Overwatch: Geoff Goodman über die Anpassungen an Symmetra

In der Nacht von Freitag auf Samstag hat sich der direkt an Overwatch mitarbeitende Game Designer Geoff Goodman gleich mehrmals in den offiziellen Battle.Net Foren dieses Hero Shooters zu Wort gemeldet und dort dann in mehreren Bluepost verkündet, wie die Entwicklung der neuen Version von Symmetra im Moment abläuft. Dabei erklärte dieser Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment netterweise auf eine leicht verständliche Weise, was für Änderungen das Entwicklerteam derzeit plan, warum sie sich für diese Anpassungen entschieden haben und welche Probleme die verantwortlichen Game Designer mit diesen Veränderungen angehen möchten. Wer sich nicht mit acht verschiedenen Bluepost von Geoff Goodman auseinandersetzen möchte, der findet folgend eine übersetzte Zusammenfassung aller in den letzten Tagen getroffenen Aussagen zu dem Rework von Symmetra.
(Hinweis: Die folgenden Informationen betreffen nur die interne Testversion von Symmetra. Diese Änderungen müssen nicht in dieser Form erscheinen.)
Zusammenfassung der Blueposts:
- Die interne Version von Symmetra gehört zu den defensiven Helden.
- Die Entwickler haben Symmetra unter anderem als Heiler mit heilenden Türmen getestet. Diese Spielweise fühlte sich allerdings extrem merkwürdig an.
- Aktuell arbeiten die Entwickler an neuen Wegen zum Aufstellen von Türmen. Die aktuelle Version von Symmetra kann deaktivierte Türme als Projektile verschießen. Wenn diese Geschosse eine Wand treffen, aktivieren sie sich und feuern auf Feinde.
- Das Verschießen von Türmen macht Symmetra beim Angreifen wesentlich nützlicher.
- Die maximale Anzahl von gleichzeitig aktiven Türmen wurde von 6 auf 3 reduziert. Als Ausgleich dafür wurde ihr Schaden erhöht und getroffene Feinde werden stärker verlangsamt. Zusätzlich dazu besitzen die Türme in der internen Spielversion aktuell 30 Gesundheit.
- Auch wenn die Änderung von 6 auf 3 Türmen erst einmal sehr negativ wirkt, so sollte diese Anpassung allerdings dafür sorgen, dass die Türme einen stärkeren Einfluss auf das Spielgeschehen haben und mehr Schaden an Zielen verursachen. Zusätzlich dazu muss Symmetra nur noch 3 Türme aufstellen, was einiges an Zeit spart.
- Die Entwickler testen aktuell eine Version von Symmetras primären Angriff, die einfach nur einen geraden Laser darstellt und nicht mehr länger an Ziele andockt. Der Schaden dieses Angriffs wurde von 30/60/120 auf 65/130/195 erhöht.
- Wenn der neue Hauptangriff gegen Schilde eingesetzt wird, erzeugt Symmetra neue Munition.
- Der sekundäre Angriff von Symmetra wurde internen auf die folgende Weise verändert:
- Die Aufladezeit beträgt nur noch 1 Sekunde (vorher 2).
- Das Bewegungstempo der Kugel wurde stark erhöht (von 10 m/s zu 30 m/s.).
- Die Kugel durchdringt nicht mehr länger mehrere Helden. Wenn die Kugel ein Ziel trifft, explodiert sie und verursacht AoE Schaden.
- Der Teleporter von Symmetra wird zu ihrem neuen E.
- Der neue Teleporter kann bis zu 25 Meter von Symmetra entfernt platziert werden. Wenn Spieler einen Teleportausgang aufstellen, erscheint der Teleporteingang immer direkt neben Symmetra. Diese Fähigkeit dient somit eher der Teleportation über kurze Strecken.
- Die Barriere wird zu Symmetras neuem Ultimate.
- Bei der neuen Barriere von Symmetra handelt es sich um eine gewaltige Wand mit 5000 Gesundheit.
- Die Testversion von Symmtra besitzt keinen Schildgenerator.
We currently have moved her to Defense. We tried a healer version which had her turrets healing instead of dealing damage, but it felt super awkward, especially with how fast Overwatch moves.
