Patch 7.3: Der neue Build 24539

Im Verlauf der letzten Nacht haben die Entwickler von World of Warcraft den neuen Build 24539 auf den allen daran interessierten Spielern offenstehenden Testserver von Patch 7.3 aufgespielt und dadurch dann wieder einmal eine Reihe von Änderungen und Neuerungen zu dieser interessanten Testphase hinzugefügt. Dabei brachte diese neue Spielversion von Patch 7.3 unter anderem die bereits vor einigen Tagen angekündigten Änderungen an den Wildheits-Druiden, die für solch einen Build üblichen Änderungen an den T-21 Set Boni, die neue Zone „Mac’aree“, einige Neuerungen für die Missionen und die Invasionspunkte mit sich. Weiter unten in diesem Artikel findet ihr nun die von Community Manager Lore verfassten PTR Development Notes zu diesem neuen Update und eine praktische Zusammenfassung aller bisher von Data Minern in den Spieldaten dieses Builds ausfindig gemachten Inhalte.
Die PTR Development Notes:
This week’s PTR update has a few new additions. First and foremost, the second Argus area – Mac’aree – is now available, including some new chapters of the 7.3 story as well as some new World Quests. Note that, in order to reach Mac’aree, you’ll need to have completed the previous story chapters. Please let us know what you think!
This update also opens up Invasion Points for testing. Once you’ve unlocked them by completing a short quest chain (which begins on the Vindicaar), you’ll start to see Invasion Points appearing on the Argus map. These are portals to other worlds that the Legion has begun invading, and as part of our efforts to shut down the Legion once and for all, you’ll be able to enter the portal and stop their invasion.
You should also be able to access 7.3’s new Troops and Missions. We’re making a few changes and improvements to the Mission system with these updates, including some new ways to catch up Champions that may be behind on item level, and several new missions (including a few that are designed to let you burn off any extra Order Hall Resources you might have stockpiled).
You’ll also see some pretty substantial changes for Feral Druids in this build. We’ve been trying to avoid making too many class changes in the 7.x.0 patches (keeping them mostly confined to 7.x.5 updates) but wanted to make sure we got these updates in for 7.3. We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback once you’ve had some hands-on time with the changes.
Note that the Seat of the Triumvirate dungeon is not accessible in today’s update. It wasn’t quite ready for PTR testing, so we’re keeping it locked down for now. It’ll be made available in a future PTR update (hopefully next week)!
Of course, as with all PTR updates, there are likely to be several other changes and updates as we continue iterating on 7.3 content. Thanks, and happy testing!
Highlights aus diesem Build:
- Das neue Gebiet „Mac’aree“ wurde freigeschaltet.
- Es gibt weitere neue Weltquests.
- Den Testern steht das nächste Kapitel der Patch 7.3 Story zur Verfügung.
- Die Invasionspunkte wurden zum Testen freigeschaltet.
- Tester können nun auf die neuen Truppen und Missionen aus Patch 7.3 zugreifen.
- Mit Patch 7.3 werden die Entwickler einige Verbesserungen an den Missionen und den Champions durchführen.
- Der Buid brachte umfangreiche Änderungen an den Wildheits-Druiden mit sich (Liste gibt es weiter unten).
- Mit dem Build wurden viele T-21 Boni überarbeitet.
[PH] Argussian Reach Emissary: Diese Kiste lässt vermuten, dass es in Patch 7.3 eine bisher unbekannte Fraktion geben wird.
- Neue mögliche Effekte für Concordance of the Legionfall:
- Holy Warrior Increases the chance for Concordance of the Legionfall to trigger for all allies within 8 yards.
- Murderous Intent Your damage and healing is increased by 3% while Concordance of the Legionfall is active.
- Chaos Shatter: Spieler können 1 Chaoskristall in zwei Leylichtsplitter umwandeln.
- Der neue Dungeon „Seat of the Triumvirate“ ist leider noch nicht verfügbar. Die Entwickler hoffen darauf, dass sie diese Instanz in der nächsten Woche freischalten können.
Quest Missionen aus Patch 7.3:
Illuminating the Core
[PH]High Exarch Turalyon has requested your assistance for an audacious assault against the Legion war machine. -
Inches From Madness
[PH]Alleria has asked you to search the Ruins of Oranaar for any Krokul not yet consumed by the Shadow. -
[PH]Wresting Argus from the Legion’s control will be for naught if the Void prevails. Expel the Shadowguard from Mac’Aree. -
Securing Krokuun
[PH]Chieftain Hatuun has requested that you recover supplies hidden in Darkfall Ridge. In return, Krokul Ridgestalkers will help your forces navigate Argus‘ desolate landscape. -
Victims No Longer
[PH]The Krokul wish to rescue their brethren from Nath’raxas Hold before they are turned by the Fel. Should you succeed, the Legion’s influence in this region will diminish.
