WoD: Beta Build 18594

Die Entwickler von Blizzard haben in der vergangenen Nacht ein neues Update für die aktuell noch immer laufende Beta zu Warlords of Draenor veröffentlicht. Dieser Build 18594 hat neben den für solch einen Patch üblichen Klassenänderungen, einigen neuen Modellen für die NPCs in Draenor und ein paar Anpassungen an den Feiertagen von WoW auch die Gebiete Spitzen von Arak für die Spieler der Testserver freigeschaltet.
Spitzen von Arak:
Offizielle Beschreibung: Für zweibeinige Wanderer stellt sich Arak als herbstlicher, sumpfiger Wald dar, gesäumt von krummen, riesenhaften Bäumen. Hoch über ihren Wipfeln jedoch bietet sich ein Anblick, der Fremden nur selten zuteil wird: die unglaublich hohen Felsspitzen der vogelartigen Arakkoa, die über ihrer Heimat thronen wie fleischgewordene Götter und der Sonne huldigen, indem sie die „niederen Völker“ bei lebendigem Leib verbrennen.
Offizielle Beschreibung: Der Süden Nagrands wird von seefahrenden Ogern in Anspruch genommen, die nicht nur das Land, sondern auch die dort lebenden Orcs unterwerfen wollen. Zu allem Überfluss zeichnet sich eine noch geheimnisvollere Bedrohung ab: ein merkwürdiger Nebel steigt aus den Weiten des Landes empor, Verkörperungen der Natur tummeln sich um den Thron der Elemente und die unnatürlich wirkenden Oshu’gun-Kristalle locken Abenteurer und Plünderer aus ganz Draenor an.
Die Musik für den Loginscreen von Warlords of Draenor.
Todesritter Season 16 Elite:
Jäger Season 16 Elite:
Priester Season 16 Elite:
Neue Modelle:
Veränderungen an Feiertagen:
Ein neues Geschenk für Weihnachten:
Crashin‘ Thrashin‘ Shredder Controller
Epische Gegenstände von Event Bossen haben nun ein Itemlevel von 600. Beispiel:
Bubbliest Brightbrew Charm
Liebe liegt in der Luft erhält einige Update in Form von
True Love Prism und
Manufactured Love Prism.
Der Tag der Toten wird überarbeitet und zu einem richtigen Feiertag werden. Dazu gehören unter anderem spezielle Kosütme wie ein „Blooming Rose“ Contender’s Costume“ und ein spezieller Erfolg „
To The Afterlife„.
Die Schlotternächte erhalten einige recht interesse Kostüme wie beispielsweise das von Arthas:
Exquisite Costume Set: „The Lich King“
Neues Item für das Braufest:
Brewfest Banner
Death Knight
- New name : Blood Boil
- Deals (66.6% of Attack power) Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards, and spreads your existing diseases from your target to all other enemies hit.
Talents and Specialization
Blood Tap: Death Coil, Frost Strike, and Rune Strike generate 2 Blood Charges, up to a maximum of 12 charges. Blood Tap consumes 5 Blood Charges to activate a random fully-depleted rune as a Death Rune.
Conversion: Converts Runic Power to health, restoring 2% of maximum health per 1 sec. Lasts until canceled or Runic Power is exhausted.
Necrotic Plague: A powerful disease that deals (3% of Attack power) Shadowfrost damage per stack every 2 sec for 30 sec. Each time it deals damage, it gains 1 stack, and infects another nearby enemy within 8 yards if possible. You gain 2 Runic Power whenever a target infected with Necrotic Plague attempts to attack you.Replaces Blood Plague and Frost Fever, and is applied by any ability which applied either. This effect cannot be refreshed; it gains 1 stack instead.
Talents and Specialization
Path of Mists: Causes you to leave a trail of healing spheres behind you as you move, spaced 2 yards apart. These healing spheres last 15 sec.
- Glyph of Detoxing: Detox now has a maximum of 2 charges, but its cooldown is increased by 0.001 sec.
Bear Form: Shapeshift into Bear Form, increasing armor by 600% and Stamina by 40%.Increases threat generation, protects the caster from Polymorph effects, and allows the use of various bear abilities.The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects.
