WoW Legion: Der neue Build 21063

Im Verlauf des heutigen Abends haben die Entwickler von World of Warcraft den neuen Build 21063 auf die Testserver der derzeit laufenden Alpha zu der kommenden Erweiterung „Legion“ aufgespielt und diese Testphase um einige neue Inhalte erweitert. Dabei brachte dieses Update dann neben den üblichen Klassenänderungen auch wieder insgesamt sechs bisher unspielbare Spezialisierungen, neue Modelle für Artefakte und Gegner, die T-19 Set Boni und eine Reihe von neuen legendären World Drops mit sich.
(Hier gibt es eine lange Liste mit Klassenänderungen)
Alpha Build Design Notes:
- New Specializations Unlocked – A whopping 6 new specializations are ready for testing! We’d love any and all feedback about their gameplay, artifact quest lines, abilities, etc.
- Holy Priest
- Holy Paladin
- Protection Paladin
- Beast Mastery Hunter
- Demonology Warlock
- Arcane Mage
- Class Status – We’re continuing to iterate on our class abilities and talents, based on testing and feedback. This build has many revisions scattered around the classes, but here are some highlights:
- Retribution Paladins – Several talents have been revised.
- Enhancement Shamans – Many talents have been revised. We also revised some of their baseline abilities, and passives.
- Elemental Shamans – Many talents have been revised. We also revised some of their baseline abilities, and passives.
- Guardian Druids – Their core offensive combat abilities have received significant changes. Hopefully this should create more engaging gameplay.
- Blood Death Knights – Many talents have been revised. We also revised some of their baseline abilities.
- Subtlety Rogues – We’ve significantly revised their core combat abilities. We’ve also tweaked what abilities each spec has.
- Marksmanship Hunters – Several talents have been revised.
- Survival Hunters – Several talents have been revised.
- Discipline Priest – We revised some baseline abilities.
- Creature Tuning – We continue to tweak the health levels of creatures in Legion. In this build, creature health has been raised, because combat times were generally too short. Feedback on whether creatures take too long or too little time to kill is valuable, as well as how sparsely or densely populated with creatures the world is. Be sure to mention specific locations when giving feedback on this!
Neue Modelle für Artefakte:
Neue Modelle
Neue Karten:
Die T-19 Set Boni:
Demon Hunter
- Item – Demon Hunter T19 Havoc 2P Bonus (New) Your Fury generation from all abilities is increased by 20%.
- Item – Demon Hunter T19 Havoc 4P Bonus (New) Your Fury generation from all abilities is increased by 10%.
- Item – Demon Hunter T19 Vengeance 2P Bonus (New) Soul Cleave costs 10 less Pain.
- Item – Demon Hunter T19 Vengeance 4P Bonus (New) Soul Cleave reduces the remaining cooldown on Demon Spikes by 3 sec.
Death Knight
- Item – Death Knight T19 Blood 2P Bonus (New) Blood Strike and Marrowrend generate 25% increased Runic Power.
- Item – Death Knight T19 Blood 4P Bonus (New) Death Strike has a 25% chance to generate a Rune.
- Item – Death Knight T19 Frost 2P Bonus (New) Obliterate has a 15% increased chance to trigger Rime.
- Item – Death Knight T19 Frost 4P Bonus (New) Howling Blast now generates 10 Runic Power while Rime is active.
- Item – Death Knight T19 Unholy 2P Bonus (New) Causing a Festering Wound to burst has a 10% chance to activate Runic Corruption.
- Item – Death Knight T19 Unholy 4P Bonus (New) Death Coil has a 50% chance to cause a Festering Wound to burst.
- Item – Druid T19 Balance 2P Bonus (New) Lunar and Solar Empowerments also increase the critical strike chance of their corresponding spells by 10%.
- Item – Druid T19 Balance 4P Bonus (New) Lunar Strike has a 5% chance to grant Solar Empowerment and Solar Wrath has a 3% chance to grant Lunar Empowerment.
- Item – Druid T19 Feral 2P Bonus (New) Thrash now generates a combo point if it hits at least 1 target.
