Schlacht um Dazar’alor: Der dritte Flügel wurde im LFR-Tool freigeschaltet

Wie bereits vor einigen Wochen durch einen Blogeintrag auf der offiziellen Internetseite von World of Warcraft angekündigt wurde, haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment im Verlauf des heutigen Vormittags nun endlich den dritten und gleichzeitig auch letzten Flügel der Schlacht um Dazar’alor im LFR-Tool freigeschaltet. Aus diesem Grund können sich Spieler mit dem passenden Itemlevel (min 350) jetzt jederzeit über das Suchtool für diesen Teil der Instanz anmelden und dort dann gegen leichtesten Versionen von High Tinker Mekkatorque, Stormwall Blockade und Lady Jaina Proudmoore antreten. Da dieser Raid die von der Horde erlebten Teile der Schlacht beschreibt, werden Spieler der Allianz für diese drei Bosse vorübergehend in Streiter der anderen Fraktion verwandelt.
Was die in dem LFR-Tool erhältliche Beute betrifft, so können Spieler bei diesen drei Encountern mit etwas Glück epische Ausrüstungsteile mit einer grundlegenden Gegenstandsstufe von 370+ erbeuten, die durch gelegentlich entstehende Verbesserungen sogar auf ein höheres Itemlevel steigen können. Zusätzlich dazu können Spieler in diesem Teil des Raids das besondere Reittier G.M.O.D. erbeuten. Auch wenn dieses mechanische Mount in den restlichen Schwierigkeitsgeraden bei Mekkatorque erhältlich ist, so kann dieses Reittier im LFR-Tool leider nur bei Jaina droppen. Wer sich also für das Mount interessiert, der muss den gesamten Flügel durchspielen.
Battle of Dazar’alor Raid Finder Wing 3 Available!
The defeat of King Rastakhan at the hands of the Alliance sets the stage for retaliation by the Horde. In this final chapter of the Battle of Dazar’alor, Alliance players will play through the events from the perspective of the Horde.
Raid Finder Wing 3 Now Available
Raid Finder Wing 3 is now open to players who have reached level 120 and have a minimum item level of 350. To queue for this new adventure, simply join through Group Finder (I) as either a healer, tank, or damage dealer. Learn more about each of the bosses in this wing through the Adventure Guide (Shift-J) in the Raids tab.
Horde: Victory or Death
In the final act of the Battle of Dazar’alor, Victory or Death, the Horde attempts to push the Alliance back from the High Seat—eventually confronting several key Alliance leaders.
King Rastakhan has been slain, and those responsible must be brought to justice before they can escape.
High Tinker Mekkatorque
Unrivaled in their ingenuity, Gelbin Mekkatorque’s inventions have been instrumental to the Alliance’s attack on Dazar’alor. His state-of-the-art armor is outfitted with the latest—and deadliest—ordnance that gnomish engineering can offer.
Stormwall Blockade
Brother Joseph and Sister Katherine are devout worshippers of the waves. These proud Kul Tirans would gladly risk their lives to ensure the safety of their compatriots. Their command over sea and storm is awesome to behold, as are the ancient and powerful rituals they practice.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore
As the Alliance fleet withdraws from Dazar’alor, Lady Jaina Proudmoore stays behind with a handful of Kul Tiran vessels to slow the Horde’s pursuit. Storm clouds gather overhead as Jaina leads her pursuers deeper into the Great Sea, where she will attempt to turn the odds in her favor.
Alliance: Might of the Alliance
During this final act, Might of the Alliance, Alliance characters will transform into soldiers of the opposite faction (including their associated racials) based on their race:
Dark Iron Dwarf: Players of this Allied Race will change into Mag’har orcs except for paladins, who will change into tauren, and warlocks, who will turn into orcs.
Draenei: These players will transform into tauren, save for mages, who will become orcs.
Dwarf: Most dwarves will turn into orcs; paladins will become tauren, priests will become undead.
Gnome: These players will transform into goblins, except for monks, who will become blood elves.
Human: Most humans will become undead, but paladins will become blood elves.
Lightforged Draenei: This Allied Race will change into tauren except for mages, who will change into orcs.
Night Elf: Night elf players will transform into trolls, except for demon hunters, who will become blood elves.
Pandaren: Pandaren will stay as pandaren.
Void Elf: Players of this Allied Race will change into trolls except for priests, who will become blood elves.
Worgen: All worgen players will transform into trolls.
Witness the Horde’s savagery as they strike at the valiant heroes of the Alliance.
High Tinker Mekkatorque
Unrivaled in their ingenuity, Gelbin Mekkatorque’s inventions have been instrumental to the Alliance’s attack on Dazar’alor. His state-of-the-art armor is outfitted with the latest—and deadliest—ordnance that gnomish engineering can offer.
Stormwall Blockade
Brother Joseph and Sister Katherine are devout worshippers of the waves. These proud Kul Tirans would gladly risk their lives to ensure the safety of their compatriots. Their command over sea and storm is awesome to behold, as are the ancient and powerful rituals they practice.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore
As the Alliance fleet withdraws from Dazar’alor, Lady Jaina Proudmoore stays behind with a handful of Kul Tiran vessels to slow the Horde’s pursuit. Storm clouds gather overhead as Jaina leads her pursuers deeper into the Great Sea, where she will attempt to turn the odds in her favor.
View the complete Battle of Dazar’alor raid preview and unlock schedule here.