unique player that attacks the target increases the damage taken by an additional 3%, stacking up to 5 times. Your melee attacks refresh the duration of Intimidated. (Instant, 10 yd range, 20 sec cooldown)
Warrior of Light – Increases the damage done by your Shield of the Righteous by 30%, but reduces armor granted by 30%.
Shield of Virtue – When activated, your next Avenger’s Shield will interrupt and silence all enemies within 8 yards of the target. (Instant, 45 sec cooldown)
Cleansing Light – Cleanses allies within 15 yards, removing all Poison and Disease effects. (Instant, 13% of Base Mana, 4 sec cooldown)
Holy Ritual – Allies are healed for [ 100% of Spell Power ] when you cast a Blessing spell on them, and healed again for [ 100% of Spell Power ] when the blessing ends.
Luminescence – When you are healed by an ally, all nearby allies within 20 yards are also healed for 20% of the amount.
Unbound Freedom – Blessing of Freedom also increases movement speed by 30%.
- Retribution
Luminescence – When you are healed by an ally, all nearby allies within 20 yards are also healed for 20% of the amount.
Unbound Freedom – Blessing of Freedom also increases movement speed by 30%.
Holy Ritual – Allies are healed for [ 100% of Spell Power ] when you cast a Blessing spell on them, and healed again for [ 100% of Spell Power ] when the blessing ends.
Vengeance Aura – Whenever you or nearby allies with your Greater Blessings within 40 yards become victim to a full loss of control effect, your Holy damage and critical strike chance is increased by 4% for 10 sec. Stacks up to 4 times.
Blessing of Sanctuary – Instantly removes all stun, silence, fear and horror effects from the friendly target and reduces the duration of future such effects by 60% for 5 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Seraphim’s Blessing – When you or nearby allies within 40 yards drop below 40% health, your next Flash of Light cast within 5 sec is instant. This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 sec.
Lawbringer – Judgment now applies Lawbringer to initial targets hit for 45 sec. Casting Judgment causes all enemies with your Lawbringer effect to suffer 5% of their total health in Holy damage.
Divine Punisher – Casting two consecutive Judgments on the same enemy will generate 3 Holy Power.
Hammer of Reckoning – When you or allies with your Greater Blessings take damage, you gain Reckoning. Consume 50 stacks of Reckoning to hurl a magical hammer that strikes an enemy for [ 175% of Spell Power ] Holy damage, and you gain Avenging Wrath for 6 sec. (Instant, 30 yd range, 60 sec cooldown)
Jurisdiction – Increases the range of your Hammer of Justice by 10 yards.
Law and Order – When your Hand of Hindrance is dispelled or otherwise removed early, the cooldown is reduced by 15 sec. Your Blade of Justice applies Hand of Hindrance to the target for 3 sec.
Cleansing Light – Cleanses allies within 15 yards, removing all Poison and Disease effects. (Instant, 13% of Base Mana, 4 sec cooldown)
- Discipline
Purification – Purify now has a maximum of 2 charges.
Spiritual Cleansing – Purify no longer has a cooldown, and costs 50% less mana, but only dispels 1 Magic and Disease effect.
Purified Resolve – Removing harmful effects with Purify will apply Purified Resolve to the target, granting an absorption shield equal to 5% of their maximum health. Lasts 8 sec.
Trinity – The duration of your Atonement is increased by 15 sec and the healing transferred through Atonement is increased by 20%. However, Atonement can now only affect a maximum of 3 targets and can only be applied through Power Word: Shield.
Strength of Soul – Your Power Word: Shield instantly heals targets for [ 87.5% of Spell Power ] and reduces all Physical damage taken by 20% while the shield persists.
Ultimate Radiance – Your Power Word: Radiance is now instant cast and the healing is increased by 200%.
Dome of Light – Power Word: Barrier reduces damage taken by an additional 45%, and the cooldown of Power Word: Barrier is reduced by 60 sec.
