Battle for Azeroth: Der neue Build 26522

Zur Überraschung ihrer Community spielten die Entwickler von World of Warcraft im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht den brandneuen Build 26522 auf die Testserver der seit einigen Tagen laufenden geschlossenen Beta von Battle for Azeroth auf, der diese auch weiterhin nur ausgewählten Testern offenstehende Testphase selbstverständlich auch dieses Mal wieder um eine Reihe von kompletten Neuerungen und Anpassungen an bestehenden Inhalten erweiterte. Den Berichten einiger findiger Data Miner zufolge beinhaltete dieses neue Spielversion von World of Warcrafts nächster Erweiterung unter anderem mehrere neue Modelle, die Gegenstände für eine Vielzahl von Reittieren, die üblichen Spielbalanceänderungen, die Reisegestalten für die Druiden aus Kul Tiras und zwei neue Ladebildschirme. Weitere Details zu den Inhalten von Build 26522 findet ihr bei Interesse in der folgenden Übersicht.
Neue Modelle:
Die Reiseform für Druiden aus Kul Tiras:
Neue Ladebildschirme:
Neue Reittiere:
Reins of the Alabaster Hyena
Reins of the Armored Ebony Pterrordax
Reins of the Pearl Admiralty Stallion
Reins of the Storm’s Wake Dapple Gray
Reins of the Waycrest Smoky Black Charger
Nazjatar Blood Serpent
- Monstrous serpents riddled with corruption serve as mounts for N’zoth’s high-ranking lieutenants in the Great Sea.
- Drop: Adherent of the Abyss
- Zone: Stormsong Valley
Reins of the Armored Cobalt Pterrordax
Reins of the Armored Orange Pterrordax
Reins of the Armored Albino Pterrordax
Reins of the Expedition Bloodswarmer
Reins of the Dusky Waycrest Gryphon
Reins of the Stormsong Coastwatcher
Reins of the Proodmoore Sea Scout
- NEW Darkforge Ram
- NEW Dawnforge Ram
Death Knight
- Corpse Exploder Name changed from „Corpse Explosion“ to „Corpse Exploder“.
- Death’s Advance
For 10 secFor 8 sec, your movement speed is increased by 30%, you cannot be slowed below 100% of normal speed,you resist forced movement effects by 80%, and you are immune to externaland you are immune to forced movement effects and knockbacks. Passive: You cannot be slowed below 70% of normal speed. Instant. - Talents
- All Will Serve Your Raise Dead spell summons an additional skeletal minion,
and its cooldown is removed.Unholy Death Knight – Level 56 Talent. - Bursting Sores Festering Wounds deal
50%25% more damage when burst, and all enemies within 8 yds of a burst Festering Wound suffer[ 14.74%[ 20% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage. Unholy Death Knight – Level56 Talent.58 Talent. - Clawing Shadows
Deals [ 27.08%Deals [ 30% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and causes 1 Festering Wound to burst. Requires Melee Weapon. Unholy Death Knight – Level5856 Talent. 1 Runes. 30 yd range. Instant. - Corpse Explosion (New) Ghouls summoned by your Army of the Dead and Apocalypse explode when they die, dealing [ 35% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to nearby enemies. Unholy Death Knight – Level 90 Talent.
- Dark Infusion Name changed from „Shadow Infusion“ to „Dark Infusion“.
While your abomination is not transformed, Death Coil will alsoDark Transformation lasts 5 sec longer. Death Coil and Epidemic reduce the remaining cooldown of Dark Transformation by7an additional 3 sec. Unholy Death Knight – Level90 Talent.100 Talent. - Death Pact
Heals the Death Knight for 50% of max health, andCreate a death pact that heals you for 50% of your maximum health, but absorbs incoming healing equal to25% of30% of your max health for 15 sec.Instant.Unholy Death Knight – Level 75 Talent. Instant. - Death’s Reach (New) Increases the range of Death Grip by 5 yds. Killingl an enemy that yields experience or honor reset the cooldown of Death Grip. Unholy Death Knight – Level 60 Talent.
- Defile Defile the targeted ground, dealing
[ 100.9% of Attack Power ] Shadowfrost[ 88% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies over 10 sec. Every 1 sec, if any enemies are standing in the Defile, it grows in size and increases your Mastery by 0, stacking up to 10 times. While you remain within your Defile, your Clawing Shadows will hit all enemies near the target.Unholy Death Knight – Level 100If any enemies are standing in the Defile, it grows in size every sec. Unholy Death Knight – Level 90 Talent. 1 Runes. 30 yd range. Instant. - Ebon Fever Virulent Plague deals
20%15% more damage over time in half the duration. Unholy Death Knight – Level56 Talent.58 Talent. - Epidemic Causes each of your Virulent Plagues
within 100 yds to flare up, dealing [ 16.38%to flare up, dealing [ 20% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to the infected enemy, and an additional[ 3.44%[ 8% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all other enemies near them.3 charges.Limited to 20 targets. Unholy Death Knight – Level57 Talent. 1 Runes. Instant. 10 sec recharge. 3 charges.90 Talent. 30 Runic Power. Instant. - Inevitable Doom (New) Sudden Doom now triggers 15% more often and stacks up to 2 times. Unholy Death Knight – Level 57 Talent.
- Infected Claws
Your abomination’s CleaverYour ghoul’s Claw attack has a 35% chance to cause a Festering Wound on the target. Unholy Death Knight – Level90 Talent.56 Talent. - Ossuary Your Bone Shield stores up to an additional 5 charges. Your maximum Runic Power is increased by 25. Blood Death Knight – Level 75 Talent.
