WC3: Die PTR Patchnotes zu Patch 1.30

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Woche haben die an den klassischen Titeln von Blizzard Entertainment arbeitenden Entwickler interessanterweise den für Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne bestimmten neuen Patch 1.30 auf die öffentlichen Testserver dieses Strategiespiels aufgespielt, der dort nun einige Zeit lang von allen daran interessierten Personen ausprobiert werden kann. Netterweise wurde der Start dieser öffentlichen Testphase von drei von Game Designer Pete Stilwell in den offiziellen Battle.Net Foren verfassten Bluepost begleitet, die als Patchnotes zu diesem kommenden Update fungieren und die Leser schon jetzt darüber in Kenntnis setzen, was für Auswirkungen diese neue Spielversion haben wird. Diesen informativen Übersichten zufolge beinhaltet Patch 1.30 unter anderem eine Reihe von Fehlerbehebungen an verschiedenen Spielinhalten, Anpassungen an dem verwendeten Map Pool, einige kleinere Verbesserungen und umfangreiche Spielbalanceänderungen an einer Vielzahl der in diesem Titel vorhandenen Einheiten und Gebäude. Genauere Details zu den Inhalten dieser bald erscheinenden Spielversion findet ihr bei Interesse in den folgenden PTR Patchnotes.
(Hier könnt ihr den Installer für den PTR herunterladen)
Die Spielbalanceänderungen:
Hero Balance Changes
- Water Elemental
- Level 1: Decreased Hit Points from 525 to 500; increased damage 18 – 22 to 19 – 23
- Level 2: Decreased Hit Points from 675 to 625; increased damage 31 – 39 to 33 – 41
- Level 3: Decreased Hit Points from 900 to 825; increased damage 41 – 49 to 44 – 52
- Brilliance Aura
- Level 2: Decreased mana regeneration from 1.5 to 1.25 per second
- Level 3: Decreased mana regeneration from 2.25 to 1.75 per second
- Mass Teleport
- Increased Area of Effect from 700 to 800
- Base Stats
- Reduced Agility from 24 to 22
- Frost Armor
- All Levels: Reduced slow duration against all units to 4 seconds
Demon Hunter
- Base Stats
- Reduced Agility from 22 to 21
- Metamorphosis
- Reduced duration from 60 to 45
Keeper of the Grove
- Force of Nature
- All Levels: Reduced mana cost from 125 to 100
Goblin Alchemist
- Healing Spray
- Level 1: Decreased from 40 to 30
- Level 2: Decreased from 55 to 45
- Level 3: Decreased from 70 to 60
- Transmute
- Increased conversion factor from .8 to 1.25
Goblin Tinker
- Base Stats
- Reduced Armor from 4.5 to 3.5
- Pocket Factory
- Pocket Factory now has Heavy Armor instead of Normal
- Engineering Upgrade
- Level 1: Increased spawn interval time for Clockwerk Goblins from 4 to 4.5 seconds
- Level 2: Increased spawn interval time for Clockwerk Goblins from 3.2 to 3.5 seconds
- Level 3: Increased spawn interval time for Clockwerk Goblins from 2.56 to 3 seconds
- Cluster Rockets
- Level 3: Increased Damage for Cluster Rockets from 27.5 to 30.5
Naga Sea Witch
- Mana Shield
- Level 1: Increased damage absorbed from 1 to 2
- Level 2: Increased damage absorbed from 1.5 to 3
- Level 3: Increased damage absorbed from 2 to 4
Pandaren Brewmaster
- Breath of Fire
- All levels: Increased mana cost from 70 to 75
- Level 1: Reduced damage over time from 7 to 5, reduced max damage from 520 to 480
- Level 2: Reduced damage over time from 14 to 10, reduced max damage from 1000 to 720
- Level 3: Reduced damage over time from 21 to 15, reduced max damage from 1360 to 1080
Human Balance Changes
Flying Machine
- Base Stats
- Increased Hit Points from 200 to 250
- Increased Gold cost from 90 to 100
- Increased Damage from 14 – 15 to 18 – 19 (air-vs-air only)
- Base Stats
- Decreased duration from 45 to 40 seconds
Mortar Team