Archangel – Refreshes the duration of your Atonement on all allies when cast. Increases your healing and absorption effects by 30% for 15 sec. (Instant, 60 sec cooldown)
Dark Archangel – Increases your damage, and the damage of all allies with your Atonement by 15% for 8 sec. (Instant, 60 sec cooldown)
Premonition – Heals nearby targets within 20 yards for [ 75% of Spell Power ], and applies Atonement to yourself. Deals [ PS * BC1 ] Shadow damage to yourself for each Atonement you have active, and increases their duration by [ 5 + 0.1% of Spell Power ] sec. (Instant, 12 sec cooldown)
Searing Light – The damage of your Smite is increased by 15%.
When you deal damage with Smite the cooldown of your Penance is reduced by 1 sec.
- Holy
Holy Ward – Wards the friendly target against the next full loss of control effect. (Instant, 0.9% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 30 sec cooldown)
Holy Concentration – After being interrupted while casting a spell, the duration of silence and interrupt effects is reduced by 70% for 20 sec.
Greater Heal – Reduces the cast time of your Heal by 15% and your Heal also causes Inspiration on the target, increasing their maximum health by 20% for 15 sec.
Rapid Mending – Prayer of Mending is now instant cast, and its jump range is increased by 10 yards.
Miracle Worker – Holy Word: Serenity now has 2 Charges.
Divine Attendant – Reduces the cooldown of Guardian Spirit by 2 min.
Spirit of the Redeemer – Your Spirit of Redemption is now an active ability with a 3 minute cooldown, but the duration is reduced by 8 sec and you will no longer enter Spirit of Redemption upon dying.
Ray of Hope – For the next 6 sec, all damage and healing dealt to the target is delayed until Ray of Hope ends. All healing that is delayed by Ray of Hope is increased by 50%. (Instant, 40 yd range, 60 sec cooldown)
Greater Fade – Fade out, removing all threat, increasing your movement speed by 50% and causing most melee, ranged and spells to miss you. Lasts 4 sec.
I nner Focus – Provides immunity to Silence and Interruption effects for 5 sec and increases the critical effect chance of your next Heal, Flash Heal, Holy Word: Serenity, Holy Fire, and Smite by 100%. (Instant, 30 sec cooldown)
Delivered from Evil – Reduces the cooldown of Leap of Faith by 45 sec, and Leap of Faith removes all movement impairing effects.
Spiritual Cleansing – Purify no longer has a cooldown, and costs 50% less mana, but only dispels 1 Magic and Disease effect.
- Shadow
Void Shield – After casting Power Word: Shield on yourself, all damage you deal heals you for 33% of the damage dealt for 5 sec. Damage dealt by Vampiric Touch is not affected.
Pure Shadow – Dispersion reduces damage taken by an additional 35%, and causes Voidform to not drain Insanity for an additional 6 sec after Dispersion ends.
Fleeting Embrace – Vampiric Embrace’s cooldown is reduced by 50%.
Driven to Madness – While Voidform is not active, being attacked will grant you 9 Insanity over 3 sec.
Edge of Insanity – While at 100 Insanity and not in Voidform, your damage is increased by 20%.
Mind Trauma – Fully-channeled Mind Flays cause you to steal 3% haste from the target for 20 sec. Only 12% haste can be stolen from a single target. Stacks up to 8 times.
Psychic Link – Mind Blast and Void Bolt now deal 30% of their damage to all targets afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain within 40 yards.
Void Shift – You and the currently targeted party or raid member swap health percentages. Increases the lower health percentage of the two to 25% if below that amount. (Instant, 40 yd range, 5 min cooldown)
Void Origins – Void Eruption is now instant cast.
Psyfiend – Summons a Psyfiend with 10 health for 12 sec beside you to attack the target at range with Psyflay.
- Psyflay: Deals 0% of the target’s total health in Shadow damage every 1 sec. Also slows their movement speed by 50% and reduces their healing received by 50%.