- Pestilent Pustules
Every 8 Festering Wounds you burst, you gain 1 RuneBursting a Festering Wound has a 10% chance to grant you Runic Corruption. Unholy Death Knight – Level 57 Talent. - Soul Reaper Strike an enemy’s soul
for (126% of weapon damage) Shadow damage, afflicting them with Soul Reaper for 5 sec. Bursting a Festering Wound on an enemy afflicted by Soul Reaper grants 7% Haste for 15 sec, stacking up to 3 timesdealing dmg Shadow damage over 6 sec. If the enemy dies while afflicted by Soul Reaper, gain 10% Haste for 8 sec. Generates 1 Rune. Requires Melee Weapon. Unholy Death Knight – Level100 Talent. 1 Runes. Melee range. Instant.57 Talent. Melee range. Instant. - Spell Eater
Your Anti-Magic Shell is 20% largerAnti-Magic Shell absorbs 30% more magic damage and lasts 5 sec longer. Unholy Death Knight – Level 75 Talent. - Summon Gargoyle
A Gargoyle flies into the area and bombards the target for 40 sec. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. 30 yd range. Instant.Summon a Gargoyle into the area to bombard the target for 30 sec. The Gargoyle gains 1% increased damage for every 2 Runic Power you spend. Unholy Death Knight – Level 100 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. - Unholy Frenzy Name changed from „Unholy Frenzy“ to „Unholy Frenzy“.
When a Festering Wound bursts, you gain 40% increased attack speed for 2.5 sec. Unholy Death Knight – Level 58 Talent.Incites you into a killing frenzy for 12 sec, increasing Haste by 20% and causing your auto attacks to infect the target with a Festering Wound. Unholy Death Knight – Level 100 Talent. Instant. - Unholy Blight
Surrounds the Death KnightSurrounds yourself with a vile swarm ofunholy insects for 10 sec, stinging all enemies within 10 yards, infecting them with Blood Plague and Frost Fever. Instant.insects for 6 sec, stinging all nearby enemies and infecting them with an unholy disease that deals [ 100% of Attack Power ] damage over 15 sec. Unholy Death Knight – Level 58 Talent. 1 Runes. Instant. - Wraith Walk Sidestep into the Shadowlands, removing all root effects and increasing your movement speed by 70% for
3 sec. Any action will cancel4 sec. Taking any action cancels the effect. While active, your movement speed cannot be reduced below 170%.3 sec cast (Channeled).Blood Death Knight – Level 60 Talent. 4 sec cast (Channeled).
- All Will Serve Your Raise Dead spell summons an additional skeletal minion,
- Blood
- Blood Death Knight Increases damage/healing by 29%: Avalanche, Blood Boil, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption, Corpse Explosion, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Death’s Caress, Defile, Epidemic, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Heart Strike, Heartbreaker, Inexorable Assault, Marrowrend, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Soul Reaper Unholy Blight Increases periodic damage/healing by 29%: Avalanche, Blood Boil, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption, Corpse Explosion, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Death’s Caress, Defile, Epidemic, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Heart Strike, Heartbreaker, Inexorable Assault, Marrowrend, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Soul Reaper Unholy Blight Increases damage/healing by 80%: Consumption and Death Strike Death Knight – Blood Spec.
- Marrowrend Smash the target, dealing [ 37.56% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and generating 3 charges of Bone Shield. [ability_deathknight_boneshield] Bone Shield Surrounds you with a barrier of whirling bones, increasing Armor by
40% of your Strength[ 40% of Strength , and your Haste by 10%. Each melee attack against you consumes a charge. Lasts 30 sec or until all charges are consumed. Requires Melee Weapon. Death Knight – Blood Spec. 2 Runes. Melee range. Instant.
- Frost
- Frost Death Knight Increases damage/healing by 28%: Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption, Corpse Explosion, Crystalline Swords, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frost Strike, Frost Strike Off-Hand, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse, Frozen Soul, Glacial Advance, Heartbreaker, Howling Blast, Hypothermia, Inexorable Assault, Obliterate, Obliterate Off-Hand, Remorseless Winter, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sindragosa’s Fury, Soul Reaper, Thronebreaker Unholy Blight Increases periodic damage/healing by 28%: Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption, Corpse Explosion, Crystalline Swords, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frost Strike, Frost Strike Off-Hand, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse, Frozen Soul, Glacial Advance, Heartbreaker, Howling Blast, Hypothermia, Inexorable Assault, Obliterate, Obliterate Off-Hand, Remorseless Winter, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sindragosa’s Fury, Soul Reaper, Thronebreaker
Death Knight – Frost Spec.Unholy Blight Death Knight – Frost Spec.
- Frost Death Knight Increases damage/healing by 28%: Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption, Corpse Explosion, Crystalline Swords, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frost Strike, Frost Strike Off-Hand, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse, Frozen Soul, Glacial Advance, Heartbreaker, Howling Blast, Hypothermia, Inexorable Assault, Obliterate, Obliterate Off-Hand, Remorseless Winter, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sindragosa’s Fury, Soul Reaper, Thronebreaker Unholy Blight Increases periodic damage/healing by 28%: Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption, Corpse Explosion, Crystalline Swords, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frost Strike, Frost Strike Off-Hand, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse, Frozen Soul, Glacial Advance, Heartbreaker, Howling Blast, Hypothermia, Inexorable Assault, Obliterate, Obliterate Off-Hand, Remorseless Winter, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sindragosa’s Fury, Soul Reaper, Thronebreaker
- Frost & Unholy
- Dark Succor When you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor, your next Death Strike within 20 sec is free and
its healing is increased by 100%heals for 100% more. Death Knight – Frost & Unholy Spec.
