Diablo 3: Der PTR für Patch 2.6.10 startet am 01. Oktober

In der vergangenen Nacht veröffentlichten die für Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls zuständigen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment einen neuen Blogeintrag auf ihrer offiziellen Communityseite, der die aktiven Spieler dieses Titels darauf aufmerksam machen soll, dass am 01. Oktober 2020 eine Testphase für Patch 2.6.10 auf dem PTR starten wird. Dieser anstehende Test soll sich laut dem Beitrag der Entwickler dann in zwei verschiedene Phasen aufteilen. Die erste Phase der Tests soll den Spielern die geplanten Änderungen an den Legendaries und den Sets zur Verfügung stellen und sich hauptsächlich um das Balancing dieser Inhalte drehen. Die am 08. Oktober startende zweite Phase erweitert den PTR dann um die neuen saisonalen Inhalte und erlaubt es den Spielern auf dem PTR unter anderem das neue Saisonthema auszuprobieren. Wer sich selbst an diesen Tests beteiligen möchte, der muss nächste Woche einfach nur die Region in seinem Launcher ändern, die benötigten Daten herunterladen und neue Charaktere auf dem öffentlichen Testserver von Diablo 3 erstellen.
Was die Inhalte von Patch 2.6.10 betrifft, so handelt es sich bei dem neuen Saisonthema vermutlich um die interessanteste Neuerung aus diesem Update. Dieser saisonale Effekt trägt die Bezeichnung „Shadows of the Past“ und sorgt bei der Aktivierung eines Schreins/Pylonen dafür, dass eine schattenhafte Kopie des eigenen Helden erscheint und für eine Minute an der Seite seines Beschwörers kämpft. Die Stärke des Klons skaliert dabei dann mit dem Helden seines Beschwörers und der Klon verwendeten einen von drei möglichen Builds der jeweiligen Klasse. Welche Spielweisen diese Kopien verwenden können, erfahrt ihr in dem folgenden Beitrag der Entwickler.
PTR 2.6.10 Preview Blog
Our two-week PTR testing period for the 2.6.10 update begins October 1 and we’re asking for your help to quell the tides of surging demons. Take a look at the preliminary patch notes below and start theorycrafting how you’ll make the most of the brand-new season content, a new item, and tons of Legendary item changes; Patch 2.6.10 will be arriving soon.
PTR Focus & Details
We’ll be conducting the Patch 2.6.10 PTR, and phasing in content updates over the course of two weeks, starting Thursday, October 1. During this time there may be periodic maintenances, outages, hotfixes, or minor patches. This time around, testing will consist of two phases:
- Phase 1 – October 1: During this phase, we will be introducing Legendary and Set item changes
- Phase 2 – October 8: In this phase, we will be adding the Seasonal Theme content
NOTE: Phase 1 content will persist throughout the entirety of the PTR. Phase 2 content will be an addition to the existing content.
There will be two PTR-unique buffs active to help you on your journey: increased Legendary drop rate and double Blood Shard drops. You can also buy new gear for testing from the special PTR vendor, Djank Mi’em, who will exchange Blood Shards for class-specific bags full of Legendary items that we’d love for you to test!
Class Changes: To ensure that the most significant class changes receive an ample amount of attention, we’d love for you to focus testing and feedback on the Wizard changes around Etched Sigils and Hydras, the Crusader’s Steed Charge build, and the Witch Doctor’s Crazy Chicken build.
So that we can efficiently review your posts, feedback should be provided in the PTR Feedback forum while bug reports should be provided in the PTR Bug Report forum.
Patch Notes
Below you will find the patch notes for the upcoming update for Diablo III, Patch 2.6.10.
The shadows, they are moving, and they seem… animated. It is as though they have a will of their own. Whatever this trickery is, perhaps you can use it to your advantage. Let’s see what the demons say when you fight side by side with your own shadow!
Shadows of the Past: Activating a Shrine/Pylon will spawn in a shadow clone of your class. This clone will randomly have 1 out of 3 predetermined builds. This clone’s power will scale with your character and will last for 1 minute or if your character dies. See below for the shadow clone variations that can spawn when activating.