Shadow Mania – Having Vampiric Touch on 2 or more targets grants you 4 Insanity every 2 sec.
- Assassination
Intent to Kill – Shadowstep’s cooldown is reduced by 66% when used on a target marked by your Vendetta.
Shiv – Deals [ 41.11% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the target, dispelling all enrage effects, and reduces movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. (Instant, Melee Range, 12 sec cooldown)
Honor Among Thieves – Critical hits in combat by allies within 15 yards grant you a combo point, but no more often than once every 2 seconds.
Deadly Brew – Deadly Poison also causes Wound Poison’s reduced healing received effect.
Mind-Numbing Poison – Deadly Poison will also infect the target with Mind-numbing Poison. Casting spells while under the effects of Mind-numbing Poison will cause you to take [ 6.55% of Attack Power ] Nature damage.
Creeping Venom – Your Envenom applies Creeping Venom, dealing [ 1,200 + 24.6% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec. Creeping Venom’s duration is refreshed when the target moves.
Flying Daggers – Fan of Knives‘ radius is increased by 50% and deals 150% more damage when it strikes 3 or more targets.
System Shock – Casting Envenom with at least 5 combo points on a target afflicted by your Garrote, Rupture, and lethal poison deals [ 32.76% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, and reduces their movement speed by 90% for 2 sec.
Neurotoxin – Stabs the target with your off-hand weapon, causing [ 8.22% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, and applies a deadly neurotoxin for 10 sec. The neurotoxin causes any ability used to incur a 3 sec cooldown. (Instant, 25 Energy, Melee Range, 25 sec cooldown)
Maneuverability – Sprint suppresses all movement-impairing effects for 4 sec when used.
Death from Above – Finishing move that empowers your weapons with shadow energy and performs a devastating attack. You then leap into the air and Eviscerate your target on the way back down, with such force that it has a 15% stronger effect. (Instant, 25 Energy, 15 yd range, 30 sec cooldown)
Smoke Bomb – Creates a cloud of thick smoke in an 8 yard radius around the Rogue for 5 sec. Enemies are unable to target into or out of the smoke cloud. (Instant, 3 min cooldown)
- Outlaw
Maneuverability – Sprint suppresses all movement-impairing effects for 4 sec when used.
Take Your Cut – Roll the Bones grants allies within 8 yards 15% Haste for 8 sec when cast.
Control is King – When enemies within 40 yards of you are Stunned, Silenced or Polymorphed you gain 3 sec of Adrenaline Rush.
Drink Up Me Hearties – You learn the ability to create Crimson Vials for allies.
Create: Crimson Vial – Drink an alchemical concoction that heals you for 30% of your maximum health over 6 sec. (1.5 sec cast, 3 charges, 60 sec cooldown)
Cheap Tricks – After coming out of Blind, the target’s chance to miss attacks is increased by 75% for 5 sec. Between the Eyes reduces the energy cost of your Pistol Shot by 100% for 5 sec.
Dismantle – Disarm the enemy, preventing the use of any weapons or shield for 6 sec. (Instant, 25 Energy, Melee Range, 45 sec cooldown)
Plunder Armor – Steals and equips the target’s armor. Reduces their damage dealt by 10%, and maximum health by 20%, and increases yours by the same amount. Lasts 10 sec. (Instant, Melee Range, 2 min cooldown)
Boarding Party – Between the Eyes increases the movement speed of all friendly players within 10 yards by 30% for 5 sec.
Thick as Thieves – Your Tricks of the Trade now increases your and the friendly target’s damage by 15% for 6 sec.
Turn the Tables – After coming out of a stun, you deal 15% increased damage for 6 sec.
Shiv – Deals [ 41.11% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the target, dispelling all enrage effects, and reduces movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. (Instant, Melee Range, 12 sec cooldown)
Honor Among Thieves – Critical hits in combat by allies within 15 yards grant you a combo point, but no more often than once every 2 seconds.
