SC2: Legacy of the Void Beta Patch 2.5.5
22. August 2015

SC2: Legacy of the Void Beta Patch 2.5.5
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Im Verlauf dieser Woche haben die Entwickler von Starcraft 2 den neuen Patch 2.5.5 auf die derzeit laufenden Betaserver der kommenden Erweiterung „Legacy auf the Void“ aufgespielt, der neben einigen kleineren Anpassungen an verschiedenen Einheiten des Spiels auch noch die „Automatisierten Turniere“ als komplett neues Feature mit sich brachte. Passend dazu wurde mittlerweile nun ein neuer Blogeintrag mit den in diesem Update enthaltenen Änderungen auf der offiziellen Seite von Starcraft 2 veröffentlicht.
Legacy of the Void Beta Patch 2.5.5
Here are the latest changes for the StarCraft II Legacy of the Void Beta. For a more detailed breakdown about these changes, please make sure to read our blog.
- The first iteration of Automated Tournaments has been added.
- This feature can be accessed by clicking on ‘Tournaments’ on the home screen.
- Read our blog to learn more.
- Showing possible enemy placements on a map has been increased to 25 seconds.
- Removed Chrono Boost.
- Warp Gate research time reduced to 140 from 160.
- Nexus provides 11 supply up from 10.
- Zealot
- Charge now deals 30 damage on hit.
- Charge speed buff reduced to 2.75, down from 2.95.
- Warp Gate
- Warping in units at a Pylon increased to 16 seconds, up from 5.
- Warping in units at a Pylon that is near a Warp Gate or a Nexus will take 2 seconds.
- Warp Prism
- Warping in units takes 2 seconds, down from 5.
- Disruptor
- Purification Nova removed.
- New ability: The disruptor becomes immobile and shoots out a ball of energy that can be controlled and detonates after a few seconds, dealing 145 damage and 55 damage to shields.
- If the Disruptor is destroyed before the energy ball detonates, it will fail to explode.
- Build time reduced to 50 seconds from 60.
- Calldown: MULE has been removed.
- Cyclone
- Lock On damage reduced to 300 over 20 sec.
- Can use Lock ON against air units; deals 120 damage over 20 sec.
- New Upgrade: Increases Lock On damage to 600 over 20 sec against ground units and 360 over 20 sec for air units.
- Medivac
- Removed faster unload upgrade.
- New upgrade increases Ignite Afterburners by 50%.
- Spawn Larva
- Spawns 2 larva, down from 4.
- Set to autocast by default.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused clicking sounds when launching StarCraft II for Windows 10 users.
By azurios