Patch 8.1.5: Das Schicksal von Baine und Derek Prachtmeer

(Spoiler) In dem vermutlich in der nächsten oder übernächsten Woche auf den Liveservern von World of Warcraft freigeschalteten nächsten Abschnitt der Kriegskampagne wird Sylvanas Windläufer den in einem Schiffswrack gefundenen Körper von Derek Prachtmeer wiederbeleben und ihn in einen der Verlassenen verwandeln. Dabei stellt sie dem wiederbelebten Derek allerdings nicht wie üblich dei Freiheit eines Verlassenen zur Verfügung, sondern sie möchte seinen Geist brechen, ihn manipulieren und als programmierten Attentäter zu seiner Familie zurückschicken. Da solch eine Tat für moralisch gute Charakter ziemlich schrecklich findet, protestiert zumindest Baine Bluthuf sehr stark gegen diesen Plan und macht im Gespräch mit dem Spieler sogar Andeutungen auf mögliche Pläne seinerseits. Der gestern Abend auf den PTR von Patch 8.1.5 aufgespielte Build 28938 beinhaltete nun interessanterweise einige der Dialoge für das nächste Kapitel der Kriegskampagne, die unter anderem offenbaren, wie die Geschichte rund um Derek Prachtmeer fortgesetzt wird und was für Pläne Baine eigentlich schmiedet.
Durch die in den Spieldaten von Patch 8.1.5 gefundenen Informationen erfahren neugierige Spieler schon jetzt, dass Derek scheinbar aus der Gefangenschaft entkommen ist und sich mit Jaina und seiner restlichen Familie vereinen konnte. Bei seiner Flucht halfen ihm Baine und der ebenfalls in BfA als Verlassener wiederbelebte Zelling, die scheinbar solch einer ehrlosen Tat nicht einfach so zuschauen konnten. Als Strafe für seinen Verrat wird Baine erst einmal von den Streitkräften von Sylvans festgenommen und muss in der nahen Zukunft wohl mit weiteren Konsequenzen rechnen. Im Verlauf dieser nur grob zusammengefassten Ereignisse dürfen die Spieler interessanterweise auch wieder eine eigene Entscheidung treffen. Sie dürfen nämlich darüber entscheiden, ob sie Baines Plan komplett unterstützen und das Geheimnis bewahren oder ob sie den Plan von Baine direkt an Sylvanas weiterleiten. Wer sich für die zweite Wahl entscheidet, der soll im Auftrag von Sylvanas vorerst weiterhin bei Baine bleiben und sich weiterhin aktiv an dem Verrat beteiligen. Da das Ganze dann selbstverständlich auf Befehl des Kriegshäuptlings passiert, droht den Spielern keine Strafe.
Das wirklich Interessante an diesen Ereignissen ist allerdings, dass der Plan von Sylvanas von Anfang an beinhaltete Derek Prachtmeer zu seiner Familie zurückzubringen. Die Frage ist jetzt halt nur, ob Baine und Zelling den Bruder von Jaina aus der Gefangenschaft befreien konnten, bevor Sylvanas ihn brechen und einer Gehirnwäsche unterziehen konnte. Da Sylvanas nicht davor zurückschreckt jede Situation zu ergreifen und selbst Verbündete für ihren eigenen Vorteil opfern könnte sie durch diese Situation also sowohl ihren Plan erfüllen als auch den häufig gegen sie sprechenden Baine loswerden. Welche Möglichkeit tatsächlich wahr ist und was für Konsequenzen das Ganze für Baine haben wird, erfahren wir vermutlich erst in zukünftigen Kapiteln der Kriegskampagne.
(Hinweis: Die Informationen in diesem Artikel stammen alle aus einer frühen Testphase und könnten sich vor dem Release von Patch 8.1.5 noch einmal ändern.)
Die Dialoge aus Patch 8.1.5:
She must meet us at Theramore, or our efforts will be for nothing.
The Swift Vengeance is anchored just outside the harbor. Zelling will take us there.
Revered tides, carry us swiftly and silently to our quarry.
This is it. Zelling, wait here while we clear the deck.
$n, use the grappling hook to board the ship. I will follow behind you.
The ship’s crew is fanatically loyal to Sylvanas. They will not take our trespass lightly.
Though it pains me, we may need to shed some blood this day.
Be on your guard. This is sure to alert everyone inside.
Well, that’s another way to do it…
Proudmoore is likely being held belowdecks. Be swift.
Over here! He is unconscious, but still alive…
At least… as close to it as undeath can be.
Hmm. This is quite an intricate lock. We may have a problem.
That took longer than expected. I was concerned you had been caught.
There were… complications… but we are ready to depart.
Then let’s not waste any more time. $C?
Seaward winds, fill our sails! Guide our ship through oceans true!
Do you have something to report, $n?