Clearcasting: Your periodic healing from Lifebloom has a 4% chance to cause you to enter a Clearcasting state, causing your next Regrowth to be free.
Talents and Specialization
Claws of Shirvallah: Renegade Druids have developed the ability to shapeshift into a creature half man and half cat. This alternate Cat Form allows the use of all non-damaging Druid spells while shapeshifted, and increases Versatility by 5%.“Have we learned nothing from the Scythe of Elune?” –Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem
Dream of Cenarius: Lunar Peak and Solar Peak also cause your Moonfire and Sunfire to heal an injured ally for (300% of Spell power).
- Savagery is now removed as a level 100 talent.
Guardian of Elune: Savage Defense now lasts 3 sec, and increases your chance to dodge by 100%.Additionally, the recharge time on Savage Defense is now reduced by your base dodge chance %.
Germination: You can apply two Rejuvenations to the same target.Rejuvenation’s duration is also increased by 3000%.
Rampant Growth: Swiftmend now consumes your own Regrowth or Rejuvenation, but has no cooldown, and its healing is increased by 100%.
Soul of the Forest: When you cast Swiftmend, you gain Soul of the Forest. Soul of the Forest reduces the cast time of your next Healing Touch by 50%, or increases the healing of your next Regrowth, Wild Growth, or Rejuvenation by 100%.
Starfire: Now 7.5% of base mana, down from 15.5%
Starsurge: Now 7.5% of base mana, down from 15.5%
Tiger’s Fury: Increases physical damage done by 15% for 6 sec and instantly restores 60 Energy.
Savage Defense: Increases chance to dodge by 45% for 6 sec.Maximum 2 charges.
Thick Hide: Reduces all magical damage taken by 25%, and reduces the chance you’ll be critically hit by attacks by 6%.Reduces the chance for your attacks to be parried by 3%.
Omen of Clarity: Your periodic healing from Lifebloom has a 4% chance to cause you to enter a Clearcasting state, causing your next Regrowth to be free.
Aspect of the Fox: Party and raid members within 40 yards take on the aspects of a fox, allowing them to move while casting all spells and abilities for 6 sec. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
Talents and Specialization
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera:
- New name : Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimaera
- Reduces the cooldown of Disengage by 10 sec, and the cooldown of Deterrence by 60 sec.
Lone Wolf: While you don’t have a pet active, your damage dealt with Auto Shot, Arcane Shot, Cobra Shot, Black Arrow, and Explosive Shot is increased by 30% and you are able to provide one of several beneficial effects to your party and raid.
Enhanced Chimera Shot:
- New name : Enhanced Chimaera Shot
- Reduces the Focus cost of Chimaera Shot by 10.
Improved Chimera Shot:
- New name : Improved Chimaera Shot
- Increases damage done by Chimaera Shot by 20%.
Talents and Specializatio
Ice Ward: Protects a friendly target for 30 sec. The next 0 melee attackers will trigger a Frost Nova, freezing all enemies within 10 yds for 5 sec.
Incanter’s Flow: Magical energy flows through you while in combat, building up to 20% increased damage and then diminishing down to 4% increased damage, cycling every 10 sec.
Mirror Image: Creates 3 copies of the caster nearby, which cast spells and attack the Mage’s enemies. Lasts 40 sec.
Talents and Specialization
- Sanctified Wrath: Your Holy Wrath now generates 1 Holy Power, and deals 100% additional damage.
Eternal Flame: Consumes up to 3 Holy Power to heal an ally for up to (264.591% of Spell power) and an additional (16.0285% of Spell power) every 2 sec for up to 30 sec. Healing over time increased by 50% when cast on self.Replaces Word of Glory.
Seraphim: The Light temporarily magnifies your power, increasing your Haste, Critical Strike, Mastery, Multistrike, Versatility, and Bonus Armor from gear by 50% for 15 sec.
Final Verdict: Empowers your weapon with holy energy, and performs a devastating strike, dealing 280% Holy damage.While Seal of Righteousness is active, Final Verdict will also deal 50% as much damage to all other enemies near the target.Replaces Templar’s Verdict.
