13. Hearthstone-Saison: Sweet, Sweet Victory!

Nachdem die zwölfte offizielle Saison von Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft mit dem Feuergott Ragnaros als Thema nun bereits in der vergangenen Nacht von den Entwicklern beendet wurde, haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard heute die mittlerweile dreizehnte Season zu ihrem Sammelkartenspiel gestartet. Diese neue Saison trägt den Namen „Sweet, Sweet Victory!“ und gewährt allen Spielern mit Rang 20 oder höher am Ende des Monats einen speziellen Kartenrücken, der in diesem Fall einem Cupcake ähnelt.
Ansonsten erhalten die besten 100 Spieler der gewerteten Spiele im Monat April auch noch einige Punkte für die Qualifizierung zur Hearthstone World Championship im kommenden Herbst.
Hearthstone® April 2015 Ranked Play Season – Sweet, Sweet Victory!
The thirteenth official Hearthstone Ranked Play Season will soon be live—and we’re unveiling a new card back you can add to your collection!
Winning on the Hearthstone Ranked Play ladder sure is sweet! Show off your confectionary conquest with the Cupcake card back. You can only earn this card back by playing Hearthstone during the month of April.
These card backs replace the art decorating the reverse side of your cards and are a great way to show off your Hearthstone accomplishments. Add the Cupcake card back to your collection by hitting Rank 20 in Ranked Play mode. You’ll receive the Cupcake card back at the end of April’s Ranked Play Season.
Don’t forget—the further you move up the Ranked Play ladder, the more bonus stars you’ll receive next season. In Ranked Play, you’ll receive bonus stars based on your performance from the previous season —one bonus star per rank you attained. Please note that even if bonus stars from the previous season get you directly to Rank 20 or above, you still have to log in at least once each Ranked Season to qualify for the card back reward.
The top 100 Legend players for the April Ranked Play season will also accrue points towards qualifying for the Hearthstone World Championship. For more information on how you can become the next Hearthstone World Champion, please visit our Hearthstone World Championship blog here.
Tasty times await you on the Ranked Play ladder! Indulge your sweet tooth and put your skills to the test in our thirteenth official Ranked Play Season, Sweet, Sweet Victory, running through the month of April!
serious? 😉