„So Bloodhoof wishes to act in shadow? We must know what he is planning.
Go along with his little task, $n. You are under my protection, so do not worry if you need to get your hands dirty to keep up the ruse.
Just do whatever he asks of you and return to me with your findings.“
Baine Bloodhoof has requested that I help him with a secret task.
Nevermind. <Don’t report Baine’s request.>
I knew Ashvane was treacherous, but siding with the Horde is a new low.
Ambition has a way of twisting… wait. We are not alone.
Show yourself!
Not bad, Shaw.
Everyone, stand down! Explain why you’re here, Valeera. Now.
I have a message for the Lord Admiral.
Can we trust her?
King Varian did.
I see. Then I will hear what she has to say.
Let’s hear this message of yours.
Baine Bloodhoof seeks to right a wrong done to your family. He asks to meet with you in secret… off the coast of Theramore.
After all that the Horde has done, you have the audacity to–
The Banshee Queen has eyes everywhere. Theramore is one of the few places she is not watching.
Baine is going behind the Banshee’s back. That’s why he’s suggesting Theramore. Not to offend you, but for secrecy.
She has a point. Can you think of anywhere less likely to be under Horde surveillance?
No… I suppose not.
Lady Jaina, Valeera was one of King Varian’s closest friends. If she says Baine seeks this meeting in defiance of Sylvanas, then I believe her.
You may not trust me, Lord Admiral, but King Anduin will vouch for both me and the chieftain.
If you can’t take me at my word, go to Stormwind and ask Anduin to vouch for me. But we don’t have much time, Lady Jaina.
I trust Master Shaw, and I trust Anduin. That will have to do. Tell Baine that I agree to the meeting… but I am not going alone.
„Funny how we keep meeting under dire circumstances, $n.
Think you can convince Lady Proudmoore I’m not out to kill her? She really is going to want to hear this.“
I do what I can, Champion, as we all must.“
„<Jaina’s gaze remains on the ruins of Theramore as you approach her>
So much was lost here.“
„Why would all the leaders be summoned all the way out here?
Something big must be happening.“
„This is an odd place to call a council.
I wonder what’s going on?“
„It’s a big risk gathering so many of our leaders right in the middle of Alliance territory.
What is Sylvanas trying to prove?“
„The Dark Lady’s got stones for holding this meeting right under the Alliance’s nose.
Talk about a power play!“
No, I don’t have a stupid ticket. What are you going to do about it?
„I’m on the special guest list.
Just ask Gallywix, he’ll vouch for me.“
„Are you kidding? At the prices these goblins are charging?
Talk about highway robbery!“
Here it is. Paid a hefty sum for it, too.
We are deep in enemy territory, Baine. Why would Sylvanas gather the Horde’s leadership here?
I suspect that she intends to make a show of force. But for whom, I cannot say.
Take caution, Zelling. The Banshee Queen is plotting something…
<Spy on the Horde gathering.>
That was ruthless, even by the Banshee’s standards.
She did this to send a message to the rest of the Horde: Dissent will not be tolerated.
Report our findings to the Lord Admiral. I’ll make my way back on my own.
I have troubling news. It seems there are traitors in our midst.
Most of you need fear nothing.
Most of you need fear nothing.
But Derek Proudmoore didn’t flee to Kul Tiras by himself. He had help. Didn’t he…
… Zelling?
Stop! … I returned Derek Proudmoore to his family.
I could not stand by and permit such depravity to unfold.
You raised him as a Forsaken. But you planned to deny him his free will. To violate his mind.
Thank you for your honesty.
Banshee! Are we nothing more than pawns in your game? You betray the Horde!
No. He did. And so did you.
Take him.
Other will see you for what you are, Sylvanas. You will leave the Horde in ruins!
There is no place for weakness in our ranks.
Remember your loyalties.
Baine showed compassion and honor by returning Derek to us. I fear that choice may cost him his life.
For years I pitied Sylvanas for what Arthas did to her. But nothing remains of the hero she was. Perhaps now the Horde will see that, too.
To have any hope of ending this war, we must end her.
Jaina… I can hardly believe it’s you. When I set sail, you were a child. And now… Lord Admiral.
So much has changed, Derek. I… There’s something I must tell you–
I know about father. The Horde spewed lies to poison me against you. But Baine explained the truth of what happened.
You, mother, and Tandred all endured so much. I’m pleased you have each other again, but… where does my path lead?
I don’t know. But we will find the answer together.
I can’t come home… can I.
No. Not yet. But I know others who have been through this. I believe they can help you.
Will you come with me, Jaina? I… I don’t know if I can do this alone.
Of course, Derek. No matter the storm, we will face it… as family.
The bottom of the sea was dark and cold… but at least it was quiet.
I will make the most of this curse.
Sometimes, I truly miss being dead. Completely dead, I mean.