Diesen Monat in WoW: Oktober 2016

Heute veröffentlichten die Entwickler von World of Warcraft wieder einmal einen neuen Artikel auf ihrer offiziellen Communityseite, der als Übersicht zu dem heute gestarteten Oktober 2016 fungieren soll und alle während dieses Monats in diesem Titel oder in der Community stattfindenden Ereignisse auflistet. Wer sich also bereits im Vorfeld über die in den nächsten vier Wochen anstehenden Feiertage, die wöchentlichen Ingame Events, geplante Turniere für das PvP oder die Testphase zu Patch 7.1 informieren möchte, der sollte einen Blick auf diesen von den Mitarbeitern von Blizzard Entertainment verfassten Blogeintrag werfen.
This Month in WoW – October 2016
It’s the month of Brewfest, Hallow’s End, esports, and more! There’s much to see and do, and we have our eye on what the community’s up to, too. In this October edition of This Month in WoW, we look forward to some of the more remarkable things going on in the World of Warcraft community.
Brewfest [September 20-October 6]
Brewfest is a time to enjoy the fermented fruits of the harvest: pretzels, cheese, and brew! The competing breweries Thunderbrew, Barleybrew, and the Ogres all come together outside of all the major cities in a bid to outdo each other with their special ales, meads, and beers. Brave adventurers are invited to sit back, take a pull, and sample the finest wares these brewers have to offer!
Brewfest is your only chance to acquire the Swift Brewfest Ram and Great Brewfest Kodo mounts, as well as the Wolpertinger and Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm pets. It’s also an opportunity to get your brew-covered mitts on items such as the Stout Alemental pet, the Steamworks Sausage Grill, and Brewfest Banner toys!
Hallow’s End [October 18 – November 1]
Hallow’s End is a celebration of the break between the Forsaken and the Scourge. Many tricks and treats await adventurers seeking holiday fun, including going head-to-neck-stump with the Headless Horseman, visiting inns and cities for fun items such as masks and costumes, and eating way too much candy in one sitting.
You’ll find a special Hallow’s End Wickerman set up and ready to burn in Stormwind and near the Undercity in the Ruins of Lordaeron. Every four hours, Genn Greymane and Lady Sylvanas will arrive to light each faction’s respective Wickerman in celebration of Hallow’s End.
Esports Live Events
World of Warcraft teams are set to compete in a battle royale to find out who among them will take their Regional and advance to the World of Warcraft Arena World Championships. Three teams from Europe and three from North America will advance to BlizzCon, and will be joined by one team each from the Asia-Pacific region and China.
European Regionals
The European Regional Championship will take place in Kiev, Ukraine, at one of the biggest esports venues in Europe, where eight teams will fight for a share of $100,000, and the top three teams will qualify for the 2016 World of Warcraft Arena Championship at BlizzCon 2016.
If you happen to be in Kiev, be sure to drop by and support your favorite team:
- Dates: Friday, September 30 to Sunday, October 2
- Address: CyberSport Arena, Vadyma Hetmana St, 13, Kiev, Ukraine
- Starting time: 18:00 local time
Watch the livestream on Twitch and YouTube
North American Regionals
On October 8-9, eight teams from North America will vie to secure one of the coveted three entries to BlizzCon in the North American Regionals.
Watch the livestream on Twitch starting at 11:00 a.m. PDT both days.
Connect to Twitch to Earn a World of Warcraft Title
Show your love of WoW Arena competition and esports with a shiny new in-game title, Patron of War, when you connect Twitch to your Battle.net account and watch the Regional Championships. Learn more here.
BlizzCon Opening Week
Ahead of the Grand Finals at BlizzCon, the top eight World of Warcraft Arena teams from around the world will play their first group stage matches on October 28. All eight teams will then travel to BlizzCon, where the teams who emerge victorious from the remaining group stages will do battle in a single-elimination bracket until the champions are crowned.
Date: Friday, October 28 at 11:00 a.m. PDT
Remember that all BlizzCon esports streams are FREE!
In Game Events
You can keep up-to-date on all of the in-game events via the in-game calendar, which includes exact event start times for your realm.
Darkmoon Faire [October 2-9]
The wondrous and mystical Darkmoon Faire returns to Azeroth on October 4, and if you haven’t completed all of Silas Darkmoon’s new Darkmoon Races, now’s the time! Test your speed and agility on a variety of racing mounts as you dodge electrifying obstacles and zip all over Darkmoon Island for rewards and achievements. You might also want to take a few moments to be a kid again by going for a ride on the new Darkmoon Seesaw.
The faire continues to be one of the best ways to acquire Heirloom gear, and don’t forget all of the toys, mounts, and pets that can only be gotten here. Bash some gnolls!
Bonus Events:
The Bonus Events system offers a rotating schedule of different activities, such as a week of Timewalking dungeons or passive bonuses for participating in the week’s activity. Players can also complete a once-per-event quest that rewards you for accomplishing a related goal. Check out the Adventure Guide in-game for a direct link to active Bonus Events and to quickly accept any associated quests.
World Quest Bonus Event – October 4-11
While this event is active, completing Broken Isles World Quests awards bonus reputation with the appropriate faction.
Timewalking Dungeon Event: The Burning Crusade — October 11-18
While this event is active, players level 71 or higher may access a special Timewalking Dungeon Finder queue, which scales players and their items down to revisit past dungeons from the Burning Crusade expansion. While Timewalking, bosses will yield loot appropriate for a player’s natural level.
Battleground Bonus Event — October 18-25
While this event is active, random Battlegrounds will award Honor at an increased rate.
Legion Dungeon Event — October 25-November 1
While this event is active, the final boss of each Legion dungeon awards an extra item when defeated.
Patch 7.1 – Return to Karazhan Public Test
We’ll be testing the next content update, and you’re invited to join us! For more information, check out the 7.1 PTR Discussion and 7.1 PTR Bug Report forums.