Patch 7.0.3: Eine Reihe von Launch Tuning Hotfixes

In der vergangenen Nacht verfasste Game Designer Celestalon einen neuen Bluepost in den offiziellen Battle.Net Foren, der die Spielerschaft von World of Warcraft darüber informieren sollte, dass die Entwickler von World of Warcraft in den vergangenen beiden Tagen scheinbar eine Vielzahl von Launch Tuning Hotfixes an den Inhalten von Patch 7.0.3 durchgeführt haben. Dabei beinhaltete der Beitrag von Celestalon eine umfangreiche Liste mit den in diesen Updates enthaltenen Klassenänderungen, sodass sich interessierte Spieler und Tester der geschlossenen Beta von Legion nun durchlesen können, auf welche Weise sich ihre Klasse am nächsten Mittwoch dann von der bisher in der Beta oder auf dem PTR vorhandenen Version unterscheiden wird.
Auch wenn es sich bei diesen Klassenänderungen um die letzte Welle mit Balancing Updates vor dem Launch von Patch 7.0.3 handelt, so werden die Entwickler von World of Warcraft nach der Veröffentlichung dieses Vorbereitungspatches selbstverständlich aber auch weitere Anpassungen an den Klassen durchführen. Diese in zukünftigen Hotfixes enthaltenen Änderungen werden die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard dann aber wieder durch Blogeinträge und übersichtliche Patchnotes auf der offiziellen Seite von World of Warcraft ankündigen.
Launch Tuning Hotfixes
- Tank artifacts now passively increase damage done by up to 20% (was 40%), based on artifact trait points spent.
- Might of the Guardians now increases Arcane damage by 5% (was 3%).
- Flame Patch damage increased by 200%.
- Mirror Image’s Fireball damage reduced by 11%.
- Flame On now has a 45sec cooldown (was 40sec).
- Cinderstorm damage reduced by 11%.
- Jouster now reduces damage taken by 2/4/6% (was 4/8/12%).
- Grimore of Sacrifice damage reduced by 33% for Affliction.
- Mana Tap cost reduced by 17%.
- Master of Disaster now increases Incinerate damage by 3/6/9% (was 4/8/12%).
- Fire and the Flames now reduces Incinerate cast time by 2/4/6% (was 3/6/10%).
- Doom Bolt damage reduced by 15% for Demonology.
- Thal’kiel’s Consumption now hits for 6% of pets‘ max HP (was 10% of current HP).
- Shadowburn damage reduced by 7%.
- Eternal Struggle now reduces damage taken by 3/6/9% (was 10/20/30%).
- Invoke the Naaru proc chance is now 20% (was 15%).
- T’uure’s Searing Light damage reduced by 30%.
- T’uure’s Dazzling Lights healing increased by 50%.
- T’uure’s Blessed Light healing increased by 50%.
- T’uure’s Light Eruption damage reduced by 40%.
- Reverence now increases Flash Heal and Heal healing by 3/6/9% (was 5/10/15%).
- Confession now increases Penance damage by 4/8/12% (was 5/10/15%).
- Killing Spree damage increased by 24%.
- Saber Slash damage increased by 6%.
- Opportunity proc made more responsive.
- Power of the Archdruid now has a spell alert.
- Vicious Bites now increases Mangle damage by 7/14/21% (was 5/10/15%).
- Jagged Claws now increases Thrash damage by 10/20/30% (was 4/8/12%).
- Maul damage reduced by 40%.
- Swipe and Moonfire for Guardian damage increased by 20%.
- Mangle damage increased by 10%.
- Pulverize damage increased by 50%.
- Rip damage increased by 14%.
- Rake damage increased by 14%.
- Shred damage reduced by 35%.
- Ferocious Bite damage reduced by 35%.
- Moonfire (Lunar Inspiration) damage increased by 25%.
- Brutal Slash damage reduced by 25%.
- Thrash (Cat) damage reduced by 33%.
- Shadow Thrash damage reduced by 66%.
- Jagged Wounds now causes affected Bleeds to tick and expire 33% faster (was 40%).
- Ferals now gain 50% bonus Haste from gear.
- Omen of Clarity (Feral) proc rate increased by 50% (from 3.5ppm to 5.25ppm)
- Savage Roar now costs 40 Energy (was 25).
- Soul of the Forest now restores 12 Energy per Combo Point (was 8).
- Shred now deals 50% increased damage while stealthed (was 20%).
- Powerful Bite now increases Ferocious Bite critical strike damgae by 7/14/21% (was 5/10/15%).
- Razor Fangs now increases Rip damage by 7/14/21% (was 5/10/15%).
