Patch 8.1.5: Der PTR wurde gestartet und Build 28938 ist verfügbar

Nach Wochen des Wartens haben die für die fortlaufende Entwicklung von World of Warcraft zuständigen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht nun endlich den öffentlichen Testserver des kommenden Patch 8.1.5 gestartet und allen daran interessierten Personen dadurch dann erneut eine Reihe von brandneuen Inhalten zum Testen zur Verfügung gestellt. Wie man es von vergangenen Content Updates dieser Art nicht anders gewöhnt ist, wurde dieser kommende Patch kurz nach dem Start des PTRs direkt von den Data Minern auseinandergenommen und nach bisher unbekannt gewesenen Änderungen und Neuerungen abgesucht. Folgend findet ihr nun eine Übersicht von allen Inhalten aus Patch 8.1.5, die in der Nacht von gestern auf heute von Data Minern in den Spieldaten dieses Update auswendig gemacht wurden und nicht unbedingt zu den größeren Neuerungen aus den PTR Development Notes zu Patch 8.1.5 gehören.
Besonderheiten aus diesem Build:
- Build 28938 beinhaltet drei neue festliche Ruhesteine, die scheinbar als Belohnung für zukünftige Feiertage bestimmt sind:
- Patch 8.1.5 beinhaltet einen Micro-Feiertag rund um T-Shirts.
- Mit Leine auf Schlachtzug in Pandaria wird hinzugefügt.
- Die Feuer des Sonnenwendfestes gibt es bald auch in den Gebieten aus BfA.
- Zandalari Paladine erhalten ihr eigenes Mount: Crusader’s Direhorn
- Es gibt enue Szenarien rund um Magni und Hati.
- Die Menschen aus Kul Tiras erhalten eigene Modelle für ihre Totems (Bild).
- OG und SW besitzen neue Portalräume.
- DIe Kinderwoche erhält Waisenkinder aus Kul Tiras und Zandalar:
Neue Modelle:
Portalräume in OG/SW:
Neue Karten:
Die Charaktererstellung der neuen Völker:
Rassenfähigkeiten der neuen Völker:
Menschen von Kul Tiras:
Haymaker (Active) – Wind up, then unleash your might upon your foe, dealing 20 Physical damage, stunning for 3 sec, and knocking them back substantially. 2.5 minute cooldown
Brush It Off (Passive) – Increases Versatility by 1%. When you take damage, heal for 2% of that amount over 4 sec.
Child of the Sea (Passive) – Hold your breath for 50% longer and swim 10% faster.
Jack of All Trades (Passive) – Increases all Tradeskills by 5.
Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Passive) – Reduces Frost and Nature damage taken by 1%.
Languages: Common
Trolle aus Zandalar:
Embrace of the Loa (not finalized):
Embrace of Akunda – Your healing abilities have a chance to heal their target for 525.
Embrace of Bwonsamdi – Your damaging abilities have a chance to deal 87 Shadow damage and heal you for 100% of the damage done.
Embrace of Gonk – Increase movement speed by 5%.
Embrace of Kimbul – Your damaging abilities have a chance to cause the target to bleed for 260 over 6s. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
Embrace of Krag’wa – Taking damage has a chance to grant you 393 additional Health and 66 Armor.
Embrace of Paku – Your abilities have a chance to grant you 5% critical strike for until cancelled.
Pterrordax Swoop (Active) – Reduces your falling speed for 2 minutes. 15 minute cooldown.
Regeneratin‘ (Active) – Regenerate 25% of your maximum health every 1 sec. Lasts 4 seconds. 1.5 min cooldown.
City of Gold – Increase gold earned from creatures by 2%
Languages: Orcish, Zandali.
Die Rüstungen der Kampfgilde:
Neue Icons:
Death Knight
- Blood
- Marrowrend Smash the target, dealing [ 37.56% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and generating 3 charges of Bone Shield. [ability_deathknight_boneshield] Bone Shield Surrounds you with a barrier of whirling bones, increasing Armor by
[ 50%[ 40% of Strength ], and your Haste by 10%. Each melee attack against you consumes a charge. Lasts 30 sec or until all charges are consumed. Requires Melee Weapon. Death Knight – Blood Spec. Death Knight – Blood Spec. 2 Runes. Melee range. Instant.
- Marrowrend Smash the target, dealing [ 37.56% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and generating 3 charges of Bone Shield. [ability_deathknight_boneshield] Bone Shield Surrounds you with a barrier of whirling bones, increasing Armor by
- Unholy
- Necrotic Strike A vicious strike that deals [ 30% of Attack Power ] Plague damage, and converts 1 Festering Wounds into a Necrotic Wound, absorbing up to
8%7% of the target’s maximum health in healing recieved. Requires Melee Weapon. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 1 Runes. Melee range. Instant. Requires DeathKnight. Requires level 57+.
- Necrotic Strike A vicious strike that deals [ 30% of Attack Power ] Plague damage, and converts 1 Festering Wounds into a Necrotic Wound, absorbing up to
- Balance
- Empowerments Starsurge grants you Lunar and Solar Empowerment: Lunar Empowerment Increases the damage of your next Lunar Strike by 20% and reduces its cast time by 15%. Solar Empowerment Causes your next Solar Wrath to explode for an additional
10%20% of its damage to all nearby enemies and reduces its cast time by 15%. You can accumulate up to 1 of each Empowerment. Druid – Balance Spec. Druid – Balance Spec.
