Naxxramas: Informationen der Data Miner

Das gestern auf die Liveserver von Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft aufgespielte Update zu „Der Fluch von Naxxramas“ wurde mittlerweile von neugierigen Data Minern ein wenig auseinandergenommen und genau untersucht. Dabei konnten unsere Kollegen von eine Reihe von Informationen zu neuen Kartenrücken, den Decks der Gegner in Naxxramas und den Heldenfähigkeiten der bisher noch nicht vorhandenen Bosse der nächsten Flügel auswendig machen.
Der gestern aufgespielte Patch beinhaltete insgesamt vier komplett neue Kartenrücken. Dazu gehören neben den Belohnungen für gewertete Spiele im Juni (lila) und für Heroic Naxxramas (grün) auch der Kartenrücken für gewertete Spiele im August (blau) und ein Geschenk (ganz rechts) für TeSPA Gruppen mit mehr als 80 Mitgliedern.
Die drei aktuell in Hearthstone vorhandenen neuen Bosse aus Naxxramas sind der beste Beweis dafür, dass diese Gegner von den Entwicklern mit ganz speziellen Heldenfähigkeiten ausgestattet wurden. Das gestrige Update beinhaltete dabei allerdings neben den Bossen des Arachnidenviertels auch die besondere Fähigkeiten der in den nächsten Wochen kommenden Encounter.
Name | Gesundheit (Hero) | Hero Power | Heroic Hero Power |
Anub’Rekhan | 30 (45) | Skitter – Summon a 3/1 Nerubian. Cost: 2 | Skitter – Summon a 4/4 Nerubian. Cost: 2 |
Grand Widow Faerlina | 30 (45) | Rain of Fire – Fire a missile for each card in your opponent’s hand. Cost: 2 | Rain of Fire – Fire a missile for each card in your opponent’s hand. Cost: 1 |
Maexxna | 30 (45) | Web Wrap – Return a random enemy minion to your opponent’s hand. (Costs 2 Mana) | Web Wrap – Return 2 random enemy minions to your opponent’s hand. |
Noth the Plaguebringer | 30 (45) | Raise Dead Passive – Whenever an enemy dies, raise a 1/1 Skeleton. | Raise Dead Passive – Whenever an enemy dies, raise a 5/5 Skeleton. |
Heigan the Unclean | 30 (45) | Eruption – Deal 2 damage to the left-most enemy minion. Cost: 1 | Eruption – Deal 3 damage to the left-most enemy minion. |
Loatheb | 75 (99) | Necrotic Aura – Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero. Cost: 2 | Necrotic Aura – Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero. |
Instructor Razuvious | 40 (55) | Unbalancing Strike – Deal 3 damage. Cost: 2 | Unbalancing Strike – Deal 4 damage. Cost: 1 |
Gothik the Harvester | 30 (45) | Harvest – Draw a card. Cost: 2 | Harvest – Draw a card. Gain a Mana Crystal. (Costs 1 Mana) |
Baron Rivendare | 7 (14) | Unholy Shadow – Draw 2 cards. Cost: 5 | Unholy Shadow – Draw 2 cards. Cost: 5 |
Patchwerk | 30 (45) | Hateful Strike – Destroy a minion. Cost: 4 | Hateful Strike – Destroy a minion. Cost: 4 |
Grobbulus | 30 (45) | Poison Cloud – Deal 1 damage to all minions. If any die, summon a slime. (Costs 2 Mana) | Poison Cloud – Deal 2 damage to all enemies. If any die, summon a slime. |
Gluth | 30 (45) | Decimate – Change the Health of all minions to 1. (Costs 2 Mana) | Decimate – Change the Health of enemy minions to 1. |
Thaddius | 30 (45) | Polarity Shift – Swap Health and Attack of all minions. | Polarity Shift – Swap Health and Attack of all minions. |
Sapphiron | 30 (45) | Frost Blast – Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero and Freeze it. | Frost Blast – Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero and Freeze it. |
Frost Breath – Destroy all enemy minions that aren’t Frozen. | Frost Breath – Destroy all enemy minions that aren’t Frozen. | ||
Kel’Thuzad | 30 (45) | Chains – Take control of a random enemy minion until end of turn. Cost: 8 | Chains – Take control of a random enemy minion. Cost: 8 |
Karten der Bosse:
Selbstverständlich besitzen die Bosse aus Naxxramas neben sehr mächtigen Heldenfähigkeiten auch ganz besondere Decks, die sich abgesehen von einigen Karten aus dem neuen Set und Fähigkeiten der verschiedensten Klassen auch aus einigen nicht für Spieler unzugänglichen Karten zusammensetzen. Glücklicherweise beinhaltete der Patch allerdings eine genaue Aufführung aller Karten der Bosse aus Naxxramas.