Smoke Bomb – Creates a cloud of thick smoke in an 8 yard radius around the Rogue for 5 sec. Enemies are unable to target into or out of the smoke cloud. (Instant, 3 min cooldown)
Death from Above – Finishing move that empowers your weapons with shadow energy and performs a devastating attack. You then leap into the air and Eviscerate your target on the way back down, with such force that it has a 15% stronger effect. (Instant, 25 Energy, 15 yd range, 30 sec cooldown)
- Subtlety
Veil of Midnight – You remain enveloped by the shadows for 2 sec after Stealth or Vanish fades, increasing dodge chance by 100%.
Cold Blood – When activated, your next Cheap Shot or Shadowstrike will deal 10% of the target’s total health in Shadow damage. (Instant, 60 sec cooldown)
Phantom Assassin – While Stealth or Shadow Dance is active, your critical strike chance is increased by 35%.
Thief’s Bargain – The cooldown of your Vanish spell is reduced by 45 sec. Your damage is increased by 10%, but your maximum health is reduced by 15%.
Shadowy Duel – You lock your target into a duel contained in the shadows, removing both of you from the eyes of onlookers for 6 sec. Allows access to Stealth-based abilities. (Instant, 50 Energy, Melee Range, 2 min cooldown)
Dagger in the Dark – Each second while Stealth is active, nearby enemies within 20 yards take an additional 10% damage from your next Shadowstrike for 10 sec. Stacks up to 10 times.
Silhouette – Shadowstep’s cooldown is reduced by 50% when cast on a friendly target.
Smoke Bomb – Creates a cloud of thick smoke in an 8 yard radius around the Rogue for 5 sec. Enemies are unable to target into or out of the smoke cloud. (Instant, 3 min cooldown)
Maneuverability – Sprint suppresses all movement-impairing effects for 4 sec when used.
Shiv – Deals [ 41.11% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the target, dispelling all enrage effects, and reduces movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. (Instant, Melee Range, 12 sec cooldown)
Honor Among Thieves – Critical hits in combat by allies within 15 yards grant you a combo point, but no more often than once every 2 seconds.
Death from Above – Finishing move that empowers your weapons with shadow energy and performs a devastating attack. You then leap into the air and Eviscerate your target on the way back down, with such force that it has a 15% stronger effect. (Instant, 25 Energy, 15 yd range, 30 sec cooldown)
- Elemental
Elemental Attunement – Increases your maximum Maelstrom by 50.
Control of Lava – Lava Burst damage increased by 25%. Your Flame Shock damage over time has a 10% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Lava Burst, and increase its damage by 25%, stacking up to 3 times.
Earthfury – Casting Earth Shock when you have at least 100 Maelstrom will stun the target for 2 sec.
Traveling Storms – Thunderstorm now can be cast on allies within 0 to 40 yards, and its cooldown is reduced by 15 sec.
Lightning Lasso – Grips the target in lightning, stunning the target and dealing O1 damage over 6 sec. (6 sec channeled cast, 20 yd range, 30 sec cooldown)
Spectral Recovery – While in Ghost Wolf, you heal 3% health every 2 sec. Increases the movement speed of Ghost Wolf by an additional 10%.
Skyfury Totem – Summons a Fire Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 15 sec that increases the critical effect of damage and healing spells of all nearby allies within 40 yards by 20% for 15 sec. (Instant, 3% of Base Mana, 40 sec cooldown)
Counterstrike Totem – Summons an Air Totem with 10 health at the feet of the caster for 15 sec. Whenever enemies within 20 yards of the totem deal direct damage, the totem will deal 100% of the damage dealt back to attacker. (instant, 3% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Purifying Waters – Whenever you successfuly Purge a target or when you are dispelled, you are healed for 3% of your total health.
Grounding Totem – Summons an Air Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster that will redirect all harmful spells cast on a nearby party or raid member to itself. Will not redirect area of effect spells. Lasts 3 sec. (Instant, 5.9% of Base Mana, 30 sec cooldown)
Swelling Waves – When you cast Healing Surge on yourself, you are healed for 50% of the amount 3 sec later.