- Dark Succor When you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor, your next Death Strike within 20 sec is free and
- Pets
- Claw Claw the enemy, dealing
[ 11.14% of Attack Power ]% of normal melee[ 30% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Can be cast in Ghoul. 40 Energy. Melee range. Instant. - Claw Claw the enemy, dealing
[ 11.14% of Attack Power ]% of normal melee[ 30% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Can be cast in Ghoul. 40 Energy. Melee range. Instant. - Monstrous Blow Strike an enemy with a smashing attack, dealing [ 11.14% of Attack
Power ]% of normal meleePower ] Physical damage and stunning for 2 sec. Can be cast in Ghoul. Melee range. Instant. - Sweeping Claws Rakes an enemy with deformed claws, dealing
80% of normal damage as Shadowsweepingclaw Shadow damage to the target and nearby enemies. Can be cast in Ghoul. 40 Energy. Melee range. Instant.
- Claw Claw the enemy, dealing
- Unholy
- Apocalypse (New) Bring doom upon the enemy, dealing [ 40% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and bursting up to 4 Festering Wounds on the target. Summons an Army of the Dead ghoul for 15 sec for each burst Festering Wound. Requires Melee Weapon. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. Melee range. Instant.
- Army of the Dead Summons a legion of Ghouls
over 4 sec who will fight for you for 40 sec, swarming the area, fighting anything they canwho swarms your enemies, fighting anything they can for 30 sec. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. 3 Runes. Instant. - Dark Transformation Transform your
abominationghoul into a powerful undead monstrosity for20 sec. The abomination’s15 sec. The ghoul’s abilities are empowered and take on new functions while the transformation is active. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Death Coil Fires a blast of unholy energy at the target, causing [ 36.46% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to an enemy
and restoring 10 Energy to your abomination. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. 45Reduces the cooldown of Dark Transformation by 1 sec. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. 40 Runic Power. 30 yd range. Instant. - Festering Strike
DealsStrikes for [ 101.09% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and infects the target with3 to 32-2 Festering Wounds. [spell_yorsahj_bloodboil_purpleoil] Festering Wound A pustulent lesion that will burst on death or when damaged by Scourge Strike, dealing [ 17.36% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and generating 3 Runic Power. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. 2 Runes. Melee range. Instant. - Festering Wound Festering Strike applies A pustulent lesion that will burst on death or when damaged by Scourge Strike, dealing [ 17.36% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and generating 3 Runic Power.
Death Knight – Unholy Spec.Stacks up to 6 times on any target. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. - Outbreak Deals [ 8.19% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and surrounds the target in a miasma
lasting for 6 sec that causes the target and all nearby enemies to be infectedfor 6 sec that infects nearby enemies with Virulent Plague. [ability_creature_disease_02] Virulent Plague A disease that deals [ 51.6% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 21 sec. It erupts when the infected target dies, dealing [ 17.36% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage divided among nearby enemies, and has a 30% chance to erupt each time it deals damage. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. 1 Runes. 30 yd range. Instant. - Raise Dead
Raises an abominationRaises a ghoul to fight by your side. You can have a maximum of oneabominationghoul at a time. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. 30 yd range. Instant. - Unholy Death Knight
Increases damage/healing by 5%: Apocalypse, Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Festering Strike, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Heartbreaker, Inexorable Assault, Outbreak, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Scourge Strike, Soul Reaper Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Apocalypse, Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Festering Strike, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Heartbreaker, Inexorable Assault, Outbreak, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Scourge Strike, Soul Reaper Death Knight – Unholy Spec.Death Knight – Unholy Spec.
Demon Hunter
- Chaos Brand (Havoc)
(Duration reduced to 1 min against players) - Chaos Brand (Vengeance)
(Duration reduced to 1 min against players) - Chaos Brand
(Duration reduced to 1 min against players) - Talents
- Soul Barrier Shield yourself for 12 sec, absorbing
[ 1% of Attack Power * Percent HealthbaseAbsorb;] damage. Consumes all Soul Fragments within 25 yds to add[ 120% of Attack Power * Percent HealthfragmentAbsorb;] to the shield per fragment. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 110 Talent. Instant.
- Soul Barrier Shield yourself for 12 sec, absorbing
- Vengeance
- Demon Spikes Surge with fel power, increasing your Armor by
100% of yourAgility, and your Parry chance by 15%, for 6 sec. 2 charges. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. Instant. 20 sec recharge. 2 charges.
- Demon Spikes Surge with fel power, increasing your Armor by
- Aquatic Form (New) Your Travel Form increases your swimspeed by 100% and allows you to breathe underwater.
- Flight Form (New) Your Travel Form allows you to fly and increases your movement speed by 150%. Requires Riding to be trained.
- Shred (Balance, Guardian, Restoration)
Awards 0 combo points. - Shred (Feral)
Awards 0 combo points. - Talents
- Photosynthesis While your Lifebloom is on yourself, your Rejuvenations heal
20%30% faster. While your Lifebloom is on an ally, your periodic heals on them have a5%4% chance to cause it to bloom. Restoration Druid – Level 100 Talent.
- Photosynthesis While your Lifebloom is on yourself, your Rejuvenations heal
- Guardian
- Ironfur Increases armor by
70% of your Agility[ 70% of Agility for 7 sec. Multiple uses of this ability may overlap. Requires Bear Form. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Druid – Guardian Spec. 45 Rage. Instant.
- Ironfur Increases armor by
- Minor Glyphs
- Glyph of the Dolphin (New) Your Aquatic Form now appears as a Dolphin. Minor Glyph. 1.5 sec cast.
- Glyph of the Dolphin (New) Your Aquatic Form now appears as a Dolphin. Minor Glyph.
- Glyph of the Humble Flyer (New) Your Swift Flight Travel Form appears as your more humble racial flyer. Minor Glyph.