- Item – Druid T19 Feral 4P Bonus (New) Shred and Swipe deal 8% more damage per your Bleed effect on the target.
- Item – Druid T19 Guardian 2P Bonus (New) Your abilities have an additional 10% chance to trigger Gore and reset the cooldown on Mangle.
- Item – Druid T19 Guardian 4P Bonus (New) Mangle increases the duration of your next Ironfur or Frenzied Regeneration by 1,000 sec, stacking up to 3 times.
- Item – Druid T19 Restoration 2P Bonus (New) Wild Growth’s healing reduces 20% less over time.
- Item – Druid T19 Restoration 4P Bonus (New) Swiftmend has a 100% chance to reset the the cooldown on Wild Growth.
- Item – Hunter T19 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus (New) Dire Beast reduces the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by an additional 5 sec.
- Item – Hunter T19 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus (New) When you use Bestial Wrath, all of your currently summoned Dire Beasts gain 20% increased damage for 10 sec.
- Item – Hunter T19 Marksmanship 2P Bonus (New) Trueshot also reduces the cost of all your Focus spenders by 0%.
- Item – Hunter T19 Marksmanship 4P Bonus (New) Every 20 Focus you spend reduces the cooldown of Trueshot by 1 sec.
- Item – Hunter T19 Survival 2P Bonus (New) Flanking Strike now has 2 times the normal chance to trigger Hunting Companion.
- Item – Hunter T19 Survival 4P Bonus (New) When Mongoose Fury reaches 6 applications, you gain 50% increased damage to all abilities for 6 sec.
- Item – Mage T19 Arcane 2P Bonus (New) Your spells have an additional 10% chance to activate Arcane Missiles.
- Item – Mage T19 Arcane 4P Bonus (New) Casting Arcane Missiles reduces the remaining cooldown on Evocation by 1 sec.
- Item – Mage T19 Fire 2P Bonus (New) Enhanced Pyrotechnics provides an additional 10% critical strike chance from each application.
- Item – Mage T19 Fire 4P Bonus (New) Hot Streak also grants you 30% haste for 10 sec.
- Item – Mage T19 Frost 2P Bonus (New) Frost Bolt has a 5% increased chance to trigger Brain Freeze.
- Item – Mage T19 Frost 4P Bonus (New) Frozen Orb has an additional 5% chance to trigger Fingers of Frost when it deals damage.
- Item – Monk T19 Brewmaster 2P Bonus (New) Ironskin Brew increases your Stagger amount by an additional 10%.
- Item – Monk T19 Brewmaster 4P Bonus (New) Tiger Palm reduces the remaining cooldown on your brews by an additional 1 sec.
- Item – Monk T19 Mistweaver 2P Bonus (New) Renewing Mist healing has a 2% increased chance to trigger Uplifting Trance.
- Item – Monk T19 Mistweaver 4P Bonus (New) Vivify heals your primary target for 50% more.
- Item – Monk T19 Windwalker 2P Bonus (New) Reduces the cooldown on Rising Sun Kick by 2 sec.
- Item – Monk T19 Windwalker 4P Bonus (New) Using 3 sequentially different abilities grants 2,000 Mastery for until cancelled.
- Item – Paladin T19 Holy 2P Bonus (New) Increases Holy Shock’s critical strike chance by 15%.
- Item – Paladin T19 Holy 4P Bonus (New) Infusion of Light has 0 additional charges.
- Item – Paladin T19 Protection 2P Bonus (New) Avenger’s Shield increases the effect of Shield of the Righteous and Light of the Protector by an additional 10%.
- Item – Paladin T19 Protection 4P Bonus (New) Shield of the Righteous has a 35% chance to reset the cooldown on Light of the Protector.
- Item – Paladin T19 Retribution 2P Bonus (New) Your Holy Power attacks deal 20% more damage.
- Item – Paladin T19 Retribution 4P Bonus (New) The effect of Conviction can stack 2 additional times and you have a 20% chance to gain an additional application each time it triggers.
- Item – Priest T19 Discipline 2P Bonus (New) Your healing on targets affected by your Power Word: Shield is increased by 20%.