- Deathbloom (New) Deal 5 damage to a minion. Summon a Spore. Costs 4 Mana.
- Enrage (New) Give your hero +6 Attack this turn. Costs 3 Mana.
- Locust Swarm (New) Deal 3 damage to all enemy minions. Restore 3 Health to your hero. Costs 7 Mana.
- Mark of the Horsemen (New) Give your minions and your weapon +1/+1. Costs 5 Mana.
- Mind Control Crystal (New) Activate the Crystal to control the Understudies! Costs 1 Mana.
- Mindpocalypse (New) Both players draw 2 cards and gain a Mana Crystal. Costs 2 Mana.
- Mutating Injection (New) Give a minion +4/+4 and Taunt. Costs 3 Mana.
- Necrotic Poison (New) Destroy a minion. Costs 2 Mana.
- Plague (New) Destroy all non-Skeleton minions. Costs 6 Mana.
- Pure Cold (New) Deal 8 damage to the enemy hero, and Freeze it. Costs 5 Mana.
- Sporeburst (New) Deal 1 damage to all enemy minions. Summon a Spore. Costs 1 Mana.
- Supercharge (New) Give your minions +2 Health. Costs 2 Mana.
- Deathcharger (New) Charge. Deathrattle: Deal 3 damage to your hero. Cost: 1 Attack: 2 Health: 3
- Fallout Slime (New) Cost: 1 Attack: 2 Health: 2
- Feugen (New) Cost: 5 Attack: 4 Health: 7
- Frozen Champion (New) Permanently Frozen. Adjacent minions are Immune to Frost Breath. Cost: 5 Attack: 2 Health: 10
- Guardian of Icecrown (New) Taunt Cost: 4 Attack: 5 Health: 5
- Guardian of Icecrown (New) Taunt Cost: 4 Attack: 3 Health: 3
- Haunted Creeper Deathrattle: Summon two 1/1 Spectral Spiders Race: Beast Cost: 2 Attack: 1 Health: 2
- Kel’Thuzad At the end of each turn, summon all friendly minions that died this turn. Cost: 8 Attack: 6 Health: 8
- Lady Blaumeux (New) Your hero is Immune. Cost: 3 Attack: 1 Health: 7
- Lady Blaumeux (New) Your hero is Immune. Cost: 3 Attack: 2 Health: 7
- Mr. Bigglesworth (New) This is Kel’Thuzad’s kitty. Race: Beast Attack: 1 Health: 1
- Necroknight (New) Deathrattle: Destroy the minions next to this one as well. Cost: 4 Attack: 5 Health: 6
- Nerubian (New) Cost: 2 Attack: 3 Health: 1
- Nerubian (New) Cost: 3 Attack: 4 Health: 4
- Nerubian (New) Cost: 2 Attack: 4 Health: 4
- Sir Zeliek (New) Your hero is Immune. Cost: 3 Attack: 2 Health: 7
- Sir Zeliek (New) Your hero is Immune. Cost: 3 Attack: 1 Health: 7
- Skeletal Smith (New) Deathrattle: Destroy your opponent’s weapon. Cost: 3 Attack: 4 Health: 3
- Skeleton (New) Cost: 5 Attack: 5 Health: 5
- Skeleton (New) Cost: 1 Attack: 1 Health: 1
- Slime (New) Taunt Cost: 1 Attack: 1 Health: 2
- Sludge Belcher Taunt. Deathrattle: Summon a 1/2 Slime with Taunt. Cost: 5 Attack: 3 Health: 5
