WoW Legion: Neue und überarbeitete Spielzeuge

Mit der kommenden Erweiterung „Legion“ werden die Entwickler nicht nur eine Reihe von komplett neuen Spielzeugen in World of Warcraft implementieren, sondern wandeln auch wieder einmal eine Vielzahl von älteren Fun-Items aus vergangenen Addons in Spielzeuge um, sodass Spieler diese Gegenstände nicht mehr in ihrer Bank lagern müssen. Passend dazu haben die Data Miner von „wowhead“ heute nun eine Liste mit all den Fun-Items veröffentlicht, die in „Legion“ dann in Spielzeuge umgebaut werden.
Neue Spielzeuge aus Legion:
Rascal’s Treasure Chest Kit: Deploy a trapped Treasure Chest, you Rascal! (15 Min Cooldown)
Whitewater Tsunami: Shake well, open, and ride the wave! Only usable in the Broken Isles.
Thistleleaf Branch: Take on the guise of a mischievous Thistleleaf Thorndancer.
Syxsehnz Rod: Use the rod to glimpse the true form of the departed night elves of Azsuna and Val’sharah. (30 Min Cooldown)
Path of Elothir: Leaves fluttering leaves in your wake for 5 min. (10 Min Cooldown)
Tournament Favor: Wave the Favor and be the envy of all around you. (10 Min Cooldown)
Tear of the Green Aspect: Summon a vision of the green aspect Ysera. (20 Min Cooldown)
Cursed Orb: Gaze into the dark glass. (1 Hour Cooldown)
Leather Love Seat: Crafted by Leatherworkers
Silver Gilnean Brooch: Howl at the moon. (30 Sec Cooldown)
Legion Pocket Portal: Open a portal to a dangerous Legion world. (1 Hour Cooldown)
Worn Doll: Discard the worn doll on the ground. (20 Min Cooldown)
Moonfeather Statue: Place the Moonfeather Statue on the ground. What’s the worst that could happen? (1 Day Cooldown)
Waywatcher’s Boon: Transform into the likeness of a Thundering Sablehoof to quickly cross vast distances in Val’sharah. (15 Min Cooldown)
Darkshard Fragment: Nibble a piece of the crystal. (5 Min Cooldown)
Barnacle-Encrusted Gem: Something about this gem smells fishy… (30 Min Cooldown)
Ley Shocker: Focus the Leyshocker’s energies on a denizen of Dalaran and see what happens. (5 Min Cooldown)
Shoe Shine Kit: Shine someone’s shoes.
Dalaran Disc: Throw the disc to a friendly player. If possible, they will automatically return it.
Ravenbear Disguise: Apply the sweet Ravenbear disguise. (1 Hour Cooldown)
Kvaldir Raiding Horn: Blast a blaring horn, attracting enemies within 40 yards. Ineffective on targets above level 110.
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Rocfeather Skyhorn Kite: Reduces your falling speed for 1 min. Only useable in Broken Isles. (2 Min Cooldown)
Gegenstände aus WoD:
- Ever-Shifting Mirror: Reveal convergence points between Draenor and Outland.
- Bottomless Stygana Mushroom Brew: Restores (42500 / 5 * 20.000000) mana over 20 sec. Must remain seated while drinking. Side effects may occur. Can only be consumed outdoors in Draenor. Does not work for players below level 100. (20 Min Cooldown)
- Skull of the Mad Chief: Summon the power of the dead Chieftain to quickly cross vast distances.