- Base Stats
- Decreased half damage radius from 150 to 100
- Decreased quarter damage radius from 250 to 200
- Dispel Magic
- Increased cast range from 500 to 600
- Added a 5 second cooldown
- Applies to Doom Guard (Creep); Doom Guard (Summoned); Pandaren Brewmaster (Storm)
Siege Engine
- Base Stats
- Increased Supply cost from 3 to 4
Spell Breaker
- Spell Steal
- Cooldown increased from 3 to 6 seconds
Human Items
- Ivory Tower
- Base Stats
- Increased lumber cost from 20 to 25
- Reduced stock from 3 to 2
- Base Stats
- Orb of Fire
- Base Stats
- Increased hero bonus damage from 5 to 10
- Increased splash damage radius from 140 to 150
- Increased gold cost from 275 to 325
- Base Stats
Human Upgrades
- Defend
- Base Stats
- Damage reduction reduced from 50% to 40%
- Reflection damage reduced from 100% to 90%
- Base Stats
- Flak Cannons
- Tech Tree
- Now unlock with Keep
- Swapped command card location with Flying Machine Bombs
- Tech Tree
- Fragmentation Shards
- Base Stats
- Reduced half damage radius from 275 to 225
- Increased quarter damage radius from 250 to 275
- Reduced bonus damage for half damage radius from 18 to 15
- Reduced bonus damage for quarter damage radius from 12 to 10
- Base Stats
- Improved Masonry
- Cost
- Level 1: Increased to 125 gold and 50 lumber
- Level 2: Increased to 150 gold and 75 lumber
- Level 3: Increased to 175 gold and 100 lumber
- Cost
Orc Balance Changes
Bat Rider
- Base Stats
- Increased bonus damage from 13 – 15 to 16 – 18
- Base Stats
- Increased Hit Points from 450 to 475
- Base Stats
- Increased Hit Points from 350 to 375
- Increased Regeneration upgrade from 0.8 to 1.0 Hit Points per second
- Base Stats
- Increased Hit Points from 335 to 350
- Increased bonus damage from 8 – 9 to 10 – 11
- Purge
- Decreased mana cost from 75 to 65
Spirit Walker
- Changed Hotkey from (T) to (W)
Tauren Totem
- Tech Tree
- Now unlocks with Stronghold instead of Fortress
- Now trains Spirit Walkers and Spirit Walker upgrades
- Swapped command card locations so Spirit Walkers are first button
Orc Items
- Scroll of Speed
- No longer applies to Goblin Sappers
Orc Upgrades
- Berserker
- Base Stats
- Decreased the damage debuff from 50% to 40%
- Swapped command card location with Troll Regeneration upgrade
- Base Stats
- Burning Oil
- Moved command card location to middle row
- Liquid Fire
- Base Stats
- Reduced the attack speed debuff from 80% to 60%
- Base Stats
- Reinforced Defenses
- Base Stats
- Reduced from 200 to 150 lumber
- Tech Tree
- Unlocks with Stronghold instead of Fortress
- Tech Tree
- Spiked Barricades
- Cost
- Level 2: Reduced from 175 to 125 lumber
- Level 3: Reduced from 275 to 175 lumber
- Cost
- Troll Regeneration
- Swapped command card location with Berserker upgrade
Undead Balance Changes
- Base Stats
- Increased Hit Points from 220 to 230
- Increased Hit Point Regeneration while on Blight from 2 to 4 per second
- Increased armor from 0 to 1 (6% damage reduction)
- Increased movement speed from 220 to 250
- Base Stats
- Reduced Hit Points from 900 to 850
- Reduced Orb of Annihilation bonus damage from 20 to 15
Frost Wyrm
- Base Stats
- Reduced Frost Breath attack duration on Heroes from 10 seconds to 3 seconds
- Cripple
- Reduced mana cost from 175 to 150
- Unholy Frenzy
- Reduced drain from 4 to 3 Hit Points per second
- Raise Dead
- Increased base summon duration from 40 to 45 seconds
Obsidian Statue
- Base Stats
- Reduced Hit Points from 550 to 500
Skeleton Warrior
- Base Stats
- Increased Hit Points from 180 to 190
Skeleton Mage
- Base Stats
- Increased Hit Points from 230 to 240
Undead Buildings
