Patch 7.3.2: Das Dungeonkompendium beinhaltet Informationen zu Argus, der Zerrütter

Wer sich auf dem Liveserver von World of Warcraft den im Dungeonkompendium vorhandenen Eintrag zu dem hoffentlich bald betretbaren neuen Schlachtzug „Antorus, der Brennende Thron“ mal ein wenig genauer anschaut, der wird relativ schnell bemerken, dass diese unter normalen Umständen sehr informative Übersicht bisher allerdings noch keine wirklichen Informationen zu dem als Endboss dieses Raids fungierenden Encounter „Argus, der Zerrütter“ beinhaltet. Durch das absichtliche Weglassen dieser Angaben wollten die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment den bereits vor einigen Wochen getroffenen Aussagen von Ion Hazzikostas zufolge sowohl den Hype rund um diese Instanz erhöhen als auch das Geheimnis bezüglich der genauen Hintergrundgeschichte dieser verkörperten Form von Argus noch etwas länger wahren.
Interessanterweise brachte die gestern Abend auf den öffentlichen Testserver von World of Warcraft aufgespielte erste Version von Patch 7.3.2 allerdings eine aktualisierte Version des Dungeonkompendiums mit sich, die unter anderem eine Reihe von äußerst interessanten Informationen zu Argus, der Zerrütter beinhaltet. Dabei handelt es sich beispielsweise um eine auf der Lore basierende Beschreibung dieses Gegners, eine Liste mit der genauen Beutetabelle und eine Aufzählung aller von diesem Encounter verwendeten Fähigkeiten.
Damit ihr euch nun selbst ein genaues Bild von diesem Boss machen könnt, findet ihr weiter unten in diesem Artikel eine umfangreiche Übersicht mit allen bisher bereits in Patch 7.3.2 entdeckten neuen Informationen zu diesem Encounter.
Neue Schmuckstücke:
Die folgenden Schmuckstücke wurden mit Patch 7.3.2 zu der Beutetabelle dieses Encounters hinzugefügt. Diese interessanten Gegenstände besitzen dabei dann komplett neue Effekte, die auf den verschiedenen Mitgliedern des Pantheons basieren und sich unter aktuell leider noch nicht feststehenden Vorrausetzungen aktivieren.
- Aman’Thul’s Wisdom
- Your spells and abilities have a chance to grant you 1994 Speed, Avoidance, and Leech for 12 sec.
- Aman’Thul’s Grandeur: When empowered by the Pantheon, your Intellect is increased by 4985 for 15 sec.
- Khaz’goroth’s Courage
- Equip: Your damaging attacks have a chance to make your weapon glow hot with the fire of Khaz’goroth’s forge, causing your autoattacks to do (1 * Mainhand weapon base speed * 32766) additional Fire damage for 12 sec.
- Khaz’goroth’s Shaping: When empowered by the Pantheon, your Critical Strike, Haste, Mastery, or Versatility is increased by 2282 for 15 sec. Khaz’goroth always empowers your highest stat.
- Eonar’s Compassion
- Your healing effects have a chance to grow an Emerald Blossom nearby, which heals a random injured ally for 91634 every 2 sec. Lasts 12 sec.
- Eonar’s Verdant Embrace: When empowered by the Pantheon, your next 6 direct healing spells grant the target a shield that prevents 153255 damage for 30 sec.
- Norgannon’s Prowess
- Your damaging spells have a chance to increase your Intellect by 4119 for 18 sec.
- Norgannon’s Command: When empowered by the Pantheon, you gain 6 charges of Norgannon’s Command for 15 sec. Your damaging spells expend a charge to inflict an additional 121003 damage to the target, from a random school of magic.
- Golganneth’s Vitality
- When empowered by the Pantheon, your autoattacks cause an explosion of lightning dealing [1 * (Mainhand weapon base speed) * 30688] Nature damage to all enemies within 8 yds of the target. Lasts 15 sec.
- Golganneth’s Thunderous Wrath: When empowered by the Pantheon, your autoattacks cause an explosion of lightning dealing [1 * (Mainhand weapon base speed) * 30688] Nature damage to all enemies within 8 yds of the target. Lasts 15 sec.
- Aggramar’s Conviction
- Taking damage has a chance to increase your Armor by 4220 for 15 sec.
- Aggramar’s Fortitude: When empowered by the Pantheon, your maximum health is increased by 2298824 for 15 sec, and you are healed to full health.
Die gesamte Beutetabelle:
Spieler können bei diesem Boss die folgenden Ausrüstungsteile erhalten:
Die Beschreibung von Argus:
Bound. Broken.
Eons of existence, knowing only pain.
A shattered soul, fueling infinite evil.
The master beckons. Rise… Rise!
Begin the end of all things.
Die Fähigkeiten und Mechaniken:
- The Unmaking of Creation – The Speaker has heard the anguished whispers of the Unmaker, an emerald star calling out from the darkness. Little is known of him, only that his once-noble soul has been twisted by ages of endless torment.
