Patch 9.1: Die neuen PTR Notes vom 21. April

In der Nacht von gestern auf heute haben die für World of Warcraft zuständigen Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment einen neuen Build auf den derzeit laufenden öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 9.1: Ketten der Herrschaft aufgespielt, der jetzt von allen daran interessierten Testern ausprobiert werden kann. Um die Spieler direkt über alle Auswirkungen dieses Builds zu informieren, veröffentlichte das Entwicklerteam gestern Abend netterweise auch noch neue englische PTR Notes zu dieser Version von Patch 9.1 in den Foren. Diese Patchnotes listen die größeren Änderungen und Neuerungen aus diesem Build auf und sollten von Testern daher zumindest überflogen werden.
Laut diesen PTR Notes bestand ein großer Teil dieses neuen Builds aus Spielbalanceänderungen für die unterschiedlichen Klassen von World of Warcraft, die sich sowohl auf das PvP als auch das PvE auswirken. Diese Anpassungen können sich im Verlauf der nächsten Wochen aber jederzeit erneut ändern und sollten daher nicht als finale Änderungen angesehen werden. Zusätzlich dazu beinhaltete diese neue Version von Patch 9.1 auch noch die Dailys für Korthia, Kapitel 3-5 der Paktkampagne, Kampfhaustiere für Korthia, eine neue Teleportfunktion zu den Dungeons von Shadowlands und einige weitere kleinere Verbesserungen.
9.1.0 Chains of Domination PTR Notes – April 21 Updates:
Chains of Domination PTR Notes – April 21 Updates
- Demon Hunter
- Havoc
- Demon’s Bite damage increased by 15%.
- Demon Blades (Talent) damage increased by 15%.
- Chaos Strike damage increased by 15%.
- Annihilation damage increased by 15%.
- Unbound Chaos (Talent) now increases the damage of your next Fel Rush by 500% (was 600%).
- Havoc
- Paladin
- Blessing of Winter from Blessing of the Seasons (Night Fae Ability) can now be applied to multiple targets simultaneously.
- Rogue
- Feint duration increased to 6 seconds (was 5 seconds).
- Subtlety
- Shuriken Storm (Rank 2) now also increases Shuriken Storm’s chance to critically strike by 15%.
- Black Powder’s damage per combo point increased by 33%.
- Black Powder (Rank 2) now causes targets with Find Weakness to suffer an additional 40% damage as Shadow (was 50%).
- Shadow Techniques now triggers more frequently.
- Backstab damage increased by 20%.
- Gloomblade (Talent) damage increased by 20%.
- New Covenant Campaign Chapters
- Chapters 3, 4 and 5 are available in the April 21 update.
- New Raid: Sanctum of Domination
- The following encounters will be available for testing on April 22 [Schedule 4]:
- Soulrender Dormazain
- The Nine
- The following encounters will be available for testing on April 22 [Schedule 4]:
- New Dungeon Teleports: Hero’s Path: Shadowlands – Completing each Mythic Keystone dungeon at Level 20 on time will now grant an achievement and a teleport to the completed dungeon’s entrance. The teleport has an 8 hour cooldown that resets after completing a Mythic Keystone dungeon.
- New wild pets to discover and capture in Korthia.
- Removed the cap on the amount of pets that can be owned.
- Druid
- Balance
- New PvP Talent: Owlkin Adept
- Celestial Guardian (PvP Talent) has been slightly redesigned – Bear Form reduces magic damage taken from spells by 10% and you can now cast Moonfire while in Bear Form.
- Feral
- New PvP Talent: Wicked Claws
- Ferocious Wound (PvP Talent) now stacks up to 2 times (was 3).
- Rip and Tear (PvP Talent) has been removed.
- Guardian
- New PvP Talent: Emerald Slumber
- Roar of the Protector (PvP Talent) has been removed.
- Restoration
- New PvP Talent: Keeper of the Grove
- Balance
- Monk
- Mistweaver
- Chrysalis (PvP Talent) cooldown reduction for Life Cocoon reduced to 30 seconds (was 40 seconds).
- Brewmaster
- New PvP Talent: Nimble Brew.
- Craft: Nimble Brew (PvP Talent) has been removed.
- Mistweaver
- Rogue
- Dismantle (PvP Talent) is now available to all specializations (was Outlaw only).
- Thick as Thieves (PvP Talent) is now available to all specializations (was Outlaw only) and now increases the targets damage by 15% (was 10%), but no longer increases the Rogue’s damage (was 10%).
- Maneuverability (PvP Talent) now removes all roots when activated in addition to its current effect.
- Honor Among Thieves (PvP Talent) has been removed.
- Assassination
- Intent to Kill (PvP Talent) cooldown reduction for Shadowstep increased to 90% (was 66%).
- Mind-Numbing Poison (PvP Talent) has been removed.
- Outlaw
- New PvP Talent: Float Like a Butterfly
- New PvP Talent: Enduring Brawler
- Control is King (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Cheap Shot grants Slice and Dice for 15 seconds and Kidney Shot restores 15 Energy per Combo Point spent.
- Drink up me Hearties (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Crimson Vial restores 5% additional maximum health and grants 60% of it healing to allies within 15 yards.
- Blade Flurry damage transferred from single target attacks increased by 50% in PvP combat.
- Boarding Party (PvP Talent) radius increased to 15 yards (was 10 yards) and duration increased to 6 seconds (was 5 seconds).
- Take Your Cut (PvP Talent) radius increased to 15 yards (was 8 yards).
- Cheap Tricks (PvP Talent) has ben removed.
- Plunder Armor (PvP Talent) has been removed.
- Subtlety
- New PvP Talent: Distracting Mirage
- Thief’s Bargain (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Shadow Blades, Vanish, and Feint have 33% reduced cooldowns, but you deal 10% less damage for 6 seconds after using each ability.
- Shadowy Duel (PvP Talent) duration reduced to 5 seconds (was 6 seconds).
- Silhouette (PvP Talent) cooldown reduction for Shadowstep increased to 67% (was 50%).
- Cold Blood (PvP Talent) has been removed.
- New Runecarving Powers
- Druid, Rogue and Shaman have new powers available in the April 21 update.
- New Zone: Korthia
- Visitor Dailies
- New Visitor dailies added in the April 21 update.
- Visitor Dailies