- Enhancement
Forked Lightning – When you use Stormstrike, you conjure bolts of lightning to up to two furthest enemies within 40 yards dealing [ 50% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
Static Cling – After you use Stormstrike twice in a row on an enemy you create a coil of lightning binding you to the target, increasing the damage the target receives from your attacks by 15% and increases your movement speed by 15% while the cling holds. If the target moves further than 15 yards from you, the cling will break.
Ride the Lightning – When you use Stormstrike you also cast a Chain Lightning on the target.
- Chain Lightning: Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 50% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets.
Shamanism – Your Bloodlust spell now has a 60 sec. cooldown, but increases Haste by [ 20 + 25% of Spell Power ]%, and only affects you and your friendly target when cast for 10 sec. In addition, Bloodlust is no longer affected by Sated.
Thundercharge – You call down bolts of lightning, charging you and your target’s weapons. The cooldown recovery rate of all abilities is increased by 30% for 10 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Ethereal Form – You turn ethereal, making you immune to all physical damage, but unable to attack or cast spells and your movement speed is reduced by 50%. Lasts for 15 sec. Use Ethereal Form again to shift out. (Instant, 45 sec cooldown)
Skyfury Totem – Summons a Fire Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 15 sec that increases the critical effect of damage and healing spells of all nearby allies within 40 yards by 20% for 15 sec. (Instant, 3% of Base Mana, 40 sec cooldown)
Counterstrike Totem – Summons an Air Totem with 10 health at the feet of the caster for 15 sec. Whenever enemies within 20 yards of the totem deal direct damage, the totem will deal 100% of the damage dealt back to attacker. (instant, 3% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Purifying Waters – Whenever you successfuly Purge a target or when you are dispelled, you are healed for 3% of your total health.
Spectral Recovery – While in Ghost Wolf, you heal 3% health every 2 sec. Increases the movement speed of Ghost Wolf by an additional 10%.
Grounding Totem – Summons an Air Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster that will redirect all harmful spells cast on a nearby party or raid member to itself. Will not redirect area of effect spells. Lasts 3 sec. (Instant, 5.9% of Base Mana, 30 sec cooldown)
Swelling Waves – When you cast Healing Surge on yourself, you are healed for 50% of the amount 3 sec later.
- Restoration
Skyfury Totem – Summons a Fire Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 15 sec that increases the critical effect of damage and healing spells of all nearby allies within 40 yards by 20% for 15 sec. (Instant, 3% of Base Mana, 40 sec cooldown)
Counterstrike Totem – Summons an Air Totem with 10 health at the feet of the caster for 15 sec. Whenever enemies within 20 yards of the totem deal direct damage, the totem will deal 100% of the damage dealt back to attacker. (instant, 3% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Swelling Waves – When you cast Healing Surge on yourself, you are healed for 50% of the amount 3 sec later.
Voodoo Mastery – Reduces the cooldown of your Hex spell by 20 sec or cooldown of your Voodoo Totem by 10 sec.
Electrocute – When you successfully Purge a beneficial effect, the enemy suffers [ 540% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 3 sec.
Grounding Totem – Summons an Air Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster that will redirect all harmful spells cast on a nearby party or raid member to itself. Will not redirect area of effect spells. Lasts 3 sec. (Instant, 5.9% of Base Mana, 30 sec cooldown)
Rippling Waters – Riptide has 1 additional charge. Riptide Heals for [ 67.5% of Spell Power ] when the spell ends its duration, is refreshed on the target, or is dispelled.
Spirit Link – You link yourself and two closest allies within 15 yards together. When linked targets take damage, 50% is distributed among the other linked allies. Linked targets receive 100% increased healing from your Chain Heal and Healing Rain. Lasts for 20 sec. (Instant, 35% of Base Mana, 15 yd range)
Purifying Waters – Whenever you successfuly Purge a target or when you are dispelled, you are healed for 3% of your total health.
