Patch 7.2: Es wurden weitere Raidtests angekündigt

In der vergangenen Nacht meldete sich der an World of Warcraft mitarbeitende Game Designer Skordyn erneut in den offiziellen Battle.Net Foren dieses Titels zu Wort und verkündete dort dann in einem kurzen Bluepost, dass das Entwicklerteam am morgigen Freitag, den 24. März 2017, weitere Raidtests auf dem aktuell noch immer laufenden PTR zu Patch 7.2: Das Grabmal des Sargeras durchführen möchte. Dieser Ankündigung zufolge dürfen alle daran interessierten Personen während dieser Testphase dann in die heroische Version des Grabmals des Sargeras eindringen und dort dann mit ihren selbstständig zusammengesuchten Schlachtzügen gegen die bereits von anderen Raidtests bekannten Encounter „Demonic Inquisition“ und „Maiden of Vigilance“ antreten. Da die Bosse den Teilnehmern dieser Tests dann allerdings nur ca. eine Stunde zum Ausprobieren zur Verfügung stehen werden, sollten Spieler auf keinen Fall trödeln und ihren Raid bereits kurz vor dem Startschuss aufbauen.
Folgend findet ihr nun einige hilfreiche Informationen zu dem genauen Ablauf dieser Raidtests und eine Übersicht zu den Mechaniken der morgen Abend auf dem PTR bekämpfbaren Encounter.
Friday, March 24
- Demonic Inquisition – Heroic Tomb of Sargeras
- 11:00 PST (14:00 EST, 20:00 CET)
- Maiden of Vigilance – Heroic Tomb of Sargeras
- 12:00 PST (15:00 EST, 21:00 CET)
Hinweis: Die Zeitangaben weiter oben können sich jederzeit ändern. Dies liegt daran, dass dies eine Testphase ist und die Entwickler jeweils die Zeiten bzw. Bosse nutzen, die ihnen am besten passen.
Raid Testing Schedule – March 24
On Friday, March 24, we will be conducting raid testing of Heroic Tomb of Sargeras bosses.
As always, this testing schedule is very fluid and subject to the realities of a PTR environment. We might have to change the time of a testing session, change the bosses being tested, or cancel a test entirely, due to bugs, server hardware issues, etc. Keep an eye on this forum for the latest information, and thank you in advance for testing and providing feedback.
Die testbaren Bosse:
Demonic Inquisition:
Anticipating the arrival of mortal forces invading the Tomb of Sargeras, Kil’jaeden has called on his best captors, Atrigan and Belac, to lock down the interlopers and prevent them from using the Pillars to advance deeper into the dungeon.
Overview: Atrigan and Belac share health.
Both Atrigan and Belac’s abilities all inflict [Torment]. Reaching full [Torment] results in [Unbearable Torment].-
Damage Dealers:
[Confess] when at full [Torment] to collect Remnants of Hope from Belac’s cage and alleviate [Unbearable Torment].
Avoid attacking Atrigan and Belac during [Bone Saw] and [Fel Squall] respectively, so you don’t incur additional [Torment]. -
[Confess] when at full [Torment] to collect Remnants of Hope from Belac’s cage and alleviate [Unbearable Torment].
Stagger dispelling [Echoing Anguish] so as not to inflict the raid to too many instances of [Anguished Outburst] at once. -
[Confess] when at full [Torment] to collect Remnants of Hope from Belac’s cage and alleviate [Unbearable Torment].
Coordinate with the other tank so only one has to [Confess] at a time.
Avoid attacking Atrigan and Belac during [Bone Saw] and [Fel Squall] respectively, so you don’t incur additional [Torment].
Torment: Torment increases when attacks and abilities from Atrigan and Belac strike players. Players that reach full Torment are afflicted with Unbearable Torment and must Confess in order to remove the effect.
Unbearable Torment: The inquisition has broken you. All damage done is reduced by 20%, your chance to hit is reduced by 90% your healing done is reduced by 25%, and all damage taken is increased by 90%.