- Glyph of the Tideskipper (New) Your Aquatic Form now appears as a Tideskipper Dolphin. Minor Glyph.
- Glyph of the Tideskipper (New) Your Aquatic Form now appears as a Tideskipper Dolphin. Minor Glyph. 1.5 sec cast.
- Humble Flyer (New) Your Swift Flight Travel Form appears as your more humble racial flyer. Minor Glyph. 1.5 sec cast.
- Disengage Disengage’s cooldown is reduced by 10 sec.
Hunter – Beast Mastery & Marksmanship Spec.Rank 2.
- Talents
- Slipstream Clearcasting allows Arcane Missiles to be channeled while moving
, andEvocation can be channeled while moving. Arcane Mage – Level 30 Talent.
- Slipstream Clearcasting allows Arcane Missiles to be channeled while moving
- Arcane
- Mastery: Savant Increases your Mana regeneration rate and maximum Mana by [ 120% of Spell Power ]%. Arcane Charges increase the damage of
affected spellsArcane Blast by an additional [ 60% of Spell Power ]%.Mage – Arcane Spec.and Arcane Barrage by [ 30% of Spell Power ]%. Mage – Arcane Spec.
- Mastery: Savant Increases your Mana regeneration rate and maximum Mana by [ 120% of Spell Power ]%. Arcane Charges increase the damage of
- Frost
- Mastery: Icicles
When you cast Frostbolt or Flurry, you gain an Icicle for 60 secCasting Frostbolt or Flurry grants you an Icicle. Casting Ice Lance causes all Icicles stored to begin launching at the target, each dealing [ 0.1% of Spell Power ] Frost damage. Up to 5 Icicles can be stored. Any excess Icicles gained will be automatically launched.Mage – Frost Spec.Increases the damage of Frozen Orb by [ 205.3% of Spell Power ]%. Mage – Frost Spec. - Polymorph Transforms the enemy into a sheep, wandering around incapacitated for 60 sec. While affected, the victim cannot take actions but will regenerate health very quickly. Damage will cancel the effect. Limit 1. Only works on Beasts, Humanoids and Critters. Limited to 1 target.
SheepMage – Frost Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. 1.7 sec cast.
- Mastery: Icicles
- Breath of Fire Breathe fire on targets in front of you, causing
[ 2 + 23.75%[ 23.75% of Attack Power ] Fire damage. Targets affected by Keg Smash will also burn, taking [ 19.66% of Attack Power ] Fire damage and dealing 5% reduced damage to you for 12 sec. Unlimited range. Instant. - Mystic Touch Your damage weakens the target, increasing Physical damage taken by 5%. (
Duration reduced to 1 min against players) - Renewing Mist Surrounds the target with healing mists, restoring [ 175% of Spell Power ] health over 20 sec. If Renewing Mist heals a target past maximum health, it will travel to another injured ally within
range20 yds. Each time Renewing Mist heals, it has a 4% chance to increase the healing of your next Vivify by 40%. Unlimited range. Instant. - Talents
- Celerity Reduces the cooldown of
Chi TorpedoRoll by 5 sec and increases its maximum number of charges by 1. Monk – Level 30 Talent. - Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane Summons an effigy of Chi-Ji, the Red Crane for
4525 sec. Chi-Ji heals nearby allies with Crane Heal for[ 30%[ 45% of Attack Power ]. Mistweaver Monk – Level 90 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Ring of Peace Form a Ring of Peace at the target location for
85 sec. Enemies that enter will be ejected from the Ring. Monk – Level 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. - Upwelling Name changed from „Essence Well“ to „Upwelling“.
- Celerity Reduces the cooldown of
- Brewmaster
- Breath of Fire Breathe fire on targets in front of you, causing
[ 2 + 23.75%[ 23.75% of Attack Power ] Fire damage. Targets affected by Keg Smash will also burn, taking [ 19.66% of Attack Power ] Fire damage and dealing 5% reduced damage to you for 12 sec. Monk – Brewmaster Spec. Instant.
- Breath of Fire Breathe fire on targets in front of you, causing
- Mistweaver
- Enveloping Mist Wraps the target in healing mists, healing for [ 247.5% of Spell Power ] over 6 sec, and increasing healing received from your other spells by 0%. Monk – Mistweaver Spec. 5.2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range.
Instant.2 sec cast. - Renewing Mist Surrounds the target with healing mists, restoring [ 175% of Spell Power ] health over 20 sec. If Renewing Mist heals a target past maximum health, it will travel to another injured ally within
range20 yds. Each time Renewing Mist heals, it has a 4% chance to increase the healing of your next Vivify by 40%. Monk – Mistweaver Spec. 3% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Enveloping Mist Wraps the target in healing mists, healing for [ 247.5% of Spell Power ] over 6 sec, and increasing healing received from your other spells by 0%. Monk – Mistweaver Spec. 5.2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range.
