Update: Düsterbruch wurde in WoW Classic freigeschaltet

Update 2: Heute Abend gegen 19:00 Uhr haben die an WoW Classic arbeitenden Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment nun endlich ihre Pläne für Düsterbruch in die Tat umgesetzt und diesen aus drei Flügeln bestehenden Dungeon zeitgleich in allen Spielregionen freigeschaltet. Um alle Spieler von WoW Classic über diese Freischaltung zu informieren und die neueren Spieler der klassischen Variante des Spiels mit allen notwendigen Informationen zu diesem etwas komplexeren Dungeon zu versorgen, haben die Entwickler heute Abend dann netterweise auch noch einen als Vorschau auf diese Instanz fungierenden Beitrag auf ihrer Communityseite veröffentlicht. Dieser Blogeintrag beinhaltet Angaben zu dem Schlüssel, den Quests, den drei Flügeln, den Bossen und der Beute in Düsterbruch. Wer sich vor seinem Ausflug also möglichst optimal über diesen Dungeon informieren möchte, der sollte unbedingt einmal einen Blick auf diesen offiziellen Beitrag werfen.
WoW® Classic: Dire Maul Now Available!
Built thousands of years ago to house the kaldorei’s arcane secrets, the formerly great city of Eldre’Thalas now lies in ruin, writhing with warped twisted forces. Competing covens once fought for control of Dire Maul’s corrupted energy, but they have since settled into uneasy truces, choosing to exploit the power within their own territories rather than continue to battle over the entire complex.
Located in Feralas, Dire Maul is a sprawling 5-player dungeon encompassed within three wings. Adventurers can explore its ancient corridors for fun and profit and even infiltrate the entrenched ogre tribe on a Tribute Run to claim powerful rewards and buffs. You can also battle your faction-mates in the free-for-all outdoor PVP arena “The Maul” within the Broken Commons outside of the dungeon. It’s a great way to hone your PvP skills among friends.
How to Get there:
- The closest flight path for Horde players is Camp Mojache. From there, then run west until reaching a road in the High Wilderness that forks to the North.
- Alliance players will fly into Feathermoon Stronghold as their closest flight path then run east until reaching a road in the High Wilderness that forks to the North.
Bosses: 16
Level Range: 54-60 (Recommended 55-60)
There are many quests available to undertake within Dire Maul beginning at level 54, but it’s recommended that players reach level 55 to have a higher chance of success. Dire Maul is a particularly dangerous dungeon for the unprepared and you’ll need dependable teamwork to make your way through all three of its wings.
Getting Keyed Up
If you want to go further than the East Wing of Dire Maul, you’ll need to procure a couple of additional keys, have a rogue with a high enough lockpick skill, use a Large Seaforium Charge, or use a Truesilver Skeleton Key (which can be created by blacksmiths) to make your way into the two additional wings.
To get a key to the remaining areas of the dungeon, you’ll need to track down (and chase down) the imp Pusillin in the East Wing who can drop Crescent Keys. He’ll lead you on a merry chase, but don’t be fooled when you think you have him cornered at last.
You’ll need an additional key to make it all the way into King Gordok’s room as well— the Gordok Inner Door Key. This key can be looted from Guard Mol’dar in the Gor’dok Commons.
Dire Maul East
Warpwood Quarter
Lethtendris (Level 57)
Dire Maul’s warped energy drew Lethtendris from afar, giving her an unbearable craving for arcane magic. Using the sinews and ligaments of sacrificial victims, she constructed a web to siphon, the corrupt power out of the east wing. To her delight, she discovered that the device has the capacity to gather vast reserves of overwhelming strength, enough to destroy all her enemies.
Loot: Lethtendris’s Wand, Band of Vigor, Quel’dorai Channeling Rod, Felhide Cap, Runecloth, Dried King Bolete, Lethtendris’s Web (quest item), Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You (quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying (quest item).
The Shrine of Eldretharr
Alzzin the Wildshaper (Level 58)
Alzzin the Wildshapera seeks nothing less than the total corruption of Feralas, but until he discovered the Shrine of Eldretharr in Dire Maul, he had little success. With the power of enslaved ancients at his command, Alzzin concentrated the vitality of the surrounding forest into his lair, allowing him to manipulate it at willLoot: Gloves of Restoration, Fiendish Machete, Energized Chestplate, Ring of Demonic Guile, Ring of Demonic Potency, Merciful Greaves, Energetic Rod, Razor Gauntlets, Whipvine Cord, Shadewood Cloak, Runecloth, Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You(quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying (quest item).