- Item – Priest T19 Discipline 4P Bonus (New) During Rapture, Atonement applied by Power Word: Shield lasts 6 additional sec.
- Item – Priest T19 Holy 2P Bonus (New) Holy Word: Sanctify’s Echo of Light heals for 50% more.
- Item – Priest T19 Holy 4P Bonus (New) Holy Word: Serenity gains 50% increased critical strike chance if the target is affected by your Echo of Light.
- Item – Priest T19 Shadow 2P Bonus (New) Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch generate 1 Insanity each time they deal damage.
- Item – Priest T19 Shadow 4P Bonus (New) For 6 sec after activating Voidform, the cooldown on Void Bolt is reduced by 100%.
- Item – Rogue T19 Assassination 2P Bonus (New) Mutilate also causes the target to Bleed for 25% additional damage over 6 sec.
- Item – Rogue T19 Assassination 4P Bonus (New) Envenom deals 8% additional damage per your Bleed on the target.
- Item – Rogue T19 Outlaw 2P Bonus (New) Saber Slash has an additional 10% chance to trigger Main Gauche.
- Item – Rogue T19 Outlaw 4P Bonus (New) Run Through has a 50% chance to make your next Saber Slash cost no Energy.
- Item – Rogue T19 Subtlety 2P Bonus (New) Nightblade lasts 2 additional sec per combo point spent.
- Item – Rogue T19 Subtlety 4P Bonus (New) Shadowstrike has a 50% chance to generate a combo point when used on targets affected by your Nightblade.
- Item – Shaman T19 Elemental 2P Bonus (New) Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt by 15%.
- Item – Shaman T19 Elemental 4P Bonus (New) Elemental Focus increases damage by an additional 20%.
- Item – Shaman T19 Enhancement 2P Bonus (New) Stormfury also increases the critical strike chance of Stormstrike by 20%.
- Item – Shaman T19 Enhancement 4P Bonus (New) Lava Lash has a 20% chance to trigger Stormfury.
- Item – Shaman T19 Restoration 2P Bonus (New) Tidal Waves also increases the healing done by Healing Wave and Healing Surge by 10%.
- Item – Shaman T19 Restoration 4P Bonus (New) Each time you trigger Tidal Waves, the cooldown of Healing Stream Totem is reduced by 2 sec.
- Item – Warlock T19 Affliction 2P Bonus (New) Unstable Affliction deals 25% additional damage over time.
- Item – Warlock T19 Affliction 4P Bonus (New) Agony has 1.4 times the normal chance to generate a Soul Shard.
- Item – Warlock T19 Demonology 2P Bonus (New) Doom has a 50% chance to generate an additional Soul Shard.
- Item – Warlock T19 Demonology 4P Bonus (New) Dreadstalkers last 6 sec longer.
- Item – Warlock T19 Destruction 2P Bonus (New) Conflagrate gains an additional charge and 2 sec reduced cooldown.
- Item – Warlock T19 Destruction 4P Bonus (New) Casting Chaos Bolt reduces the cast time of your next Chaos Bolt by 20% for 2 sec.
- Item – Warrior T19 Arms 2P Bonus (New) Increases the duration of Battle Cry by 3 sec.
- Item – Warrior T19 Arms 4P Bonus (New) Slam, Whirlwind, and Execute critical strike have a 20% additional chance per target hit to reset the cooldown on Colossus Smash.
- Item – Warrior T19 Fury 2P Bonus (New) Each use of Furious Slash grants an additional 5% increase to Bloodthirst critical strike chance.
- Item – Warrior T19 Fury 4P Bonus (New) Activating Rampage extends the duration of your Enrage by 3 sec.
- Item – Warrior T19 Protection 2P Bonus (New) You gain 20% increased chance to critically block while Shield Block is active.
- Item – Warrior T19 Protection 4P Bonus (New) Your critical blocks generate 5 Rage.
Neue Haustiere:
- Alarm-o-Bot: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Baby Elderhorn: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Black Piglet: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Blue Broodling: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Blue Piglet: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Brown Piglet: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Celestial Calf: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Corgi Pup: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Extinguished Eye: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Eye of Inquisition: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Felbat Pup: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Fledgling Warden Owl: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Hateful Eye: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Knockoff Blingtron: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion..
