Battle for Azeroth: Der neue Build 26131

In der vergangenen Nacht haben die Entwickler von World of Warcraft den neuen Build 26131 auf die mittlerweile bereits seit einigen Wochen aktiv laufenden Alphaserver der kommenden Erweiterung „Battle for Azeroth“ aufgespielt und diese geschlossene Testphase dadurch dann erneut um eine Reihe von unterschiedlich interessant ausfallenden Neuerungen erweitert. Den bisherigen Berichten mehrerer Data Miner zufolge beinhaltete dieses neue Update für die Alpha neben den für solch eine Spielversion üblichen Klassenänderungen und Fehlerbehebungen scheinbar auch noch mehrere neue Modelle, neue Gestalten für die Druidend er Zandalari und neue Namen für einige Fraktionen aus diesem Addon. Weitere Informationen zu diesem neuen Build findet ihr bei Interesse in der folgenden Übersicht.
Die Druidengestalten der Zandalari:
Druiden der Zandalari verwenden die folgenden Modelle für ihre Bärengestalt und ihre Mondkingestalt.
Neue Namen für einige Fraktionen:
Die folgenden Fraktionen besitzen nun neue Namen:
- Voice of Azeroth = Champions of Azeroth
House Waycrest = Order of Embers
House Stormsong = Storm’s Wake
Nazmir Expedition = Talanji’s Expedition
Vulpera = Voldunai
Neue Modelle:
Neue Icons:
Anpassungen an Talenten:
- Beast Mastery
- Wyvern Sting Name changed from „Binding Shot“ to „Wyvern Sting“. Row 5, Column 1. Spell:
Binding Shot. Replaces: Stopping PowerWyvern Sting. Replaces: Wyvern Sting
- Wyvern Sting Name changed from „Binding Shot“ to „Wyvern Sting“. Row 5, Column 1. Spell:
- Multiple specs
- Intimidation Name changed from „Wyvern Sting“ to „Intimidation“. Row 5, Column 2. Spell:
Wyvern Sting. Replaces: Stopping PowerIntimidation. Replaces: Intimidation
- Intimidation Name changed from „Wyvern Sting“ to „Intimidation“. Row 5, Column 2. Spell:
- Survival
- Terms of Engagement Name changed from „Coming Soon“ to „Terms of Engagement“. Row 1, Column 1. Spell:
Coming SoonTerms of Engagement - Viper’s Venom Name changed from „Terms of Engagement“ to „Viper’s Venom“. Row 1, Column 2. Spell:
Terms of EngagementViper’s Venom
- Terms of Engagement Name changed from „Coming Soon“ to „Terms of Engagement“. Row 1, Column 1. Spell:
- Retribution
- Selfless Healer (New) Row 6, Column 1. Spell: Selfless Healer
- Enhancement
- Ancestral Guidance Name changed from „Elemental Spirits“ to „Ancestral Guidance“. Row 5, Column 1. Spell:
Elemental SpiritsAncestral Guidance - Boulderfist Name changed from „Ancestral Swiftness“ to „Boulderfist“. Row 4, Column 1. Spell:
Ancestral SwiftnessBoulderfist - Earth Shield Name changed from „Feral Lunge“ to „Earth Shield“. Row 2, Column 2. Spell:
Feral LungeEarth Shield - Elemental Spirits Name changed from „Boulderfist“ to „Elemental Spirits“. Row 7, Column 1. Spell:
BoulderfistElemental Spirits - Feral Lunge Name changed from „Overcharge“ to „Feral Lunge“. Row 5, Column 2. Spell:
OverchargeFeral Lunge - Hailstorm Name changed from „Earth Shield“ to „Hailstorm“. Row 3, Column 2. Spell:
Earth ShieldHailstorm - Lightning Shield (New) Row 3, Column 3. Spell: Lightning Shield
- Overcharge Name changed from „Hailstorm“ to „Overcharge“. Row 4, Column 2. Spell:
HailstormOvercharge - Searing Assault (New) Row 3, Column 1. Spell: Searing Assault
- Spirit Wolf Name changed from „Ancestral Guidance“ to „Spirit Wolf“. Row 2, Column 1. Spell:
Ancestral GuidanceSpirit Wolf - Wind Rush Totem Name changed from „Windfury Totem“ to „Wind Rush Totem“. Row 5, Column 3. Spell:
Windfury TotemWind Rush Totem - Windfury Totem Name changed from „Lightning Shield“ to „Windfury Totem“. Row 4, Column 3. Spell:
Lightning ShieldWindfury Totem
- Ancestral Guidance Name changed from „Elemental Spirits“ to „Ancestral Guidance“. Row 5, Column 1. Spell:
- Demonology
- Inner Demons Row 7, Column 1. Spell:
Inner Demons. Replaces: Imp SwarmImp Swarm
- Inner Demons Row 7, Column 1. Spell:
- Multiple specs
- Demonic Circle Row 5, Column 3. Spell:
Demonic CircleDemonic Circle
- Demonic Circle Row 5, Column 3. Spell:
- Arms
- Collateral Damage Name changed from „Coming Soon“ to „Collateral Damage“. Row 5, Column 1. Spell:
Coming SoonCollateral Damage
- Collateral Damage Name changed from „Coming Soon“ to „Collateral Damage“. Row 5, Column 1. Spell:
- Talents
- Binding Shot Fires a magical projectile, tethering the enemy and any other enemies within 5 yards for 10 sec, rooting them in place for 5 sec if they move more than 5 yards from the arrow.