Tidebringer – Every 8 sec, the cast time of your next Chain Heal is reduced by 50%, and jump distance increased by 100%. Maximum of 2 charges.
Calming Waters – Interrupts reduce the duration of the next successful silence or interrupt cast upon you within 10 sec by 50%.
Spectral Recovery – While in Ghost Wolf, you heal 3% health every 2 sec. Increases the movement speed of Ghost Wolf by an additional 10%.
- Affliction
Curse of Tongues – Forces the target to speak in Demonic, increasing the casting time of all spells by 30% for 10 sec. (Instant, 1.25% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 15 sec cooldown)
Curse of Weakness – Reduces the target’s Physical damage dealt by 25% for 10 sec. (Instant, 1.25% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 20 sec cooldown)
Curse of Fragility – Reduces the target’s maximum health by 20% for 10 sec. (Instant, 1.25% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Endless Affliction – Your Unstable Affliction deals the same damage as normal, but its duration is increased by 6 sec.
Soulshatter – Consumes all of your damage over time effects on the 5 nearest enemies within 40 yards, dealing 10% of their total health in Shadow damage. For each enemy hit by Soulshatter, you gain 1 Soul Shard and 10% Haste for 8 sec. (Instant, 100 yd range, 60 sec cooldown)
Gateway Mastery – Increases the range of your Demonic Gateway by 20 yards, and reduces the cast time by 30%. Reduces the time between how often players can take your Demonic Gateway by 15 sec.
Rot and Decay – Each time your Drain Life deals damage, it increases the duration of your Unstable Affliction, Corruption and Agony on the target by 1 sec.
Curse of Shadows – Magical damage over time effects will strike the target an additional time for 20% of their damage as Shadow. Lasts 10 sec. (Instant, 1.25% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 30 sec cooldown)
Nether Ward – Surrounds the caster with a shield that lasts 5 sec, reflecting all harmful spells cast on you. (Instant, 45 sec cooldown)
Essence Drain – Whenever you heal yourself with Drain Life, the enemy target deals 5% reduced damage to you for 6 sec. Stacks up to 5 times.
Casting Circle – Summons a Casting Circle for 8 sec. While within the casting circle, you are immune to silence and interrupt effects. Learning Casting Circle causes Unending Resolve to no longer grant immunity to silence and interrupt effects. (1.5 sec cast, 2% of Base Mana, 60 sec cooldown)
- Demonology
Singe Magic – Command your summoned Imp to remove all harmful magical effects from the target, but deals 3% of their total health in Fire damage. Your Imp must be your current active Pet to use Singe Magic. (Instant, 40 yd range, 15 sec cooldown)
Call Felhunter – Summons a demonic Felhunter to instantly Spell Lock the enemy target. Call Felhunter cannot be used if your current pet is a Felhunter. (Instant, 40 yd range, 24 sec cooldown)
- Spell Lock: Counters the enemy’s spellcast, preventing any spell from that school of magic from being cast for 6 sec.
Pleasure through Pain – While your Succubus is active, your Shadow damage is increased by 15% and the cast time of your Shadow Bolt is reduced by 0.5 sec.
Call Fel Lord – Summon a fel lord to guard the location for 15 sec. Any enemy that comes within 6 yards will suffer high damage and be stunned for 1 sec. (Instant, 2 Soul Shards, 40 yd range, 1.5 min cooldown)
Call Observer – Summons a demonic Observer to keep a watchful eye over the area for 20 sec. Anytime an enemy within 20 yards casts a harmful magical spell, the Observer will instantly deal 5% of the target’s total health in Shadow damage. (Instant, Melee Range, 1.5 min cooldown)
Master Summoner – Your Call Dreadstalkers is now instant cast.