- Northern Hawk Owl: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Purple Broodling: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Purple Jelly: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Red Broodling: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Ridgeback Piglet: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Shadow Whelpling: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Sunborne Val’kyr: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- >Toxic Whelpling: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Trigger: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Wyrmy Tunkins: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
- Yellow Broodling: Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion.
Neue legendäre Gegenstände:
Empowered Soul Shard
Fragment of Nightmare
PH – Windwalking Increased Speed
PH – Empower Rune Weapon Gains Charge and Recharges Faster
PH – Ghoul Melee Attack Proc Activate Rune – Passive
PH – Demon’s Bite Increased Fury Generation
PH – Solar Wrath Increases Nature Damage
PH – Druid Increase Maximum Energy
PH – Frenzied Regeneration Regnerates More Health
PH – Rejuvenation Pause on Full Health
PH – Gain Focus When Damaging Trap Is Triggered
PH – Stagger Lasts Longer
PH – Soothing Mist Channeling Causes Instant Cast Enveloping Mist
PH – Heals Refund Mana Based on Targets Missing Health
PH – Damage Reduction While in Consecration
PH – Holy Power Gain During Avenging Wrath
Frizzo’s Fingertrap
PH – Tal Rasha Passive
PH – Healing Wave Adds Stack of Chain Heal Increased Healing
PH – Execute Increased Health Threshold
PH – Bloodthirst Increases Damage
Destiny Driver
PH – Marked Shot Always Hits Current Target
PH – Barrier Lasts Longer and Applies Atonement
PH – Spirit of Redemption Cheat Death
PH – Touch of Karma Max Damage Increase
PH – Templar’s Verdict and Divine Storm Increase Damage of Next One
PH – Distract Applies Damage Debuff
Horns of Ysera
PH – Zen Meditation Lasts Through Multiple Attacks
PH – Wild Growth Chance To Also Cast Rejuv
PH – Soothing Mist Heals A Second Target
PH – Affinity Effects Are Increased
PH – Keg Smash Hits Proc Healing Sphere
PH – Increase Lifebloom Final Heal
PH – Purifying Brew Heals
PH – More Lacerate Stacks
PH – Heals Have Chance To Spawn Healing Sphere
PH – Innervate Generates Astral Power
PH – Tiger’s Fury Restores Energy Over Time
PH – Survival Insticts Gains Charge and Recharges Faster
PH – Tranquility Heals Low HP Targets More
PH – Dodging An Attack Generates Energy
PH – Essence Font Channeled While Moving
PH – Chi Regen Passive
PH – Starsurge and Starfall Can Make the Other Free
PH – Bleeds Last Forever Against Low HP Targets
PH – Increase Thrash Radius and Damage
PH – Swiftmend Extends HoTs
PH – Renewing Mist Reduces Revival CD
PH – Spending Chi Increases Tigereye Brew Duration
- PH – Bleeds Can Proc Primal Fury
Hidden Master’s Forbidden Touch
PH – Eye Beam Cooldown Reduction On Hit
PH – Metamorphosis Resets All Sigil Cooldowns
PH – Increase Duration of Blur
PH – Vanish Reduces Damage Taken
PH – Immolation Aura Damage Lowers Cooldown of Fiery Brand
PH – Energy Spent Reduces Vendetta CD
PH – Run Through Increased Damage Based On Movement Speed
PH – Shadowstrike Refunds Energy Per Distance
PH – Fel Rush Damage Increases Magnitude
PH – Poisons/Bleeds Deal Increased Damage To Low HP Targets
PH – Between the Eyes Chance to Increase Damage of Pistol Shot
PH – CP Spent Extend Shadow Blades
PH – Throw Glaive Increased Damage with Each Bounce
PH – Soul Cleave Reduces Random Sigil Cooldown
PH – Earthquake Totem Increased Damage Near Center
PH – Earth Shock Can Reset CD of Earthquake Totem and Clearcast
PH – Crash Lightning Increases Damage