Änderungen an den T-21 Set Boni:
Death Knight
- Item – Death Knight T21 Blood 4P Bonus – Vampiric Blood Rune Haste Name changed from „Item – Death Knight T21 Blood 2P Bonus – Vampiric Blood Rune Haste“ to „Item – Death Knight T21 Blood 4P Bonus – Vampiric Blood Rune Haste“.
Demon Hunter
- Item – Demon Hunter T21 Havoc 2P Bonus – Eye Beam Damage Eye Beam damage increased by
0%.30%. - Item – Demon Hunter T21 Havoc 4P Bonus – Haste After Eye Beam When Eye Beam finishes fully channeling, your Haste is increased by
0% for 0 sec.15% for 8 sec. - Item – Demon Hunter T21 Vengeance 2P Bonus – Demon Spike Parry Chance While Demon Spikes is active, your parry chance is increased by an additional
0%.5%. - Item – Demon Hunter T21 Vengeance 4P Bonus – Parry Reduces Meta CD When you parry an attack, the cooldown of Metamorphosis is reduced by
0 sec.5.0 sec. This can only occur once every 1.0 sec.
- Item – Druid T21 Guardian 2P Bonus – Gore Proc Reduces Barkskin Cooldown Name changed from „Item – Druid T21 Guardian 2P Bonus – Gore Proc Reduces Surv Instinct Cooldown“ to „Item – Druid T21 Guardian 2P Bonus – Gore Proc Reduces Barkskin Cooldown“. When Gore activates, the cooldown of
Survival InstinctsBarkskin is reduced by 0 sec.
- Item – Hunter T21 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus – Kill Command Damage Kill Command damage increased by
0%.10%. - Item – Hunter T21 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus – Wild Call Kill Command Reset When Wild Call resets the cooldown of Dire Beast, the cooldown of Kill Command is reduced by
0 seconds.1.0 seconds. - Item – Hunter T21 Marksmanship 2P Bonus – Marked Shot Sometimes Shoots Twice Marked Shot has a
0%15% chance to fire at the target an additional time. - Item – Hunter T21 Marksmanship 4P Bonus – Marked Shot Buffs Focus Builders When Marked Shot deals damage, the damage of your next
Focus generating shot is increased by 0%, and it will generate 0% additional Focus. Stacks up to 0 times.Arcane Shot is increased by 20% or Multi-Shot damage by 20%, and your next Arcane Shot will generate an additional 5 Focus, or your next Multi-shot will generate an additional 1 Focus. - Item – Hunter T21 Survival 2P Bonus – Flanking Strikes Buffs Raptor Strike Crit Flanking Strike has a
0%10% chance to increase the critical strike chance of your next Raptor Strikeby 0%.within until cancelled by 100%. - Item – Hunter T21 Survival 4P Bonus – Mongoose Bite Buffs Raptor Strike Damage Each cast of Mongoose Bite increases the damage of your next Raptor Strike by
0%. Stacks up to 0 times.10%. Stacks up to 6 times.
- Item – Rogue T21 Assassination 2P Bonus – Envenom Increases Poison Crit Chance
While Envenom is on theWhen you Envenom a target, your Deadly and Wound poisons have 0%increasesincreased chance to critically strike the target. - Item – Rogue T21 Assassination 4P Bonus – Poison Crit Generates Energy When your Deadly or Wound poisons critically strike the target, you have 0% chance to gain
0 Energy.1 Energy. - Item – Rogue T21 Outlaw 2P Bonus – Extra Saber Slash Buffs Run Through Extra attacks from Saber Slash increase the damage of your next Run Through by
0%, stacking up to 0 times.5%, stacking up to 4 times.
- Item – Shaman T21 Elemental 2P Bonus – Lava Burst Buffs Earth Shock Each cast of Lava Burst increases the damage of your next Earth Shock by
0%. Stacks up to 0 times.10%. Stacks up to 3 times. - Item – Shaman T21 Elemental 4P Bonus – Earth Shock Overload Earth Shock has a
0%30% chance to cause an Elemental Overload. - Item – Shaman T21 Enhancement 2P Bonus – Rockbiter Buffs Fire/Nature Damage Name changed from „Item – Shaman T21 Enhancement 2P Bonus – Rockbiter Buffs Nature Damage“ to „Item – Shaman T21 Enhancement 2P Bonus – Rockbiter Buffs Fire/Nature Damage“. Rockbiter causes the target to take
0%10% increased Fire and Nature damage from your attacks for4 sec.until cancelled. - Item – Shaman T21 Enhancement 4P Bonus – Stormstrike Resets Rockbiter
Stormstrike has a 0%Casting Stormstrike has a 15% chance to add a charge of Rockbiter. - Item – Shaman T21 Restoration 2P Bonus – Immediate Heal In Healing Rain Area Name changed from „Item – Shaman T21 Restoration 2P Bonus – Immediate Heal In Riptide Area“ to „Item – Shaman T21 Restoration 2P Bonus – Immediate Heal In Healing Rain Area“. When you cast Healing Rain,
0up to 6 allies within its area are immediately healed for0.6. - Item – Shaman T21 Restoration 4P Bonus – Heal Copies to Player in Healing Rain Healing Wave and Healing Surge casts have a
0%30% chance to heal a player standing in your Healing Rain for0% of the amount.100% of the amount.