- Avenging Wrath
Increases the damage, healing, and critical chance of your abilitiesCall upon the Light to become an avatar of retribution, increasing your damage, healing, and critical strike chance by 20% for 20 sec. Instant. - Beacon of Light
Places a Beacon of Light on a friendly targetWrap a single ally in holy energy, causing. Your heals on other party or raid memberswill also heal the Beacon of Light target for up toto also heal that ally for 40% of the amount healed.Your Flash of Light and Holy Light on the Beacon of Light target will also refund 20% of their Mana cost. 60 yd range. Instant.Targeting this ally directly with Flash of Light or Holy Light also refunds 20% of Mana spent on those heals. 60 yd range. Instant. - Blessing of Freedom (Normal)
Places a blessing onBlesses a party or raid member, granting immunity to movement impairingand forced movement effects for 8 sec.effects for 8 sec. - Blessing of Freedom (Unbound Freedom)
Places a blessing onBlesses a party or raid member, granting immunity to movement impairingand forced movementeffects and increasing movement speed by 30% for 8 sec. - Blessing of Freedom
4525 sec recharge. - Blessing of Protection
Places a blessing onBlesses a party or raid member,protecting them from all physical attacksgranting immunity to Physical damage and harmful effects for 10 sec. Cannot be used on a target with Forbearance. Causes Forbearance for 30 sec. 1 charge. 15% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 5 min recharge. 1 charge. - Divine Shield
Protects you from all damage and spellsGrants immunity to all damage and harmful effects for 8 sec. Cannot be used if you have Forbearance. Causes Forbearance for 30 sec. Instant. - Divine Steed
Summons your Holy mount to rideLeap atop your Charger for 3 sec, increasing movement speed by 100%. Usable while indoors or in combat. 1 charge. Instant. 60 sec recharge. 1 charge. - Flash of Light
A quick spell, healingExpends a large amount of mana to quickly heal a friendly target for [ 120% of Spell Power ].18%20% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Hand of Reckoning
Taunts the target to attack you, and increases threat that you generate against the target for 3 secCommands the attention of an enemy target, forcing them to attack you. 1 charge. 3% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. 8 sec recharge. 1 charge. - Heart of the Crusader
Increases your mounted speed by 20%You move 20% faster while mounted. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects. - Holy Prism A beam of light turns the target into a Holy Prism. An enemy target takes
[ 2 + 75%[ 75% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and radiates [ 50% of Spell Power ] healing to 5 nearby allies within 15 yards. A friendly target is healed for [ 100% of Spell Power ] and radiates [ 45% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to 5 nearby enemies within 15 yards. 40 yd range. Instant. - Holy Prism A beam of light turns the target into a Holy Prism. An enemy target takes
[ 2 + 75%[ 75% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and radiates [ 50% of Spell Power ] healing to 5 nearby allies within 15 yards. A friendly target is healed for [ 100% of Spell Power ] and radiates [ 45% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to 5 nearby enemies within 15 yards. 40 yd range. Instant. - Light’s Hammer Hurls a Light-infused hammer into the ground, where it blasts a 10 yard radius every 2 sec for 14 sec. Each blast deals
[ 2 + 20.5%[ 20.5% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies and heals up to 6 allies for [ 12.5% of Spell Power ]. 100 yd range. Instant. - Talents
- Consecration Consecrates the land beneath you, causing totaldmg Holy damage over 6 sec to enemies who enter the area. Generates
01 Holy Power. Retribution Paladin – Level 60 Talent. Instant. 20 sec cooldown. - Divine Judgment Each enemy hit by
your Holy Power spendersan ability that consumes Holy Power increases the damage of your next Judgment by 15%, stacking up to 15 times. Retribution Paladin – Level 60 Talent. - Divine Purpose
Your Holy Power spending abilitiesYour abilities that consume Holy Power have a 20% chance to make your nextHoly Power spending abilityability that consumes Holy Power free. Retribution Paladin – Level 100 Talent. - Execution Sentence
Deliver an execution sentenceCalls down the Light’s punishment upon an enemy target, dealing [ 120% of Attack Power ] Holy damage.Your Holy damage done against the target is increasedand increasing the target’s Holy damage taken from your attacks by 20% for 12 sec. Retribution Paladin – Level 15 Talent. 3 Holy Power. 20 yd range. Instant. - Eye for an Eye
Reduces Physical damage you take by 35%, and instantly counterattacks any enemy that strikes you in melee combat forSurround yourself with a bladed bulwark, reducing Physical damage taken by 35% and dealing [ 35.3% of Attack Power ] Physical damage.Laststo any melee attackers for 10 sec. Retribution Paladin – Level 75 Talent. Instant. - Fires of Justice
Reduces the cooldown of Crusader Strike by reduction sec and gives it a 15% chance to reduce the cost of your next Holy Power spender by 1Your Crusader Strike’s cooldown is reduced by reduction sec and Crusader Strike has a 15% chance to make your next ability consume 1 less Holy Power. Retribution Paladin – Level 30 Talent. - Hammer of Wrath Hurls a
magicaldivine hammer that strikes an enemy for [ 80% of Attack Power ] Holy damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health orduringwhile you are empowered by Crusade. Generates 1 Holy Power. Retribution Paladin – Level 30 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. - Holy Prism A beam of light turns the target into a Holy Prism. An enemy target takes
[ 2 + 75%[ 75% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and radiates [ 50% of Spell Power ] healing to 5 nearby allies within 15 yards. A friendly target is healed for [ 100% of Spell Power ] and radiates [ 45% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to 5 nearby enemies within 15 yards. Holy Paladin – Level 75 Talent. 17% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Justicar’s Vengeance
AFocuses Holy energy to deliver a powerful weapon strike that deals 0 Holy damage and restores health equal to the damage done.Deals 50% additional damage and healingDamage is increased by 50% when used against a stunned target. Requires Melee Weapon. Retribution Paladin – Level 90 Talent. 5 Holy Power. Melee range. Instant. - Light’s Hammer Hurls a Light-infused hammer into the ground, where it blasts a 10 yard radius every 2 sec for 14 sec. Each blast deals
[ 2 + 20.5%[ 20.5% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies and heals up to 6 allies for [ 12.5% of Spell Power ]. Holy Paladin – Level 15 Talent. 28% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Zeal
Judgment grants youJudging a foe empowers you with holy Zeal, causing your next 3 auto attacks toattackoccur 50% faster and deal an additional [ 10% of Attack Power ] Holy damage. Retribution Paladin – Level 15 Talent.