Zevrim Thornhoof (Level 56-57)
Desperate to show his worth to the Burning Legion, Zevrim Thornhoof told his master she could enslave the formidable ancients who still roamed Dire Maul. When his own power proved insufficient, Thornhoof turned to other living creatures for additional energy, butchering them atop his sacrificial altar and harvesting their essence in their final, agonizing moments.
Loot: Gloves of Shadowy Mist, Clever Hat, Helm of Awareness, Fervent Helm, Satyr’s Bow, Dried King Bolete, Runecloth, Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You (quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying (quest item).
Hydrospawn (Level 57)
When the satyr Zevrim Thornhoof sought to control the elementals in Dire Maul, he focused on Hydrospawn, who calmly resided in the pool beneath his altar. As he performed his profane sacrificial rituals, the elemental grew agitated and restless, striking out at Thornhoof’s demonic minions. As the years passed, Thornhoof used his victims’ energies to whip Hydrospawn into an unbridled fury, little by little binding its will to the satyr’s commands.
Loot: Core of Elements, Elemental Water, Globe of Water, Breakwater Legguards, Riptide Shoes, Tempest Talisman, Waterspout Boots, Waveslicer, Essence of Water, Ace of Elements, Hydrospawn Essence (quest item), Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You (quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying (quest item).
Dire Maul West
Prison of Immol’thar
Immol’thar (Level 61)
In a desperate bid to restore the power and immortality they lost when the Well of Eternity was destroyed, the Shen’dralar summoned a demon into the western wing of Dire Maul and captured him within a force field, allowing them to use the void terror’s energy for their own spells. Unable to fight back or even move for nearly 10,000 years, Immol’thar could only watch and wait for the day he might break free and rend the flesh of his captors.
Loot: Vigilance Charm, Blade of the New Moon, Quickdraw Gloves, Odious Greaves, Evil Eye Pendant, Bile-etched Spaulders, Robe of Everlasting Night, Cloak of the Cosmos, Eyestalk Cord, Demon Howl Wristguards, Vigilance Charm, Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You (quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying (quest item).
Prince Tortheldrin (Level 60-61)
After the Well of Eternity’s destruction, Prince Tortheldrin maintained control over the surviving Shen’dralar by imprisoning a demon in the ruins of Eldre’Thalas and letting his subjects siphon its strength. The exposure to demonic power twisted Tortheldrin’s mind, and when the creature faltered, the prince ordered the deaths of many of his vassals so only he and his most fanatical followers would be left to enjoy the corrupt energy.
Loot: Chestplate of Tranquility, Bracers of the Eclipse, Timeworn Mace, Silvermoon Leggings, Eldritch Reinforced Legplates, Fluctuating Cloak, Stoneshatter, Distracting Dagger, Emerald Flame Ring, Mind Carver, Runecloth, Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You (quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of DragonSlaying (quest item).
Court of the Highborne
Magister Kalendris (Level 59-60)
When Prince Tortheldrin demanded the slaughter of the majority of his subjects, his most loyal lieutenants were tasked with executing his will. Magister Kalendris murdered many unsuspecting Shen’dralar without hesitation, but one of the doomed elves mortally wounded him during a destructive battle. Despite his demise, Kalendris’s spirit still roams Dire Maul as a defender of Tortheldrin’s rule.
Loot: Amplifying Cloak, Magically Sealed Bracers, Mindtap Talisman, Flamescarred Shoulders, Elder Magus Pendant, Pattern: Big Bag of Enchantment, Runecloth, Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You (quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying (quest item).
Capital Gardens
Illyanna Ravenoak (Level 60)
Illyanna Ravenoak, along with her faithful companion Ferra, was once Prince Tortheldrin’s most valued hunter, until she refused to carry out her leader’s order to execute her friends. As punishment, he killed Illyanna and her bear, but he used his demonic power to bind their spirits to their bodies, condemning them to remain in Dire Maul’s undead protectors.
Loot: Bouquet of Red Roses, Well Balanced Axe, Gauntlets of Accuracy, Force of Imbued Gauntlets, Padre’s Trousers, Runecloth, Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You (quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying (quest item).
