Patch 7.1.5: Mehrere Hotfixes wurden auf den PTR aufgespielt

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment überraschenderweise die bereits vor Kurzem in mehreren ihrer Blueposts erwähnten Hotfixes für den kommenden Patch 7.1.5 auf den öffentlichen Testserver von World of Warcraft aufgespielt und dadurch dann wieder einmal eine Reihe von Änderungen an dieser Testphase durchgeführt. Dabei brachten diese Hotfixes zusätzlich zu den im Vorfeld vorgestellten Klassenänderungen dann auch noch einige Anpassungen an den legendären Gegenständen und an den Set-Boni des T-19 Sets mit sich. In folgender Zusammenfassung könnt ihr euch nun selbst durchlesen, was für Neuerungen mit diesen Updates auf den PTR aufgespielt wurden.
Änderungen an den legendären Gegenständen:
Maraad’s Dying Breath –
Maraad’s Dying Breath Healing with Light of Dawn causes your next Light of the Martyr to also heal your Beacon of Light. Each ally healed by Light of Dawn increases Light of the Martyr healing by
20%10%.Archimonde’s Hatred Reborn –
Archimonde’s Hatred Reborn Gain an absorb shield for
40%30% of your maximum health for 10 sec. When the shield is consumed or expires, 100% of the damage absorbed is dealt to nearby enemies, split evenly.Prydaz, Xavaric’s Magnum Opus has also received a change; tanks now have a 15% absorb.
Distilled Titan Essence –
Titan Essence Infuse a Legion Legendary item with greater power, up to item level
Anpassungen an Set-Boni:
Item – Druid T19 Feral 4P Bonus Shred and Swipe dea
8%l 10% increased damage for each Bleed effect you have on the target.Item – Druid T19 Restoration 4P Bonus Each time your Rejuvenation heals a target, it has a
2%1.5% chance to jump to a new target at full duration.Item – Hunter T19 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus When you use Bestial Wrath, all of your currently summoned Dire Beasts gain
60%100% increased damage for 8 sec.Item – Hunter T19 Marksmanship 2P Bonus Every
2035 Focus you spend reduces the cooldown of Trueshot by 1 sec.
Änderungen an den Klassenauren:
(Passive Buffs/Nerfs für bestimmte Klassen)
Unholy Death Knight: 6% up from 3%
Vengeance Demon Hunter: 9% up from 4%
Feral Druid: 8% up from 4%
Beast Mastery Hunter: 9% up from 4%
Survival Hunter: 12% up from 7%
Brewmaster Monk: 9% up from 4%
Windwalker Monk: 8% up from 4%
Outlaw Rogue: 16% up from 7%
Subtlety Rogue: 9% down from 12%
Enhancement Shaman: 16% up from 10%
Death Knight
- Unholy
- Specialization
Death Coil Fires a blast of unholy energy at the target, causing (
127.5%150% of Attack power) Shadow damage to an enemy.
Runic Corruption You have a
1.25%1.00% chance per Runic Power you spend to increase your Rune regeneration rate by 100% for 3 sec. - Talent
Pestilent Pustules Every
68 Festering Wounds you burst, you gain 1 Rune.
- Specialization
Bluepost: At the same time as Pestilent Pustules and
Runic Corruption changes are on PTR, Unholy should also have increases to
Portal to the Underworld damage,
Armies of the Damned proc rate,
Death Coil damage, and a small increase to all damage.
- Feral
- Artifact Trait
Razor Fangs Increase damage dealt by Rip by
- Guardian
- Specialization
Ironfur Increases armor by
10080% for 6 sec. Multiple uses of this ability may overlap.
- Talent
Soul of the Forest Mangle generates
65 more Rage and deals 25% more damage.
- Specialization
- Artifact Trait
- Marksmanship
- Specialization
Hunter’s Mark Approximately
56.5 procs per minute.
- Specialization
Bluepost: We’ll look into the point about Marked Shot being lower damage per Focus than
Aimed Shot. Both
Marked Shot and
Aimed Shot could probably do something closer to their live damage (assuming
Patient Sniper/
Sidewinders setup) to ensure
Marked Shot is always high priority. Lower Focus cost on
Marked Shot is also a possibility. Overall, the rotation should remain similar for a player who continues using
Patient Sniper and
Sidewinders, with the main caveat being that using
Sidewinders in all situations will have more downsides than it does in 7.1.
- Fire
- Specialization
Critical Mass Your spells have a
1015% increased chance to deal a critical strike.
- Specialization
- Brewmaster
- Specialization
Breath of Fire Radius:
812 yards.
- Specialization
Bluepost: In addition to some changes that are visible normally in the client (damage of most Windwalker abilities), a recent hotfix included one change that won’t be noticeable until you try it, which is a very large increase to Xuen’s damage
- Outlaw
- Artifact Trait
Fatebringer Reduces the Energy cost of finishing moves by
Fate’s Thirst Increases damage dealt by Run Through by
- Artifact Trait