WoW: Die Liste zu den Multiplikatoren der „PvP-Templates“ wurde aktualisiert

In der vergangenen Nacht hat Game Designer Desvin die bereits vor einigen Wochen in den Battle.Net Foren veröffentlichte Liste zu den Werten und Multiplikatoren der seit Patch 7.0.3 in dem PvP von World of Warcraft verwendeten PvP-Templates ein wenig aktualisiert und diese Übersicht auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Aus diesem Grund beinhaltet diese umfangreiche Liste nun eine Reihe von Änderungen, die ursprünglich nicht zu diesen Vorlagen gehörten und von den Entwicklern erst in den vergangenen Wochen in diesem Bereich durchgeführt wurden. Wer sich also über die aktuell im PvP verwendeten Multiplikatoren für seine Klassen informieren möchte, der muss sich ganz einfach nur folgende Liste durchlesen.
(Hier findet ihr eine Erklärung zu den PvP-Templates)
Die Liste mit Multiplikatoren:
(Änderungen werden in rot dargestellt)
Stat Template
- All damage done reduced by 15% (down from 25%)
- Primary: 80%
- Stamina: 70%
- Mastery: 25%
- Versatility: 0%
Spell Multipliers
- Consumption heals for 50% in PvP
- Unending Thirst increases damage and leech by 15% in PvP (rather than 25%)
- Hearth Strike does 75% damage in PvP
- Blood Boil does 30% damage in PVP
Stat Template
- Stamina: 120%
Spell Multipliers
- Sindragosa’s Fury deals 40% damage in PvP
Stat Template
- Strength: 80% (down from 100%)
- Mastery: 75% (down from 100%)
- Haste: 125% (up from 100%)
Spell Multipliers
- Clawing Shadows deals 100% damage in PvP (Up from 75% but damage of base spell has been reduced)
- Apocalypse deals 75% damage in PvP (down from 100%)
- Dragged to Helheim deals 80% damage in PvP (down from 100%)
- Virulent Plague deals 75% damage in PvP
- Dark Arbiter’s Val’kyr Strike deals 70% damage in PvP
- Epidemic deals 85% damage in PvP
Stat Template
- All damage done reduced by 15% (down from 25%)
- Stamina: 70%
- Mastery: 25%
- Versatility: 0%
Spell Multipliers
- Soul Fragments from Shattered Souls heal for 20% in PvP
- Soul Cleave heals for 40% in PvP
- Soul Barrier absorbs are 20% in PvP
Spell Multipliers
- Metamorphosis leech reduced by 60% in PvP
Stat Template
- Primary: 140% (down from 155%)
Stat Template
- All damage done reduced by 15% (down from 25%)
- Stamina: 70%
- Mastery: 25%
- Versatility: 0%
Spell Multipliers
- Rage of the Sleeper deals 50% damage in PvP
Spell Multipliers
- Ashamane’s Frenzy deals 50% damage in PvP
Stat Template
- All damage done reduced by 25%
- Primary: 140% (down from 155%)
- Mana Regen: 80% (down from 100%)
Spell Multipliers
- Murder of Crows deals 65% damage in PvP
- Barrage deals 80% damage in PvP
Beast Master
Spell Multipliers
- Cobra Shot deals 75% damage in PvP
- Kill Command deals 80% damage in PvP
Spell Multipliers
- Aimed Shot deals 80% damage in PvP
- Marked Shot deals 50% damage in PvP
- Piercing Shot deals 50% damage in PvP
- Exhiliration heals for 60% in PvP
- Healing Shell effects reduced by 50% in PvP
Spell Multipliers
- Rune of Power increases damage by 35% in PvP (instead of 50%)
Stat Template
- Haste: 150%
- Versatility: 50%
Stat Template
- Primary: 120% (down from 130%)
- Critical Strike: 150%
- Mastery: 50%
Spell Multipliers
- Cauterizing Blink heals for 50% in PvP
- Fireball deals 250% damage in PvP
- Pyroblast deals 70% damage in PvP
Stat Template
- Primary: 155% (up from 130%)
- Haste: 150%
- Mastery: 50%
Spell Multipliers
- Glacial Spike deals 100% damage in PvP (up from 75%)
Stat Template
- All damage done reduced by 15% (down from 25%)
- Stamina: 70%
- Mastery: 25%
- Versatility: 0%
Stat Template
- Primary: 85%
Spell Multipliers
- Fists of Fury deals 70% damage in PvP