Witch Doctor
Build Variation 1 | Build Variation 2 | Build Variation 3 |
Grasp of the Dead – Rain of Corpses | Wall of Death – Fire Wall | Mass Confusion – Mass Hallucination |
Piranhas – Piranhado | Firebomb – Flash Fire | Spirit Barrage – The Spirit is Willing |
Wall of Death – Surrounded by Death | Hex – Unstable Form | Wall of Death – Communing with Spirits |
Zombie Charger – Zombie Bears | Piranhas – Piranhado | Piranhas – Piranhado |
Corpse Spiders – Medusa Spiders | Zombie Charger – Explosive Beast | Horrify – Face of Death |
Hex – Jinx | Spirit Barrage – Well of Souls | Grasp of the dead – Unbreakable Grasp |
Build Variation 1 | Build Variation 2 | Build Variation 3 |
Arcane Orb – Frozen Orb | Meteor – Molten Impact | Arcane Orb – Obliteration |
Frost Nova – Bone Chill | Arcane Orb – Obliteration | Disintegrate – Intensify |
Blizzard – Unrelenting Storm | Explosive Blast – Short Fuse | Wave of Force – Debilitating Force |
Ice Armor – Frozen Storm | Black Hole – Blazar | Slow Time – Exhaustion |
Black Hole – Absolute Zero | Energy Twister – Gale Force | Energy Twister – Raging Storm |
Ray of Frost – Snow Blast | Disintegrate – Convergence | Meteor – Star Pact |
Build Variation 1 | Build Variation 2 | Build Variation 3 |
Seismic Slam – Shattered Ground | Battle Rage – Marauder’s Rage | Overpower – Killing Spree |
Ground Stomp – Jarring Slam | Threatening Shout – Falter | Threatening Shout – Falter |
Avalanche – Volcano | Wrath of The Berserker – Insanity | Furious Charge – Battering Ram |
Earthquake – Molten Fury | Sprint – Run Like the Wind | Wrath of The Berserker – Insanity |
Wrath of The Berserker – Insanity | Whirlwind – No Rune | Bash – Pulverize |
Ancient Spear – Boulder Toss | Rend – Lacerate | Hammer of The Ancients – Rolling Thunder |
Build Variation 1 | Build Variation 2 | Build Variation 3 |
Blinding Flash – Faith in the Light | Fist of Thunder – Thunderclap | Exploding Palm – The Flesh is Weak |
Seven-Sided Strike – Fulminating Onslaught | Deadly Reach – Scattered Blows | Wave of Light – Explosive Light |
Inner Sanctuary – Sanctified Ground | Way of the Hundred Fists – Hands of Lightning | Lashing Tail Kick – Spinning Flame Kick |
Epiphany – Soothing Mist | Lashing Tail Kick – Sweeping Armada | Epiphany – Inner Fire |
Breath of Heaven – Circle of Scorn | Dashing Strike – Barrage | Sweeping Wind – Fire Storm |
Wave of Light – Empowered Wave | Cyclone Strike – Implosion | Seven-Sided Strike – Sudden Assault |
Build Variation 1 | Build Variation 2 | Build Variation 3 |
Land of the Dead – Frozen Lands | Land of the Dead – Plaguelands | Land of the Dead – Frozen Lands |
Frailty – Volatile Death | Decrepify – Wither | Bone Spear – Shatter |
Bone Spirit – Possession | Army of the Dead – Blighted Grasp | Death Nova – Bone Nova |
Corpse Explosion – Final Embrace | Corpse Lance – Ricochet | Frailty – Early Grave |
Bone Spear – Blood Spear | Death Nova – Blight | Army of the Dead – Death Valley |
Death Nova – Blood Nova | Bone Spear – Blighted Marrow | Corpse Lance – Blood Lance |
Demon Hunter
Build Variation 1 | Build Variation 2 | Build Variation 3 |
Marked for Death – Valley of Death | Marked for Death – Valley of Death | Marked for Death – Valley of Death |
Caltrops – Jagged Spikes | Rain of Vengeance – Stampede | Rain of Vengeance- Flying Strike |
Fan of Knives – Assassin’s Knives | Cluster Arrow – Shooting Stars | Cluster Arrow – Maelstrom |
Chakram – Twin Chakrams | Multishot – Arsenal | Multishot – Wind Chill |
Vengeance – Side Cannons | Vengeance – Personal Mortar | Vengeance – From the Shadows |
Impale – Ricochet | Elemental Arrow – Immolation arrow | Elemental Arrow – Frost Arrow |
Build Variation 1 | Build Variation 2 | Build Variation 3 |
Akarat’s Champion – Fire Starter | Akarat’s Champion – Hasteful | Akarat’s Champion – Rally |
Falling Sword – Superheated | Falling Sword – Flurry | Falling Sword – Part the Clouds |
Sweep Attack – Blazing Sweep | Judgment – Mass Verdict | Heaven’s Fury – Split Fury |
Consecration – Shattered Ground | Consecration – Bathed in Light | Fist of the Heavens – Retribution |
Bombardment – Annihilate | Blessed Hammer – Limitless | Iron Skin – Charged Up |
Condemn – Reciprocate | Condemn – Reciprocate | Shield Glare – Uncertainty |
Rewards: Two unique new rewards, a portrait frame, and a pet will be granted to players who complete the Season 22 Guardian Journey.
Kanai’s Cube: Additionally, the Kanai’s Cube will have a fourth slot this season. This fourth slot will have the choices of the first 3 slots but will not stack with any of them. The intent is to provide players with creative flexibility to their character builds.
- Haedrig’s Gifts now grants all class sets and we have a new rotation schedule. This upcoming season, depending on which class you choose, Haedrig’s Gifts will reward you with Horde of the Ninety Savages, Aegis of Valor, Gears of Dreadlands, Patterns of Justice, Masquerade of the Burning Carnival, Mundunugu’s Regalia, or Typhon’s Veil.
