Patch 8.2: Der neue Build 30168

Im Verlauf des heutigen Abends haben die Entwickler von World of Warcraft überraschenderweise den brandneuen Build 30168 auf den mittlerweile bereits seit ungefähr einer Woche aktiv laufenden öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 8.2: Rise of Azshara aufgespielt, der diese allen Spielern offenstehende Testphase mal wieder um viele neue Inhalte erweiterte. In diesem Fall brachte dieser neue Build dann unter anderem die bereits vor Kurzem angekündigten Spielbalanceänderungen an den Klassen, viele neue Dialoge für wichtige NPC und ein neues Modell für einen Leerendrachen mit sich. Folgend findet ihr bei Interesse eine kurze Übersicht zu den restlichen Auswirkungen von Build 30168.
Rise of Azshara PTR Development Notes – April 23:
We’ve published a new build for the upcoming content update – Rise of Azshara – to our Public Test Realms. Here is an outline of what is now testable, and what is coming in this PTR.
Now Available for Testing
- (New April 23) Gnome and Tauren Heritage Armor quest lines
- New Zone: Mechagon
- (New April 23) Battle Pets and Pet Battle World Quests
- Heart of Azeroth system update: Introducing Essences 6
- New Arena: The Robodrome
- Mount Equipment
- Ashran Epic Battleground
- Crestfall and Snowblossom Island Expeditions
The content above continues to be developed and iterated on like the Vision of Perfection 3. We appreciate your feedback on all of it. Please note that Ashran may not easily complete a queue in the PTR.
Coming Soon
- New Zone: Nazjatar
- Explore the new zone including quest lines, World PvP Events, and World Quests.
- New Raid– Azshara’s Eternal Palace
- As always, we’ll coordinate the testing of this new raid’s encounters via scheduled announcements.
- New Dungeon— Operation: Mechagon
- Heroic Battle for Stromgarde
- New Missions
- New Profession Recipes
- Pet Battle Dungeon: Stratholme
- Updates to Brewfest
We plan to do a wipe of all characters in a few weeks after getting focused feedback on the Heart of Azeroth Essences. This will allow us to test the feel and pacing of obtaining them all naturally. We’ll give you a heads up on that character wipe here in this forum.
Get into the PTR!
The PTR is now available. To log in to the PTR, simply create a PTR account and copy the character you wish to test from your account. Step-by-step directions can be found here .
Note: World of Warcraft PTR realms are only available to players who have a full World of Warcraft account.
Ein neuer Leerendrache:
Neue Dialoge von NPCs:
Neue Karten:
Neue Gegenstände für das Braufest:
Eel Jelly – New Brewfest-themed pretzel hat!
Chowdown Champion Token – New Brewfest Currency
Sparkling Suramar Spritz
Neue Quellen für Reittiere:
- Schools of tidestallions will viciously slam their muscular chests into their prey to take them down.
Vendor: Crafticus Mindbender
Zone: Nazjatar
Cost: 150
Vendor: Dazzerian
- Zone: Nazjatar
- Cost: 150
- Once a little hatchling, raised into a mighty pterrordax by a loving handler. He finally learned to fly.
- Quest: Down, But Not Out
- Zone: Zuldazar
Reins of the Captured Swampstalker
- A swamp-dwelling subspecies of pterrordax known to feast on young bloodfeasters.
- Vendor: Provisioner Lija
- Zone: Nazmir
- Faction: Talanji’s Expedition – Exalted
- Cost: 90000g
Reins of the Dusky Waycrest Gryphon
- Common to the dark forests of Drustvar, these gryphon are silent and swift. Their prowess at operating on their own or as mounts lends them to be used for ambush and shock tactics.
- Vendor: Quartermaster Alcorn
- Zone: Drustvar
- Faction: Order of Embers – Exalted
- Cost: 90000g
Reins of the Proudmoore Sea Scout
- Only a few gryphons are selected to be Sea Scouts operating from flag ships in the fleet. Their long range reconnaissance is an integral part of Kul Tiran sea dominance.
- Vendor: Provisioner Fray
- Zone: Tiragarde Sound
- Faction: Proudmoore Admiralty – Exalted
- Cost: 90000g
Reins of the Spectral Pterrorwing
- Vengeful spectres abound in the spirit realm surrounding Dazar’alor.
- Vendor: Natal’hakata
- Zone: Zuldazar
- Faction: Zandalari Empire – Exalted
- Cost: 90000g
Reins of the Voldunai Dunescraper
- These brightly-colored fliers are rarely captured in the wild due to their naturally untrusting natures.
- Vendor: Hoarder Jena
- Zone: Vol’dun
- Faction: Voldunai – Exalted
- Cost:
- 90000g
- He emerges from the water, fins swaying lazily in the breeze, sun-kissed scales glittering. He is… Fabious.
- Drop: Fabious
Reins of the Stormsong Coastwatcher
- Tasked with keeping watch on the seas for approaching dangers, the Stormsong Coastwatchers fly constant patrols.
- Vendor: Sister Lilyana
- Zone: Stormsong Valley
- Faction: Storm’s Wake – Exalted
- Cost: 90000g
- The Unshackled have a natural kinship with the species of the deep seas that have seen cruelty at the hands of the naga.
- Vendor: Artisan Okata
- Zone: Nazjatar
- Faction: Unshackled – Exalted
- Cost: 250
- The Ankoan have been battling the naga for years, and with a natural affinity for the sea, training the local wildlife was a natural strategy.