- Sassy Imp: Summon an imp to do your bidding for a short time. Sort of. The imp will only answer your summons while you are in Draenor. (1 Hour Cooldown)
- Bodyguard Miniaturization Device: Miniaturize your Bodyguard for 1 hour. Requires level 90. (1 Hour Cooldown)
- Goren „Log“ Roller: Summon a goren to take you for a ride. (5 Min Cooldown)
- Aviana’s Feather: Launches you high into the air and deploys magical wings. Can only be used in Draenor. Requires level 91. (10 Min Cooldown)
- Ever-Blooming Frond: Restores 15% of health and mana every 1 sec. for 6 sec. Any damage taken will remove the bloom. Can only be used in Draenor. Does not work for players below level 91. (5 Min Cooldown)
- Ogre Brewing Kit: Brew up a special surprise! (7 Days Cooldown)
- Tasty Talador Lunch: Restores 221000 health over 20 sec. Restores (25500 / 5 * 20.000000) mana over 20 sec. Must remain seated while eating & drinking. Can only be eaten in Talador. Does not work for players below level 94. (15 Min Cooldown)
- Spirit of Shinri: Summons a ridable spectral talbuk in Shadowmoon Valley. This is a very, VERY fast mount. Only usable by players 92 and above. (1 Hour Cooldown)
- Whispers of Rai’Vosh: Slows your falling speed for 10 sec. Requires level 91. (1 Hour Cooldown)
- Ba’ruun’s Bountiful Bloom: Restores 60% health and 60% Mana over 30 sec. Must remain seated while drinking. Can only be used in Draenor. Does not work for players below level 90. (5 Min Cooldown)
- Wormhole Centrifuge: Creates a spinning wormhole the Engineer can use to travel around Draenor. Requires 500 Engineering Skill. (4 Hrs Cooldown)
- Blingtron 5000: Assembles the upgraded Blingtron 5000, a savage, yet generous, robot. While he will give out gifts to players once per day, he will also fight other Blingtron units to the death. Only summonable by Engineers with 600 skill. (4 Hrs Cooldown)
Gegenstände aus MoP:
- Ash-Covered Horn: Summons a ridable but uncontrollable Furious Ashhide Mushan. This is a very, VERY fast mount. Can only be used on the Timeless Isle. Requires level 85. (1 Min Cooldown)
- Cursed Swabby Helmet: Transform into a Cursed Hozen Swabby, able to breathe underwater and swim 200% faster.
- Bottled Tornado: Jump high into the sky. Can only be used outdoors.
- Censer of Eternal Agony: Sacrifice 90% of maximum health to become an Emissary of Ordos. While transformed, you are hostile to all players, and killing players grants Bloody Coins. Can only be used on the Timeless Isle, and flags the user for PvP. Can only be used by players level 90 or above. (1 Hour Cooldown)
- Sunreaver Beacon: Returns you to the Sunreavers on the Isle of Thunder. This beacon only works on the Isle of Thunder or in the Throne of Thunder. (10 Min Cooldown)
- Kirin Tor Beacon: Returns you to the Kirin Tor on the Isle of Thunder. This beacon only works on the Isle of Thunder or in the Throne of Thunder. (10 Min Cooldown)
- Dark Portal: Returns you to <Hearthstone Location>. Speak to an Innkeeper in a different place to change your home location. (30 Min Cooldown)
- Chain Pet Leash: Connects a chain leash to your pet.
- Turnip Punching Bag: Summon a Turnip Punching Bag at target location for 5 min. The punching bag acts as a target dummy while it persists.
- Wormhole Generator: Pandaria: Teleports you to somewhere in Pandaria. The exact location is difficult to predict, but will likely be far away. Requires 500 Engineering skill. (15 Min Cooldown)
- Blingtron 4000: Assembles the incredible Blingtron 4000, a robot of infinite wealth. Bling, as he likes to be called, will give out a random gift to anyone who talks to him, but only once per day. Lasts 10 min. Can only be summoned by Engineers with 600 skill. (4 Hrs Cooldown)
- Helpful Wikky’s Whistle: Calls Helpful Wikky, who will forage for you and bring back presents. Can only be used in Pandaria. Does not work for players below level 86. (2 Hrs Cooldown)
- Essence of the Breeze: Unleash a gentle breeze, lightening your steps. This effect only works in Pandaria. (1 Hour Cooldown)
- Hardened Shell: Throw a hard shell, dismounting the target. Requires level 86. Unusable on targets above level 94. (15 Min Cooldown)
- Salyin Battle Banner: Blend into the shadows for 1 sec and summon a Salyin Warscout. The Warscout will draw the attention of nearby monsters and run into the distance. Only effective in Pandaria. (10 Min Cooldown)
- Aqua Jewel: Increases swim speed by 50% and allows underwater breathing for 10 min. Only usable on Pandaria. (1 Hour Cooldown)
- Eternal Warrior’s Sigil: Restores 15% of health and mana every 1 sec. for 6 sec. Any damage taken will remove the frenzy. Can only be used in Pandaria. Does not work for players below level 86. (5 Min Cooldown)
- Battle Horn: Blast a blaring horn, attracting enemies within 40 yards. Ineffective on targets above level 100 or not native to Pandaria. (2 Min Cooldown)
- Ancient Pandaren Fishing Charm: Attach the charm to yourself, granting you a chance to find additional fish from pools in Pandaria for 1 hour. Requires Fishing Skill of 1.
