Hearthstone: Der neue Patch 5.0.0 wurde veröffentlicht

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard nun endlich den von vielen Spielern bereits sehr lange herbeigesehnten neuen Patch 5.0.0 auf die Liveserver von Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft aufgespielt und gleichzeitig damit dann auch wieder offizielle Patchnotes im Battle.Net Launcher veröffentlicht. Dabei soll dieses Update die Spielserver dann im Grunde auf die in dieser Woche anstehende Veröffentlichung der Erweiterung „Das Flüstern der Alten Götter“ vorbereiten, sodass die Spieler am eigentlichen Erscheinungstermin keinen Patch mehr herunterladen müssen.
Auch wenn die Karten aus „Das Flüstern der Alten Götter“ und die Einteilung in die beiden neuen Formate den Spielern je nach Region vermutlich erst ab dem 26. oder 27. April 2016 zur Verfügung stehen werden, so wurden viele Features aus Patch 5.0.0 bereits jetzt in Hearthstone: Heroes aus Warcraft freigeschaltet. Dazu gehören dann beispielsweise die Nerfs an den klassischen Karten dieses Titels, eine verbesserte Anzeige zum Herausfordern von Freunden, ein „Wow-Emote“, aktualisierte Deckformeln und eine Vielzahl von Fehlerbehebungen. Bei den restlichen Neuerungen aus diesem Update handelt es sich dann um Inhalte wie beispielsweise neue Kartenrücken, die erst im Laufe der nächsten Wochen eine Rolle spielen werden.
Die Patchnotes:
Die Zeit ist gekommen! Uralte Übel sind in diesem Patch aus ihrem Schlummer erwacht, um in Hearthstones neuester Erweiterung die Tentakel nach den Sterblichen zu strecken und für Chaos und Verwüstung zu sorgen: Das Flüstern der Alten Götter! Doch das ist noch nicht alles: Von nun an könnt ihr Hearthstone auf eine ganz neue Weise spielen! Außerdem sind in diesem Patch noch mehrere neue Kartenrücken und Varianten des Kartenchaos sowie einige Fehlerbehebungen enthalten.
Unten findet ihr weitere Details!
- Hört ihr sie? Die Erweiterung „Das Flüstern der Alten Götter“ ist eingetroffen! Ihr könnt die Kartenpackungen für „Das Flüstern der Alten Götter“ jetzt im Hearthstone-Shop kaufen. Die Karten von „Das Flüstern der Alten Götter“ können ab dem 26. April verwendet werden.
- Das Jahr des Kraken hat begonnen und damit wird das Standardformat und das wilde Format eingeführt. Weitere Informationen findet ihr in unserem Blogpost „Eine neue Art zu spielen„.
- Das Menü zum Herausfordern von Freunden wurde überarbeitet. Ihr könnt eure Freunde jetzt zu Spielen im Standardformat oder wilden Format herausfordern und natürlich zum Kartenchaos.
- Der Setfilter der Sammlung wurde überarbeitet.
- Einige Deckformeln wurden für „Das Flüstern der Alten Götter“ aktualisiert. Schaut euch an, was wir für euch in petto haben!
- Folgende Kartenrücken wurden hinzugefügt:
- Schattenmondtal – Für das Erreichen von Rang 20 oder höher im gewerteten Modus im Mai.
- Zul`Drak – Für das Erreichen von Rang 20 oder höher im gewerteten Modus im Juni.
- Halbhügel – Für das Erreichen von Rang 20 oder höher im gewerteten Modus im Juli.
- Die garantierte Kartenpackung am Ende der Arenarunden wird jetzt immer aus der zuletzt erschienenen Erweiterung stammen. Zudem steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit geringfügig, eine weitere Kartenpackung aus einem anderen Standardset zu erhalten.
- Das Emote ,Tut mir leid“ wurde durch das neue Emote „Wow“ ersetzt. Wow!
- Folgende Karten wurden geändert: Weitere Details zu diesen Änderungen findet ihr in unserem Blogpost „Wie Hearthstone dynamisch bleibt„.