PH – Maelstrom Regen With Cooldown Totem Active
PH – Allies in Healing Rain Receive More Healing From Your Other Healing Spells
Al’Akir’s Acrimony
Storm Tempests
PH – Chain Heal Reduces Mana Cost Of Next Healing Surge
PH – Increase Duration of Healing Stream/Healing Tide/Spirit Link Totems
PH – Feign Death Heals
PH – Bestial Wrath Grants Focus
PH – Multi-Shot Hits Increase Aimed Shot Damage
Helbrine, Rope of the Mist Marauder
PH – Damaging Shots Reduce Trueshot CD
Nesingwary’s Trapping Treads
PH – Dire Beast Reduces Kill Command CD
PH – Reduce Cooldown of Aspects
Gaze of Justice
PH – At Full Health Overhealing Taken Heals Beacon of Light
Breastplate of the Golden Val’kyr
PH – Blessings Heal for Percentage of Max Health
PH – Avenger’s Shield Additional Bounces and Damage with Each Bounce
PH – Reduce Cooldown/Increase Duration of Blessings
PH – Reduce Cooldown of Lay on Hands
PH – Dark Transformation Buffs Gargoyle/Army
PH – No Charge CD During Battle Cry/Berserker Rage
PH – Blocks Generate Rage Critical Blocks Generate More
- Equip: Blocks generate 6 Rage.
PH – Whirlwind Hits Twice On 3+ Enemies
Ceann-Ar Girdle
Draugr, Girdle of the Everlasting King
PH – Mortal Strike Generates Rage
Verjas, Protectors of the Berserker Kings
PH – Devastate Increases Damage of Next Shield Slam or Revenge
PH – Heroic Throw Damage Increase By Range
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
Neue Glyphen:
- Glyph of Cracked Ice: Your Path of Frost ability now looks a little cracked, just a little.
- Glyph of Dry Ice: Your Path of Frost ability now reacts a bit with the environment around you.
- Glyph of the Feral Chameleon: Each time you shapeshift into Cat Form, your shapeshifted form will have a random hair color.
- Glyph of the Storm: Replaces your Hurricane spell with Astral Storm.
- Glyph of the Bullseye: Your Hunter’s Mark ability now places a bullseye on your target instead of its usual visual.
- Glyph of the Trident: Your Harpoon spell throws a Trident rather than your current weapon.
- Glyph of the Hook: Your Harpoon spell throws a Grappling Hook rather than your current weapon.
- Glyph of Elune’s Arrow: Your Arcane Shot takes on a blue tint.
- Glyph of Sparks: Your Flare ability now drops a ball of sparks at the target location.
- Glyph of the Headhunter: You throw a javel instead of a hatchet when you use Hatchet Toss.
- Glyph of Freezing Cubes: Your Freezing Trap freezes creatures into a block of ice rather than spikes.
- Glyph of Arachnophobia: Your Dire Beast ability calls on spiders more often. Why? Because everyone is afraid of spiders.
- Glyph of Nesingwary’s Nemesis‘: Your Dire Beast ability often calls for beasts victimized by the famed hunter.
- Glyph of the Skullseye: Your Hunter’s Mark ability now places a skull on your target instead of its usual visual.
- Glyph of the Firecracker: Your Flare ability now drops a string of firecrackers at the target location.
- Glyph of Judgment by the Axe: Your Judgment spell depicts an axe instead of a hammer.
- Glyph of the Queen: Your Guardian of Ancient Kings now summons the wrath of a Queen!
- Glyph of Pebbles: Reduces the size of your Earth Elemental by 15%.
- Glyph of Flickering: Reduces the size of your Fire Elemental by 15%.
- Glyph of the Spectral Raptor: Alters the appearance of your Ghost Wolf transformation, causing it to resemble a large, spectral raptor.
- Glyph of the Inquisitor’s Eye: Transforms your Eye of Kilrogg into an Inquisitor’s Eye.
- Glyph of the Beholder’s Eye: Transforms your Eye of Kilrogg into a Beholder.
- Glyph of the Blazing Savior: Your Intercept leaves a trail of fire in its wake. If you’re going to Intercept why not do it with some style?