- Consecration Consecrates the land beneath you, causing totaldmg Holy damage over 6 sec to enemies who enter the area. Generates
- Holy
- Beacon of Light
Places a Beacon of Light on a friendly targetWrap a single ally in holy energy, causing. Your heals on other party or raid memberswill also heal the Beacon of Light target for up toto also heal that ally for 40% of the amount healed.Your Flash of Light and Holy Light on the Beacon of Light target will also refund 20% of their Mana costTargeting this ally directly with Flash of Light or Holy Light also refunds 20% of Mana spent on those heals. Paladin – Holy Spec. 2.5% of Base Mana. 60 yd range. Instant. - Holy Light An efficient spell, healing a friendly target for [ 140% of Spell Power ]. Paladin – Holy Spec.
12%13% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast. - Judgment (New) Judges the target, dealing [ 112.5% of Spell Power ] Holy damage, and causing the target to take 30% increased damage from your next Crusader Strike or Holy Shock. 1 charge. Paladin – Holy Spec. 3% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. 12 sec recharge. 1 charge.
- Light’s Beacon
Places a Beacon of Light on a friendly targetWrap a single ally in holy energy, causing. Your heals on other party or raid memberswill also heal the Beacon of Light target for up toto also heal that ally for 40% of the amount healed.Your Flash of Light and Holy Light on the Beacon of Light target will also refund 20% of their Mana costTargeting this ally directly with Flash of Light or Holy Light also refunds 20% of Mana spent on those heals. Paladin – Holy Spec. 60 yd range. - Mastery: Lightbringer
Proximity to your target causes your spells to heal forIncreases healing done by up to [ 150% of Spell Power ]%more. Paladin – Holy Spec.based on the proximity of your target. Paladin – Holy Spec.
- Beacon of Light
- Holy & Protection
- Blessing of Sacrifice
Places a Blessing onBlesses a party or raid member,transferring 30% of damage taken to you forreducing their damage taken by 30%, but you suffer 100% of damage prevented. Last 12 sec, or until transferred damage would cause you to fall below 20% health. 1 charge. Paladin – Holy & Protection Spec. 7% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 2 min recharge. 1 charge.
- Blessing of Sacrifice
- Protection
- Judgment (New) Judges the target, dealing [ 112.5% of Spell Power ] Holy damage, and reducing the remaining cooldown on Shield of the Righteous by 2 sec, or 4 sec on a critical strike. 1 charge. Paladin – Protection Spec. 3% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. 12 sec recharge. 1 charge.
- Shield of the Righteous Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing [ 42.5% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and increasing your Armor by
150% of your Strength[ 150% of Strength for 5 sec. Requires Shields. 3 charges. Paladin – Protection Spec. Melee range. Instant. 20 sec recharge. 3 charges.
- Retribution
- Blade of Justice
Strikes an enemy with the Blade of JusticePierces an enemy with a blade of light, dealing [ 200% of Attack Power * mult ] Physical damage. Generates 2 Holy Power. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 12 yd range. Instant. - Greater Blessing of Kings Places a
blessing on an ally that grants them an absorption shield. Itpowerful blessing on a single ally for 60 min, granting a shield that absorbs up to shield damage,and will be refreshed to full strength every 6 sec, even if fully consumed. Limit 1every 6 sec. Limited to 1 target. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 30 yd range. Instant. - Greater Blessing of Wisdom Places a
blessing on an ally that causes them to regenerate 1% of maximum health and mana per 10 sec. Limit 1powerful blessing on a single ally for 60 min, restoring 1% of their maximum health and mana every 10 sec. Limited to 1 target. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 30 yd range. Instant. - Hand of Hindrance
Places a Hand on an enemy targetBurdens an enemy target with the weight of their misdeeds, reducing movement speed by 70% for 10 sec. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 10% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. - Judgment
Holy: Judges the target, dealing [ 112.5% of Spell Power ] Holy damage, and causing the target to take 30% increased damage from your next Crusader Strike or Holy Shock. Protection: Judges the target, dealing [ 112.5% of Spell Power ] Holy damage, and reducing the remaining cooldown on Shield of the Righteous by 2 sec, or 4 sec on a critical strike. Retribution:Judges the target, dealing [ 112.5% of Spell Power ] Holy damage, and causing them to take15% increased damage taken from your next Holy Power spender25% increased damage from your next ability that costs Holy Power. Generates 1 Holy Power. 1 charge. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 3% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. 12 sec recharge. 1 charge. - Judgment
Judgment increases damage taken from your Holy Power spenders by 10% for 15 sec. Paladin – Retribution Spec.Judgment causes the target to take 25% increased damage from your next Holy Power spender. Paladin – Retribution Spec. - Mastery: Hand of Light
Increases the damage of your Holy damage abiilitesIncreases Holy damage done by [ 160% of Spell Power ]%. Paladin – Retribution Spec. - Shield of Vengeance Creates a barrier of holy light that absorbs
30% of your maximum health in[ 30% of Total Health damage for 15 sec. When thebarrier fades or is fully consumed, all damage absorbed is dealt as Holy damage divided across all enemies within 8 yds. Paladin – Retribution Spec. Instant.shield expires, it bursts to inflict Holy damage equal to the total amount absorbed, divided among all nearby enemies. Paladin – Retribution Spec. Instant. - Templar’s Verdict Unleashes A powerful weapon strike that deals [ 115% of Attack Power * mult ] Holy damage to an enemy target. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 3 Holy Power. Melee range. Instant.
