WoD: Beta Build 18982

Nachdem die Entwickler von Blizzard die letzten Tage über bereits mehrere kleinere Builds für die derzeit laufende Beta zu Warlords of Draenor veröffentlichte, folgte vergangene Nacht nun auch noch ein weiteres Update. Dieser neue Build 18982 beinhaltet dabei erneut nur einige Klassenänderungen und ein paar minimale Anpassungen an den Setboni der T-17 Sets.
- Item – Death Knight T17 Frost 4P Bonus While Pillar of Frost is active, your special attacks trap a soul in your rune weapon. When Pillar of Frost fades, your rune weapon discharges the souls at your current target, dealing (
40%30% of weapon damage) damage per soul.
- Item – Druid T17 Feral 2P Bonus Dealing bleed damage generates
2 Energy.1 Energy. - Item – Druid T17 Feral 4P Bonus While Berserk is active, special attacks deal an additional
25%30% bleed damage to the target over 6 sec.
- Item – Hunter T17 Marksmanship 2P Bonus Aimed Shot critical strikes restore
10 additional Focus.8 additional Focus.
- Item – Warrior T17 Fury 2P Bonus Raging Blow critical strikes have a
10% chance to activate Enrage.20% chance to activate Enrage.
- War Paints Additional paints are created when your Inscription skill is 600 or higher. May also create Sorcerous Water and Earth. Cooldown resets daily. Inscription. 3.5 sec cast. 1 sec cooldown. Reagents: Cerulean Pigment (
40). Tools: Virtuoso Inking Set.10). Tools: Virtuoso Inking Set. - War Paints May also create Sorcerous Water and Earth. Inscription. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Cerulean Pigment (
40). Tools: Virtuoso Inking Set.10). Tools: Virtuoso Inking Set.
- Force of Nature healing now scales with 163.6% of Spell Power, down from 327%.
- Living Bomb DoT now scales with 25% of Spell Power, up from 12.5%. Final damage now scales with 80% of Spell Power, down from 90%.
- Blast Wave damage now scales with 200% of Spell Power, up from 113%.
- Ice Nova damage now scales with 200% of Spell Power, up from 113%.
- Living Bomb DoT now scales with 25% of Spell Power, up from 12.5%. Final damage now scales with 80% of Spell Power, down from 90%.
- Supernova damage now scales with 200% of Spell Power, up from 113%.
- Fingers of Frost now increases Ice Lance damage by 100%, up from 25%.
- Ice Lance damage now scales with 40% of Spell Power, down from 63%.
- Seal of Justice now causes melee attacks to deal 12% of weapon damage additional damage, up from 10%.
- Ambush now does 275% of weapon damage, up from 245%.
- Crimson Tempest damage was increased.
- Eviscerate (Assassination, Combat) damage was increased.
- Death from Above damage now scales with 133.3% of AP, up from 66%..
Assassination & Subtlety
- Rupture damage was increased.
- Backstab now does 160% of weapon damage, up from 145%.