WoW: Patch 6.1 PTR – Build 19445

Nachdem die Entwickler von Blizzard nun bereits seit einigen Wochen darüber sprechen, dass der Testserver zum kommenden Patch 6.1 bald starten soll, wurde der PTR vergangene Nacht nun für das Aufspielen dieses Update heruntergefahren. Findige Data Miner konnten allerdings bereits jetzt eine Reihe von Inhalten aus diesem Update entdecken, von denen die Highlights im folgenden Artikel aufgelistet werden.
Wichtige oder interessante Punkte:
- Allgemein:
- Viele neue Quests aus Patch 6.1 spielen in den Eisendocks.
- Im Sonnenbrunnenplateau gibt es nun eine Reihe von neuen Haustieren.Allgemein:
Raiding with Leashes III: Drinkin‘ From the Sunwell.
- Es gibt neues Bufffood für 125 sekundäre Werte:
Buttered Sturgeon
- Viele der Klassenänderungen bestehen nur aus Anpassungen an Tooltips.
- Es gibt ein neues Szenario/Event mit dem Namen: Edge of Reality
- Neue Spielzeuge:
- System:
- Twitter wurde direkt in WoW implementiert. Spieler können beispielsweise posten, dass sie einen bestimmten Erfolg erhalten haben.
- Der neue Splash Screen für 6.1 zeigt scheinbar ein eigenes Menü für Erbstücke.
- Es gibt neue Grafikoptionen für die Anti-Aliasing-Einstellung: MSAA, SSAA, SSAA + CMAA
- Es gibt eine neue Art von Account mit dem Namen „Veteran Edition Account“, die ähnlichen Einschränkungen wie eine Starterversion unterliegen.
- Das Töten von Bossen hat nun ein neues Fenster im Interface.
- Das „Death Log“ zeigt dir nun genau, wie du gestorben bist.
- Spieler kann die Reise von Flugpunkt zu Flugpunkt nun während der Reise abbrechen und direkt beim nächsten Flugpunkt landen.
- Items:
- Die Trans-Dimensional Bird Whistle beschwört den Vogel Pepe in der Garnison.
- Erbstücke können mit speziellen Items nun von 90 auf 100 gebracht werden.
- Der Ultimate Battle-Training Stone bringt Haustiere sofort auf Level 25.
- Erfolge
- Draenor hat nun einen „Loremaster“-Erfolg.
- Die Schatzkarten stellen nun eine Belohnung für das Beenden einer Zone und die Missionen in der Garnison dar.
- Es gibt nun Erfolge für das Rennen auf dem Dunkelmondjahrmarkt.
- Reittiere:
- Der Chauffered Chopper beschwört ein Reittier mit Reiter.
- Voidtalon of the Dark Star: Ein neues Mount mit einer Verbindung zum Dark Star aus dem Schattenmondtal
- Garnison:
- Der Garrison Scout Report gibt Spielern sofort eine neue Mission.
- Der Mission Completion Orders wird eine aktive Mission sofort beenden.
- Es gibt Item wie beispielsweise Rush Order: Lumber Mill, die sofort 5 Arbeitsaufträge beenden.
- Es gibt neue Items zu verändern der Eigenschaften/Fähigkeiten von Anhängern: Follower Trait Retraining und Follower Ability Retraining
- Tome of Knowledge gewährt Anhängern etwas Erfahrung.
- Anhänger lassen sich für Blackrock Foundry Spoils dann auch in die Gießerei schicken.
- Es gibt neue Missionen speziell für die Archäologie. Harrison Jones als Anhänger steht damit in Verbindung.
- Anhänger erhalten für Arbeitsaufträge nun Erfahrung.
- Es gibt eine neue Jukebox, die es Spielern erlaubt die Musik in ihrer Garnison zu ändern.
Music Roll: Wrath of the Lich King
- Man kann Bosse für 10 bis 40 Spieler in seiner Garnison beschwören.
- Es gibt für Invasionen nun auch eine „Platin“-Stufe.
- Legendäre Questreihe: Spoilers
- Man wird Garona von Gul’dan befreien können.
- Text aus den Quests:
- Come with me. This is exactly what I need to undo Gul’dan’s hold on Garona.
- We’re using the tools of our enemy against them.
- Not ‚til my dying breath. I will end your torment, Garona.
- Om na ka om, Fel na om kal…
- Quickly, destroy that thing!
- Awaken, Garona. You are free at last.
- Come with me, Garona. Together we will plan for Gul’dan’s downfall.
- Archmage. That is dark magic you’re working with.
- You are using the tools of our enemy!
- I don’t like this.
- Give me that orb, Khadgar. I will destroy that hideous thing.
- >%s gasps in pain.
- Gul’dan… he’s not in my head anymore…
- I will do whatever it takes to stop Gul’dan. Wherever you lead, I will follow… commander!
- I owe everything to you! To both of you!
- Haven’t you given up already, mage?
- This is a fortified high-security bastion. Only a fool would go into there without an army.$b$bI mean… good luck, Champion.$b$b<Khadgar gives you a comforting pat on the shoulder.>
Patch 6.1 Splash Screen:
Neue Texturen der Blutelfen:
Neue Ladebildschirme
Neue oder überarbeitete Erfolge:
Pet Battles
- Draenic Pet Battler now requires 150 pet battles, down from 500.
- Stay Awhile and Listen now requires completing 10 quests, down from all quests.
Pet Battles
- Raiding with Leashes III: Drinkin‘ From the Sunwell (New) Collect all of the battle pets listed below from Black Temple, Hyjal Summit, and the Sunwell. Reward: K’ute. 10 points. Account Wide.