- Empowerments Starsurge grants you Lunar and Solar Empowerment: Lunar Empowerment Increases the damage of your next Lunar Strike by 20% and reduces its cast time by 15%. Solar Empowerment Causes your next Solar Wrath to explode for an additional
- Feral
- Feral Druid Increases damage/healing by
8%15%: Berserk, Brutal Slash, Feral Frenzy, Ferocious Bite, Incarnation: King of the Jungle, Maim, Moonfire, Primal Wrath, Rake, Rip, Shred, Swipe, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by8%15%: Berserk, Brutal Slash, Feral Frenzy, Ferocious Bite, Incarnation: King of the Jungle, Maim, Moonfire, Primal Wrath, Rake, Rip, Shred, Swipe, Thrash Increases damage/healing by 83%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 83%: Regrowth Druid – Feral Spec. Druid – Feral Spec.
- Feral Druid Increases damage/healing by
- Frozen Orb Launches an orb of swirling ice up to 40 yards forward which deals up to
[ 310%[ 325.4% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to all enemies it passes through. Grants 1 charge of Fingers of Frost when it first damages an enemy. Enemies damaged by the Frozen Orb are slowed by 30% for 3 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Frost
- Frost Mage Decreases damage/healing by
22%19%: Arcane Missiles, Blizzard, Comet Storm, Cone of Cold, Ebonbolt, Fire Blast, Flurry, Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Lance, Ice Nova, Living Bomb, Mastery: Icicles, Nether Tempest, Ray of Frost Decreases periodic damage/healing by22%19%: Arcane Missiles, Blizzard, Comet Storm, Cone of Cold, Ebonbolt, Fire Blast, Flurry, Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Lance, Ice Nova, Living Bomb, Mastery: Icicles, Nether Tempest, Ray of Frost Mage – Frost Spec. Mage – Frost Spec. - Frozen Orb Launches an orb of swirling ice up to 40 yards forward which deals up to
[ 310%[ 325.4% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to all enemies it passes through. Grants 1 charge of Fingers of Frost when it first damages an enemy. Enemies damaged by the Frozen Orb are slowed by 30% for 3 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. Mage – Frost Spec. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 15 sec cast (Channeled). 60 sec cooldown.
- Frost Mage Decreases damage/healing by
- Halo Creates a ring of Holy energy around you that quickly expands to a 30 yd radius, healing allies for
[ 110%[ 103% of Spell Power ] and dealing[ 110%[ 103% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies. 100 yd range. Instant. - Halo Creates a ring of Holy energy around you that quickly expands to a 30 yd radius, healing allies for
[ 110%[ 103% of Spell Power ] and dealing[ 110%[ 103% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies. 100 yd range. Instant. - Discipline
- Discipline Priest Discipline Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Contrition, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Holy Nova, Penance, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Mending, Premonition, Shadow Covenant, Shadow Mend Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Contrition, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Holy Nova, Penance, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Mending, Premonition, Shadow Covenant, Shadow Mend Decreases damage/healing by
16%19%: Shadow Word: Pain and Smite Decreases periodic damage/healing by16%19%: Shadow Word: Pain Priest – Discipline Spec. Priest – Discipline Spec. - Purge the Wicked Cleanses the target with fire, causing
[ 28.5%[ 27.6% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and an additional[ 157%[ 152% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 20 sec. Spreads to an additional nearby enemy when you cast Penance on the target. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Discipline Priest – Level 90 Talent. Discipline Priest – Level 90 Talent. 1.8% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Discipline Priest Discipline Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Contrition, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Holy Nova, Penance, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Mending, Premonition, Shadow Covenant, Shadow Mend Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Contrition, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Holy Nova, Penance, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Mending, Premonition, Shadow Covenant, Shadow Mend Decreases damage/healing by
- Discipline & Holy
- Halo Creates a ring of Holy energy around you that quickly expands to a 30 yd radius, healing allies for
[ 110%[ 103% of Spell Power ] and dealing[ 110%[ 103% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Priest – Level 90 Talent. Priest – Level 90 Talent. 2.7% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 40 sec cooldown.
- Halo Creates a ring of Holy energy around you that quickly expands to a 30 yd radius, healing allies for
- Holy
- Greater Heal An exceptional spell that heals an ally for 65% of their maximum health. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. PvP Talent. PvP Talent.
3%4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast. Requires Priest. Requires level 40+. - Symbol of Hope Bolster the morale of all healers in your party or raid within 40 yards, restoring 2% of their missing mana
every 1 sec for 6 secimmediately and every 1 sec for 5 sec. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Priest – Holy Spec. Priest – Holy Spec. 40 yd range.65 sec cast (Channeled). 5 min cooldown.
- Greater Heal An exceptional spell that heals an ally for 65% of their maximum health. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. PvP Talent. PvP Talent.
- Shadow
- Edge of Insanity While not in Voidform, reaching 90 Insanity reduces damage taken by
10%5%, and increases damage dealt by 10% for 15 sec. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires Priest. Requires level 40+.
- Edge of Insanity While not in Voidform, reaching 90 Insanity reduces damage taken by
- Subtlety
- Shuriken Storm Sprays shurikens at all targets within 10 yards, dealing
[ 13.8% of Attack Power + 13.8%[ 16.2% of Attack Power + 16.2% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Physical damage. Damage increased by 50% while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active. Awards 1 combo points per target hit plus an additional 1. Rogue – Subtlety Spec. Rogue – Subtlety Spec. 35 Energy. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
- Shuriken Storm Sprays shurikens at all targets within 10 yards, dealing
- Elemental
- Lightning Lasso Grips the target in lightning, stunning the target and dealing O2% of the target’s maximum health in Nature damage over
65 sec. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 20 yd range.65 sec cast (Channeled). 30 sec cooldown. Requires Shaman. Requires level 40+.