Curse of Fragility – Reduces the target’s maximum health by 20% for 10 sec. (Instant, 1.25% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Curse of Tongues – Forces the target to speak in Demonic, increasing the casting time of all spells by 30% for 10 sec. (Instant, 1.25% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 15 sec cooldown)
Nether Ward – Surrounds the caster with a shield that lasts 5 sec, reflecting all harmful spells cast on you. (Instant, 45 sec cooldown)
Essence Drain – Whenever you heal yourself with Drain Life, the enemy target deals 5% reduced damage to you for 6 sec. Stacks up to 5 times.
Casting Circle – Summons a Casting Circle for 8 sec. While within the casting circle, you are immune to silence and interrupt effects. Learning Casting Circle causes Unending Resolve to no longer grant immunity to silence and interrupt effects. (1.5 sec cast, 2% of Base Mana, 60 sec cooldown)
- Destruction
Focused Chaos – Chaos Bolt damage is increased by 65%, but no longer strikes additional targets afflicted by Havoc.
Fel Fissure – Chaos Bolt creates a 5 yd wide eruption of Felfire under the target, reducing movement speed by 50% and reducing all healing received by 50% on all enemies within the fissure. Lasts 6 sec.
Cremation – Your Incinerate automatically applies Immolate, and Conflagrate deals an additional 3% of the target’s maximum health in Fire damage if the target is affected by your Immolate.
Entrenched in Flame – Conflagrate roots the enemy target for 3 sec. This effect does not break from damage.
Bane of Havoc – Curses the ground with a demonic bane, causing all of your single target spells to also strike targets marked with the bane. Lasts 10 sec. (Instant, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Curse of Fragility – Reduces the target’s maximum health by 20% for 10 sec. (Instant, 1.25% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 45 sec cooldown)
Curse of Tongues – Forces the target to speak in Demonic, increasing the casting time of all spells by 30% for 10 sec. (Instant, 1.25% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 15 sec cooldown)
Curse of Weakness – Reduces the target’s Physical damage dealt by 25% for 10 sec. (Instant, 1.25% of Base Mana, 40 yd range, 20 sec cooldown)
Nether Ward – Surrounds the caster with a shield that lasts 5 sec, reflecting all harmful spells cast on you. (Instant, 45 sec cooldown)
Essence Drain – Whenever you heal yourself with Drain Life, the enemy target deals 5% reduced damage to you for 6 sec. Stacks up to 5 times.
Casting Circle – Summons a Casting Circle for 8 sec. While within the casting circle, you are immune to silence and interrupt effects. Learning Casting Circle causes Unending Resolve to no longer grant immunity to silence and interrupt effects. (1.5 sec cast, 2% of Base Mana, 60 sec cooldown)
- Arms
Death Row – You can now Execute targets at or below 25% health.
Master and Commander – Cooldown of Commanding Shout reduced by 2 min.
Shadow of the Colossus – Charge resets the cooldown of your Overpower and Rage gained from Charge increased by 15.
Storm of Destruction – Reduces the cooldown of Bladestorm by 33%, and Bladestorm now also applies Mortal Wound to all targets you hit.
War Banner – You throw down a war banner at your feet, rallying your allies. Increases movement speed by 30% and reduces the duration of all incoming crowd control effects by 50% to all allies within 30 yards of the war banner. Lasts 15 sec. (Instant, 1.5 min cooldown)
Sharpen Blade – When activated, your next Mortal Strike will deal 30% increased damage and reduce healing taken by 50% for 4 sec. (Instant, 25 sec cooldown)
Duel – You challenge the target to a duel. While challenged, all damage you and the target deal to all targets other than each other is reduced by 50%. Lasts 6 sec. (Instant, 20 yd range, 60 sec cooldown)
Spell Reflection – Raise your shield, reflecting spells cast on you and reducing magical damage you take by 15%. Lasts 5 sec or until a spell is reflected. (Instant, 1 charge, 25 sec recharge)
- Reflective Plating: Raise your shield, reflecting spells cast on you and reducing magical damage you take by 15%. Lasts 5 sec.