- Haunted Gold Mine
- Base Stats
- Reduced Blight radius from 960 to 768
- Reduced cost to 225 gold and 210 lumber
- Base Stats
- Necropolis
- Base Stats
- Reduced cost from 255 to 225 gold
- Reduced build duration from 100 to 90 seconds
- Base Stats
- Ziggurat
- Base Stats
- Increased Hit Points from 550 to 600
- Base Stats
Undead Items
- Orb of Corruption
- Base Stats
- Decreased armor reduction from 5 to 4
- Base Stats
- Sacrificial Skull
- Tech Tree
- No longer requires Graveyard to purchase
- Base Stats
- Decreased stock regeneration from 60 to 45
- Tech Tree
Undead Upgrades
- Cannibalize
- Swapped command card location with Frenzy upgrade
- Ghoul and Abomination
- Decreased the duration from 33 seconds to 20 seconds for Ghouls and Abominations
- Ghoul
- Increased healing from 10 to 16 per second
- Abomination
- Increased healing from 15 to 25 per second
- Devour Magic
- Decreased damage against summoned units from 180 to 160
- Disease Cloud (Abomination)
- Increased damage from 1 to 2 per second
- Reduced duration from 120 to 90 seconds
- Exhume Corpse
- Now generates Crypt Fiend corpse instead of Ghoul corpse
- Frenzy
- Swapped command card location with Cannibalize upgrade
- Skeletal Longevity
- Increased duration time from 15 to 20 seconds
- Increased cost from 50 to 75 gold
- Skeletal Mastery
- Now unlocks with Halls of the Dead
- Stone Form
- Moved command card location to the middle row
Night Elf Balance Changes
- Base Stats
- Increased Hit Points from 245 to 260
- Tech Tree
- Improved Bows command card location swapped with the Marksmanship upgrade
- Base Stats
- Decreased half damage splash radius from 125 to 100
Druid of the Claw (Bear Form)
- Base Stats
- Decreased bonus damage from 29 – 44 to 25 – 40
Druid of the Talon
- Base Stats
- Increased cost from 135 to 150 gold
- Faerie Fire
- Reduced duration on units from 90 to 70 seconds
- Reduced duration on heroes from 60 to 40 seconds
- Abolish Magic
- Reduced damage against summoned units from 300 to 250
- Applies to: Eredar Sorcerer, Naga Couatl, Centaur Sorcerer, Polar Furbog Shaman, Forest Troll Shadow Priest, Kobold Geomancer,
- Mur’gul Snarecaster, Nerubian Seer, Salamander Seer, Watery Minion Snarecaster, Tuskarr Healer, and Ice Troll High Priest
- Reduced damage against summoned units from 300 to 250
Glaive Thrower
- Base Stats
- Increased bonus damage from 36 – 53 to 51- 68
- Tech Tree
- Moonglaive now unlocks with Tree of Ages
- Sentinel is researched by default
Mountain Giant
- Base Stats
- Decreased cost from 425 to 350 gold
- Decreased Supply from 7 to 6
- Tech Tree
- Hippogryph Taming is researched by default
Hippogryph Rider
- Base Stats
- Increased Hit Points from 765 to 780
Night Elf Buildings
- Ancient of War
- Base Stats
- Reduced Hit Points from 1000 to 900
- Reduced bonus attack damage from 44 to 36
- Tech Tree
- Removed Sentinel upgrade – researched by default
- Base Stats
- Ancient of Wind
- Tech Tree
- Removed Hippogryph Taming upgrade – researched by default
- Tech Tree
- Ancient Protector
- Base Stats
- Reduced build time from 60 to 55 seconds
- Decreased rooted attack cool down from 2 seconds to 1.7 seconds (24.75 to 29.12 damage per second)
- Decreased uprooted attack cool down from 1.5 seconds to 1.4 seconds (19.67 to 21.07 damage per second)
- Base Stats
- Moon Well
- Base Stats
- Increased mana regeneration at night from 1.25 to 1.50 per second
- Base Stats
- Chimera Roost
- Tech Tree
- No longer requires Ancient of Wind to build
- Tech Tree
Neutral Balance Changes
- Reduced damage to summoned units from 400 to 200
Neutral Items
- Boots of Speed
- Now have a stock of 2
Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen:
Specific Changes & Improvements
- Updated anticheat to keep the Horde at bay
- Unit button locations and hotkeys adjusted for consistency
Bug Fixes
- [Mac] Joining a custom game no longer results in a crash
- [Mac] Loading a saved game no longer results in a crash
- [Mac] Client no longer crashes when switching between expansions
- [Mac] Cinematics work again
- [Mac] Switching between fullscreen and windowed mode no longer causes menu/text misalignment
- [World Editor] Crash when same ability with different buff ID’s is cast on a unit resolved
- Blademaster able to path through intended items during Wind Walk again
- Defend consistently reflects damage from piercing attacks again
- Killing a Demon Hunter at the end of its Metamorphosis no longer prevents Metamorphosis from being used for the rest of the match
- Stun works again if the target has already been stunned by an illusion
- Using Crypt Fiend’s burrow/unburrow no longer resets the cooldown for the Web ability
- Using Town Portal on a moving Tree of Life can no longer cause the spell to interrupt and grant temporary invulnerability
- Units that can only attack other air units (or groups of units that include one of these units) can attack move to areas where there are trees again
- Dropped items can no longer be stacked on top of each other
- (2)TerenasStand_LV: Fixed pathing around Mercenary Camps
- Cursor matches the mouse position when resolution is taller than wider again
- Players can rejoin a saved multiplayer game again
- Clan Message of the Day can be set again
- Intro cinematic displays again
- Text scales correctly and is no longer cut off In Windowed Mode
- After loading a saved game, portraits no longer stretch the width of the screen
- Ambient sound has been returned to ambience
- Hero glow for player 12 is consistent with original version again
- Korean and Chinese installation names of Warcraft III on Windows 10 OS no longer say „StarCraft“ in those languages
- Setting 3 of „Set Ally Color Mode“ no longer changes the team color of neutral creeps
- Team and color no longer reset when clicking on the dropdown arrow in Lobby
- The cursor no longer disappears behind the black bars of the main menu
- The scoreboard no longer truncates when a timer is present
- Tooltips for Keeper of the Grove’s Learn Tranquility, Blademaster Critical Strike, and other Critical Strike abilities have been updated to properly reflect changes made in 1.29.0
- IME no longer creates a green box in non-enUS clients
- Opening preferences no longer generates an error
- The map pool from Random Team has been mirrored to Arranged Team
- “/fps”, “/apm” and “/ping” visibility will be retained between games
- [World Editor] The edges of the Editor window are clickable again
- [World Editor] BlzIsUnitInvulnerable returns the correct boolean value
- [World Editor] BlzSetSpecialEffectPosition and BlzSetSpecialEffectPositionLoc names are now distinguishable in the GUI
- [World Editor] Dead units no longer remain selectable when using BlzIsUnitSelectable
- [World Editor] Improved function names for ability tooltips to turn on/off autocast
- [World Editor] Values for BlzSetUnitDiceSides can be modified
- [World Editor] Renaming an Item no longer changes all Items’ names
- [World Editor] The default GUI values for UnitInterruptAttack and UnitCancelTimedLife no longer cause an error
- [World Editor] UnitDisableAbility hides an ability with Hide=true and Disabled=false again
- [World Editor] With an ability that has Disabled=false, attempting to set Disabled to false again no longer causes a crash