Tanks –
Healers –
Damage Dealers –
- Stage One: Storm and Sky –
- Cone of Death – Argus cleaves the fabric of reality, creating a cone of Death Fog in front of him.
- Blight Orb – Summons a Blight Orb which applies Wasting Plague to players before dissipating.
- Wasting Plague – Inflicts 1,250,000 Shadow damage and creates a pool of Death Fog at the affected player’s location every 4 sec. for 8 sec.
Death Fog – Inflicts 2,500,000 Shadow damage to players every 1 sec.
- Tortured Rage – Argus strikes the ground in rage, inflicting 1,785,000 Shadow damage to all players.
Sweeping Scythe – Cleaves players in a half-circle in front of him, inflicting 4,290,000 Physical damage and increasing damage taken by subsequent Sweeping Scythes by 125% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
Golganneth’s Aid –
Sky and Sea – Golganneth channels his fury to empower players, creating a Gift of the Sky and a Gift of the Sea.
Gift of the Sky – A swirling essence of storms that lasts for 10 sec, granting any player who enters it the Strength of the Sky.
Players may only gain Strength of the Sky once from each Gift of the Sky.- Strength of the Sky – Increases Critical Strike and Mastery by 1,500 for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
This effective is mutually exclusive with Strength of the Sea. Gaining Strength of the Sea will cancel Strength of the Sky.
- Strength of the Sky – Increases Critical Strike and Mastery by 1,500 for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
Gift of the Sea – A torrential mass of water that lasts for 10 sec, granting any player who enters it the Strength of the Sea.
Players may only gain Strength of the Sea once from each Gift of the Sea.- Strength of the Sea – Increases Haste and Versatility by 1,500 for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
This effective is mutually exclusive with Strength of the Sky. Gaining Strength of the Sky will cancel Strength of the Sea.
- Strength of the Sea – Increases Haste and Versatility by 1,500 for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
- Stage Two: The Protector Redeemed –
- Volatile Soul – Exposes the volatility in living souls, applying Soulburst to two players and Soulbomb to one.
- Soulburst – Inflicts 357,000 Shadow damage every 3 sec. for 15 sec.
When Soulburst wears off, a Soulburst Detonation is triggered from the afflicted players location.- Soulburst Detonation – Inflicts up to 1,430,000 Shadow damage to all players. This amount is reduced the further away players are from the blast, up to a maximum of 45 yards.
Soulbomb – Inflicts 536,000 Shadow damage every 3 sec. for 15 sec.
When Soulbomb wears off, a Soulbomb Detonation is triggered from the afflicted players location.- Soulbomb Detonation – Inflicts up to 7,140,000 Shadow damage to all players. This amount is dramatically reduced the further away players are from the blast, up to a maximum of 45 yards.
- Soulburst – Inflicts 357,000 Shadow damage every 3 sec. for 15 sec.
- Edge of Obliteration – Manifests a scythe of dark energy which travels in a line, inflicting 893,000 Physical damage every 2 sec. for 12 sec, and knocking back any players it comes into contact with.
- Tortured Rage – Argus strikes the ground in rage, inflicting 1,785,000 Shadow damage to all players.
Sweeping Scythe – Cleaves players in a half-circle in front of him, inflicting 4,290,000 Physical damage and increasing damage taken by subsequent Sweeping Scythes by 125% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
- Aggramar’s Aid –
Avatar of Aggramar – Aggramar grants a player a measure of his strength, increasing health by 200% and movement speed by 0% for 60 sec.
The Avatar of Aggramar also grants Agrammar’s Boon to all nearby players, redirecting damage taken to nearby players to themselves.
Any damage taken while a player is the Avatar of Aggramar grants Titanic Essence, and the Avatar of Aggramar also gains access to the ability Taehsalach Technique.Aggramar’s Boon – Players who stand near the Avatar of Aggramar have any damage they take redirected to the Avatar.
Taeshalach Technique – The Avatar of Aggramar fully takes on the form of Aggramar and unleashes his wrath in the form of a deadly series of blows. The Avatar cannot move or use abilities while unleashing Taeshalach Technique.
Flame Rend – Inflicts 2,500,000 Fire damage to any enemies in front of the Avatar.
Foe Breaker – Inflictrs 2,500,000 Physical damage to the Avatar’s current target.
Searing Tempest – Inflicts 5,000,000 Fire damage to any of the Avatar’s enemies within 35.
- Volatile Soul – Exposes the volatility in living souls, applying Soulburst to two players and Soulbomb to one.
- Stage Three: The Arcane Masters –
- The Constellar Designates –
- Cosmic Ray – Channels a beam of cosmic energy towards a player, inflicting 3,000,000 Arcane damage to any players hit by the beam.
Cosmic Beacon – Selects a player as a targeting beacon for Cosmic Smash, calling one down at their position after 8 sec.
Cosmic Smash – Inflicts 1,500,000 Arcane damage to all players immediately and an additional 900,000 Arcane damage every 2 sec. for 6 sec. This effect stacks.