- Lightning Lasso Grips the target in lightning, stunning the target and dealing O2% of the target’s maximum health in Nature damage over
- Fear Strikes fear in the enemy, disorienting for 20 sec. Damage may cancel the effect. Limit 1.
10%5% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. 1.7 sec cast. - Affliction & Destruction
- Demon Armor Protects the caster, increasing maximum health by 10% and increases armor by
125%275%. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Instant. Requires Warlock. Requires level 40+.
- Demon Armor Protects the caster, increasing maximum health by 10% and increases armor by
- Protection
- Vanguard Hardened by battle, your Stamina is increased by 45%, and your armor is increased by
55%60% of your Strength. Warrior – Protection Spec. Warrior – Protection Spec.
- Vanguard Hardened by battle, your Stamina is increased by 45%, and your armor is increased by
Anpassungen an Azeritkräften:
- Apothecary’s Concoctions Your damaging abilities have a chance to deal
234198 Plague damage over 6 sec, and your healing abilities have a chance to restore450381 health over 6 sec. These effects are increased by up to 100% based on the target’s missing health. - Auto-Self-Cauterizer Taking damage has a chance to unleash your Auto-Self-Cauterizer, healing you for
1,2761,079, removing most* bleed effects, and snaring nearby enemies by 30% for 5 sec. Increases your Kul Tiran or Zandalari Engineering by 30. *Efficacy may vary. Approximately 1.5 procs per minute. - Azerite Fortification When stunned, immobilized, or knocked back, you heal for
1,276.1,079. - Azerite Globules Your damaging abilities have a chance to implant an Azerite Globule on your enemies. When an enemy collects 3 Azerite Globules, they explode, dealing
175148 Fire damage to nearby enemies. - Azerite Veins Taking damage has a chance to grant you Azerite Veins, healing you for
650550 every 3 sec. Lasts 18 sec or until you are fully healed. - Barrage Of Many Bombs Your spells and abilities have a chance to fire a bomb at your target, which when in proximity breaks into 5 smaller bombs. Upon hitting the ground, each smaller bomb deals
10286 damage to all nearby enemies. Increases your Kul Tiran or Zandalari Engineering by 25. Approximately 1.5 procs per minute. - Battlefield Focus Your abilities have a chance to apply 20 stacks of Battlefield Focus to an enemy, increasing damage taken from members of the Horde by
9580. Applying Battlefield Focus to a member of the Alliance grants an additional 5 stacks. - Battlefield Precision Your abilities have a chance to apply 20 stacks of Battlefield Focus to an enemy, increasing damage taken from members of the Alliance by
9580. Applying Battlefield Focus to a member of the Horde grants an additional 5 stacks. - Bracing Chill Your heals have a chance to apply Bracing Chill. Healing a target with Bracing Chill will heal for an additional
215182 and move Bracing Chill to a nearby ally (up to 6 times). - Bulwark of the Masses When you are surrounded by 4 or more enemies, gain a shield that absorbs
1,170990 damage. Cannot occur more than once every 20 sec. - Concentrated Mending Your healing effects have a chance to grant the target
86 additional healing every 2 sec for 12 sec. This effect doubles every 2 sec. - Dagger in the Back Your damaging spells and abilities have a chance to fling a dagger at your target, causing them to bleed for
132112 Physical damage over 12 sec, stacking up to 4 times. Stabbing them in the back applies 2 stacks. - Filthy Transfusion Your damaging abilities have a chance to invoke a tainted swamp beneath the target, siphoning
678576 health from them over 6 sec. - Gutripper Your damaging abilities have a chance to deal
186157 Physical damage to the target. Gutripper occurs much more often against targets below 30% health. - Heed My Call Your damaging abilities have a chance to deal
368312 Nature damage to your target, and158134 Nature damage to enemies within 3 yards of that target. - Impassive Visage When you take damage, heal for
375317. Cannot occur more than once every 6 sec sec. - Laser Matrix Your spells and abilities have a chance to release a barrage of lasers, dealing
526446 Arcane damage split among all enemies and restoring942797 health split among injured allies. Enables Reorigination Array within Uldir. - Personal Absorb-o-Tron Taking damage has a chance to call your Personal Absorb-o-Tron, absorbing the next
2,1451,815 damage you take over 20 sec. Increases your Kul Tiran or Zandalari Engineering by 30. Approximately 1.5 procs per minute. - Resounding Protection Every 30 sec, gain an absorb shield for
1,072 for 30 sec.907 for 30 sec. - Rezan’s Fury Your damaging abilities have a chance to call a Child of Rezan to viciously rend your target, dealing
251213 Physical damage and causing them to bleed for504 damage over 12 sec.424 damage over 12 sec. - Ricocheting Inflatable Pyrosaw Your spells and abilities have a chance to hurl a R.I.P that bounces among 4 enemies, dealing
307260 Fire damage to each. Beneficial spells have a chance to hurl a Mechanized External Needle Dispenser, healing up to 4 allies for455385. Increases your Kul Tiran or Zandalari Engineering by 25. Approximately 1.5 procs per minute. - Ruinous Bolt Your spells and abilities have a chance to draw a Wandering Soul from Thros to serve you for 14 sec. The Soul blasts a nearby enemy every 2 sec, dealing
148 Shadow damage.125 Shadow damage. - Savior Your heals on targets below 50% health have a chance to heal for an additional
390.330. - Self Reliance While no enemies are within 12 yds, you heal for
100 every 3 sec.85 every 3 sec. - Strength in Numbers Taking damage has a chance to increase your maximum health by
738625 for each enemy within 8 yds, up to 5 enemies. Lasts 15 sec. - Synaptic Spark Capacitor Your spells and abilities have a chance to cause the target to become a Spark Coil for 10 sec. Enemies within
8102 yards of the Spark Coil take141102 damage every 2 seconds and deal 5% reduced damage to you. Increases your Kul Tiran or Zandalari Engineering by 25. Approximately 1.5 procs per minute. - Thunderous Blast Dealing damage has a chance to call down a Thunderous Blast, dealing
9883 Nature damage to the enemy and increasing the damage of Thunderous Blast by 20%. At 100% increased damage, Thunderous Blast will critically hit and reset this effect. - Tidal Surge Your damaging spells and abilities have a chance to release a tidal surge, dealing
