Patch 7.2: Der neue Build 23478 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

Wie bereits gestern Abend von den Entwicklern durch ihre neuesten PTR Development Notes zu Patch 7.2 „Das Grabmal des Sargeras“ angekündigt wurde, haben sie im Laufe der vergangenen Nacht nun den neuen Build 23478 auf den öffentlichen Testserver von World of Warcraft aufgespielt. Dabei brachte diese neue Spielversion von Patch 7.2 neben den üblichen Klassenänderungen und einer Reihe von Kleinigkeiten dann auch noch sehr viele Inhalte für die verheerte Küste, neue Modelle, neue Affixe für Mythic+ Dungeons und mehrere sehr interessante neue Gegenstände mit sich. In folgender Zusammenfassung könnt ihr euch selbst durchlesen, was für interessante Neuerungen der Build 23478 eigentlich genau mit sich brachte.
Mehr Artefaktwissen:
Auf dem PTR können Spieler ihr Artefaktwissen nun auf Stufe 40 steigern.
Increase Artifact Knowledge Read to gain new knowledge about your artifact, increasing the rate at which you earn Artifact Power. These notes can
onlyteach up to Artifact Knowledge level2540.
Neue Affixe für mythische Schlüsselsteindungeons:
- Bursting
- When slain, non-boss enemies explode, causing all players to suffer 10% of their max health in damage over 4 sec. This effect stacks.
- Grievous
- While below 90% health players are afflicted with Grievous Wound.
- Explosive Fel
- While in combat, enemies periodically summon an Explosive Orb that will explode if not destroyed.
- Quaking
- Periodically players in the zone will explode and damage nearby allies.
- Relentless
- Non-boss enemies are granted temporary immunity to Loss of Control effects.
Neue Modelle:
Die Monstrositäten der Todesritter erhalten mit Patch 7.2 scheinbar ein neues Modell. Zusätzlich dazu konnten Data Miner auch noch die Modelle für das Klassenreittier der Krieger, für ein Haustier des Mönchs und das Klassenreittier der Schamanen entdecken.
Neue Gegenstände:
Legionfall Chest: Eine Truhe von der verheerten Küste.
- Dieser Build beinhaltete mehrere legendäre Gegenstände, die bei der Benutzung scheinbar ein legendäres Ausrüstungsteil für die aktive Spezialisierung eines Spielers identifizieren.
Unidentified Death Knight Legendary
Unidentified Demon Hunter Legendary
Unidentified Druid Legendary
Unidentified Hunter Legendary
Unidentified Mage Legendary
Unidentified Monk Legendary
Unidentified Paladin Legendary
Unidentified Priest Legendary
Unidentified Rogue Legendary
Unidentified Shaman Legendary
Unidentified Warlock Legendary
Unidentified Warrior Legendary
- Folgende Wappenröcke sind in diesem Build enthalten.
Cruel Gladiator’s Tabard
Cruel Gladiator’s Tabard
Ferocious Gladiator’s Tabard
Ferocious Gladiator’s Tabard
PH Gladiator’s Tabard
PH Gladiator’s Tabard
PH Gladiator’s Tabard
PH Gladiator’s Tabard
PH Gladiator’s Tabard
PH Gladiator’s Tabard
Cruel Gladiator’s Cloak
Cruel Gladiator’s Cloak
Ferocious Gladiator’s Cloak
Ferocious Gladiator’s Cloak
PH Gladiator’s Cloak
PH Gladiator’s Cloak
PH Gladiator’s Cloak
PH Gladiator’s Cloak
PH Gladiator’s Cloak
PH Gladiator’s Cloak
- Es wird mehrere neue Verbesserungen für Anhänger geben.
- Folgende Gegenstände verändern scheinbar das Aussehen des Schimmers einer Angelrute.