- Stone Gauntlets now drops for all classes.
- Paragon Bonus Gold Find has been changed to Gold Pickup Radius at 0.1 per point.
Item Changes
- New Item* Gelmindor’s Marrow Guards: Bone Spear cast from Simulacrums deal 400-500% increased damage.
- Ivory Tower: Rapid multiple blocks will now scale the damage for Fires of Heaven, up to a maximum of 2.5 times damage.
- Mantle of Channeling: Removed the 1 second start up before the power takes effect.
- Etched Sigil: While channeling Arcane Torrent, Disintegrate, or Ray of Frost, the damage of your Energy Twister is increased by 200-250%, and you also cast Energy Twister every second.
- Fragment of Destiny: Your Signature Spells attack 50% faster and deal triple damage. You gain a Spectral buff whenever you land an attack with a Signature Spell. Hydras deal 25-30% increased damage for each Spectral stack. Max 10 stacks.
- Valthek’s Rebuke: Energy Twister now travels in a straight path and deals 300-400% increased damage.
- Winter Flurry: Enemies killed by Cold damage have a 25% chance to release a Frost Nova. Your Hydra deals 125-150% increased damage to enemies in a Blizzard.
- Wizardspike: Performing an attack has a 25% chance to hurl a Frozen Orb. Arcane Orb deals 300-350% increased damage.
- Delsere’s Magnum Opus: 6 piece bonus increased from 8500% to 12500%.
- The Typhon’s Veil: 6 piece bonus increased from 1300% to 2000%.
- Norvold’s Fervor: Buff 2 piece bonus damage from 100% to 400%
- Armor of Akkhan: Buff 6 piece bonus damage from 1500% to 2000%
- Roland’s Legacy: Buff 4 piece bonus damage from 13,000% to 17,500%
- Seeker of the Light: Buff 6 piece Blessed Hammer bonus damage from 12,000% to 15,000%
- Belt of the Trove: Every 4 seconds, call down Bombardment on a random nearby enemy. Bombardment deals 400-500% increased damage.
- Mortal Drama: Double the number of Bombardment impacts. Bombardement deals 400-500% increased damage.
- Manajuma’s Way: Angry Chicken explosion damage increased from 400% to 2000%.
- Spirit of Arachyr: Buff 6 piece bonus damage from 9000% to 17,500%.
- Helltooth Harness: Buff 6 piece bonus damage from 9000% to 17,500%.
- Scrimshaw: Reduces the Mana cost of Zombie Charger by 75% and increases its damage by 6-7 times.
- Inna’s Mantra: Buff 6 piece bonus damage from 750% to 950%.
- Shenlong’s Spirit: Damage bonus increased from 200% to 350%.
- Gungdo Gear: Exploding Palm’s on-death explosion applies Exploding Palm. Exploding Palm’s damage is increased by 75-100%.
- Blade of the Tribes: War Cry and Threatening Shout cause an Avalanche and Earthquake. Avalanche and Earthquake both deal 150-200% increased damage
How to Participate
To participate in the public test, you must have a Diablo III game license attached to a Battle.net account in good standing (i.e. one that hasn’t been suspended or banned). In addition, you will also need to download and install the Blizzard Battle.net desktop app if you have not already done so.
Step 1: Restart the Battle.net desktop app.
Step 2: Navigate to the Diablo III tab on the left-hand menu.
Step 3: On the Diablo III screen, there is a drop-down menu right above the „Play“ button (note that this may say „Install“ if you do not have Diablo III currently installed). Select „PTR: Diablo III“ from this drop-down menu before proceeding.
Step 4: Click Install to begin the installation process.
Your PTR account will be created automatically if you do not already have one. The PTR is available in all supported languages, and accounts from all regions are eligible to participate. For additional assistance with installing and launching the PTR, click here.
PTR Character Copy
The option to copy your existing Diablo III characters from your live account to the PTR will be available and can be done directly through the PTR client. However, only one region per account can be copied at a time. So, if you choose to copy characters from your account in a different region, any previously copied PTR characters will be lost.
Step 1: Log into the live game and then log out.
Step 2: Log into PTR client and create a level 1 character. After you’re done, return to the main character screen.
Step 3: Click on the „PTR Copy“ button located in the upper right-hand corner. (The PTR Copy button will not appear in-game until you have created a new level 1 character.)
Step 4: Select your region.
Step 5: Click „Copy.“ This will copy all characters on your account from the selected region.
Step 6: You will be disconnected from the PTR client.
Step 7: Log back in. Your copied characters will be available for play.
Please note that you can only copy characters from one gameplay region at a time. If you choose to copy characters from a different region, any previously copied PTR characters will be lost. In addition, you can only copy characters over to your PTR account once every 24 hours. Attempting to copy characters before this cooldown is up will result in an error.