301255 Frost damage to your target and slowing their movement speed by 20% for 6 sec.
Death Knight
- Cold Hearted Icebound Fortitude heals for
319270 every sec and its cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds. - Runic Barrier Anti-Magic Shell absorbs
1,6511,397 additional damage and its duration is increased to 6 seconds. - Bloody Runeblade When Crimson Scourge activates, you gain
4337 Haste for 5 sec, and immediately gain 5 Runic Power. - Deep Cuts Heart Strike amplifies your Blood Plague on your primary target for 15 sec, causing it to drain an additional
2017 health each time it drains. - Bone Spike Graveyard (Blood) Casting Death and Decay impales enemies with bone spikes, inflicting
9681 Physical damage and healing you for120 per enemy.101 per enemy. - Bone Spike Graveyard (Unholy) Casting Defile impales enemies with bone spikes, inflicting
9681 Physical damage and healing you for120 per enemy.101 per enemy. - Bone Spike Graveyard Unholy: Casting Defile impales enemies with bone spikes, inflicting
9681 Physical damage and healing you for120 per enemy.101 per enemy. - Echoing Howl When empowered by Rime, Howling Blast causes a secondary burst of icy wind around you that deals
10488 Frost damage to nearby enemies. - Frostwhelp’s Indignation Pillar of Frost summons a Frostwhelp who breathes on all enemies within 20 yards in front of you for
9502,374 Frost damage. Each unique enemy hit by Frostwhelp’s Indignation grants you 47 Mastery for6 sec, up to 235.15 sec, up to 235. - Frozen Tempest Remorseless Winter deals an additional
1815 damage. The first time Remorseless Winter deals damage to 3 different enemies, you gain Rime. - Killer Frost Frost Strike deals
3025 additional damage with each hit and has a 15% chance on critical strikes to grant Killing Machine. - Cankerous Wounds Festering Strike deals
239202 additional damage and has a 20% increased chance of applying 3 Festering Wounds. - Harrowing Decay Death Coil infects the target with Harrowing Decay, dealing
9684 Shadow damage over 4 sec. - Helchains Dark Transformations ignites you and your pet with flaming chains that deal
5761 Fire damage every sec to enemies between you for 15 sec. - Last Surprise When your ghouls expire, they explode in viscera dealing
154131 Shadow damage to nearby enemies. - Magus of the Dead Apocalypse and Army of the Damned additionally summon a Magus of the Dead for
3020 sec who hurls Frostbolts and Shadow Bolts at your foes, dealing156 damage each.98 damage each.
Demon Hunter
- Burning Soul When your Consume Magic consumes a beneficial Magic effect from the target, gain
1,072907 Absorb for 20 sec and shatter a Soul Fragment from the target. - Soulmonger Consuming a Soul Fragment shields you, granting
250 Absorb for 3 sec212 Absorb for 3 sec - Thrive in Chaos (Havoc) Each Fury spent heals you for
2 Health.1 Health. - Chaotic Transformation Demon Blades deals
5345 additional damage. When you activate Metamorphosis, the cooldown of Eye Beam and Blade Dance is immediately reset. - Revolving Blades Blade Dance deals
9276 additional damage, and the cost of your next Blade Dance is reduced by 3 Fury for each enemy struck by the final slash. - Thirsting Blades Every 1.5 sec, increase the damage of Chaos Strike by
1210 and reduce its cost by 1 Fury. This effect stacks. - Cycle of Binding Afflicting an enemy with a Sigil grants you
108 Agility for 6 sec and reduces the cooldown of your Sigils by 2 sec. - Essence Sever Fracture has a chance to rip Lesser Soul Fragments from up to 4 nearby enemies, dealing
136 Fire damage to each.115 Fire damage to each. - Hour of Reaping Lesser Soul Fragments restore
7866 additional health, and every 40 Soul Fragments you consume causes your next Soul Cleave to grant you a Soul Barrier.