- Urtum der Lehren – Zieht jetzt 1 anstelle von 2 Karten
- Naturgewalt – Die Manakosten wurden von 6 auf 5 verringert, Treants besitzen keinen Ansturm mehr und sterben nicht länger am Ende des Zugs
- Hüter des Hains – Das Leben wurde von 4 auf 2 verringert
- Eisenschnabeleule – Die Manakosten wurden von 2 auf 3 erhöht
- Großwildjäger – Die Manakosten wurden von 3 auf 5 erhöht
- Mal des Jägers – Die Manakosten wurden von 0 auf 1 erhöht
- Klingenwirbel – Die Manakosten wurden von 2 auf 4 erhöht und der Schaden wird nur noch Dienern zugefügt
- Messerjongleur – Der Angriff wurde von 3 auf 2 verringert
- Lepragnom – Der Angriff wurde von 2 auf 1 verringert
- Arkangolem – Das Leben wurde von 2 auf 4 erhöht, Ansturm wurde entfernt
- Geschmolzener Riese – Die Manakosten wurden von 20 auf 25 erhöht
- Meisterin der Tarnung – Die von dieser Karte gewährte Verstohlenheit hält jetzt nur noch bis zu Beginn eures nächsten Zuges an
- Es wurden verschieden Fehler in Bezug auf KI-Verhalten und Gameplay behoben, darunter:
- Der Kampfschrei von Panischer Kodo wird in Kombination mit Brann Bronzebart nicht länger denselben Diener zweimal als Ziel auswählen.
- Langbogen des Gladiators verhindert jetzt den von Sprengfalle verursachten Schaden.
- Die Quests, bei denen ihr Trübauge der Alte und Papagei des Kapitäns als Belohnung erhalten konntet, wurden deaktiviert, da diese Karten nur um wilden Format verfügbar sind. Diese Karten können jetzt wie alle anderen hergestellt werden.
- Die visuellen Effekte bestimmter klassischer Karten wurden verbessert.
- Die Verbindungswiederherstellung wurde verbessert.
- Es wurden verschiedene Grafik-, Sound- und Benutzeroberflächenprobleme behoben.
Neue Kartenrücken:
Das neue Spielfeld:
Neue Hintergründe für das Kartenchaos:
Neue Deckformeln:
- Druid – The Ancient Gods
- Hunter – Whispers of Death
- Mage – Madness and Magic
- Paladin – Shields Up!
- Priest – C’Thun’s Clutch
- Rogue – Echoes of Death
- Shaman – Minion Evolution
- Warlock – Ancient Hordes
- Warrior – Serve the Old Gods
Das neue Wow-Emote:
- GAMEPLAY_EMOTE_HERO_01_WOW – Astonishing!
- GAMEPLAY_EMOTE_HERO_01A_WOW – By my beard!
- GAMEPLAY_EMOTE_HERO_02_WOW- That’s incredible!
- GAMEPLAY_EMOTE_HERO_03_WOW – Incredible.
- GAMEPLAY_EMOTE_HERO_04_WOW- By the Holy Light!
- GAMEPLAY_EMOTE_HERO_04A_WOW – That is incredible!
- GAMEPLAY_EMOTE_HERO_05_WOW – Astounding!
- GAMEPLAY_EMOTE_HERO_06_WOW – Spectacular!
- GAMEPLAY_EMOTE_HERO_07_WOW – Extraordinary.
- GAMEPLAY_EMOTE_HERO_08A_WOW- That’s incredible.
Die Flavor-Texte der neuen Karten:
- A Light in the Darkness (New) Wait, how can you have a light in the dark? If you turn on a light while it’s dark, doesn’t that mean it’s no longer dark?
- Aberrant Berserker (New) I berserk, therefore I am.
- Addled Grizzly (New) Druids who spend too long in bear form are more susceptible to the whispers of the Old Gods. Right now they are whispering the lyrics to „La Bamba“.
- Am’gam Rager (New) peerc rewop
- Ancient Harbinger (New) „honey, can u run down to the store and pick up some 10 cost minions? thx“
- Ancient Shieldbearer (New) Back in her day, each shield weighed two tons and she had to carry four of them on each arm!
- Anomalus (New) That’s short for „Anomnomnomnomalus“.
- Beckoner of Evil (New) Here, Evil! C’mon boy!
- Bilefin Tidehunter (New) Bile actually makes for surprisingly sturdy fins.