- Anglers Fishing Raft: You can raft across water. Requires Revered with The Anglers and a Fishing skill of 525.
Gegenstände aus Cataclysm:
- The Innkeeper’s Daughter: Returns you to <Hearthstone Location>. Speak to an Innkeeper in a different place to change your home location. (30 Min Cooldown)
- Gnomish Gravity Well: Temporarily reverse your gravity. Cannot be used in combat. Requires Gnomish Engineering and an Engineering skill of 500.
- Loot-A-Rang: Retrieves the loot from a nearby corpse. Requires 125 Engineering Skill. (3 Sec Cooldown)
- Burgy Blackheart’s Handsome Hat: Succumb to the curse of Burgy Blackheart
- Rainbow Generator: Use: Rainbow Power! (10 Min Cooldown)
Gegenstände aus WotLK:
- Ethereal Portal: Returns you to <Hearthstone Location>. Speak to an Innkeeper in a different place to change your home location. (30 Min Cooldown)
- Wormhole Generator: Northrend: Creates an unstable wormhole the Engineer can use to travel around Northrend. Lasts 1 min. Requires 415 Engineering. (4 Hrs Cooldown)
- Red Ribbon Pet Leash: Connects a red ribbon leash to your pet.
- The Schools of Arcane Magic – Mastery: Teleports the caster to and from the spires atop the Violet Citadel. This spell only works in the City of Dalaran.
- MOLL-E: Creates a portable mailbox for 10 min. MOLL-E is not destroyed after use. Only summonable by Engineers with 425 skill. (1 Hour Cooldown)
- Chef’s Hat: Allows you to cook faster.
- Rope Pet Leash: Connects a rope leash to your pet.
Gegenstände aus TBC:
- Ultrasafe Transporter: Toshley’s Station: Safely transport yourself to Toshley’s Station in Blade’s Edge! Nothing to worry about while using this baby! Gnomish know-how will get you there in a safe and timely fashion! Requires Gnomish Engineering and an Engineering skill of 350. (4 Hrs Cooldown)
- Dimensional Ripper – Area 52: Rips the dimensional walls asunder and transports you to Area 52 in Netherstorm. There are technical problems that sometimes occur, but that’s what Goblin Engineering is all about! Requires Goblin Engineering and an Engineering skill of 350. (4 Hrs Cooldown)
- Eternal Black Diamond Ring: Equip the Eternal Black Diamond Ring, passed down through generations. Sold by Haris Pilton, she currently sells many expensive vanity items.
- Don Carlos‘ Famous Hat: Put on Don Carlos‘ Famous Hat and summon an incorporeal coyote spirit to accompany you. The spirit will remain until you remove the hat.
- Noble’s Eternal Elementium Signet: Put on your Noble’s Eternal Elementium Signet Ring.
- X-52 Rocket Helmet: Launch yourself to the stars. For the safety of others, please clear the launching platform before use. Requires level 67.
- Black Ice: Equip the Black Ice to show off your adventuring.
Gegenstände aus Classic WoW:
- Ultrasafe Transporter: Gadgetzan: Safely transport yourself to Gadgetzan in Tanaris! Emphasis on Safe! Yup, nothing bad could ever happen while using this device! Requires Gnomish Engineering and an Engineering skill of 260. (4 Hrs Cooldown)
- Dimensional Ripper – Everlook: Rips the dimensional walls asunder and transports you to Everlook in Winterspring. There are technical problems that sometimes occur, but that’s what Goblin Engineering is all about! Requires Goblin Engineering and an Engineering skill of 260. (4 Hrs Cooldown)
Ich begrüße es sehr, dass die Ingi Porter jetzt als Spielzeuge gelten, zum wegschmeissen waren sie doch zu schade (und ab und an mal praktisch).