Tendris Warpwood (Level 59-60)
Tendris Warpwood was a staunch defender of Eldre’Thalas, his heart inexorably entwined with the fate of the city. When the Sundering Shattered the land, his resolve never wavered, but as corruption seeped into the ruins over the next 10,000 years, so too did it infect the ancient’s spirit.
Loot: Savage Frond, Petrified Bark Shield, Stoneflower Staff, Tanglemoss Leggings, Warpwood Binding, Heart of the Wild, Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You (quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying (quest item).
Dire Maul North
Gordok Commons
Guard Mol’dar (Level 58-59)
Mol’dar is a zealously loyal guard from the Gordok ogres. He is convinced King Gordok gifted him with a pair of enchanted gauntlets that have enabled him to become his people’s arm-wrestling champion for six years running. In truth, King Gordok threw the powerful armor away: Mol’dar simply found it first.
Loot: Gordok Inner Door Key, Ogre Warbeads (quest item), Gordok Shackle Key, Hyena Hide Belt, Robe of Combustion, Modest Armguards, Gallant’s Wristguards, Unsophisticated Hand Cannon, Jagged Bone Fist, Ogre Pocket Knife, Gordok’s Nose Ring, Bulky Iron Spaulders, Denwatcher’s Shoulders, Heliotrope Cloak, Sublime Wristguards, Hedgecutter, Happy Fun Rock, Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Libram of Protection.
Stomper Kreeg (Level 59)
One more than one occasion, skulking assassins have met their doom after accidentally disturbing Kreeg’s ale mug. Though he’s often passed out drunk on duty, nothing rouses the ogre into a berserker fury faster than the sound of his precious drink splattering on the stone floor.
Loot: Gordok Shackle Key, Robe of Combustion, Hyena Hide Belt, Modest Armguards, Unsophisticated Hand Cannon, Jagged Bone Fist, Ogre Pocket Knife, Gordok Nose Ring, Happy Fun Rock, Libram of Protection, Runecloth, Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You (quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying (quest item).
Guard Fengus (Level 59)
Ever since Cho’Rush the Observer told him he was destined to meet a mate while on duty, Fengus has spent almost every waking moment patrolling Gordok territory.
Loot: Gordok Shackle Key, Robe of Combustion, Hyena Hide Belt, Modest Armguards, Gallant’s Wristguards, Unsophisticated Hand Cannon, Jagged Bone Fist, Ogre Pocket Knife, Gordok Nose Ring, Happy Fun Rock, Libram of Protection, Runecloth, Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You (quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying (quest item).
Guard Slip’kik (Level 59)
Some might think Slip’kik is merely cautious, but he’s also lazy. Rather than challenge King Gordok directly, Slip’kil tinkers with traps and old broken magical devices hoping to eventually deliver a coup de grace without an ounce of risk or a drop of sweat.
Loot: Gordok Shackle Key, Robe of Combustion, Hyena Hide Belt, Modest Armguards, Gallant’s Wristguards, Unsophisticated Hand Cannon, Jagged Bone Fist, Ogre Pocket Knife, Gordok Nose Ring, Happy Fun Rock, Bulky Iron Spaulders, Denwatcher’s Shoulders, Heliotrope Cloak, Sublime Wristguards, Hedgecutter, Runecloth, Libram of Protection, Runecloth, Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Ogre Warbeads (quest item) Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You (quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying (quest item).
Captain Kromcrush (Level 61)
Even among ogres, Captain Kromcrush is infamous for his hair-trigger rage toward anyone who dares to insult him or King Gordok. He crushes dissent ruthlessly, but he has still less patience for those who continue to spread the rumor of his torrid affair with a gnoll long ago.
Loot: Monstrous Glaive, Kromcrush’s Chestplate, Mugger’s Belt, Boots of the Full Moon, Gordok Shackle Key, Happy Fun Rock, Runecloth, Libram of Protection, Runecloth, Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Ogre Warbeads (quest item) Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You (quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying (quest item).
Cho’Rush the Observer (Level 60)
Cho’Rush doesn’t usually take sides, but when Ulrok was rising to power, it was clear there was nobody who could challenge him. The king quickly appointed Cho’Rush as his chief adviser, believing that his twin heads would make him twice as resourceful as the average ogre.
Loot: Mana Channeling Wand, Cho’Rush’s Blade, Observer’s Shield, Insightful Hood, Happy Fun Rock, Runecloth, Libram of Protection, Runecloth, Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Ogre Warbeads (quest item) Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You (quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying (quest item).