- Reawakening When you resurrect an ally with Rebirth, they absorb
5,3954,565 damage for 15 sec and gain Well Fed, increasing their Agility, Intellect, or Strength by 60 for 60 min. - Ursoc’s Endurance When you use Barkskin or Survival Instincts, absorb
1,801 damage over 8 sec.1,524 damage over 8 sec. - Arcanic Pulsar Starsurge’s damage is increased by
80101. Every 9 Starsurges, gain Celestial Alignment for 6 sec. - Dawning Sun Lunar Strike increases the damage of your Solar Wrath by
73 for 8 sec.62 for 8 sec. - Power of the Moon Moonfire deals
1211 additional periodic damage, and has a chance to grant Lunar Empowerment. - Streaking Stars While Celestial Alignment is active, your damaging spells call a Streaking Star, dealing an additional
185156 damage when they are not a repeat of the previous ability. - High Noon Sunfire’s radius is increased to 11 yds, and it deals
16 additional periodic damage.13 additional periodic damage. - Blood Mist Rake deals
6555 additional damage over its duration, and has a chance to grant you Berserk for 5 sec. Cannot occur while Incarnation: King of the Jungle is active. - Gushing Lacerations Rip deals
910 additional periodic damage, and has a 6% chance to award a combo point each time it deals damage. - Iron Jaws Ferocious Bite has a 8% chance per combo point to increase the damage of your next Maim by
452 per combo point.205 per combo point. - Untamed Ferocity Combo-point generating abilities deal
1620 additional instant damage and reduce the cooldown of Incarnation: King of the Jungle by 0.2 sec. - Wild Fleshrending (Feral) Shred deals
118100 additional damage, and Brutal Slash deals3832 additional damage, to enemies suffering from your Thrash. - Wild Fleshrending (Guardian) Shred deals
118100 additional damage, and Swipe deals3832 additional damage, to enemies suffering from your Thrash. - Wild Fleshrending Guardian: Shred deals
118100 additional damage, and Swipe deals3832 additional damage, to enemies suffering from your Thrash. - Gory Regeneration Mangle extends the duration of your active Frenzied Regeneration by 1.0 sec, up to 3 sec, and Frenzied Regeneration restores an additional
174 health every sec.147 health every sec. - Autumn Leaves Rejuvenation’s duration is increased by 1 sec, and it heals for an additional
1513 when it is your only heal over time on the target. - Early Harvest When Wild Growth expires, it heals the target for
7578 if they are injured, or it reduces the cooldown of Innervate by 1 sec if they are not. - Grove Tending Swiftmend heals the target for
516 over 9 sec.435 over 9 sec. - Rampant Growth Regrowth heals for
132108 more over its duration, and its healing over time effect also applies to the target of your Lifebloom. - Waking Dream Ysera’s Gift now heals every 4 sec, and heals for an additional
3025 for each of your active Rejuvenations.
- Duck and Cover Using Feign Death allows you to absorb
1,5011,270 damage over 6 sec, and Feign Death’s cooldown is reduced to 25 seconds. - Nature’s Salve Exhilaration heals you for an additional
1,9241,628 health, and the cooldown is reduced by 15.0 sec. - Shellshock Every 1 sec Aspect of the Turtle is active, heal for
180.152. - Rapid Reload Multi-Shots that damage more than 2 targets fire an additional wave of bullets, dealing
5042 damage and reducing the cooldown of your Aspects by 1 sec. - Dire Consequences (Beast Mastery) Kill Command deals
8874 additional damage, and has a chance to summon a Dire Beast. - Dire Consequences (Survival) Kill Command deals
5950 additional damage, and has a chance to summon a Dire Beast. - Dire Consequences Survival: Kill Command deals
5950 additional damage, and has a chance to summon a Dire Beast. - Serrated Jaws Kill Command has a 40% chance to deal an additional
183155 damage and grant your Pet 5 Focus. - Focused Fire Rapid Fire deals an additional
323272 damage over its duration, and each shot has a 30% chance to generate 2 additional Focus. - Steady Aim Steady Shot increases the damage of your next Aimed Shot against the target by
9681, stacking up to 5 times. - Surging Shots Rapid Fire damage is increased by up to
3329 per shot fired, this damage starts lower and increases per shot of Rapid Fire. Aimed Shot has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Rapid Fire. - Latent Poison Serpent Sting damage applies Latent Poison, stacking up to 10 times. Your Mongoose Bite consumes all applications of Latent Poison to deal
84 Nature damage per stack.71 Nature damage per stack. - Venomous Fangs Your pet’s Basic Attack deals
9480 additional damage to enemies suffering from your Serpent Sting. - Wilderness Survival Mongoose Bite deals an additional
5042 damage and reduces the remaining cooldown of Wildfire Bomb by 1.0 sec. - Wildfire Cluster Wildfire Bomb drops a small cluster of bombs around the target, each exploding for
53 damage.45 damage.
- Cauterizing Blink When you Shimmer, heal for
240203 every 1 sec for 4 sec. - Eldritch Warding Your Ice Barrier, Blazing Barrier, and Prismatic Barrier absorb
750 additional damage.635 additional damage. - Quick Thinking Your instant cast damaging spells heal you for
131.111. - Arcane Pressure Arcane Barrage deals an additional
192163 damage per Arcane Charge against targets below 35% health. - Equipoise While you are above 70% mana, Arcane Blast deals 10 additional damage. While you are below 70% mana, Arcane Blast’s cost is reduced by
150.190. - Explosive Echo Arcane Explosion deals an additional
3933 damage. When it damages at least 3 targets, it has a 10% chance to deal an additional268 Arcane damage to them.227 Arcane damage to them. - Galvanizing Spark Arcane Blast deals an additional
1613 damage and has a 8% chance to generate a second Arcane Charge. - Duplicative Incineration Fireball deals an additional
5143 damage, and has a 5% chance to launch a second Fireball. - Trailing Embers Pyroblast burns enemies between you and the target for
8472 Fire damage over 6 sec. - Wildfire Pyroblast deals
9663 additional damage. When you activate Combustion, you gain576768 Critical Strike, and up to 4 nearby allies gain14496 Critical Strike for 10 sec. - Flash Freeze Each of your Icicles deals
5561 additional damage, and when an Icicle deals damage you have a 5% chance to gain the Fingers of Frost effect. - Glacial Assault Flurry has a 20% chance each strike to call down an icy comet, crashing into your target and nearby enemies for
356 Frost damage.301 Frost damage. - Packed Ice Ice Lance deals an additional
8168 damage to enemies recently damaged by your Frozen Orb. - Tunnel of Ice Frostbolt increases the damage of Frostbolt by
3026, stacking up to 3 times. This effect is reset if you cast Frostbolt at a different enemy. - Whiteout Ice Lance deals an additional
2925 damage and reduces the cooldown of Frozen Orb by 0.5 sec.