Darkmoon Faire
World Events
- Darkmoon Big Powermonger (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Powermonger within 26 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Powermonger 28 (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Powermonger within 28 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Powermonger 30 (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Powermonger within 30 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Powermonger 32 (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Powermonger within 32 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Powermonger 35 (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Powermonger within 35 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Powermonger Novice (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Powermonger within 40 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Racer (New) Complete The Real Big Race within 24 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Racer 26 (New) Complete The Real Big Race within 26 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Racer 28 (New) Complete The Real Big Race within 28 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Racer 30 (New) Complete The Real Big Race within 30 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Racer 32 (New) Complete The Real Big Race within 32 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Racer 35 (New) Complete The Real Big Race within 35 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Racer Novice (New) Complete The Real Big Race within 40 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Rocketeer (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Rocketeer within 26 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Rocketeer 28 (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Rocketeer within 28 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Rocketeer 30 (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Rocketeer within 30 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Rocketeer 32 (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Rocketeer within 32 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Rocketeer 35 (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Rocketeer within 35 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Rocketeer Novice (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Rocketeer within 40 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Wanderluster (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Wanderluster within 26 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Wanderluster 28 (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Wanderluster within 28 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Wanderluster 30 (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Wanderluster within 30 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Wanderluster 32 (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Wanderluster within 32 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Wanderluster 35 (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Wanderluster within 35 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Big Wanderluster Novice (New) Complete The Real Big Race with the Wanderluster within 40 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Daisy Tripper (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Wanderluster within 20 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Gadabout (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Wanderluster within 18 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Go-Getter (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Powermonger within 20 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Intrepid Racer (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Wanderluster within 14 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Like the Wind (New) Stay aloft with the Wanderluster’s Glider for more then 10 seconds. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Madcap (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Wanderluster within 12 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Power Co-Founder (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Powermonger within 11 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Power Manager (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Powermonger within 18 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Race CPO (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Powermonger within 12 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Race Enthusiast (New) Successfully complete your first Darkmoon Race 5 points.
- Darkmoon Racer (New) Complete The Real Race within 12 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Racer Hack (New) Complete The Real Race within 20 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Racer Jockey (New) Complete The Real Race within 18 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Racer Leadfoot (New) Complete The Real Race within 16 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Racer Novice (New) Complete The Real Race within 25 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Racer Roadhog (New) Complete The Real Race within 14 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Rocket Hack (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Rocketeer within 18 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Rocket Jockey (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Rocketeer within 16 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Rocket Leadfoot (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Rocketeer within 14 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Rocket Racer (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Rocketeer within 11 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Rocket Roadhog (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Rocketeer within 12 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Senior Power Manager (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Powermonger within 16 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Vagabond (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Wanderluster within 11 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon VP of Power (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Powermonger within 14 tolls. 5 points.
- Darkmoon Wayfarer (New) Complete the Darkmoon Race with the Wanderluster within 16 tolls. 5 points.
- As I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Moon now rewards a treasure map.
- Between Arak and a Hard Place now rewards a treasure map.
- Between Arak and a Hard Place now rewards a treasure map.
- Don’t Call Me Junior (New) Complete all 6 Relic Hunter Quests offered by Harrison Jones in your Garrison. Follower Contract: Harrison Jones. 10 points.
- Don’t Call Me Junior (New) Complete all 6 Relic Hunter Quests offered by Harrison Jones in your Garrison. Follower Contract: Harrison Jones. 10 points.
- Don’t Let the Tala-door Hit You on the Way Out now rewards a treasure map.
- Don’t Let the Tala-door Hit You on the Way Out now rewards a treasure map.
- King of the Monsters (New) Defeat each of the following creatures while evolved in the Lost Veil Anzu.
- Loremaster of Draenor (New) Complete the Draenor quest achievements listed below. 10 points. Account Wide.
- Monster Mash (New) Successfully complete both of the following evolutions within the Lost Veil Anzu:
- Nagrandeur now rewards a treasure map.
- Nagrandeur now rewards a treasure map.
- Putting the Gore in Gorgrond now rewards a treasure map.
- Putting the Gore in Gorgrond now rewards a treasure map.
- You’ll Get Caught Up In The… Frostfire! now rewards a treasure map.
- Savage Friends now requires Exalted with 1 Draenor reputation, down from 3.
- Savage Friends now requires Exalted with 1 Draenor reputation, down from 3.
Dungeon Challenges
Dungeons & Raids
- Challenge Warlords: Gold – Guild Edition now rewards a Deathwatch Hatchling instead of Deathwatch Ravager.
Dungeons & Raids
- What A Strange, Interdimensional Trip It’s Been (New) Defeat the following Draenor bosses while being accompanied by Pepe. Reward: Trans-Dimensional Bird Whistle. 10 points. Account Wide.
Feats of Strength
- Grommloc (New) Proud owner of Grommloc from the 2014 BlizzCon. Account Wide.
- Ten Hit Tunes (New) Collect ten music tracks for the Tune-O-Tron 5000 from around Draenor. 5 points.
- Golden Defender Successfully complete a garrison invasion with a Gold rating.
5 points.or better. 5 points. - Impervious Defender (New) Earn a Platinum rating in each max-level invasion. 10 points.
- Master and Commander (New) Summon and defeat the following bosses in your Garrison. 10 points.
- Platinum Defender (New) Successfully complete a garrison invasion with a Platinum rating. 5 points.
Love is in the Air
World Events
- They Really Love Me! now rewards True Love Prism.
(Weitere Informationen und Kleinigkeiten zu Patch 6.1 findet ihr hier.)