Anpassungen an Talenten:
- Brutal Slash Name changed from „Jagged Wounds“ to „Brutal Slash“. Row 6, Column 2. Spell:
Jagged WoundsBrutal Slash. Replaces: Brutal Slash - Elune’s Guidance Name changed from „Brutal Slash“ to „Elune’s Guidance“. Row 7, Column 3. Spell:
Brutal Slash. Replaces: Brutal SlashElune’s Guidance - Jagged Wounds Name changed from „Savage Roar“ to „Jagged Wounds“. Row 5, Column 3. Spell:
Savage RoarJagged Wounds - Savage Roar Name changed from „Elune’s Guidance“ to „Savage Roar“. Row 6, Column 3. Spell:
Elune’s GuidanceSavage Roar
- Prowl Allows the Druid to vanish from sight, entering an improved stealth mode. Lasts until cancelled. Instant.
10 sec cooldown.6 sec cooldown. - Rebirth Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 60% health and 20% mana. Castable in combat. Usable in all shapeshift forms. 100 Rage. 40 yd range. Instant. 10 min cooldown.
- Sabertooth Ferocious Bite deals
15%20% increased damage and always refreshes the duration of Rip. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Bloodtalons Casting Regrowth causes your next two melee abilities to deal
50%25% increased damage for their full duration. Feral Druid – Level 100 Talent. - Brutal Slash Strikes all nearby enemies with a massive slash, inflicting (2,470% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Awards 1 combo points. Requires Cat Form. Feral Druid – Level
10090 Talent. 20 Energy. 8 yd range. Instant. - Elune’s Guidance Immediately gain 5 combo points and an additional 1 combo point every 1 sec for
8 sec. Feral Druid – Level 90 Talent. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.5 sec. Feral Druid – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Incarnation: King of the Jungle An improved Cat Form that allows the use of Prowl once while in combat, causes Shred and Rake to deal damage as if stealth were active, reduces the cost of all Cat Form abilities by
60%50%, and increases maximum Energy by 50. Lasts 30 sec. You may shapeshift in and out of this improved Cat Form for its duration. Feral Druid – Level 75 Talent. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Jagged Wounds Your Rip, Rake, and Thrash abilities deal the same damage as normal, but in
33%20% less time. Feral Druid – Level90 Talent.75 Talent. - Moment of Clarity Omen of Clarity now
affects the next 3 Shreds, Thrashes, or Swipes and increases their damage by 15%triggers twice as often and increases the damage of your next Shred, Thrash, or Swipe by 25%. Your maximum Energy is increased by 30. Feral Druid – Level 100 Talent. - Sabertooth Ferocious Bite deals
15%20% increased damage and always refreshes the duration of Rip. Feral Druid – Level 90 Talent. - Savage Roar Finishing move that grants
25%15% increased damage to your Cat Form attacks for their full duration. Lasts longer per combo point: 1 point :8 seconds 2 points: 12 seconds 3 points: 16 seconds 4 points: 20 seconds 5 points: 24 seconds Feral Druid – Level 7512 seconds 2 points: 18 seconds 3 points: 24 seconds 4 points: 30 seconds 5 points: 36 seconds Feral Druid – Level 90 Talent. 40 Energy. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Feral Druid Increases damage/healing of Ashamane’s Frenzy, Brutal Slash, Ferocious Bite, Maim, Moonfire, Rake, Rip, Shred, Thrash by
0%33%. Increases periodic damage/healing of Ashamane’s Frenzy, Brutal Slash, Ferocious Bite, Maim, Moonfire, Rake, Rip, Shred, Thrash by0%33%. Increases cooldown of Incarnation: Chosen of Elune and Moonkin Form by 90,000. Increases damage/healing of Regrowth by 20%. Increases periodic damage/healing of Regrowth by 20%. Increases power cost of Regrowth by 20%. Druid – Feral Spec. - Predatory Swiftness Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to make your next Regrowth,
Entangling Roots, or Rebirthor Entangling Roots instant, free, and castable in all forms. Druid – Feral Spec.
Feral, Guardian, Balance, Restoration
- Prowl Activates Cat Form and places you into stealth until cancelled. Druid – Feral, Guardian, Balance, Restoration Spec. Instant.
10 sec cooldown.6 sec cooldown.
- Weaponmaster Your abilities have a
100%6% chance to hit the target twice each time they deal damage. Subtlety Rogue – Level 15 Talent.