- Blade of Justice
- Penance Launches a volley of holy light at the target, causing
[ 190%[ 160% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to an enemy or [ 225% of Spell Power ] healing to an ally over 2 sec. Castable while moving. 40 yd range. Instant. - Penance Launches a volley of holy light at the target, causing
[ 190%[ 160% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to an enemy or [ 225% of Spell Power ] healing to an ally over 2 sec. Castable while moving. 40 yd range. Instant. - Discipline
- Mastery: Reverence Increases the damage of Penance, the absorption of Power Word: Shield, and the healing of Shadow Mend by
[ 140%[ 150% of Spell Power ]%. Priest – Discipline Spec. - Penance Launches a volley of holy light at the target, causing
[ 190%[ 160% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to an enemy or [ 225% of Spell Power ] healing to an ally over 2 sec. Castable while moving. Priest – Discipline Spec.2.8%2.2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 9 sec cooldown.
- Mastery: Reverence Increases the damage of Penance, the absorption of Power Word: Shield, and the healing of Shadow Mend by
- Discipline & Shadow
- Power Word: Shield Shields an ally for 15 sec, absorbing shield damage, and preventing damage from delaying spellcasting. Can be cast in Shadowform. Priest – Discipline & Shadow Spec.
2.3%2.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Power Word: Shield Shields an ally for 15 sec, absorbing shield damage, and preventing damage from delaying spellcasting. Can be cast in Shadowform. Priest – Discipline & Shadow Spec.
- Holy
- Holy Priest Holy Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 10%: Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Holy Words
, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Smite Increases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Holy Words,Power Word: Solace,Purge the Wicked, Smite Priest – Holy Spec. - Symbol of Hope Bolster the morale of all healers in your party or raid within 40 yards, restoring 2% of their missing mana every 1 sec for 6 sec. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Priest – Holy Spec. 40 yd range. 6 sec cast (Channeled).
- Holy Priest Holy Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 10%: Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Holy Words
- Minor Glyphs
- Angels
Triggering Serendipity grantsCasting healing spells has a chance to grant you angelic wings. Minor Glyph. 1.5 sec cast. - Glyph of Angels
Triggering Serendipity grantsCasting healing spells has a chance to grant you angelic wings. Minor Glyph.
- Angels
- Assassination
- Assassination Rogue Increases damage/healing by 32%: Bag of Tricks, Blade Rush, Blindside, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison
, Death from Above, Envenom, Eviscerate, Fan of Knives, From the Shadows, Garrote, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Goremaw’s Bite, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mutilate, Poison Bomb, Poisoned Knife, Rupture, Sinister Strike, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 32%: Bag of Tricks, Blade Rush, Blindside, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison,Death from Above,Envenom, Eviscerate, Fan of Knives, From the Shadows, Garrote, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Goremaw’s Bite, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mutilate, Poison Bomb, Poisoned Knife, Rupture, Sinister Strike, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Rogue – Assassination Spec.
- Assassination Rogue Increases damage/healing by 32%: Bag of Tricks, Blade Rush, Blindside, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison
- Outlaw
- Outlaw Rogue Increases damage/healing by 42%: Ambush, Between the Eyes, Blade Rush, Blindside, Blunderbuss, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison
, Death from Above, Dispatch, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Goremaw’s Bite, Greed, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mastery: Main Gauche, Mutilate, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Riposte, Sinister Strike, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 42%: Ambush, Between the Eyes, Blade Rush, Blindside, Blunderbuss, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison,Death from Above,Dispatch, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Goremaw’s Bite, Greed, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mastery: Main Gauche, Mutilate, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Riposte, Sinister Strike, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Rogue – Outlaw Spec.
- Outlaw Rogue Increases damage/healing by 42%: Ambush, Between the Eyes, Blade Rush, Blindside, Blunderbuss, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison
- Subtlety
- Shuriken Storm Sprays shurikens at all targets within 10 yards, dealing [ 18% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Damage increased by 50% while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active. Awards
10 combo points per target hit. Rogue – Subtlety Spec. 35 Energy. Instant. - Subtlety Rogue Increases damage/healing by 25%: Akaari’s Soul, Backstab, Blade Rush, Blindside, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison
, Death from Above, Eviscerate, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Goremaw’s Bite, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mutilate, Nightblade, Poison Bomb, Second Shuriken, Shadowstrike, Shuriken Storm, Shuriken Toss, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Akaari’s Soul, Backstab, Blade Rush, Blindside, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison,Death from Above,Eviscerate, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Goremaw’s Bite, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mutilate, Nightblade, Poison Bomb, Second Shuriken, Shadowstrike, Shuriken Storm, Shuriken Toss, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Rogue – Subtlety Spec.
- Shuriken Storm Sprays shurikens at all targets within 10 yards, dealing [ 18% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Damage increased by 50% while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active. Awards
- Capacitor Totem Summons a totem at the target location that gathers electrical energy from the surrounding air and
then explodes after 2 sec to stunexplodes after 2 sec, stunning all enemies within 8 yards for 3 sec. 10% of Base Mana. 35 yd range. Instant. - Stormstrike Energizes both your weapons with lightning and delivers a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of [ 179% of Attack
Power + 25% of SpellPower ] Nature damage. Requires Melee Weapon. Melee range. Instant. - Stormstrike Off-Hand Energizes both your weapons with lightning and delivers a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of [ 179% of Attack
Power + 25% of SpellPower ] Nature damage. Requires Melee Weapon. Melee range. Instant. - Elemental
- Thunderstorm Calls down a bolt of lightning, dealing
[ 260[ 258 + 10.45% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to all enemies within 10 yards, reducing their movement speed by 40% for 5 sec, and knocking them away from the Shaman. Usable while stunned. Shaman – Elemental Spec. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
- Thunderstorm Calls down a bolt of lightning, dealing
- Enhancement
- Lava Lash Charges your off-hand weapon with lava and burns your target, dealing [ 180% of Attack Power ] Fire damage. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. 40 Maelstrom. Melee range. Instant.
