Overwatch: Eine Übersicht zu den Panels der Blizzcon

Im Verlauf der bereits am morgigen Freitag, den 03. November 2017, gegen 19.00 Uhr startenden Blizzcon 2017 werden die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment unter anderem eine Reihe von informativen Panels und spannenden eSports-Events zu Overwatch veranstalten, die die Besucher live vor Ort und die Fans zu Hause vor den Bildschirmen sowohl unterhalten als auch mit neuen Informationen zu diesem Titel versorgen sollen. Damit die auf diese Spielemesse wartenden Fans bei der Vielzahl an verschiedenen Veranstaltungen nicht den Überblick verlieren, veröffentlichte der für die Entwicklung dieses Shooters zuständige Game Director Jeff Kaplan in der vergangenen Nacht netterweise einen übersichtlichen Guide zu der Präsenz von Overwatch auf der diesjährigen Blizzcon in den offiziellen Battle.Net Foren. In diesem Beitrag listete dieser Entwickler beispielsweise auf, welche Teile der Blizzcon für die Community dieses Titels wichtig sind, wann diese einzelnen Events starten und warum die Spieler sie sich seiner Meinung unbedingt nach anschauen sollten.
Wer sich nur für Overwatch interessiert und möglichst wenig über die restlichen Titel von Blizzard Entertainment erfahren möchte, der kann aus dieser praktischen und weiter unten in diesem Artikel eingebauten Übersicht auf jeden Fall einiges an Nutzen ziehen.
We just got back from setting up for BlizzCon and we couldn’t be more excited for this weekend. To help you get ready for this year’s event, here’s a quick Overwatch Fan Guide to getting the most out of BlizzCon 2017!
Overwatch Players Guide to BlizzCon:
Opening Ceremonies is always one of the best parts of BlizzCon. It’s our chance to welcome everyone, thank the community for being so awesome, and also show you some of the cool stuff we’ve been working on.
Watching From Home:
- If you’re not coming to the Anaheim Convention Center for BlizzCon, you can watch Opening Ceremonies for free right here: https://blizzcon.com/watch
Watching From BlizzCon:
- If you are joining us in Anaheim this weekend, we’re doing Opening Ceremonies a little different this year. Rather than just having one main stage, like we used to, Opening Ceremonies will now span the entire convention center.
But what does this mean for you?
Well, you don’t have to rush to get seats in the main hall! In fact, we’ll be presenting all of the cool, new Overwatch stuff in the Overwatch Arena this year. So:
If you’re a big Overwatch fan and you really want to be where the Overwatch team and new info are, please come on over to the Overwatch Arena and be a part of Opening Ceremonies with us!!!!
That’s where I’ll be—I really hope to see you guys there!
Speaking of the Overwatch Arena: It’s amazing this year! The stage is fantastic and you can watch the best players in the world from any angle – a full 360 degrees. Even if you’ve never been interested in watching Overwatch played professionally before, I highly recommend coming by and checking it out. It’s exhilarating.
You can find all sorts of information about matches here: https://worldcup.playoverwatch.com
And of course, those of you staying at home can be there right alongside the pros all weekend.
This is located in Hall A, right next to the Overwatch Arena.
Want to play the newest stuff? This is where you want to be!
Mythic Stage
Friday 2:45 AM PDT
This panel is going to be awesome. This is where the team will go into more detail about new stuff. There might even be some news here that doesn’t happen during Opening Ceremonies. I feel like this panel is a “must watch” if you’re an Overwatch fan.
If you happen to be going to BlizzCon, this one will be on the Mythic Stage, which is on the far end of the convention center—opposite end from the Overwatch Arena. I know the team would love seeing you at the panel and really enjoy your support.
Mythic Stage
Saturday 10:00 AM PDT
This is a really fun panel. We’re going to show you a bunch of behind-the-scenes “making of” moments from the inception of Overwatch to our BlizzCon 2014 announce. Ever wanted to see early gameplay footage of the first Overwatch playtest? This panel is for you!
Overwatch Presents: What’s in the Loot Box?
Epic Stage
Friday 5:15 PM PDT
Overwatch Streamer Showdown
Epic Stage
Saturday 4:30 PM PDT
Junkertown: The Plan
Creating a New Kind of Overwatch Animation
Legendary Stage
Friday 4:15 PM PDT
Voices of Blizzard
United Nations of Overwatch
Legendary Stage
Saturday 2:30 PM PDT
Inside the Overwatch League
Mythic Stage
Saturday 5:30 PM PDT