WoD: Beta Build 18837
Die Entwickler von Blizzard haben in der vergangenen Nacht ein neues Update für die aktuell noch immer laufende Beta zu Warlords of Draenor veröffentlicht. Dieser Build 18837 hat neben den üblichen Klassenänderungen auch die Preise der Erbstücke des Spiels an die neuen Währungen angepasst, den „Dschinni“ für Robin Williams ein wenig überarbeitet und die Erfolge für Stufe 3 Rezepte in der Garnison als accountweit eingestuft.
Die Erbstücke:
Ein neuer Spruch für Dschinni:
Der an den kürzlich verstorbenen Komiker angelehnte Dschinni in Talador ruft bei seiner Beschwörung nun einen etwas besser zu dem Film „Aladin“ passenden Spruch.
Erfolge für die Garnison:
- Finding Your Waystones ist nun accountweit.
- Salvaging Pays Off ist nun accountweit.
- The Bone Collector ist nun accountweit.
- Upgrading the Mill ist nun accountweit.
- Working More Orders ist nun accountweit.
Death Knight
- Blood Presence now increases base armor by 30%, down from 55%.
- Icebound Fortitude now lasts 8 sec, down from 12 sec.
- Death Pact now absorbs 25% of max health worth of healing for 15 sec, rather than 50% of the amount healed for 15 sec.
- Dancing Rune Weapon now lists an 8 sec duration.
- Rune Tap now reduces all damage taken by 40% for 3 sec, down from 50%.
- Vampiric Blood now increases healing received by 15% for 10 sec, down from 25%.
- Festering Strike (Blood, Frost) now does 225% of weapon damage, up from 114%.
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Vampiric Blood now increases bonus healing by 10%, down from 15%.
- Bear Form now increases armor by 250%, down from 330%. Now reduces all magical damage taken by 10%, down from 25%.
- Primal Fury now grants 5 Rage when you critically strike with a Bear Form attack, or 2 Rage when you dodge, rather than 5 rage for either.
- Bristling Fur now reduces all damage taken by 40% for 3 sec, down from 50%.
- Pulverize now reduces all damage taken by 15% for 10 sec, down from 20%.
Balance, Guardian, Restoration
- Barkskin now has a 60 sec cooldown, up from 30 sec.
Feral & Guardian
- Survival Instincts now lasts for 6 sec, down from 12 sec.
- Savage Defense now has a 12 sec recharge time, up from 9 sec.
- Might of Ursoc now lasts for 10 sec, down from 20 sec.
- Thick Hide now reduces all magical damage taken by 10%, down from 25%.
- Tooth and Claw – Empowered Maul causes its primary victim’s next autoattack to deal [ 320% of AP ] less damage, down from 400% of AP.
- Barrage now has a 20 sec cooldown, down from 30 sec.
- Thrill of the Hunt now reduces the Focus cost of your next 3 Arcane Shots, Aimed Shots, or Multi-Shots by 20, down from next 6 shots.
- Wyvern Sting is now usable while moving.
- Spirit Beast Blessing no longer lists a cooldown in the tooltip.
- Terrifying Roar no longer lists a cooldown in the tooltip.
- Meteor had a tooltip bug fixed.
- Blackout Kick now increases your parry chance by 10% (was 20%) and your Stagger amount by an additional 10% (was 20%) for 6 sec.
- Chi Wave (Brewmaster, Windwalker) now does 50% of AP damage or healing, down from 76%.
- Chi Wave (Mistweaver) now does 50% of AP damage, down from 76%. Now does 60% of AP healing, down from 91%.
- Expel Harm now costs 2% of Base Mana, down from 3%. Healing amount reduced.
- Fortifying Brew now lasts 15 sec, down from 20 sec.
- Chi Wave (Brewmaster, Windwalker) now does 50% of AP damage or healing, down from 76%.
- Chi Wave (Mistweaver) now does 50% of AP damage, down from 76%. Now does 60% of AP healing, down from 91%.
- Power Strikes now has spec specific tooltips. Mistweavers got Surging Mist in place of Crackling Jade Lightning.
- Brewmaster Training now increases your parry chance by 10% (was 20%) and your Stagger amount by an additional 10% (was 20%) for 6 sec.
- Guard now absorbs 900% of AP, down from 1133% of AP.
- Stance of the Sturdy Ox now increases armor by 50% and reduces magic damage taken by 10%, rather than reducing damage taken by 25%.
- Divine Protection now lasts 8 sec, down from 10 sec.
- Stat Negation Aura – Sub 10 – Strength/Intellect (New)
- Guarded by the Light now increaess your block chance by 5%, down from 10%.
- Guardian of Ancient Kings now lasts 8 sec, down from 12 sec.
- Mastery: Divine Bulwark now increases the damage reduction of your Shield of the Righteous by 6% (was 8%) and adds 6% (was 8%) to your Bastion of Glory.
- Sanctuary no longer increases armor value from items by 10%.
- Shield of the Righteous now increases the strength of your Word of Glory when used to heal yourself by 6%, down from 10%.
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of the Inquisitor now also works with Power Word: Solace.
- Frost Shock now does 77% of Spell Power damage, down from 110%.
- Stat Negation Aura – Sub 10 – Agility/Intellect (New)
- Earth Shock now does 92.5% of Spell Power damage, down from 132%.
- Maelstrom Weapon now increases your next Nature spell’s direct healing done by 20%.
- Healing Tide Totem now heals for 60% of Spell Power, down from 92%.
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Chaining now gives Chain Heal a 3 sec cooldown.
- Glyph of Spirit Walk now also reduces the duration your Spirit Walk ability by 25%.
- Shadow Bolt now does 52.5% of Spell Power damage, down from 74%.
- Defensive Stance now decreases damage taken by 20%, down from 25%
- Shattering Throw now has spec specific tooltips, with Arms doing increased damage.
- Shield Barrier now absorbs 235% of AP damage, down from 275%.
- Improved Defensive Stance now increases your armor by an additional 10%, down from 15%.
- Siegebreaker now has spec specific tooltips.
Arms & Fury
- Shield Barrier now absorbs 235% of AP damage, down from 275%.
- Shield Block now has a 12 sec recharge time, up from 9 sec.
- Demoralizing Shout now lasts 8 sec, down from 10 sec.
- Last Stand now lasts 15 sec, down from 20 sec.
- Mastery: Critical Block now increases your chance to critically block by 12%, down from 17.6%.
- Shield Wall now lasts 8 sec, down from 12 sec.
- Unwavering Sentinel no longer increases your armor value from items by 25%.