- Strike of the Windlord deals 70% damage in PvP
Stat Template
- All damage done reduced by 25%
Spell Multipliers
- Revival heals for 200% in PvP
Stat Template
- All damage done reduced by 25%
Spell Multipliers
- Holy Shock deals 50% damage in PvP
Stat Template
- All damage done reduced by 15% (down from 25%
- Stamina: 85%
- Mastery: 25%
- Versatility: 0%
Spell Multipliers
- Avenger’s Shield deals 50% damage in PvP
- Shield of the Righteous deals 50% damage in PvP
- Light of the Protector heals for 50% in PvP
- Hand of the Protector heals for 50% in PvP
Stat Template
- Primary: 85%
- Mastery: 25%
- Haste: 125%
- Versatility: 125%
- Critical Strike: 125%
Spell Multipliers
- Execution Sentence deals 60% damage in PvP
- Templar’s Verdict deals 70% damage in PvP
- Justicar’s Vengeance heals for 60% of damage done
Stat Template
- Mastery: 50%
- Versatility: 125%
- Critical Strike: 125%
Stat Template
- All damage done reduced by 25%
Stat Template
- Primary: 145% (down from 155%)
- Mastery: 75%
- Versatility: 150%
- Critical Strike: 75%
Spell Multipliers
- Crimson Vial heals for 50% in PvP
- Death from Above increases the effect of Envenom, Run Through and Eviscerate by 25% (down from 50%)
- Nightstalker increases ability damage by 25% in PvP (down from 50%)
Spell Multipliers
- Rupture deals 75% damage in PvP
- Blood of the Assassinated increases rupture damage by 30% in PvP (down from 100%)
Stat Template
- Primary: 85%
- Haste: 125%
- Versatility: 50%
- Critical Strike: 125%
Spell Multipliers
- Eviscerate deals 100% damage in PvP (up from 75%)
- Shadowstrike deals 70% damage in PvP
- Finality has 60% of its effect in PvP
Spell Multipliers
- Doomwinds increases Windfury damage by 120% in PvP (down from 200%)
- Healing Surge heals for 50% in PvP
Spell Multipliers
- Lava Bursts procced from Elemental Overload deal 60% damage in PvP (down from 75%)
- Earth Shock deals 75% damage in PvP
Stat Template
- All damage done reduced by 30% (up from 255)
- Primary: 160% (up from 155%)
- Armor: 150% (up from 100%)
- Critical Strike: 50% (down from 100%)
- Mastery: 170% (up from 100%)
- Mana Regen: 80% (down from 100%)
Spell Multipliers
- Lava Burst deals 80% damage in PvP (Restoration only)
- Healing Surge heals for 120% in PvP (up from 100%)
- Healing Wave heals for 135% in PvP (up from 100%)
- Healing Stream Totem heals for 125% in PvP (up from 100%)
Spell Multipliers
- Demon Skin’s passive recharge effect has 50% effect in PvP (Your Soul Leech absorption now passively recharges at a rate of 0.5% of maximum health in PvP)
Stat Template
- Stamina: 120%
- Haste: 150% (up from 100%)
- Mastery: 125% (up from 100%)
- Versatility: 25% (down from 100%)
Spell Multipliers
- Absolute Corruption grants Corruption a 40 second duration in PvP (down from 60 seconds)
Stat Template
- Stamina: 120%
Spell Multipliers
- Thal’kiel’s Consumption deals 66% damage in PvP
Stat Template
- Stamina: 120%
- Critical Strike: 175% (up from 100%)
- Mastery: 25% (down from 100%)
Spell Multipliers
- Chaos Bolt deals 120% damage in PvP (up from 100%)
Spell Multipliers
- Bladestorm deals 66% damage in PvP
Stat Template
- Mastery: 25%
- Haste: 125%
- Versatility: 125%
- Critical Strike: 125%
Spell Multipliers
- Focused Rage increases the damage of Mortal Strike by 20% in PvP (down from 50%)
Stat Template
- Primary: 85%
Spell Multipliers
- Bloodthirst heals for 50% in PvP
Stat Template
- All damage done reduced by 15% (down from 25%)
- Stamina: 60%
- Mastery: 25%
- Versatility: 0%
Spell Multipliers
- Focused Rage increases the damage of Shield Slam by 20% in PvP (down from 50%)
- Ignore Pain absorbs for 40% in PvP
- Shield Block increases Shield Slam damage by 12% in PvP (down from 30%)