- Blackwater Pirate (New) „Look, they fell off the back of a ship, do you want them or not? I have a meeting with Y’Shaarj in like ten minutes.“
- Blade of C’Thun (New) C’Thun demands a sacrifice! Preferably a Deathwing.
- Bladed Cultist (New) He has a poor understanding of the law of diminishing returns.
- Blood of The Ancient One (New) Add two cups of Blood of the Ancient One to one cup of lemon juice. Add just a dash of sugar and stir. Delicious!
- Blood To Ichor (New) For his next trick, he turns the ichor back to blood and stuffs it back in you.
- Blood Warriors (New) They have an uneasy rivalry with the Blood Paladins.
- Bloodhoof Brave (New) He thought the set was called „Flippers of the Old Cods“ and hungrily volunteered to be in it. He is definitely going to get his hearing checked.
- Bloodsail Cultist (New) They’re really just in it for the Blood Parrot.
- Bog Creeper (New) He’s tried other things, but bog sidling, bog ambling, and bog trundling just aren’t as effective as bog creeping.
- Cabalist’s Tome (New) What’s in there? I bet it’s cookie recipes!
- Call of the Wild (New) „Hello. Misha, Leokk and Huffer aren’t here right now, but if you leave a message we’ll get back to you right away.“ BEEP.
- Carrion Grub (New) Carrion, my wayward grub.
- Cho’gall (New) Even after all this time, Gul’dan still makes Cho’gall go get donuts and coffee.
- Corrupted Healbot (New) Not so much „corrupted“ as „has terrible aim“.
- Corrupted Seer (New) For seers, it’s very handy to have your crystal ball hanging right in front of your face.
- Crazed Worshipper (New) Every month they share a pancake breakfast with the Perfectly Rational Worshippers.
- C’Thun (New) C’Thun’s least favorite Hearthstone card: Eye for an Eye.
- C’Thun’s Chosen (New) He gave her a promise ring and everything.
- Cult Apothecary (New) Cults need pharmacists too.
- Cult Sorcerer (New) No matter how many times we tell her not to, she keeps feeding C’Thun scraps under the table.
- Cyclopian Horror (New) What are the qualifications for being a ‚Horror?‘ Just how horrible do you have to be?
- Dark Arakkoa (New) There’s a whole gradient of Arakkoa! This one is on the darker side.
- Darkshire Alchemist (New) The secret ingredient: liquified funnel cake.
- Darkshire Councilman (New) Democracy in action!
- Darkshire Librarian (New) Do NOT be late with your overdue fines.
- Darkspeaker (New) People often think that Darkspeaker is the arch nemesis of Lightspeaker, but that title actually belongs to Heavyspeaker.
- Deathwing, Dragonlord (New) To his credit, Deathwing really took to heart the feedback he was receiving that he needed to be „more of a team player“.
- Demented Frostcaller (New) He prefers that you refer to him by his nickname: ‚Frostwaker.‘
- Disciple of C’Thun (New) C’Thun’s recruiting pitch involves cookies, which is why it’s the most popular Old God.
- Divine Strength (New) Every year a few paladins get disqualified from the Westfall weight lifting championship for using Divine Strength.
- DOOM! (New) We ran out of space for „DOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!“
- Doomcaller (New) „Hello, is Doom there? No? Can I leave a message?“
- Duskboar (New) Often excluded from dinner parties. To be fair, he is very boaring.
- Eater of Secrets (New) You don’t want to be around after it has eaten an explosive trap. You thought Sludge Belcher was bad…
- Eldritch Horror (New) Often wonders what path his life might have taken if he wasn’t named, you know, „Eldritch Horror“.
- Embrace the Shadow (New) For when your Auchenai Soulpriests call in sick.
- Eternal Sentinel (New) Just try to avoid eye contact.
- Evolve (New) So you say you want an evolution. Well, you know. We all want to change the board.
- Evolved Kobold (New) You no take tentacle!
- Faceless Behemoth (New) Rejected names: Forty-Foot Faceless, Big ol‘ No-face, Huge Creature Sans Face, Teddy.
- Faceless Shambler (New) „What is that thing?!“ „I’m not sure, but it seems to be sort of Y’sera shaped.“
- Faceless Summoner (New) They never get the recognition they deserve.