- Strength of Spirit (Brewmaster, Mistweaver) While Fortifying Brew is active, heal for
138 every second.117 every second. - Strength of Spirit (Windwalker) While Touch of Karma is active, heal for
138 every second.117 every second. - Strength of Spirit Windwalker: While Touch of Karma is active, heal for
138 every second.117 every second. - Boiling Brew Breath of Fire deals
8466 additional damage over its duration, and has a chance to summon a Healing Sphere each time it deals damage. - Elusive Footwork Blackout Strike deals an additional
5647 damage. Blackout Strike critical hits grant an additional 1 stack of Elusive Brawler. - Fit to Burst Drinking Purifying Brew while at Heavy Stagger causes your next 3 melee abilities to heal you for
244.207. - Staggering Strikes When you Blackout Strike, your Stagger is reduced by
239.202. - Straight, No Chaser Ironskin Brew increases your Armor by 76, and has a
10%8% chance to not consume a charge. - Burst of Life Life Cocoon’s cooldown is reduced by 20 sec. When Life Cocoon expires, it releases a burst of mist that restores
2,0101,701 health split among the target and nearby allies. - Font of Life Your Essence Font’s initial heal is increased by
2824 and has a chance to reduce the cooldown of Thunder Focus Tea by 1 sec. - Overflowing Mists Your Enveloping Mists heal the target for
6454 each time they take damage. - Uplifted Spirits Your Vivify heals for an additional
5749. Vivify critical heals reduce the cooldown of your Revival by 1.0 sec. - Glory of the Dawn Rising Sun Kick has a 25% chance to trigger a second time, dealing
638778 Physical damage and restoring 1 Chi. - Sunrise Technique Attacking a target with Rising Sun Kick causes your damaging melee abilities to deal
4437 additional Physical damage to that target for 15 sec. - Dance of Chi-Ji Spending Chi has a chance to make your next Spinning Crane Kick free and deal
237 additional damage.200 additional damage. - Open Palm Strikes When Fists of Fury deals damage, it has a 5% chance to refund 1 Chi, and it deals
176 additional damage.149 additional damage. - Pressure Point Tiger Palm’s chance to make your next Blackout Kick free is increased to 10% and Tiger Palm deals an additional
129 damage.109 damage.
- Grace of the Justicar Judging a foe heals up to 10 allies within 8 yards of that enemy for
65.55. - Indomitable Justice Judgment deals additional damage when your health percentage exceeds the target’s, up to
418 damage.353 damage. - Judicious Defense Your Judgment critical strikes reduce the damage of the target’s melee attacks against you by
175 for 8 sec.148 for 8 sec. - Stalwart Protector When you cast Divine Shield, grant
540457 absorb for 15 sec to nearby allies. - Breaking Dawn Increases the healing done by Light of Dawn by
3530 and its range to 40 yards. - Glimmer of Light Holy Shock leaves a Glimmer of Light on the target for 30 sec. When you Holy Shock, all targets with Glimmer of Light are damaged for
78 or healed for 136.66 or healed for 98. - Moment of Compassion Your Flash of Light heals for an additional
4235 when cast on a target affected by your Beacon of Light. - Radiant Incandescence Your Holy Shock criticals deal an additional
126 damage, or an additional 198 healing, over 3 sec.105 damage, or an additional 168 healing, over 3 sec. - Bulwark of Light Avenger’s Shield grants you a shield, absorbing
780 damage for 8 sec.660 damage for 8 sec. - Righteous Conviction
Your LightYour Hand of the Protector heals for240203 additional healing, and is always increased by 200% during Avenging Wrath. - Empyrean Power Your attacks have a chance to make your next Divine Storm free and deal
203 additional damage.173 additional damage. - Expurgation Your Blade of Justice critical hits cause the target to burn for an additional
229194 Holy damage every 2 sec over 6 sec. - Light’s Decree Spending Holy Power during Avenging Wrath causes you to explode with Holy light for
8780 damage per Holy Power spent to nearby enemies. Avenging Wrath’s duration is increased by 5 sec.