- Impending Inevitability – Constellars gain Impending Inevitability when their casts are interrupted.
- Inevitability – Immune to interrupts for 20 sec.
Starblast – Inflicts 1,250,000 Arcane damage to an enemy.
- The Stellar Armory – Periodically, two of the Constellar Designates will be granted arms from the Stellar Armory. When equipped with these arms, the Designates will no longer use their other abilities and will instead engage in melee attacks.
- Sword of the Cosmos – Increases melee attack damage by 200% and grants the ability Cosmic Power.
- Cosmic Power – Empowers the caster and any other Constellar Designates within 20, increasing damage done by 20% for 3 min.
- Blades of the Eternal – Melee attack damage increased by 300%.
- Sword of the Cosmos – Increases melee attack damage by 200% and grants the ability Cosmic Power.
- Norgannon’s Aid –
- The Discs of Norgannon – Exposes elemental weaknesses in the Constellar Designates. Each Designate takes 200% increased damage from a single school for until cancelled.
- Aman’thul’s Aid –
- Drain Titanic Essence – Aman’thul drains the Titanic Essence from defeated Constellar Designates, powering a massive strike to disrupt Argus‘ attack against the players.
- The Constellar Designates –
- Stage Four: The Gift of Life, The Forge of Loss –
Reap Soul – All players are instantly killed. Were in not for the titans, all hope would be lost…
- Ember of Rage – Argus‘ pure rage manifests as burning embers of titanic energy, which fall to the platform and detonate, inflicting 2,140,000 Shadow damage immediately and 714,000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. for 20 sec to any players hit. This effect stacks.
- Tortured Rage – Argus strikes the ground in rage, inflicting 1,785,000 Shadow damage to all players.
Sweeping Scythe – Cleaves players in a half-circle in front of him, inflicting 4,290,000 Physical damage and increasing damage taken by subsequent Sweeping Scythes by 125% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
- Reorigination Modules – Reorigination Modules will begin an Initialization Sequence when created.When their health is consumed, they will cast Reorigination Pulse.
- Initialization Sequence – Drains the Reorigination Module’s health every 0 sec. over 15 sec, increasing the radius of Reorigination Pulse the longer the Initialiation Sequence is channeled.
- Reorigination Pulse – Inflicts 4,000,000 Arcane damage to all players within the area of effect of the Reoirigination Pulse.
- The Spirit World –
- Hungering Souls – Hungering Souls stalk the spirit world, released by Argus‘ wrath. If they come into contact with any ghosts they will burst, applying Drained Soul to any nearby ghosts.
- Soul Detonation – Stuns affected ghosts for 6 sec.
- Motes of Titanic Power – When Reorigination Modules complete a Reorigination Pulse, their Titanic energy is released into the Spirit World as Motes of Titanic power. Players can walk into these to collect them, granting Khaz’goroth Titanic Essence that he can use to fule his Titanforging ability.
- Hungering Souls – Hungering Souls stalk the spirit world, released by Argus‘ wrath. If they come into contact with any ghosts they will burst, applying Drained Soul to any nearby ghosts.
- Eonar’s Aid –
- Gift of the Lifebinder – Eonar creates the Gift of the Lifebinder, a life-giving tree that springs forth to save the players. The Gift of the Lifebinder is created with several stacks of Life-Giving Roots, depending on players‘ raid size. Players may heal the Gift of the Lifebinder.
While the Gift of the Lifebinder lives, players may freely Release Spirit after dying while fighting Argus and will return to the encounter space as ghosts. If players move to the tree as ghosts, they will be returned to life. However, returning to life in this way will remove a stack of Life-giving Roots. Once the Life-giving Roots are consumed, resurrecting using the Gift of the Lifebinder will cause it to suffer from Withered Roots.- Life-giving Roots – Players may resurrect by moving to the Gift of the Lifebinder while they are ghosts with no negative consequences as long as the Gift retains Life-giving Roots. Doing so will consume a stack of Life-giving Roots.
- Withering Roots – Each time a player uses the Gift of the Lifebinder to resurrect after it loses Life-giving Roots, it will instead gain a stack of Withering Roots, causing it to lose 850,000 health every 2 sec. This effect stacks.
- Gift of the Lifebinder – Eonar creates the Gift of the Lifebinder, a life-giving tree that springs forth to save the players. The Gift of the Lifebinder is created with several stacks of Life-Giving Roots, depending on players‘ raid size. Players may heal the Gift of the Lifebinder.
- Khaz’goroth’s Aid – When Khaz’goroth has at least 20 Titanic Essence, he will begin to channel Titanforging. Players can collect Motes of Titanic Power within the Spirit World to grant Khaz’goroth Titanic Energy.
- Titanforging – Channels, draining 1 Titanic Essence every 1 sec., to grant all living players Titanforged.
- Titanforged – Khaz’goroth reforges players in his image, granting them 15% increased damage and healing and 15% increased movement speed as long as he is able to channel Titanforging.
- Titanforging – Channels, draining 1 Titanic Essence every 1 sec., to grant all living players Titanforged.