MarksmanshipHunter – Level 75 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. - Camouflage You blend into the surroundings and gain stealth for 60 sec. While camouflaged, you will heal for 2% every 1 secs.
MarksmanshipHunter – Level 45 Talent. Instant. - Coming Soon We’re on the hunt for something awesome to go here! Survival Hunter – Level
15 Talent.90 Talent. - Flanking Strike When you Kill Command you will also strike the enemy for [ 48.36% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and generate
54 Focus, if you are within melee range. Survival Hunter – Level 15 Talent. - Intimidation Commands your pet to intimidate the target, stunning it for 5 sec.
Beast MasteryHunter – Level 75 Talent. 100 yd range. Instant. - Precise Shots Aimed Shot causes your next 1-2 Quick Shots to
consume 100% less Focusdeal 100% more damage. Marksmanship Hunter – Level 15 Talent. - Viper’s Venom (New) Raptor Strike has a 15% chance to make your next Serpent Sting cost no Focus and deal an additional 200% initial damage. Survival Hunter – Level 15 Talent.
- Binding Shot Fires a magical projectile, tethering the enemy and any other enemies within 5 yards for 10 sec, rooting them in place for 5 sec if they move more than 5 yards from the arrow.
- Marksmanship
- Aimed Shot A powerful aimed shot that deals
0[ 111.5% of Attack Power * mult Physical damage. Damage increased by 50% against a target you have not yet damaged. 2 charges. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. 50 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant. 12 sec recharge. 2 charges. - Marksmanship Hunter Increases damage/healing by 12%: A Murder of Crows, Aimed Shot, Barrage, Bursting Shot, Butchery, Call of the Hunter, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Explosive Shot, Flanking Strike, Mongoose Bite, Multi-Shot, Piercing Shot, Quick Shot, Rapid Fire, Stampede, Steady Shot, Steel Trap, Stomp Increases periodic damage/healing by 12%: A Murder of Crows, Aimed Shot, Barrage, Bursting Shot, Butchery, Call of the Hunter, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Explosive Shot, Flanking Strike, Mongoose Bite, Multi-Shot, Piercing Shot, Quick Shot, Rapid Fire, Stampede, Steady Shot, Steel Trap, Stomp Hunter – Marksmanship Spec.
- Quick Shot A quick shot that causes
[ 15.01%[ 30% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. 15 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant. - Rapid Fire Shoot a stream of arrows at your target, dealing
[ 4.46%[ 20% of Attack Power ] Physical damage every 0.33 sec for 3 sec. Each shot generates 3 Focus. Usable while moving. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast (Channeled). - Steady Shot A steady shot that causes
[ 15.01%[ 30% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Usable while moving. Generates 10 Focus. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Trueshot Increase all damage done by 20%.
Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. Instant.for 15 sec. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. Instant.
- Aimed Shot A powerful aimed shot that deals
- Survival
- Serpent Sting Fire a poison-tipped arrow at an enemy, dealing [ 20.31% of Attack Power ] Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 95% of Attack Power ] damage over 12 sec. Hunter – Survival Spec.
1520 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant. - Wildfire Bomb Hurl a bomb at the target, exploding for [ 15.6% of Attack Power ] Fire damage and coating them in wildfire, scorching themselves and nearby enemies for [ 120% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. 1 charge. Hunter – Survival Spec.
