WoW: Patch 6.1 PTR – Build 19508

Die Entwickler von Blizzard haben im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht den neuen Build 19508 auf die offiziellen Testserver für den kommenden Patch 6.1 aufgespielt. Dieses neue Update bringt dabei neben einigen kleineren Anpassungen auch weitere Videoeinstellungen und die überarbeiteten Charaktermodelle für die Blutelfen mit sich. Die gestern von Celestalon angekündigten Klassenänderungen sind allerdings noch nicht in diesem Update vorhanden und sollen erst mit dem nächsten Build aufgespielt werden.
- Es gibt neue Erbstücke als Halsketten, die Spieler bei Benutzung heilen. (Eternal Amulet of the Redeemed)
- Die „S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera“ als neues Spielzeug erlaubt es Spielern „Selfies“ zu erstellen.
- Es gibt nun an den Account gebundene Versionen der Belohnungen aus den Missionen in der Garnison. (Shared Turbulent Robes)
- Es gibt eine neue Illusion für den Verzauberer in der Garnison, die der Waffe einen „Heiligen“-Effekt hinzufügt.
Modelle der Blutelfen:
Death Knight
- Blood
- Crimson Scourge now also works with defile.
- Wild Mushroom now scales with 56.44% of Spell Power, up from 42%.
- Talents
- Force of Nature Summons a Treant which will immediately cast Swiftmend on your current target. The Treant will cast Healing Touch on that target or a nearby ally periodically, healing for
[*1 + 163.6%[*54.5% of Spell Power*]. Lasts 15 sec. Maximum 3 charges. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Druid – LvL 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Force of Nature Summons a Treant which will immediately cast Swiftmend on your current target. The Treant will cast Healing Touch on that target or a nearby ally periodically, healing for
- Feral
- Rip had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Restoration
- Wild Mushroom now scales with 56.44% of Spell Power, up from 42%.
- Talents
- Barrage Rapidly fires a spray of shots for 3 sec, dealing
[*960% of Mainhand Damage3*[*525% of rw + 525% of RW*;] Physical damage to the enemy target and an average of[*480% of Mainhand Damage3*[*262.5% of rw + 262.5% of RW*;] Physical damage to each other enemy target in front of you. Usable while moving. Requires Ranged Weapon. Hunter – LvL 90 Talent. 60 Focus. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast (Channeled). 20 sec cooldown.
- Barrage Rapidly fires a spray of shots for 3 sec, dealing
- Beast Mastery
- Kill Command had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Survival
- Explosive Shot had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Pets
- Burrow Attack had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Froststorm Breath had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Chi Burst had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Chi Wave had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Expel Harm had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Renewing Mist now heals for 137.5% of Spell Power, up from 99%.
- Talents
- Celerity had a typo fixed.
- Chi Burst had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Chi Wave had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Brewmaster
- Guard had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Mistweaver
- Renewing Mist now heals for 137.5% of Spell Power, up from 99%.
- Stay of Execution now has a 9 sec duration, down from 10.
- Talents
- Beacon of Insight now increases healing by 40%, up from 30%. Now triggers when the target reaches at least 90% health, down from 100%.
- Execution Sentence now has a 9 sec duration, down from 10.
- Seraphim now has spec specific tooltips. For Protection, now also increases Bonus Armor and increases stats by 750, down from 1000.
- Ascension can only be used while in Ashran
- Power Word: Shield had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Talents
- Clarity of Will had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Holy
- Chakra: Serenity – Holy Word: Serenity now has a 10 sec cooldown, down from 15.
- Talents
- Burst of Speed now has a 3 sec cooldown.
- Healing Stream Totem had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Minor Glyphs
- Glyph of the Flaming Serpent Name Changed from Glyph of Flaming Serpents to Glyph of the Flaming Serpent
- Shield Barrier had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Arms & Fury
- Shield Barrier had some tooltip changes and needs a fix on our end.
- Arms & Protection
- Thunder Clap debuff now has a 10 sec duration, up from 6 sec.