King Gordok (Level 61-62)
To rule the Gordok ogres, one must simply proclaim oneself king…and then destroy all who might disagree. King Gordok—then merely known as Ulrok—solidified his power by convincing a dozen of his people’s strongest warriors to challenge the king at the same time. The wild melee left most of the contestants dead or wounded, and Ulrok’s blade easily cut down the survivors and the battle-weary king. To this day, Gordok ogres speak in hushed tones about the “Day of Da Blood.”
Loot: Barbarous Blade, Grimy Metal Boots, Band of the Ogre King, Brightly Glowing Stone, Leggings of Destruction, Bracers of Prosperity, Crown of the Ogre King, Harmonious Gauntlets, Happy Fun Rock, Runecloth, Libram of Protection, Runecloth, Libram of Rapidity, Libram of Focus, Ogre Warbeads (quest item) Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery (quest item), Codex of Defense (quest item), The Arcanist’s Cookbook (quest item), The Light and How to Swing It (quest item), Harnessing Shadows (quest item), The Greatest Race of Hunters (quest item), Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You (quest item), Frost Shock and You (quest item), The Emerald Dream (quest item), Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying (quest item).
Fortune Favors the Brave
Dire Maul has plenty of challenges to undertake and loot to glean from within its halls if you know where to look and includes many Horde, Alliance, and class-specific quests.
- Orb of Deception: The Orb of Deception is a world drop that can be found throughout Azeroth, but many players choose to farm for it within the halls of Dire Maul due to the number of available creatures to kill. With this random drop, you can change your identity to that of the opposite faction. Just beware that not all are easily fooled and when engaging in PvP, your name will still appear as an enemy despite how you look.
- Librams: There are three Librams available to earn via quests within this dungeon.
- Libram of Focus– Used to create the Arcanum of Focus which permanently enchants a leg or head slot with +8 to Healing and Damage from spells.
- Libram of Protection– Used to create the Arcanum of Protection which permanently enchants a leg or head slot item with 1& dodge.
- Libram of Rapidity– Used to create the Arcanum of Rapidity which permanently enchants a leg or head slot item with 1% haste.
You can also check out Wowhead’s Librams Guide for more details.
- Royal Seal of Eldre’Thalas: Each class can complete a quest available at level 60 within Dire Maul to receive a beneficial trinket. You’ll need to loot a book from the creatures within to turn in for your reward.
Class | Quest | Reward |
Druid | The Emerald Dream | Royal Seal of Eldre’Thalas +10 to Fire Resistance, Passive: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 44 |
Hunter | The Greatest Race of Hunters | Royal Seal of Eldre’Thalas +10 Fire Resistance, passive: +48 Ranged Attack Power |
Mage | The Arcanist’s Cookbook | Royal Seal of Eldre’Thalas +10 Fire Resistance, Passive: Restores 8 Mana every 5 seconds |
Paladin | The Light and How to Swing It | Royal Seal of Eldre’Thalas +150 Armor, Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 22. |
Priest | Holy Bologna: What the Light Won’t Tell You | Royal Seal of Eldre’Thalas +10 Fire Resistance, Passive: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 33, Restores 4 Mana every 5 seconds |
Rogue | Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery | Royal Seal of Edre’Thalas +10 Fire Resistance, Passive: Improves your chance to hit by 2% |
Shaman | Frost Shock and You | Royal Seal of Eldre’Thalas +10 Fire Resistance, Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 23. |
Warlock | Harnessing Shadows | Royal Seal of Eldre’Thalas +10 Fire Resistance, Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 23. |
Warrior | Codex of Defense | Royal Seal of Eldre’Thalas +10 Fire Resistance, Passive: +200 Armor |
Mages can undertake the quest, “Arcane Refreshment” to learn the spell, “Conjure Water” which gives them the ability to conjure 10 bottles of crystal water at a time. You’ll need to defeat Hydrospawn in the east wing of Dire Maul to loot the Hydrospawn Essence and turn it in to Lorekeeper Lydros in the Athenaeum.
Warlock and Paladin Epic Mounts
Both warlocks and paladins can earn an epic mount beginning at level 60—but they’ll need a little help from their friends to claim their new rides.
Warlock players will be able to follow a series of quests to earn the Dreadsteed of Xoroth epic mount. The questline begins with Mor’zul Bloodbringer in the Burning Steppes where he’ll detail what you’ll need to complete in order to summon and capture this steed.