10 Focus.40 yd range. Instant. 15 sec recharge. 1 charge.
- Serpent Sting Fire a poison-tipped arrow at an enemy, dealing [ 20.31% of Attack Power ] Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 95% of Attack Power ] damage over 12 sec. Hunter – Survival Spec.
- Talents
- Blast Wave Causes an explosion around yourself, dealing [ 25% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards, knocking them back, and reducing movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. Fire Mage – Level 30 Talent. Instant.
- Glacial Spike Conjures a massive spike of ice, and merges your current Icicles into it. It impales your target, dealing
[ 438.75%[ 400% of Spell Power ] damage plus the damage stored in your Icicles, and freezes the target in place for 4 sec. Damage may interrupt the freeze effect. Requires 5 Icicles to cast. Passive: Ice Lance no longer launches Icicles. Frost Mage – Level 100 Talent. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast.
- Mistweaver
- Mastery: Gust of Mists Effuse, Renewing Mist, Enveloping Mist, and Vivify also cause a gust of healing mists, instantly healing the primary target for
[ 2.49999993684469E-500%[ 0.1% of Spell Power ]. Monk – Mistweaver Spec. - Soothing Mist Effuse, Enveloping Mist, Vivify, and Life Cocoon also trigger Soothing Mist. After casting these spells, you continue to channel healing mists into the target, healing them for
[ 16% of Spell Power ] every 0.5[ 32% of Spell Power ] every 1 sec, until you take any other action. Monk – Mistweaver Spec. 40 yd range.
- Mastery: Gust of Mists Effuse, Renewing Mist, Enveloping Mist, and Vivify also cause a gust of healing mists, instantly healing the primary target for
- Talents
- Execution Sentence Deliver an execution sentence, dealing
[ 140%[ 120% of Attack Power ] Holy damage. Your Holy damage done against the target is increased by 25% for 10 sec. Retribution Paladin – Level 15 Talent. 3 Holy Power. 20 yd range. Instant. - Inquisition Consumes up to 3 Holy Power to increase your damage done and Haste by
10%8%. Lasts 15 sec per Holy Power consumed. Retribution Paladin – Level 100 Talent. 1 Holy Power. Instant. - Selfless Healer
Your successful Judgments reduce the cast time and mana costJudgment reduces the cast time of your next Flash of Light by35%, and increase its effect on others by 35%33%, and increases its healing done on others by 10%. Stacks up to 3 times.Retribution Paladin – Level 90 Talent.
- Execution Sentence Deliver an execution sentence, dealing
- Shadow
- Shadow Priest
Increases damage/healing by 6%: Divine Star, Halo, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Sear, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Word: Void, Shadowy Apparitions, Vampiric Touch, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Torrent Increases periodic damage/healing by 6%: Divine Star, Halo, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Sear, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Word: Void, Shadowy Apparitions, Vampiric Touch, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void TorrentDecreases damage/healing by 25%: Shadow Mend Priest – Shadow Spec.
- Shadow Priest
- Talents
- Crimson Tempest Finishing move that slashes at all enemies within 10 yards, dealing
[ 16.38% of Attack Power ] Physicalinstant damage and causing victims to bleed for additional damageover 12 sec: 1 point : [ 16.7% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 33.4% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 50.1% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 66.8% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 83.5% of Attack Power ] damage 6 points: [ 100.2% of Attack Power ] damageLasts longer per combo point. 1 point : [ 10% of Attack Power ] plus [ 30% of Attack Power ] over 4 sec 2 points: [ 15% of Attack Power ] plus [ 45% of Attack Power ] over 6 sec 3 points: [ 20% of Attack Power ] plus [ 60% of Attack Power ] over 8 sec 4 points: [ 25% of Attack Power ] plus [ 75% of Attack Power ] over 10 sec 5 points: [ 30% of Attack Power ] plus [ 90% of Attack Power ] over 12 sec 6 points: [ 35% of Attack Power ] plus [ 105% of Attack Power ] over 14 sec Assassination Rogue – Level 100 Talent. 35 Energy. Instant. - Quick Draw Free uses of Pistol Shot granted by Saber Slash now generate [ 25% of Spell Power ] additional combo point, and deal [ 50 + 25% of Spell Power ]%
increasedadditional damage. Outlaw Rogue – Level 15 Talent.