- Death Denied Leap of Faith absorbs the next
1,9941,687 damage to the target within 10 sec. While the shield holds, Leap of Faith cools down 200% faster. - Sanctum When you cast Fade, absorb
1,3511,143 Magic damage for 10 sec. - Twist Magic When you successfully Dispel Magic, heal yourself and 4 injured allies within 40 yds for
174.147. - Contemptuous Homily Penance deals an additional
2320 damage and extends your Purge the Wicked by 1 sec per bolt. - Enduring Luminescence Power Word: Radiance restores
9278 additional health, and applies Atonement for 70% of its normal duration. - Moment of Repose Pain Suppression applies Atonement to the target and instantly heals them for
1,276.1,080. - Sudden Revelation Power Word: Radiance has a 50% chance to cause your next Holy Nova to deal
273231 additional damage and reduce the cooldown of Power Word: Radiance by 3 sec. - Weal and Woe Healing an ally with Penance increases the damage of your next Smite by
6454. Damaging an enemy with Penance increases the absorption of your next Power Word: Shield by239.202. - Depth of the Shadows (Discipline) Each time Purge the Wicked deals damage, the healing of your next Shadow Mend is increased by
1715, up to a maximum of510.450. - Depth of the Shadows (Shadow) Each time Shadow Word: Pain deals damage, the healing of your next Shadow Mend is increased by
1715, up to a maximum of510.450. - Depth of the Shadows Shadow: Each time Shadow Word: Pain deals damage, the healing of your next Shadow Mend is increased by
1715, up to a maximum of510.450. - Blessed Sanctuary Echo of Light from Holy Word: Sanctify heals for an additional
264.222. - Everlasting Light Heal restores up to
191162 additional health, based on your missing mana. - Permeating Glow Flash Heal increases the healing of your Flash Heals on that ally by
110 for 6 sec.93 for 6 sec. - Prayerful Litany Prayer of Healing restores an additional
183155 health to the most injured ally it affects. - Promise of Deliverance For 10 sec after you cast Holy Word: Serenity, Heal and Flash Heal heal for an additional
8874, and reduce the cooldown of Holy Word: Serenity by an additional 1 sec. - Death Throes Shadow Word: Pain deals an additional
264224 damage over its duration. When an enemy dies while afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain, you gain 5 Insanity. - Searing Dialogue Mind Sear deals an additional
8067 damage to enemies suffering from your Shadow Word: Pain and snares all enemies hit by 30%. - Spiteful Apparitions Shadowy Apparitions deal an additional
140118 damage to enemies suffering from your Vampiric Touch. - Thought Harvester Vampiric Touch damage is increased by
2118, and each time Vampiric Touch deals damage you have a chance to increase the damage of your next Mind Sear within 20 sec by300%.150%. - Whispers of the Damned Shadow Word: Void deals
96 additional damage and generates 10126 additional damage and generates 20 additional Insanity on critical strikes.
- Double Dose When Mutilate applies Lethal Poison with both daggers, it poisons the target for an additional
[ 95[ 80 * (1 + 27 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] damage. - Echoing Blades Fan of Knives damage is increased by
[ 20[ 22 * (1 + 27 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2).2) ]. For each of the first 5 critical strikes, it will fire a second spray of knives at that location, dealing[ 48[ 22 * (1 + 27 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2).2) 2 ;] damage to enemies within 8 yards.This second spray of knives always critically hits. - Nothing Personal Vendetta poisons the target, dealing
[ 144[ 75 * 10 * (1 + 27 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] Nature damage over 20 sec, and grants you 40 energy over 20 sec. - Shrouded Suffocation Garrote cast from Stealth generates 2 additional Combo Points and deals
[ 39[ 33 * (1 + 27 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] additional damage. every 2 sec for 18 sec. - Twist the Knife Envenom deals
[ 20[ 17 * (1 + 27 / 100.2 * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + (170% of Spell Power) / 100.2).2) ] additional damage per combo point, and Envenom lasts for 1.0 sec longer when it critically strikes. - Ace Up Your Sleeve Each combo point spent on Between the Eyes increases damage by an additional
5345 and grants a 2% chance to gain 4 Combo Points. - Deadshot Between the Eyes increases the damage of your next Pistol Shot by
241.204. - Keep Your Wits About You Each time an attack Blade Flurries, increase the chance for Sinister Strike to strike again by 2%. Additional strikes of Sinister Strike deal
48 more damage.124 more damage. - Snake Eyes
For each combo point spent on Slice and Dice, it causesWhen you spend Combo Points on Slice and Dice your next 10 Sinister Strikesto deal 15 additional damage.will deal 13 additional damage for each Combo Point spent. - Blade In The Shadows Shadowstrike increases the damage your Shadowstrike deals by
54, stacking up to 10 times, and costs 2 less Energy. - Inevitability Backstab and Shadowstrike deal an additional
3126 damage and extend the duration of your Symbols of Death by 0.5 sec. - Night’s Vengeance Nightblade increases the damage of your next Eviscerate within 8 sec by
33 per combo point.28 per combo point. - Perforate Backstabbing an enemy from behind increases the damage of Backstab by
2017 for 12 sec, stacking up to 3 times, and reduces the cooldown of Shadow Blades by 0.5 sec. - Replicating Shadows Each combo point spent has
an 10%a 2% chance to cause your Nightblade to deal124394 Shadow damage and replicate to a nearby enemy.