- [World Editor] Adding a hero ability to a non-hero unit via Spellbook no longer causes a crash
World Editor Upgrades
- Added support for vJass with JassHelper
- Most buffs/debuffs can simultaneously apply to the same unit if their ID’s are different
- Added BlzPlaySpecialEffect
- Added BlzSpecialEffectAddSubAnimation
- Added BlzSpecialEffectRemoveSubAnimation
- Added BlzSpecialEffectClearSubAnimations
- BlzSetSpecialEffectHeight will take terrain height into consideration
Known Issues
- In 24 player games AI buildings may become stuck in construction (unverified)
- Unit health and mana bars overlap quest text in the UI
- Icons are off center when the client is snapped while in windowed mode in narrow resolutions
- Framerate is not adjusting correctly when running in the background
- To help visualize and solve mouse cursor lag we have added oscursor to registry that draws the operating system arrow cursor
Anpassungen am Map Pool:
Map Updates
- (2)Amazonia
- Reduced the number of Wand of Illusion and Sentry drops by creating proper level 2 Charged items drops
- (2)ConcealedHills
- Cleaned up tree placement
- (2)NorthernIsles
- Cleaned up tree placement
- (2)SwampedTemple_V2
- Removed all custom data
- Cleaned up tree placement
- General map clean up from removing the custom doodads
- (2)TerenasStand_LV
- More building area at start locations
- Swapped creep camps at the expansions – closer expansion is the easier creep camp now
- Level 8 Wizard no longer aggro’s on passing units
- Swapped the Mercenary camp location with the green creep camp – these buildings are now further away from start locations
- (4)Avalanche_LV
- Swapped Mercenary Camp with Fountain of Health
- Swapped Tavern for Mercenary Camp
- Added a Tavern to the center of the map
- Relocated creep camp to prevent accidental aggro
- (4)BridgeTooNear
- Relocated creep camp to prevent accidental aggro
- (4)PhantomGrove_LV
- Red camps are two levels harder now – Item drop is unchanged
- Replaced the level 3 Ghost with level 3 Skeletal
- (8)Ferelas_LV
- Pushed back several expansion goldmines and creeps to prevent accidental aggro
- (8)GolemsInTheMist_LV
- Relocated the 2 Mercenary Camp creeps further to prevent accidental aggro
- (8)TwilightRuins_LV
- Swapped the remaining Goblin Laboratories on the outside of the map with the Goblin Merchant’s at the center of the map
- The center creep camps that dropped level 1 permanent items now drop level 1 power-ups
Map Pool
- (2)TerenasStand_LV
- (2)Plunderisle_LV
- (2)SwampedTemple_V2 (comm)
- (2)NorthernIsles (comm)
- (2)EchoIsle
- (2)TirisfalGlades_LV
- (2)Amazonia(com)
- (2)LastRefuge-1.3 (comm)
- (2)ConcealedHill (comm)
- (4)TwistedMeadows
- (4)TurtleRock
- (4)PhantomGrove_LV
- (4)Avalanche_LV
- (4)TurtleRock
- (4)CentaurGrove
- (4)BridgeTooNear_LV
- (4)Synergy_big_paved (comm)
- (4)TidewaterGlades_LV
- (4)LostTemple
- (4)TwistedMeadows
- (4)FurbolgMountain_v3 (comm)
- (6)GnollWood
- (6)ThunderLake_LV
- (6)GnollWood
- (6)Monsoon_LV
- (6)DarkForest
- (6)UpperKingdom
- (6)RuinsOfStratholme
- (8)Mur’gulOasis_LV
- (6)RollingHills
- (6)TimbermawHold
- (6)StranglethornVale
- (8)Battleground
- (8)Feralas_LV
- (8)Northshire_LV
- (8)Sanctuary_LV
- (8)TwilightRuins_LV
- (8)Battleground_LV
- (8)Deadlock_LV
- (8)GolemsInTheMist_LV
- (8)Mur’gulOasis_LV
- (8)MarketSquare
- (8)GoldRush
- (8)Friends
- (8)BlastedLands
- (4)Deathrose
- (4)FountainOfManipulation_v1.1 (comm)
- (6)EmeraldShores
- (6)SilverpineForest
- (6)Monsoon_LV
- (6)NeonCity(comm)
- (8)Deadlock_LV
- (8)Mur’gulOasis_LV
- (8)TwilightRuins_LV
- (8)Marketsquare