- Vendor: Artisan Okata
- Zone: Nazjatar
- Faction: Ankoan – Exalted
- Cost: 250
Ein Kampfhaustierdungeon in Stratholme:
Scheinbar wird Patch 8.2 einen in Stratholme angesiedelten Kampfhaustier-Dungeon mit sich bringen. Als Belohnung für das Abschließen dieses Dungeons erhalten die Spieler Evil Wizard Hat
- Stage 1: Did That Just Come Out of its Mouth?
- Defeat the Belchlings that were „created“ by the Sludge Belcher.
- NEW Stage 2: It Just Wants to Play!
- Defeat the Sludge Belcher.
- NEW Stage 3: Scary Ghosts and Creepy Fiends
- Defeat the Wandering Phantasm and Crypt Fiend guarding the Ziggaraut.
- NEW Stage 4: Tormented Spirits
- Defeat Liz the Tormentor
- NEW Stage 5: Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts
- Proceed further towards Slaughter Square.
- NEW Stage 6: Ambush!
- Defeat the diseased critters!
- NEW Stage 7: No Shortage of Dead Things
- Destroy the risen villagers.
- NEW Stage 8: Tiny In Size, Brimming With Evil
- The shortest necromancer you’ve ever seen is in your way, stop him!
- NEW Stage 9: Controlled Chaos
- Control the Sludge Belcher and clear out the courtyard!
- NEW Stage 10: Into the Slaughter House!
- Enter the slaughter house and face your final foes!
- NEW Stage 11: The Shadows Return
- The Shadowy Figures are back! This can’t be good.
Death Knight
- Frost
- Breath of Sindragosa Continuously deal [ 34.7% of Attack Power + 34.7% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Frost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you. until your Runic Power is exhausted. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets.
You will continue breathing until your Runic Power is exhausted or you cancel the effectHas an increased chance to trigger Runic Empowerment. Frost Death Knight – Level 100 Talent. Frost Death Knight – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Killing Machine Your auto attack critical strikes have a chance to make your next Obliterate
automaticallycritically strike. Death Knight – Frost Spec. Death Knight – Frost Spec.Approximately 4.5 procs per minute. - Runic Empowerment Each Runic Power you spend has a
1.5%2.0% chance to instantly grant you a Rune. Death Knight – Frost Spec. Death Knight – Frost Spec.
- Breath of Sindragosa Continuously deal [ 34.7% of Attack Power + 34.7% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Frost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you. until your Runic Power is exhausted. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets.
- Runeforging
- Rune of Razorice Affixes your weapon with a rune that causes [ 1.05% of Attack Power ]% extra weapon damage as Frost damage and increases enemies‘ vulnerability to your Frost attacks by 3%, stacking up to 5 times. Modifying your rune weapon requires a
Rune ForgeRuneforge in Ebon Hold. 5 sec cast. - Rune of the Fallen Crusader Affixes your rune weapon with a rune that has a chance to heal you for 6% and increase total Strength by 15% for 15 sec. Modifying your rune weapon requires a
Rune ForgeRuneforge in Ebon Hold. 5 sec cast. - Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle Affixes your two-handed rune weapon with a rune that increases Armor by [ 5 + 25% of Spell Power ]% and all stats by 5%. Modifying your rune weapon requires a
Rune ForgeRuneforge in Ebon Hold. 5 sec cast.
- Rune of Razorice Affixes your weapon with a rune that causes [ 1.05% of Attack Power ]% extra weapon damage as Frost damage and increases enemies‘ vulnerability to your Frost attacks by 3%, stacking up to 5 times. Modifying your rune weapon requires a
Demon Hunter
- Vengeance
- Metamorphosis Transform to demon form for 15 sec, increasing current and maximum health by
30% and Armor by 100%. Generates 7 Pain every 1 sec50% and Armor by 100%. While transformed, Fracture generates 20 additional Pain and one additional Lesser Soul Fragment. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Shear Shears an enemy for [ 40.36% of Attack Power ] Physical damage, and shatters
a Lesser Soul Fragmenttwo Lesser Soul Fragments from your target. Generates 10 Pain. Requires Melee Weapon. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. Melee range. Instant.
- Metamorphosis Transform to demon form for 15 sec, increasing current and maximum health by
- Bear Form Shapeshift into Bear Form, increasing armor by
6%220% and Stamina by 25%, granting protection from Polymorph effects, and increasing threat generation. The act of shapeshifting frees you from movement impairing effects. Shapeshift. Shapeshift. Instant. - Cat Form Shapeshift into Cat Form, increasing auto-attack damage by
0%[ 40 + 25% of Spell Power ]%, movement speed by 30%, granting protection from Polymorph effects, and reducing falling damage. The act of shapeshifting frees you from movement impairing effects. Shapeshift. Shapeshift. Instant. - Guardian
- Frenzied Regeneration Heals you for 18% of maximum health over 3 sec. Immediately heals you for up to 18% additional health based on Rage spent. 1 charge. Requires Bear Form. Druid – Guardian Spec. Druid – Guardian Spec. 10 Rage. Instant. 36 sec recharge. 1 charge.
- Frenzied Regeneration (New) Frenzied Regeneration will now spend up to 30 additional Rage to immediately heal you for up to 18% additional health. Druid – Guardian Spec. Druid – Guardian Spec.
- Shadow
- Auspicious Spirits Your Shadowy Apparitions now deal
100%70% increased damage and generate 2 Insanity. Shadow Priest – Level 75 Talent. Shadow Priest – Level 75 Talent.
- Auspicious Spirits Your Shadowy Apparitions now deal
- Elemental & Enhancement
- Purifying Waters Whenever you
successfulysuccessfully Purge a target or when you are dispelled, you are healed for 3% of your total health. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires Shaman. Requires level 40+.
- Purifying Waters Whenever you