Neue Karten:
Neue Icons:
Änderungen an der Klassenbalance:
Death Knight
- Souldrinker (Rank 1) Overhealing done by Death Strike and Consumption increases your maximum health,
up to a maximum of 50% of the overheal amount, stacking up to a maximum of 30% of your health. - Vampiric Aura (Rank 1) Consumption also grants
0 Leech to you and your four nearest allies for until cancelled.20% Leech to you and four allies.
- Death’s Harbinger (Rank 1)
Increases the damage of Apocalypse by 30% and causes it to grant 2 Runes upon use.Apocalypse grants 3 Runes upon use. - Festering Talons (Rank 1) Your Gargoyle’s attacks have a
0%50% chance to apply Festering Wound.
- Circadian Invocation (Rank 1)
Moonfire applies a stacking vulnerability (1% per stack, maximum 6) to Arcane damage. Sunfire applies a stacking vulnerability (1% per stack, maximum 6) to Nature damage.Moonfire damage increases the Arcane damage you deal to the target by 0%, and Sunfire damage increases the Nature damage you deal to the target by 0%, each stacking up to 0 times.
- Bloodletter’s Frailty (Rank 1) Ashamane’s Frenzy also increases the damage
youyour Feral abilities deal to afflicted targets by0%.30%. - Fury of Ashamane (Rank 1) Tiger’s Fury
also grants 0 Versatility to you and your four allies.grants 0 Versatility rating to you and four allies.
- Deep Rooted (Rank 1)
Your Heal over Time effects automatically refresh when their target goes below 35% maximum health.When one of your Restoration heal over time effects heals a target below 35% health, its duration is refreshed.
- Feet of Wind (Rank 1) Name changed from „Opportunist (Rank 1)“ to „Feet of Wind (Rank 1)“.
Under Construction. Check Back Soon!Your Aspect of the Cheetah also grants you 0% dodge chance and immunity to snares.
- Time and Space (Rank 1)
Arcane Explosion also casts at the last location where you cast Arcane Explosion within the last 6 sec.When you cast Arcane Explosion, Aluneth will echo the Arcane Explosion for 20% of its damage, at the location of your previous Arcane Explosion cast within 0.
- Warmth of the Phoenix (Rank 1) Name changed from „Phoenix’s Warmth (Rank 1)“ to „Warmth of the Phoenix (Rank 1)“. Phoenix Flames has a chance to grant
0% critical strike chance to you and the four allies.0 critical strike rating to you and four allies.
- Quick Sip (Rank 1) Drinking Purifying Brew
applies a 0% additional Stagger. Drinking Ironskin Brew purifies 0% of your Staggered damage.grants Ironskin Brew for $@switch[1][1.0] sec. Drinking Ironskin Brew purifies 5% of your Staggered damage.
- Master of Combinations (Rank 1) Triggering Combo Strikes
grants 0 Mastery to you and your four nearest allies.has a chance to grant 0 Mastery Rating to you and four allies.
- Sacrificial Martyr (Rank 1) Light of the Martyr also applies
a 0% Blessing of Sacrifice.Sacrifice of the Silver Hand, transferring 0% of damage taken to you.
- Lash of Insanity (Rank 1)
Tentacles summoned by Call of the Void also generate 0 Insanity.Void Tendrils summoned by Call to the Void generate 0 Insanity for you when the deal damage with Mind Flay. - Mind Quickening (Rank 1)
While you are in Void form, you and your four nearest allies gain 0% Haste.When you enter Void Form, you and four allies gain 0 haste rating.
- Dense Concoction (Rank 1) Crimson Vial reduces the damage you take by 0%. This effect
reduces by 0% every 2 sec.increases by 0% every 0 sec. - Sinister Circulation (Rank 1)
SuccessfulSuccessful Lethal Poison applications reduce the cooldown of Kingsbane by0 sec.$@switch[1][0.5] sec.
- Lashing Flames (Rank 1) Your Flametongue damage
increases the damage of your next Lava Lash by 0%. This effect stacks.causes the target to take 0% increased damage from your next Lava Lash. This effect stacks.
- Surging Winds (Rank 1)
Under Construction. Check Back Soon!Successful Wind Shear interrupts grant you an instant, free Healing Surge.