Death Sentence – Execute now has a 15 yard range, causing you to charge to targets when used.
Disarm – Disarm the enemy’s weapons and shield for 4 sec. Disarmed creatures deal significantly reduced damage. (Instant, Melee Range, 45 sec cooldown)
- Fury
Death Sentence – Execute now has a 15 yard range, causing you to charge to targets when used.
Barbarian – Increases the number of charges for Heroic Leap by 2, and increases the damage done by your Heroic Leap by 200%.
Battle Trance – After you Raging Blow the same target twice, you go into a trance causing you to regenerate 3% of your health and generate 5 Rage every 3 sec for 12 sec. Using Raging Blow on a new target will cancel this effect.
Thirst for Battle – Bloodthirst clears all snares and increases your movement speed by [ 15 + 25% of Spell Power ]% for 2 sec.
Slaughterhouse – When you use Bloodthirst, the damage is increased by 10% and the cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every 20% health the target is missing.
Endless Rage – Increases the duration of your Enrage effect by 1 sec, and your Raging Blow refreshes the duration of your Enrage.
Death Wish – Increases your damage done by 5% at the cost of 10% of your health. Stacks up to 10 times. (Instant, 10% of Total Health, 10 sec cooldown)
Spell Reflection – Raise your shield, reflecting spells cast on you and reducing magical damage you take by 15%. Lasts 5 sec or until a spell is reflected. (Instant, 1 charge, 25 sec recharge)
- Reflective Plating: Raise your shield, reflecting spells cast on you and reducing magical damage you take by 15%. Lasts 5 sec.
Death Row – You can now Execute targets at or below 25% health.
Master and Commander – Cooldown of Commanding Shout reduced by 2 min.
Disarm – Disarm the enemy’s weapons and shield for 4 sec. Disarmed creatures deal significantly reduced damage. (Instant, Melee Range, 45 sec cooldown)
- Protection
Disarm – Disarm the enemy’s weapons and shield for 4 sec. Disarmed creatures deal significantly reduced damage. (Instant, Melee Range, 45 sec cooldown)
Sword and Board – Increases your critical strike chance of your Devastate by 30%, and Shield Slam deals 20% more damage while Shield Block is active.
Bodyguard – Protect an ally, causing 40% of all Physical damage they take to be transfered to you. When the target takes Physical damage, your Shield Slam cooldown has a 30% chance to be reset. Bodyguard is cancelled if the target is further than 15 yards from you. Lasts 60 sec. Only one target can be Bodyguarded at a time. (Instant, 10 yd range, 15 sec cooldown)
Leave No Man Behind – Using Intercept on allies reduces all damage they receive by 90% for 2 sec.
Morale Killer – Reduces the cooldown of Demoralizing Shout by 30 sec, and Demoralizing Shout now reduces the damage enemies deal to all targets, not just you.
Shield Bash – Bash the target with your shield dealing [ 319.8% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and reducing their damage done by 15%. If the target is casting, the cooldown is instantly reset. Generates 3 Rage. (Instant, Melee Range, 10 sec cooldown)
Thunderstruck – Thunder Clap roots all targets for 1 sec.
Warpath – When landing with Heroic Leap, all targets are stunned for 3 sec.
Dragon Charge – Run at high speed at a distance in front of you. All enemies in your path will take [ 273% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and be knocked back. (Instant, 20 sec cooldown)
Mass Spell Reflection – Reflects all spells cast on you and on all party and raid members within 20 yards, and reduces magical damage taken by 30% for 3 sec. (Instant, 30 sec cooldown)
Oppressor – Intimidates the target, increasing their damage taken by 3% for 6 sec. Each unique player that attacks the target increases the damage taken by an additional 3%, stacking up to 5 times. Your melee attacks refresh the duration of Intimidated. (Instant, 10 yd range, 20 sec cooldown)
Ready for Battle – Rage gained from Charge increased by 15.