- Sharpened Claws now increases Swipe damage by 7/14/21% (was 5/10/15%).
- Tear the Flesh now increases Rake damage by 7/14/21% (was 5/10/15%).
- Shredder Fangs now increases Shred damage by 15% (was 10%).
- Bloodtalons now increases damage by 50% (was 40%).
Demon Hunter
- Spirit Bomb damage increased by 100%.
- Felblade damage reduced by 45% for Vengeance.
- Fel Eruption damage reduced by 65% for Vengeance.
- Burning Alive damage reduced by 50%.
- Alpha Wolf damage reduced by 60%, and now lasts 8sec (was 10sec).
- Hammer of Storms now increases Stormstrike damage by 8% (was 15%).
- Empowered Stormlash now increases Stormlash damage by 35% (was 20%)
- Overcharge now causes Lightning Bolt to spend up to 45 Maelstrom (was 60).
- Raging Storms now increases Stormstrike damage by 25% (was 30%).
- Fiery Jaws direct damage reduced by 17%, and periodic damage reduced by 33%.
- Crash Lightning initial damage reduced by 26%, and triggered damage increased by 33%.
- Stormstrike damage reduced by 5%.
- Lava Lash damage reduced by 5%.
- Doom Vortex now has a 25% chance to proc from Lava Lash (was 5 RPPM).
- Elemental Mastery (the talent) now grants 20% Haste (was 25%). (EDIT: This line mistakenly said that Elemental’s Mastery was nerfed, when it wasn’t. Sorry about that.)
- Lightning Rod now copies 40% of affected damage (was 30%).
- Liquid Magma Totem damage increased by 75%.
- Power of the Maelstrom now has a 15% proc chance (was 25%).
- Elemental Blast damage increased by 17%.
- Fire Elemental’s Fire Blast damage reduced by 10%.
- Fire Elemental’s Immolate direct damage reduced by 20% and periodic damage reduced by 14%.
- Firestorm now increases Flame Shock damage by 8/16/24% (was 10/20/30%).
- Cloudburst Totem now stores 25% of healing (was 30%).
- Tidal Totem healing increased by 25%, but now heals up to 6 targets.
- Cumulative Upkeep now correctly applies after each tick of Healing Tide Totem (was before).
- Aimed Shot damage increased by 2%.
- Black Arrow damage reduced by 19%.
- Wind Arrows now increases Aimed Shot damage by 12% (was 10%).
- Blessed Hammer damage reduced by 25%.
- Grand Crusader is now learned at level 28 (was 50).
- Protection level 15 and 30 talent rows have swapped places.
- Fervent Martyr now reduces Light of the Martyr cost by 50% (was 35%).
Death Knight
- Sweeping Claws damage reduced by 10%.
- Festering Strike damage reduced by 5%.
- Bloodworm damage increased by 263%.
- Bonestorm damage reduced by 8%, but fixed a bug where it couldn’t critically strike.
- Rapid Decomposition now increases Runic Power generation by 15% (was 20%).
- Coagulopathy now increases Blood Plague damage by 4/8/12% (was 8/16/24%).
- All-Consuming Rot now increases Death and Decay damage by 4/8/12% (was 5/10/15%).
- Veinrender now increases Heart Strike damage by 3/6/9% (was 4/8/12%).
- Sanguinary Affinity now increases Physical damage by 5% (was 8%).
- Heart Strike, Death Strike, Blood Boil for Blood, Death and Decay for Blood, Consumption, and Blooddrinker damage increased by 15%.
- Slam now costs 20 Rage (was 15) and damage increased by 33%.
- Whirlwind damage reduced by 15% for Arms.
- Fervor of Battle now increases Whirlwind damage by 30% (was 50%).
- Fresh Meat now increases critical strike chance by 40% (was 30%).
- Bloodbath now lasts 10sec (was 8sec).
- Rampage, Bloodthirst, Whirlwind for Fury, Raging Blow, Execute for Fury, and Furious Slash damage reduced by 5%.
- Unstoppable now increases Ramapge damage by 3/6/9% (was 3/6/10%).
- Wild Slashes now increases Furious Slash damage by 7/14/21% (was 3/6/10%).
- Raging Berserker now increases damage by 1/2/3% (was 3/6/10%).
- Wrath and Fury now increases Raging Blow damage by 5/10/15% (was 3/6/10%).
- Frenzy now grants 5% Haste per stack (was 4%).
- Inner Rage now increases Raging Blow damage by 150% (was 100%).
- Shield Slam, Devastate, Thunder Clap, Revenge, and Deep Wounds damage increased by 5%.
- Rage of the Fallen now increases Revenge damage by 6/12/18% (was 4/8/12%).