- Fandral Staghelm (New) Always manages to mention „Back when I was creating the World Tree…“ in EVERY conversation. Sheesh! Enough already.
- Feral Rage (New) Let’s be honest. One option is a lot ragier than the other.
- Fiery Bat (New) He’ll always be our first.
- Flamewreathed Faceless (New) He’s on fire! Boomshakalaka!
- Forbidden Ancient (New) This Ancient was banned from the local tavern after tucking a ‚Dr. Boom‘ up its sleeve.
- Forbidden Flame (New) WARNING: This flame is not to be used unless you are a licensed acolyte of the Old Gods.
- Forbidden Healing (New) No one’s quite sure why it’s forbidden. And yes, that should make you nervous.
- Forbidden Ritual (New) Actually, C’Thun gives his full support for this ritual.
- Forbidden Shaping (New) But the minion arrives covered in goo.
- Forlorn Stalker (New) He’s going to leave the dying up to you, if that’s cool.
- Giant Sand Worm (New) Banned from every all-you-can-eat buffet on Azeroth.
- Grotesque Dragonhawk (New) They say that „grotesque is in the eye of the beholder,“ but that’s just because they’ve never seen a Grotesque Dragonhawk. Yikes!
- Hallazeal the Ascended (New) Hallazeals all your dallazamage.
- Hammer of Twilight (New) Stop! It’s Twlight Hammer time.
- Herald Volazj (New) His whole job is yelling „Yogg-Saron comin‘!“
- Hogger, Doom of Elwynn (New) When C’thun went to sleep, he checked under his bed for Hogger.
- Hooded Acolyte (New) Wait, what kind of acolyte doesn’t wear a hood?
- Infest (New) The best part is the look on their face when you jump out of the cake! Err… corpse.
- Infested Tauren (New) The Overmind and the Old Gods are surprisingly similar.
- Infested Wolf (New) A little flea powder will fix that right up.
- Journey Below (New) Don’t stop believing there’s something below.
- Klaxxi Amber-Weaver (New) Amberweaving is a specialty course at the local trade school.
- Malkorok (New) Garrosh’s best buddy. It’s true. Look it up.
- Mark of Y’Shaarj (New) Y’shaarj had three sons: Mark, Theodore, and Chris.
- Master of Evolution (New) Will be really useful in the new „Hearthémon“ game.
- Midnight Drake (New) Still fearsome in the daytime.
- Mire Keeper (New) „Hey…. Is that Mire for sale?“ „No. I’m keeping it.“
- Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale (New) Pro tip: DO NOT BOGART THE BANANAS.
- Nat, the Darkfisher (New) You can take away his humanity, but you will never take away his fishing pole.
- Nerubian Prophet (New) It’s a self-reducing prophecy.
- N’Zoth, the Corruptor (New) Has not been able to get „Under the Sea“ out of his head for like FIVE THOUSAND YEARS.
- N’Zoth’s First Mate (New) Hates when N’Zoth yells „Ahoy Matey!!“, but there’s not really much he can do about it.
- On the Hunt (New) The mastiff giggles if you don’t hit any ducks.
- Polluted Hoarder (New) Roll ‘greed’ OR THIS COULD HAPPEN TO YOU.
- Possessed Villager (New) It’s like a pinata! A lame disgusting horrific pinata.
- Power Word: Tentacles (New) Because you’re wrapped in a protective layer of… tentacles?
- Primal Fusion (New) Golce and Dabbana have a new line of Earth Totems available at vendors everywhere this holiday season.
- Princess Huhuran (New) She flitters around Ahn’Qiraj dreaming of the day she will meet a sweet prince, whom she can lay thousands of eggs with.
- Psych-o-Tron (New) „Annoyinger-o-Tron“ was just too unwieldy. And accurate.
- Ragnaros, Lightlord (New) What happens when you try and corrupt a corrupted firelord? DOUBLE NEGATIVE, INSECT!
- Rallying Blade (New) As far as blades go, this one is pretty great in the motivation department.
- Ravaging Ghoul (New) But goes by „Ravishing Ghoul“ when he hits the club.