Seraphim: The Light temporarily magnifies your power, increasing your Haste, Critical Strike, Mastery, Multistrike, Versatility, and Bonus Armor from gear by 50% for 15 sec.
Holy Wrath: Sends bolts of power in all directions, causing (300% of Spell power) Holy damage divided among all enemies within 10 yards, stunning Demons and Undead for 3 sec.
- Glyph of Purification: Purify now has a maximum of 2 charges, but its cooldown is increased by 0.001 sec.
Instant Poison:
- New name : Swift Poison
- Replaces your Deadly Poison with Instant Poison.Instant PoisonCoats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 1 hour. Each strike has a 30% chance of instantly poisoning the enemy for (26.4% of Attack power) Nature damage.
Primal Elementalist: Your Earth, Storm and Fire Elemental Totems draw forth primal elementals 80% more powerful than regular elementals, with additional abilities, and acting directly under your control.
Condensation Totem:
- New name : Cloudburst Totem
- Summons a Water Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 15 sec that collects power from all healing.When the Cloudburst Totem is destroyed, replaced, or expires, the stored power is released, healing all injured allies for a total of 0% of all healing done while it was active, split evenly between them.
Talents and Specialization
Grimoire of Synergy: When you or your demon deal damage, there is a chance to trigger Demonic Synergy, granting the other one 15% increased damage for 15 sec.
Burning Rush: Reworded for clarity.
Grimoire of Sacrifice: Sacrifice your demon to gain one of its abilities, increase the damage of yourDrain Soul, Haunt, and Drain Life by 20%. Does not apply to spells affected by Fire and Brimstone.Also causes you to regenerate 2% of maximum health every 8 sec.Lasts 1 hour or until you summon a demon.
Demonbolt: Launch of ball of demonic energy at the target, dealing (200% of Spell power) Chaos damage.Each Demonbolt increases the cost of further Demonbolts by 50% for 1 min (reduced by Haste), stacking up to 10 times.
Grimoire of Sacrifice: Sacrifice your demon to gain one of its abilities, increase the damage of your Incinerate, Chaos Bolt, and Shadowburn by 20%. Does not apply to spells affected by Fire and Brimstone.Also causes you to regenerate 2% of maximum health every 8 sec.Lasts 1 hour or until you summon a demon.
Improved Molten Core: Molten Core reduces the cast time and mana cost of Soul Fire by an additional 10%.
Talents and Specialization
Anger Management: Every 30 rage that you spend reduces the remaining cooldown of several of your abilities by 1 sec:Avatar, Bloodbath, Bladestorm, Storm Bolt, Shockwave, Dragon Roar, Mocking Banner, Heroic Leap, Shield Wall, Demoralizing Shout, Last Stand, Recklessness, Die by the Sword
Ignite Weapon: Ignite your weapon and deal 65% weapon damage (91% if a one – handed weapon is equipped) as Fire, and cause your auto attacks to deal Fire damage for 10 sec. This ability is not on the global cooldown.
Ignite Weapon: Ignite your weapon and deal 65% Physical damage (increased 40% if a one – handed weapon is equipped) as Fire, and cause your auto attacks to deal Fire damage for 10 sec. This ability is not on the global cooldown.
Execute: Attempt to finish off a foe, causing 150% Physical damage to the target, and consuming up to 30 additional Rage to deal up to 750% additional damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health.
Mortal Strike: Costs 20 rage, down from 30
Thunder Clap: Blasts all enemies within 8 yards for (70% of Attack power) damage and reduces their movement speed by 50% for 6 sec.
Whirlwind: Costs 20 rage, down from 30
Wild Strike: A quick strike with your off-hand weapon that deals 150% Physical damage and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target for 10 sec. Bloodthirst has a 20% chance of granting 3 charges of Wild Strike that cost no Rage.
Enrage: Shield Slam and Devasate critical strikes, critical blocks, and activating Berserker Rage will Enrage you, generating 10 Rage and increasing damage done by 10% for 6 sec.
Thunder Clap: Blasts all enemies within 8 yards for (70% of Attack power) damage and reduces their movement speed by 50% for 6 sec.