Shadowlands: Eine Übersicht zu den Blutigen Tiefen

Shadowlands: Eine Übersicht zu den Blutigen Tiefen
Shadowlands: Eine Übersicht zu den Blutigen Tiefen
User Rating: 4.8 (1 votes)

Der vor einigen Tagen auf die Testserver der geschlossenen Alpha von Shadowlands aufgespielte Build 34902 hat unter anderem den neuen Dungeon die Blutigen Tiefen in dieser Testphase freigeschaltet und es allen daran interessierten Testern ermöglicht einen Blick auf das Innere dieser Instanz zu werfen. Bei diesem Dungeon handelt es sich um die zweite für 5 Spieler ausgelegte Instanz in der Zone Revendreth, die nach dem Release des Addons höchstwahrscheinlich auf Helden der Stufe 60 ausgelegt sein wird. Wer diesen instanzierten Ort besucht, der trifft an dieser Stelle auf vier weitere neue Encounter, deren Optik und Mechaniken alle auf den Themen von Revendreth und der Anima-Knappheit basieren. Am Ende wartet dann die unter anderem aus der Geschichte der Zone bekannte Generalin Kaal auf die Spieler.

Wer jetzt gerne mehr über die Blutigen Tiefen und die dort vorhandenen vier verschiedenen Bosse erfahren möchte, der findet folgend ein Vorschauvideo mit einem Rundgang durch diese Instanz und eine kurze Übersicht zu den Mechaniken der einzelnen Encounter.




Die Bosse im Dungeon:

Kryxis der Gefräßige:

Kryxis the Voracious sensed the anima stores deep within the Sanguine Depths, and his lust to consume this energy has driven him to madness. With the recent tear that has formed in Revendreth, Kryxis the Voracious has a found a way into these catacombs, and aims to drain every last drop of anima out of the subterranean storage house.

  • Essence SurgeVital energy courses through Kryxis the Voracious‘ body, increasing damage done by 2% for 8 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Vicious HeadbuttKryxis the Voracious headbutts his enemy, inflicting 25506 Physical damage and knocking them back.
  • Hungering DrainSucks the essence out of all nearby enemies, inflicting 850 Holy damage to all nearby enemies and giving Kryxis the Voracious an application of Essence Surge. This effect stacks.
  • Severing SmashAt 100 Energy, Kryxis the Voracious emits a massive wave of force outwards, inflicting 2381 Arcane damage and knocking back all players. Each player leaves an orb of Living Essence behind, which gravitates towards Kryxis the Voracious.
    • Living EssenceAnima orbs are absorbed by anyone who touches them. If Kryxis the Voracious touches the anima, he is healed for 12% of his maximum health and gains an application of Essence Surge. If reabsorbed by a player, it inflicts 10 Arcane damage to them. On Mythic difficulty, the damage from picking up the Living Essence hits all players.
  • Juggernaut RushKryxis the Voracious charges a targeted player, hitting any players between him and the targeted player for 120 Physical damage and knocking them back.
    • Juggernaut RushHits the targeted player for 40809 Physical damage and knocks them back. The damage taken is reduced by the for every player hit by Juggernaut Rush.




Henker Tarvold:

The depraved warden of the Sanguine Depths, Executor Tarvold, takes sick pleasure in tormenting the prisoners here. Freeing the prisoners of their sins and their anima.




Großaufseherin Beryllia:

Grand Proctor Beryllia has spent an eternity studying the flows of anima in Revendreth. Her skill and knowledge has been put to the test learning about a very curious prisoner deep within the Sanguine Depths, the naaru Z’rali.

  • Iron SpikesSummons forth 4 Iron Spikes that impale the target over 2 sec. Each spike inflicts 12923 Physical damage.
  • Rite of SupremacyGrand Proctor Beryllia unleashes a blast of stored anima inflicting 27207 Shadow damage and applying Agonize to all players.
    • AgonizeInflicts 3401 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 8 sec.
    • Fragment of RadianceZ’rali unleashes 15 fragments of her power. Any player that touches a fragment reduces the damage taken from Rite of Supremacy by 20%. Stacking up to 5 times.
  • Endless TormentGrand Proctor Beryllia unleashes a torrent of anima into Z’rali causing her to release waves pain that inflict 681 Holy damage to all players and unleash a Anguished Cries every 0.5 sec for 5 sec.
    • Anguished CriesBolts of holy light burst from Z’rali, inflicting 13604 Holy damage to all players within 5 yards of the impact and an additional 1190 Holy damage every 1.5 sec for 12 sec.
  • AgonizeInflicts 3401 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 8 sec.




Generalin Kaal:

General Kaal stands as one of Sire Denathrius’s main generals overseeing his operations in Revendreth. Strong, agile and full of guile, General Kaal uses her agility and anima-infused nature to eliminate all who would stand against her master.

  • Shining RadianceChannel Z’rali’s essence, creating a barrier around you, reducing damage taken by 65% to all nearby allies, removing applications of Wicked Gash and making them immune to knockbacks.
  • Wicked Rush – General Kaal markes multiple enemies to charge to. After a few seconds, she rushes to each target, attacking all enemies within 5 yards of the charged target’s location with Wicked Gash.
    • Wicked GashTears in to the enemy, inflicting 8486 Physical damage and causes them to bleed for 680 Physical damage every 1 sec until the end of the encounter.
  • Piercing BlurGeneral Kaal creates an afterimage of herself which rushes forward with preternatural speed, Inflicting 10202 Physical damage to all enemies in a line in front of them. On Mythic difficulty, General creates more than one afterimage with [Piercing Blur].
  • Gloom SquallAt 100 Energy, General Kaal releases a large powerful blast of anima-infused wind, inflicting 17004 Shadow damage and knocking all enemies back.





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