Confess: You confess your actions against the Legion to the demonic inquisition and are transported into Belac’s fel prison.
Bone Scythe: Atrigan wields a Bone Scythe. All attacks made by Atrigan apply 2 Torment.
Scythe Sweep: Atrigan swings his mighty Bone Scythe, inflicting 975000 to 1025000 Physical damage and 20 Torment to all enemies in front of him.
Bone Saw: Inflicts 1000000 Physical damage and 4 Torment to nearby enemies every 1 sec. Atrigan’s movement speed is slowed by 75%. Attacking Atrigan during Bone Saw causes the attacker to gain Torment.
Anguished Outburst: Tormenting energy bursts forth from the affected player, inflicting 975000 to 1025000 Shadow damage and 10 Torment to players within 8 yards.
Echoing Anguish: Belac targets multiple players with phantasmal torture devices, which inflict 250000 Shadow damage and 2 Torment every 1 sec for 12 sec. When this effect is removed, nearby players are struck by Anguished Outburst.
Tormenting Burst: Tormenting energy explodes out from Belac, inflicting 292500 to 307500 Shadow damage and 10 Torment to all players.
Fel Squall: Inflicts 1000000 Fire damage and 4 Torment to nearby enemies every 5 sec. Attacking Belac during Fel Squall causes the attacker to gain Torment.
Shadow Bolt Volley: Hurls a bolt of dark magic at an enemy, inflicting 323750 Shadow damage.
Tormented Fragment: When prisoners escape Belac’s cage these fragments of the Tormented Soul abscond alongside them. (Mythic)
Harrowing Reconstitution: As the Tormented Fragments attempt to reform their thrashing increases in intensity. All damage done by all Tormented Fragments is increased by 15% whenever a new Fragment escapes Belac’s cage. (Mythic)
Explosive Anguish: Tormented Fragments violently release all their pent up torment and anguish upon death, inflicting 1950000 to 2050000 Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards. (Mythic)
Maiden of Vigilance
Charged by Aegwynn to defend the Tomb of Sargeras, the Maiden of Vigilance has stood watch for hundreds of years. Yet, the guardian did not forsee what effect the avatar’s seeping fel energy would have on this titan construct. Slowly warped by this maleficence, the Maiden now seeks to destroy any in her path.
- Unstable Soul: Inflicts 508750 to 591250 Fire damage every 2 sec. After 8 sec the target explodes, inflicting 1202500 to 1397500 Fire damage to all allies. The target and allies within 5 yards will also be knocked back. (Normal, Heroic, Mythic)
- Unstable Soul: Inflicts 508750 to 591250 Fire damage every 2 sec. After 8 sec the target will explode, inflicting 1182500 Fire damage. The target and allies within 5 yds will also be knocked back. (Raid Finder)
- Aegwynn’s Ward: An ancient ward protecting the deepest reaches of the tomb prevents Unstable Soul explosions from affecting allies. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Aegwynn’s Ward: An ancient ward protecting the deepest reaches of the tomb prevents Unstable Soul explosions from affecting allies. (Normal)
- Fragment Burst: Inflicts 1387500 to 1612500 damage to all players immediately, as well as 508750 to 591250 damage every 1 sec for 6 sec. Also applies Ravaged Soul. (Mythic)
- Ravaged Soul: Increases Fragment Burst damage taken by 25%. (Mythic)
- Stage One: Divide and Conquer:
- The Maiden of Vigilance infuses and hammers her enemies with both Holy and Fel magic.
- Infusion: Infuses players with either Fel Infusion or Light Infusion.
- Fel Infusion: Infuses a target with Fel energy, inflicting 208125 to 241875 Fire damage every 3 sec. After 5 sec, moving within 5 yards of an ally with Light Infusion will trigger Unstable Soul.