- Crimson Tempest Finishing move that slashes at all enemies within 10 yards, dealing
- Outlaw
- Outlaw Rogue Increases damage/healing by 42%: Ambush, Between the Eyes, Blunderbuss, Cannonball Barrage, Crimson Tempest, Death from Above, Dispatch, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Greed, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Riposte, Run Through, Saber Slash, Toxic Blade Increases periodic damage/healing by 42%: Ambush, Between the Eyes, Blunderbuss, Cannonball Barrage, Crimson Tempest, Death from Above, Dispatch, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Greed, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Riposte, Run Through, Saber Slash, Toxic Blade
Increases damage/healing by 30%: Death from Above Rogue – Outlaw Spec.Rogue – Outlaw Spec. - Restless Blades Finishing moves reduce the remaining cooldown of Adrenaline Rush, Between the Eyes, Sprint, Grappling Hook, Cannonball Barrage, Killing Spree, Marked for Death, and Vanish by
1.0cdr sec per combo point spent. Rogue – Outlaw Spec. - Run Through Lunging finishing move that causes damage per combo point and has increased range: 1 point :
[ 30.2%[ 35% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points:[ 60.5%[ 70% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points:[ 90.7%[ 105% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points:[ 120.9%[ 140% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points:[ 151.2%[ 175% of Attack Power ] damage 6 points:[ 181.4%[ 210% of Attack Power ] damage Rogue – Outlaw Spec. 35 Energy. Melee range. Instant. - Saber Slash Viciously slash an enemy, causing
0[ 45.3% of Attack Power * mult Physical damage. Saber Slash has a 35% chance to strike an additional time, making your next Pistol Shotfree. Awards 1 combo points each time it strikeshalf cost and double damage. Awards 1 combo points. Rogue – Outlaw Spec. 45 Energy. Melee range. Instant.
- Outlaw Rogue Increases damage/healing by 42%: Ambush, Between the Eyes, Blunderbuss, Cannonball Barrage, Crimson Tempest, Death from Above, Dispatch, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Greed, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Riposte, Run Through, Saber Slash, Toxic Blade Increases periodic damage/healing by 42%: Ambush, Between the Eyes, Blunderbuss, Cannonball Barrage, Crimson Tempest, Death from Above, Dispatch, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Greed, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Riposte, Run Through, Saber Slash, Toxic Blade
- Talents
- Ancestral Guidance For the next 10 sec, 20% of your damage and healing is converted to healing on up to 3 nearby injured party or raid members.
ElementalEnhancement Shaman – Level 75 Talent. Instant. - Boulderfist Rockbiter’s recharge time is reduced by 15% and it deals 20% increased damage. Enhancement Shaman – Level
100 Talent.60 Talent. - Earth Shield Protects the target with an earthen shield, healing them for [ 22% of Spell Power ] when they take damage. 9 charges. This heal can only occur once every few seconds. Earth Shield can only be placed on one target at a time.
ElementalEnhancement Shaman – Level 30 Talent. 10% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Elemental Spirits Your Feral Spirits will be imbued with Fire, Frost, or Lightning, enhancing your abilities. Enhancement Shaman – Level
75 Talent. 100 yd range.100 Talent. 100 yd range. - Feral Lunge Lunge at your enemy as a ghostly wolf, biting them to deal [ 32.76% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Enhancement Shaman – Level
3075 Talent. 8-25 yd range. Instant. - Hailstorm Frostbrand now also enhances your weapon’s damage, causing each of your weapon attacks to also deal 0 Frost damage. Enhancement Shaman – Level
60 Talent.45 Talent. - Landslide Rockbiter enhances your weapon, increasing your
Agility by 8%Fire, Frost, and Nature damage dealt by 10% for 10 sec. Enhancement Shaman – Level 15 Talent. - Lightning Shield Surround yourself with a shield of lighting for 60 min which has a chance to deal [ 9.83% of Attack Power ] Nature damage when you deal or take melee damage. Enhancement Shaman – Level
60 Talent. Instant.45 Talent. Instant. - Overcharge Lightning Bolt now consumes up to 40 Maelstrom for up to 1,500% increased damage, but has a 12 sec cooldown. Enhancement Shaman – Level
75 Talent.60 Talent. - Searing Assault Name changed from „Ancestral Swiftness“ to „Searing Assault“.
Increases Haste by 6%. Enhancement Shaman – Level 60 Talent.Flametongue now causes the target to burn for [ 90% of Attack Power ] Fire damage over 6 sec. Enhancement Shaman – Level 45 Talent. - Wind Rush Totem Summons a totem at the target location for 15 sec, continually granting all allies who pass within 10 yards 60% increased movement speed for 5 sec. Restoration Shaman – Level 30 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Windfury Totem Drop a Windfury Totem at your side, enhancing the next 20 auto-attacks of all allies within 20 yards to deal an additional [ 52.6% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the target. Enhancement Shaman – Level
7560 Talent. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Ancestral Guidance For the next 10 sec, 20% of your damage and healing is converted to healing on up to 3 nearby injured party or raid members.