For paladins who have reached level 60, you’ll begin your venture to claim the epic Charger mount with Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in Stormwind starting with the quest, “Ancient Equine Spirit.”
There are many available guides for players who would like a step-by-step guide including on classicWoW.live and Wowhead (warlock, paladin).
Paying Tribute
There’s more than one way to get through the North wing of Dire Maul. You can take part in what’s known as a tribute run. The goal is to avoid killing all the bosses up to King Gordok. Once you’ve reached the king, you can kill him and claim your place as the new king of the ogres.
To create the suit, you’ll need the following items: Bring 4 bolts of Runecloth, 8 Rugged Leathers, 2 Rune Threads, and 1 Ogre Tannin to Knot Thimblejack and he’ll create a Gordok Ogre Suit for you. This will allow you to disguise yourself as one of the Gordok Ogres.
For a complete walkthrough, check out Wowhead’s handy guide.
Forging Quel’Serrar
Last, but certainly not least, paladins and warriors can create and claim the epic weapon, Quel’serrar.
To begin your quest to add this weapon to your armory, you’ll need to collect Foror’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying from within Dire Maul. You’ll need to turn it into Lorekeeper Lydros in the Athenaeum within the dungeon. He’ll give you A Dull and Flat Elven Blade. Your next step will involve a confrontation within Onyxia’s Lair where you’ll need her to breathe fire on the Unfired Ancient Blade, then drive the blade into her defeated corpse. Once you’ve completed your epic quest, you’ll receive Quel’Serrar.
If you’re looking for even more information, check out Wowhead’s handy guides.
What are you waiting for? Dire Maul is now open and waiting for your party to plunder its ancient halls!
Um die auf Düsterbruch wartenden Fans von WoW Classic schon im Vorfeld über den genauen Termin für die Freischaltung dieses beliebten Dungeons zu informieren, haben die verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment sich im Verlauf des heutigen Nachmittags netterweise auf Twitter zu Wort gemeldet und dort dann die aktuell angestrebte Uhrzeit für den Release mit ihrer Community geteilt. Diesem Tweet zufolge sollen die drei Flügel von Düsterbruch bereits um 19:00 Uhr in der klassischen Spielversion von World of Warcraft freigeschaltet werden. Dabei streben die Entwickler eine weltweit zeitgleich stattfindende Veröffentlichung dieses Spielinhalts an, weshalb alle daran interessierten Personen sich gleichzeitig auf diesen Dungeon und die darin enthaltene Beute stürzen können.
Following up on our announcement from last week, Dire Maul will be released today in WoW Classic. This will happen in all regions at 10:00am PDT.
— WarcraftDevs (@WarcraftDevs) October 15, 2019
Den ursprünglichen Plänen der für WoW Classic zuständigen Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment zufolge sollte die noch in diesem Jahr startende zweite Phase der klassischen Spielversion die drei Flügel von Düsterbruch, die ersten klassischen Weltbosse und das erste Ehre-System für das pvP des Spiels mit sich bringen. Auch wenn diese Phase in dieser Form schon seit einigen Monaten feststeht, so hat Game Director Ion Hazzikostas heute Abend aber überraschenderweise in einem Entwicklerupdate zu der Zukunft von WoW verkündet, dass das Entwicklerteam sich nicht mehr an diesen Plan halten möchte. Diesem Video zufolge gehört Düsterbruch jetzt nicht mehr länger zu dieser Phase und soll bereits am 15. Oktober 2019 weltweit in allen Spielregionen freigeschaltet werden. Dadurch erhalten die Spieler dann Zugriff auf drei Flügel der Instanz, viele mächtige Gegenstände und möglicherweise sogar die Questreihen für die epischen Reittiere von Hexern und Paladinen.
Was den später in diesem Jahr anstehenden Start der zweiten Phase von WoW Classic betrifft, so möchten die Entwickler für die restlichen Inhalte aber an ihrem ursprünglichen Plan festhalten. Wenn also die zweite Phase startet, dann können die Spieler das klassische System für die Ehre verwenden und gemeinsam mit Mitspielern gegen die Weltbosse Azuregos und Lord Kazzak antreten. Des Weiteren gilt selbstverständlich auch weiterhin, dass die Entwickler die zweite Phase von WoW Classic erst dann starten möchten, wenn sie das Layering komplett aus dem Spiel entfernt haben.
In den ersten Minuten des folgenden Entwicklerupdates äußert sich Ion Hazzikostas zu den Plänen für Düsterbruch.