- Stormstrike Energizes both your weapons with lightning and delivers a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of [ 179% of Attack
Power + 25% of SpellPower ] Nature damage. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. 30 Maelstrom. Melee range. Instant. 9 sec cooldown.
- Intimidating Shout Arms, Fury: Causes the targeted enemy to cower in fear, and up to 5 additional enemies within 8 yards to flee. Targets are disoriented for 8 sec.
Warrior – Arms & Fury Spec. 8 yd range. Instant.Protection: Causes the targeted enemy and up to 5 additional enemies within 8 yards to cower in fear. Targets are disoriented for 8 sec. 8 yd range. Instant. - Talents
- Anger Management (Protection) Every 10 Rage you spend reduces the remaining cooldown on
RecklessnessAvatar, Last Stand, Shield Wall, and Demoralizing Shout by 1 sec. - Avatar Transform into a colossus for 20 sec, causing you to deal 20% increased damage and removing all roots and snares. Generates 20 Rage. Warrior – Level 45 Talent. Instant.
- Best Served Cold Revenge deals 5% more damage per target hit, up to
525%. Protection Warrior – Level 45 Talent. - Bolster (New) Increases armor by 40% of your Strength for 10 sec. Protection Warrior – Level 60 Talent. 20 Rage. Instant.
- Crackling Thunder Increases the radius of Thunder Clap by 50%. Protection Warrior – Level
60 Talent.30 Talent. - Devastator Your auto attacks deal an additional [ 21% of Attack Power * mult ] Physical damage and have a 20% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Shield Slam. Protection Warrior – Level
75 Talent.90 Talent. - Impending Victory Instantly attack the target, causing [ 39.31% of Attack Power ] damage and healing you for 15% of your maximum health. Killing an enemy that yields experience or honor resets the cooldown of Impending Victory.
ProtectionArms Warrior – Level 30 Talent. 10 Rage. Melee range. Instant. - In For The Kill Warbreaker increases your
critical strike chanceHaste by 10%, or by 20% if any target is below 20% health. Lasts 10 sec. Arms Warrior – Level 90 Talent. - Indomitable Increases your maximum health by
20%. Protection Warrior – Level 75 Talent.10%. Protection Warrior – Level 60 Talent. - Into the Fray You gain 3% Haste for each enemy
within 15 yards, up to 5 enemies. Protection Warrior – Level 90 Talent.or ally within 10 yards, up to 15% Haste. Protection Warrior – Level 15 Talent. - Menace (New) Intimidating Shout disorients enemies for an additional 4 sec, and it causes all enemies to cower in fear instead of fleeing. Protection Warrior – Level 75 Talent.
- Never Surrender
Ignore Pain will ignore an additional 20% damage.Your block chance is increased by up to 30%, based on your missing health. Protection Warrior – Level 60 Talent. - Outburst Berserker Rage now causes Enrage, and its cooldown is reduced by 15 sec.
Warrior – Level 45 Talent.Fury Warrior – Level 45 Talent. - Punish (New) Shield Slam deals 30% increased damage, and reduces enemies‘ damage against you by 5% for 9 sec. Protection Warrior – Level 15 Talent.
- Rumbling Earth (New) When Shockwave strikes at least 3 targets, its cooldown is reduced by 10 sec. Protection Warrior – Level 75 Talent.
- Unstoppable Force (New) Avatar increases the damage of Thunder Clap by 100%, and reduces its cooldown by 50%. Protection Warrior – Level 45 Talent.
- Anger Management (Protection) Every 10 Rage you spend reduces the remaining cooldown on
- Arms
- Arms Warrior Increases damage/healing by 25%: Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand, Bloodbath, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Deep Wounds, Devastator, Dragon Roar, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Hamstring, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Mastery: Deep Wounds, Mortal Strike, Odyn’s Fury, Opportunity Strikes, Overpower, Raging Blow, Ravager, Rend,
Shockwave,Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand, Bloodbath, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Deep Wounds, Devastator, Dragon Roar, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Hamstring, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Mastery: Deep Wounds, Mortal Strike, Odyn’s Fury, Opportunity Strikes, Overpower, Raging Blow, Ravager, Rend,Shockwave,Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 50%: Bladestorm and Bladestorm Off-Hand Warrior – Arms Spec.
- Arms Warrior Increases damage/healing by 25%: Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand, Bloodbath, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Deep Wounds, Devastator, Dragon Roar, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Hamstring, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Mastery: Deep Wounds, Mortal Strike, Odyn’s Fury, Opportunity Strikes, Overpower, Raging Blow, Ravager, Rend,
- Fury
- Recklessness
Fury:Lets loose a battle cry, granting your abilities 100% increased critical strike chance for 6 sec. Generates 100 Rage.Protection: Lets loose a battle cry, granting your abilities 100% increased critical strike chance for 6 sec. Warrior – Fury & Protection Spec. Instant.Warrior – Fury Spec. Instant.
- Recklessness
- Protection
- Protection Warrior Decreases damage/healing by 89%: Ravager Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Shockwave and Victory Rush Warrior – Protection Spec.
- Shield Block Raise your shield, blocking all melee attacks against you for
46 sec. These blocks can be critical blocks. Increases Shield Slam damage by 30% while active. Requires Shields. 1 charge. Warrior – Protection Spec. 40 Rage. Instant.13 sec recharge. 1 charge.18 sec recharge. 1 charge. - Shockwave Sends a wave of force in a frontal cone, causing [ 7.78% of Attack Power ] damage and stunning all enemies within 10 yards for 2 sec.
Protection Warrior – Level 15 Talent. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.Warrior – Protection Spec. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.