- Ancestral Resonance Your spells and abilities have a chance to increase your Mastery by 0 for
2015 sec. Heroism’s duration is increased to6050 seconds on you, and Ancestral Resonance’s chance to activate is greatly increased during Heroism. - Ancient Ankh Talisman While Reincarnation is off cooldown, your maximum health is increased by
481407. While you are at full health, Reincarnation cools down 50% faster. - Pack Spirit While Ghost Wolf is active, heal for
200 every 1 sec.169 every 1 sec. - Serene Spirit When you cast Astral Shift and when Astral Shift ends, heal for
690.584. - Lava Shock Flame Shock damage increases the damage of your next Earth Shock by
3227, stacking up to 20 times. - Tectonic Thunder Earthquake deals
10084 Physical damage instantly, and has a 25% chance to make your next Chain Lightning be instant cast. - Igneous Potential (Elemental) Your Lava Burst deals
4034 additional damage, and your Lava Surge chance is increased to 18%. - Igneous Potential (Restoration) Your Lava Burst deals
4034 additional damage, and your Lava Surge chance is increased to 23%. - Igneous Potential Restoration: Your Lava Burst deals
4034 additional damage, and your Lava Surge chance is increased to 23%. - Lightning Conduit Stormstrike marks the target as a Lightning Conduit for 60 sec. Stormstrike deals
3429 Nature damage to all enemies you’ve marked as Conduits. - Primal Primer Melee attacks with Flametongue active increase the damage the target takes from your next Lava Lash by
1714, stacking up to 10 times. - Roiling Storm Every 2 seconds, reduce the cost of your next Stormstrike by 2 Maelstrom and increase its damage by
6353. This effect stacks up to 15 times. - Strength of Earth Rockbiter causes your next melee ability, other than Rockbiter, to deal an additional
145 Nature damage.123 Nature damage. - Thunderaan’s Fury Stormstrike deals 51 additional damage, and has a
15%10% chance to summon Thunderaan’s Fury Totem, doubling the chance to activate Windfury Weapon for12 sec.6 sec. - Overflowing Shores Healing Rain instantly restores
10488 health to allies within its area, and its radius is increased to 12 yds. - Soothing Waters Your Chain Heal heals its primary target for an additional
140 healing.119 healing. - Spouting Spirits Spirit Link Totem’s radius is increased by 15%, and it restores
442374 health to all nearby allies 1 second after it is dropped. - Surging Tides If the target of your Riptide is below 50% of their maximum health, Riptide causes them to absorb up to
650 damage for 8 sec.550 damage for 8 sec. - Swelling Stream Every 3 sec your Cloudburst Totem releases a lesser chain heal, restoring
5547 health to up to 3 injured allies. Healing is reduced by 30% after each jump. - Turn of the Tide Both bonuses of Tidal Waves are increased by 5%, and spells affected by it heal for an additional
- Desperate Power While below 50% health, your Drain Life heals for an additional
225 health each 1 sec.190 health each 1 sec. - Terror of the Mind Soul Leech gains
143121 absorption every 1 sec while a target is affected by Fear. - Dreadful Calling Unstable Affliction deals
5648 additional damage, and casting Unstable Affliction reduce the cooldown of Summon Darkglare by 1 sec. - Inevitable Demise Damaging an enemy with Agony increases the damage of your next Drain Life by
119. This effect stacks up to 50 times. - Pandemic Invocation Refreshing Corruption, Agony, or Siphon Life with less than 5 seconds remaining will deal
11668 Shadow damage and has a 6.66% chance to grant you a Soul Shard. - Excoriate When you gain Demonic Core, the damage of your next Demonbolt is increased by
105.89. - Shadow’s Bite When your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away, they increase the damage of your Demonbolt by
205 for 8 sec.174 for 8 sec. - Umbral Blaze Your Hand of Guldan has a 15% chance to burn its target for
203172 additional Shadowflame damage every 2 sec for 6 sec. - Chaos Shards Incinerate damage is increased by
3744, and when you fill up a Soul Shard, you have a5.0%4.0% chance to generate an additional full Soul Shard over 2 sec. - Chaotic Inferno Chaos Bolt deals
6959 additional damage, and has a 25% chance to make your next Incinerate instant. - Crashing Chaos Summoning your Infernal increases the damage of your next 8 Chaos Bolts by
- Bury the Hatchet When you use Impending Victory, gain
1,3511,143 Physical absorb for 10 sec. - Intimidating Presence Intimidating Shout reduces the movement speed of affected enemies by 50%, and prevents the next
1,3561,147 damage they deal after Intimidating Shout ends. - Moment of Glory Your Rallying Cry grants
638540 additional Max Health to affected allies, and its duration is increased to 12 sec. - Crushing Assault Your melee abilities have a chance to increase the damage of your next Slam by
861729 and reduce its Rage cost by 20. - Lord of War Warbreaker deals an additional
751636 damage and generates 10 Rage. - Seismic Wave Overpower causes a seismic wave that deals
124105 Physical damage to enemies in a 10 yd line. - Striking the Anvil The Tactician effect improves your next Overpower, causing it to deal
167142 additional damage and reduce the remaining cooldown of Mortal Strike by 1.5 sec. - Cold Steel, Hot Blood Bloodthirst critical strikes generate 4 additional Rage, and inflict a Gushing Wound that leeches
372 health over 6 sec.315 health over 6 sec. - Pulverizing Blows Raging Blow causes every strike of your next Rampage to deal an additional
2723 damage. Stacks up to 5 times. - Reckless Flurry Auto attacks deal
1449 additional damage and reduce the cooldown of Recklessness by 0.1 sec. - Simmering Rage Rampage deals an additional
8068 damage and generates 1 Rage per strike. - Unbridled Ferocity Rampage deals an additional
8068 damage and has a 8% chance to grant you Recklessness for 4 sec. - Bloodsport Ignore Pain prevents
399337 additional damage, and grants you5 Leech for 8 sec.4 Leech for 8 sec. - Callous Reprisal Revenge deals
3328 additional damage and reduces the damage enemies deal to you by 0.5% for 8 sec, stacking up to 3 times. - Deafening Crash Thunder Clap deals an additional
3025 damage and extends the duration of your Demoralizing Shout on affected enemies by 2 sec, up to 6 sec.