That said, we are playing with a new way her turrets deploy. Instead of having to stick them directly onto a wall herself, she can now fire an un-deployed version like a projectile, which sticks to walls/ceilings/etc. Once it sticks, it will unfold like it does on the wall currently when she builds them.
This helps for a bunch of reasons but one of the big ones is that it makes it a lot easier to play her on offense or just be able to preposition her turrets much more easily/quickly.
Currently they will travel effectively infinitely in a straight line. (think of them like Pharah rockets). The projectile speed isn’t super fast though so enemy players can see them coming. They can’t currently shoot them out of the air though, but we’re still iterating and may allow this.
No, there are other changes to her turrets as well. We’ve lowered the max number to 3 (both that she can hold and that can be deployed), but we’ve increased their damage and slow potential. They also have 30 health currently, though that number will probably change over time as we test. They still die quite easily but there is a significant difference between dying to any damage and just having very low health.
So far we’ve found the turrets to be much more powerful this way, not less. Keep in mind its almost like you’re deploying 2 turrets at a time now, since they are more powerful individually. You lose a little bit of map coverage, but overall the turrets are actually more impactful, not less.
Plus spending less time re-deploying turrets frees you up to do other things at the same time, rather than spending so much focus on moving around trying to keep your turret nest up somewhere useful.
Yes. We’re still trying some things but whats working pretty well right now is her primary fire changed to no longer lock on but works as a straight beam that is fairly thick and has increased range. It still has the potential to gain extra damage by dealing damage like it does now, but instead of going 30/60/120 dps it is currently 65/130/195 dps. However, it now takes a combined 2 seconds of damage to ‘level up’ to the next tier of damage instead of 1 second. This means the weapon has significantly more potential but it is more difficult to get it to max power. Also, when hitting a barrier it currently generates ammo instead of consuming it. This means not only is she good at taking down barriers themselves, but she is good at just generating charge off barriers and using that charge to take down enemies as well.
Her alternate fire is still a charge-up large projectile, but it has a bunch of important changes as well. First off, it charges to max charge in 1 second, down from 2 seconds. Next, the projectile speed has increased significantly, currently it has changed from 10 m/s to 30 m/s. Lastly, instead of piercing enemies, it now impacts enemies/environments and explodes, dealing area damage around it. We’ve been heavily iterating on how much damage this ball deals now, but a direct shot has been hovering in the area of 130ish, with a large % of the damage coming from a direct impact (rather then the explosion).
I’ll say it here again, we are still pretty heavily iterating on this stuff so this is all subject to change, but we like to try to give you guys some insight as to whats going on with her rework as it stands today.
I guess at this point I probably should have just posted everything at the same time since everything always makes more sense in context so ill just post whats remaining at this point.
Her teleporter is moving to her E ability and the Photon Barrier is moving to her ult, but these have massive changes as well.
The teleporter now works as follows: You place the exit like you normally do, except that you can place it up to 25 meters away, instead of only right in front of you. When you place the exit, the entrance automatically gets built right in front of you instead of at your spawn. It lasts only a short time but allies can use it freely as they normally do, but there are some new things that can teleport as well. We’re experimenting with what works and what doesn’t but currently you can teleport things such as Torbjorn turrets, D.Va’s exploding mech, Junkrat tire, etc. This has lead to some sneaky/fun plays that are really unique to her. It also allows you to get onto high ground on offense with a comp that might otherwise have trouble doing so. The health has been lowered to 300 and the entrance is now attackable as well. If either die, the other is destroyed as well.
Her Photon Barrier has moved to her ultimate and is now very different as well. Instead of placing a moving barrier, she places a static barrier wall that effectively is infinite in size and has 5000 health. She places this wall much like Mei places her Ice Wall, which means you can place it at some range and you can also change the orientation.
This is all fairly early still and we’ve only recently started working on the visuals/animations/sounds etc, so its still a little ways out. I don’t have an ETA on when you guys will get a chance to see and/or play with this but hopefully it wont take too long.
Its actually been super interesting in playtests. There are a lot of different ways to use it and exactly where you place it is super important. You can do stuff like throw it into a fight from spawn like a Hanzo ult, because it spans across entire maps.
So does that mean Shield Gen is completely taken out of the game?
Correct, the shield generator is gone at the moment.