- Light Infusion: Infuses a target with Holy energy, inflicting 208125 to 241875 Holy damage every 3 sec. After 5 sec, moving within 5 yards of an ally with Fel Infusion will trigger Unstable Soul.
- Hammers: The Maiden imbues her hammer with either Holy or Fel energy and strikes the ground with tremendous force.
- Hammer of Creation: Slams the current target with a Holy infused hammer, inflicting 2000000 Physical damage. Holy energy then radiates from the hammer, splitting 12000000 Holy damage between all targets within 20 yards in a cone in front of the caster. Creates an area of Light Remanence.
Fel Infused targets become afflicted with Unstable Soul.
- Light Remanence: Remanence left behind by the Maiden’s hammer inflicts 323750 to 376250 Holy damage every 5 sec. As the remanence decays, it emits Light Echoes.
- Light Echoes: A blast of Holy energy strikes all players within 4 yards for 323750 to 376250 Holy damage.
- Light Remanence: Remanence left behind by the Maiden’s hammer inflicts 323750 to 376250 Holy damage every 5 sec. As the remanence decays, it emits Light Echoes.
- Hammer of Obliteration: Slams the current target with a Holy infused hammer, inflicting 0 Physical damage. Fel energy then radiates from the hammer, splitting 12000000 Fire damage between all targets within 20 yards in a cone in front of the caster. Creates an area of Fel Remanence. Light Infused targets become afflicted with Unstable Soul.
- Fel Remanence: Remanence left behind by the Maiden’s hammer inflicts 323750 to 376250 Fire damage every 2 sec. As the remanence decays, it emits Fel Echoes.
- Fel Echoes: A blast of Fel energy strikes all players within 4 yards for 323750 to 376250 Fire damage.
- Fel Remanence: Remanence left behind by the Maiden’s hammer inflicts 323750 to 376250 Fire damage every 2 sec. As the remanence decays, it emits Fel Echoes.
- Hammer of Creation: Slams the current target with a Holy infused hammer, inflicting 2000000 Physical damage. Holy energy then radiates from the hammer, splitting 12000000 Holy damage between all targets within 20 yards in a cone in front of the caster. Creates an area of Light Remanence.
- Mass Instability: Instantly triggers Unstable Soul on up to 3 enemies.
- Spontaneous Fragmentation: Summons a Fragment of Creation or Fragment of Obliteration at the feet of a target enemy with an opposite infusion after 3 sec. The fragment will pursue the target for 10 sec. If not consumed, it will trigger Fragment Burst. (Mythic)
- Stage Two: Watcher’s Wrath:
- The Maiden of Vigilance jumps away, shields herself, and buffets the raid with Fragments of Creation and Obliteration.
- Blowback: Stuns all enemies for 6 sec.
- Titanic Bulwark: Fel Titan creates a shield of Holy energy, absorbing 60000000 damage and preventing all interrupts while the shield holds.
- Wrath of the Creators: Repeatedly buffets the raid with waves of energy, inflicting 168000 Holy damage. Each wave will do more damage than the last.
Essence Fragments: Emits Fragments of Creation and Obliteration that travel outward from the caster.
- Grace and Vigor: Collecting Fragments of Creation or Obliteration with a matching Infusion will trigger Creator’s Grace or Demon’s Vigor for all nearby allies.
- Creator’s Grace: Holy energy bolsters a Holy Infused target, increasing damage inflicted by 10% and healing done by 5%, stacking up to 10 times.
- Demon’s Vigor: Fel energy bolsters a Fel Infused target, increasing damage inflicted by 10% and healing done by 5%, stacking up to 10 times. Grace and Vigor: Collecting Fragments of Creation or Obliteration with a matching Infusion will trigger Creator’s Grace or Demon’s Vigor for all nearby allies.
- Grace and Vigor: Collecting Fragments of Creation or Obliteration with a matching Infusion will trigger Creator’s Grace or Demon’s Vigor for all nearby allies.