- Spectral Rider (New) At the start of your turn, deal 1 damage to your hero. Cost: 5 Health: 6
- Spectral Spider (New) Cost: 1 Attack: 1 Health: 1
- Spectral Trainee (New) At the start of your turn, deal 1 damage to your hero. Cost: 1 Health: 2
- Spectral Warrior (New) At the start of your turn, deal 1 damage to your hero. Cost: 3 Health: 4
- Spore (New) Deathrattle: Give all enemy minions +8 Attack. Health: 1
- Stalagg (New) Cost: 5 Attack: 7 Health: 4
- Thaddius (New) Cost: 10 Attack: 11 Health: 11
- Thane Korth’azz (New) Your hero is Immune. Cost: 3 Attack: 1 Health: 7
- Thane Korth’azz (New) Your hero is Immune. Cost: 3 Attack: 2 Health: 7
- Understudy (New) Taunt Cost: 2 Health: 7
- Unrelenting Rider (New) Deathrattle: Summon a Spectral Rider for your opponent. Cost: 6 Attack: 5 Health: 6
- Unrelenting Trainee (New) Deathrattle: Summon a Spectral Trainee for your opponent. Cost: 1 Attack: 2 Health: 2
- Unrelenting Warrior (New) Deathrattle: Summon a Spectral Warrior for your opponent. Cost: 3 Attack: 3 Health: 4
- Worshipper (New) Your hero has +3 Attack on your turn. Cost: 3 Attack: 2 Health: 4
- Worshipper (New) Your hero has +1 Attack on your turn. Cost: 3 Attack: 1 Health: 4
- Zombie Chow (New) Deathrattle: Restore 5 Health to the enemy hero. Cost: 1 Attack: 2 Health: 3
- Hook (New) Deathrattle: Put this weapon into your hand. Cost: 3 Attack: 5 Health: 8
- Hook (New) Windfury. Deathrattle: Put this weapon into your hand. Cost: 3 Attack: 4 Health: 8
- Jaws (New) Whenever a minion with Deathrattle dies, gain +2 Attack. Cost: 1 Attack: 3 Health: 5
- Jaws (New) Whenever a minion with Deathrattle dies, gain +2 Attack. Cost: 1 Attack: 1 Health: 5
- Massive Runeblade (New) Deals double damage to heroes. Cost: 3 Attack: 10 Health: 2
- Massive Runeblade (New) Deals double damage to heroes. Cost: 3 Attack: 5 Health: 2
- Runeblade (New) Has +6 Attack if the other Horsemen are dead. Cost: 3 Attack: 2 Health: 3
- Runeblade (New) Has +3 Attack if the other Horsemen are dead. Cost: 3 Attack: 1 Health: 3
Ich freue mich sehr über Naxx, aber….
Heroic ist von der Schwierigkeit absolut angemessen – wer sich etwas mit den Bossen auseinandersetzt der kriegt sie früher oder später auch down – wieso gibt es als Belohnung nicht wie ursprünglich geplant die Goldcards?
Zu den Rücken: Finde es etwas Schade, dass der m.E. schönste Rücken für Nordamerikanische Studenten only ist. Ist jetzt wirklich nichts gravierendes und abgesehen vom Legend Rücken sind bisher alle mit minimalem Aufwand erspielbar gewesen, grade deshalb ist es so schade um diesen Tespa Rücken…