- Enhancement
- Enhancement Shaman Increases damage/healing by 10%: Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm, Doom Vortex, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Elemental Blast, Feral Lunge, Flametongue, Frostbrand, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Rockbiter
, Stormlash, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Unleash Doom, Windfury Increases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm, Doom Vortex, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Elemental Blast, Feral Lunge, Flametongue, Frostbrand, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Rockbiter,Stormlash,Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Unleash Doom, Windfury Shaman – Enhancement Spec. - Lava Lash Charges your off-hand weapon with lava and burns your target, dealing
[ 93.01%[ 180% of Attack Power ] Fire damage. Shaman – Enhancement Spec.25 Maelstrom. Melee range. Instant.40 Maelstrom. Melee range. Instant. - Stormbringer Your weapon attacks have a 5.1% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Stormstrike, and cause your next Stormstrike to cost
50%100% less Maelstrom and trigger no cooldown. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. - Stormstrike Energizes both your weapons with lightning and delivers a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of [ 179% of Attack Power + 25% of Spell Power ]
PhysicalNature damage. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. 30 Maelstrom. Melee range. Instant.15 sec cooldown.9 sec cooldown.
- Enhancement Shaman Increases damage/healing by 10%: Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm, Doom Vortex, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Elemental Blast, Feral Lunge, Flametongue, Frostbrand, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Rockbiter
- Talents
- Bilescourge Bombers Tear open a portal to the nether above the target location, from which several Bilescourge will pour out of and crash into the ground, dealing [ 20% of
AttackSpell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards. Demonology Warlock – Level 60 Talent. 2 Soul Shard. 100 yd range.1.5 sec cast.Instant. - Demonic Circle (New) Summons a Demonic Circle for 15 min. Cast Demonic Circle: Teleport to teleport to its location and remove all movement slowing effects. You also learn: Demonic Circle – Teleport Teleports you to your Demonic Circle and removes all movement slowing effects. Warlock – Level 75 Talent. 2% of Base Mana. 0.5 sec cast.
- Inner Demons
Imp Swarm is now a passive ability that summons one Wild Imp every 10 sec. Every time this summons a Wild Imp, youYou passively summon a Wild Imp to fight for you every 10 sec, and have a 20% chance to also a summon an additional Demon to fight for you for 15 sec. Demonology Warlock – Level 100 Talent. 100 yd range.
- Bilescourge Bombers Tear open a portal to the nether above the target location, from which several Bilescourge will pour out of and crash into the ground, dealing [ 20% of
- Demonology
- Implosion Demonic forces suck all of your Wild Imps toward the target, and then cause them to violently explode, dealing [ 46.25% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage to all enemies within 8 yards. If the explosion hits 3 or more enemies, you have a 50% chance to generate a Soul Shard. Warlock – Demonology Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Talents
- Collateral Damage (New) When your abilities damage a second target due to Sweeping Strikes, they refund 30% of their Rage cost. Arms Warrior – Level 75 Talent.
- Fervor of Battle Whirlwind deals
200%145% increased damage to your primary target. Arms Warrior – Level 90 Talent. - Warbreaker Smash the ground and shatter the armor of all enemies within 8 yds, dealing
[ 120.9%[ 101.56% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and increasing damage you deal to them by 30% for 10 sec. Arms Warrior – Level 75 Talent. Instant.
- Arms
- Colossus Smash Smashes the enemy’s armor, dealing
0[ 101.56% of Attack Power Physical damage, and increasing damage you deal to them by 30% for 10 sec. Warrior – Arms Spec. Melee range. Instant. - Execute Name changed from „Executioner’s Precision“ to „Execute“.
Execute causes the target to take 25% more damage from your next Mortal Strike, stacking up to 2 times.If your foe survives your Execute, 30% of the Rage spent is refunded. Warrior – Arms Spec. - Execute Attempts to finish off a foe, causing up to damage Physical damage based on Rage spent. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health. If your foe survives, 30% of the Rage spent is refunded. Warrior – Arms Spec. 20 Rage. Melee range. Instant.
- Colossus Smash Smashes the enemy’s armor, dealing