- Renounce Darkness (New) SEE YA DARKNESS!
- Scaled Nightmare (New) I like it because it scales.
- Selfless Hero (New) „Don’t worry about me… I’ll just be here… under these tentacles.“
- Servant of Yogg-Saron (New) Yogg-Saron always likes to complain about how he has too many servants and there are too many mouths to feed.
- Shadow Strike (New) It’s like a backstab, only from the front. And with two more stabs.
- Shadow Word: Horror (New) It’s more succinct than „Shadow Word: Suck Into Vortex.“
- Shadowcaster (New) I mean, it’s not creepy if you ASK before you steal their shadow to make a small replica of them to keep on your shelf.
- Shatter (New) What’s cooler than being cool?
- Shifter Zerus (New) It’s like being able to play with THREE angry chickens!
- Shifting Shade (New) Yeah, it’s cooler in the shade, but you’re also more likely to get JACKED.
- Silithid Swarmer (New) If your hero doesn’t attack, it’s just „Silithid Loner“.
- Skeram Cultist (New) Just before he comes into play, there is an AWESOME training montage with C’thun.
- Soggoth the Slitherer (New) Don’t tell Soggoth, but in the future he gets totally owned by the Master’s Glaive and his skull becomes a tourist attraction.
- Southsea Squidface (New) Quick! Before I drown! Let me sharpen your sword for you.
- Spawn of N’Zoth (New) Who’s a cute widdle N’Zoth? You are! Yes you are! Yes you’re the cutest widdle N’Zoth in the whole world!!!
- Spreading Madness (New) Most citizens of Darkshire wear those surgical masks to prevent spreading Madness to tourists.
- Squirming Tentacle (New) Yeah, I think we can agree that killing the squirming tentacle first is a good idea.
- Stand Against Darkness (New) Or if you’re too tired, you can just kind of lean against the darkness.
- Steward of Darkshire (New) Turns out divine shields are way cheaper if you buy in bulk.
- Tentacle of N’Zoth (New) Because EVERYDAY is the Day of the Tentacle of N’zoth.
- Tentacles for Arms (New) That’s right. Garrosh just slapped you to death with a tentacle.
- The Boogeymonster (New) Has 20 years of training in classical ballet, but ALLLLLL he ever gets asked to do is boogie.
- Thing from Below (New) Just can’t resist the opportunity to hang around with a bunch of totems.
- Thistle Tea (New) Aren’t Thistles prickly? Why would you drink them? I don’t get Rogues.
- Twilight Darkmender (New) First she separates them from the lights, washes them in cold water, and hang-dries.
- Twilight Elder (New) Just doesn’t understand those Twilight Youngsters any more – with their comic books and their rock music.
- Twilight Flamecaller (New) Make sure you summon a Twilight Marshmallowcaller too! Mmmm Mmm Mmm!!
- Twilight Geomancer (New) „Ok C’Thun, repeat after me: ‚Your mother was a hamster.'“
- Twilight Summoner (New) If you strike him down, he shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
- Twin Emperor Vek’lor (New) Do they make decisions based on age? „I’m two minutes older therefore we burn this village.“
- Twisted Worgen (New) Sometimes the Old Gods‘ corruptions gives you power untold, sometimes you get +1 Attack. We can’t all be winners in the Eldritch lottery.
- Undercity Huckster (New) Psst! Wanna buy a random class card (from your opponent’s class)?
- Usher of Souls (New) Nothing unburdens your soul like a good ushing!
- Validated Doomsayer (New) Really feels good about himself and is in a much better place now. But… he sure does miss piloting those shredders.
- Vilefin Inquisitor (New) Nobody expects the Vilefin Inquisition!
- Wisps of the Old Gods (New) They’re just normal wisps, actually. The „Of the Old Gods“ bit is just marketing.
- Xaril, Poisoned Mind (New) It’s basically your own fault if you go around drinking weird green potions handed out by creepy mantid dudes.
- Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End (New) I spell your doom… Y-O-U-R D-O-O-M!
- Y’Shaarj, Rage Unbound (New) When he’s working out, he binds all that rage back into a ponytail.
- Zealous Initiate (New) Ok, Initiate. You need to settle down and do your job. In this case, that means die so someone else can get a minor buff.