WoW: Diese Inhalte verschwinden mit Shadowlands und dem Pre-Patch

Mit dem Pre-Patch zu Shadowlands und dem eigentlichen Start der Erweiterung werden die Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment unter anderem dafür sorgen, dass bestimmte Inhalte von BfA zumindest teilweise aus dem Spiel verschwinden und den Spielern nicht mehr länger zur Verfügung stehen werden. Um die auf das nächste Addon wartende Fangemeinde schon jetzt über alle diese bald wegfallenden Spielinhalte zu informieren, haben die Verantwortlichen gestern Abend netterweise einen Blogeintrag zu diesem Thema auf ihrer offiziellen Communityseite veröffentlicht. Dieser Beitrag listet ganz genau auf, welche aktuell noch immer erhältlichen Inhalte von BfA mit dem Erscheinen von Patch 9.0 aus dem Spiel verschwinden und welche Aspekte der aktuellen Erweiterung nur noch bis zum Launch von Shadowlands im Spiel vorhanden sind. Wer bisher also nur wenig Zeit in BfA investiert hat und trotzdem möglichst viele Belohnungen besitzen möchte, der sollte unbedingt einen Blick auf die folgende Übersicht werfen.
Inhalte die mit Shadowlands verschwinden:
Unverderbte Leerenschwinge von N’Zoth Hero.
Phänomenale kosmische Macht und alle Rang 4 Essenzen.
Inhalte die mit dem Pre-Patch verschwinden:
Erweckter Gedankenbohrer aus den M+ Dungeons.
- Die bei einem Händler erhältlichen
Zügel des mächtigen Karawanenbrutosaurus.
Welt des Wahnsinns von den Verstörenden Visionen.
- Alle Verderbniseffekte auf Gegenständen.
- Die Belohnungen aus der 4. PvP Saison von BfA.
- Der Zeit voraus: N’Zoth der Verderber und Spitzenreiter: N’Zoth der Verderber
Time Runs Short: Battle for Azeroth
When Sylvanas Windrunner shatters the veil between worlds, you’ll be leaving Azeroth behind—at least for a time. But before you journey to the Shadowlands, you may want to spend your remaining moments in the mortal realms seeking out a few rewards that will no longer be obtainable (or will be more difficult to acquire) in the next expansion.
Read on for the full list, and make sure to collect everything you’ve been eyeing before time runs out.
Going Away with Shadowlands Launch
How to Claim Your Dragon
Uncorrupted Voidwing
When Azeroth’s heroes depart for the Shadowlands, the last vestiges of N’Zoth the Corruptor will fade away—and the “Lost Flight” quest, which rewards the Uncorrupted Voidwing mount, will vanish along with him.
To earn: Enter the raid Ny’alotha, the Waking City on Heroic difficulty and defeat N’Zoth the Corruptor. You’ll want to be around 445 item level and be accompanied by at least 15 others in gear of similar quality to take down the Old God.
Upon defeating N’Zoth, you’ll loot an item that grants you the “Lost Flight” quest, which can be turned in for your Uncorrupted Voidwing.
You can further prepare for the climatic final boss in Battle of Azeroth by watching the N’Zoth the Corruptor FatbossTV guide.
TIP: Ashjra’kamas, Shroud of Resolve is a must-have for all members of your raid group when fighting N’Zoth the Corruptor. Those without the legendary cloak will succumb to an instant mind-control mechanic, becoming a Servant of N’Zoth who will ravage your raid. Follow our guide to obtain your legendary cloak.Estimated time: 2 hours
If you need aid, some fellow heroes in the community are willing to help those who want to earn their Uncorrupted Voidwing. Check out the list below, and read their guidelines to find out how to participate.
- Perky Pugs
- DesMephisto
Your Heart Only for Azeroth
The Heart of Azeroth, the legendary necklace you’ve kept close to your own hearts, derives its power from your connection to Azeroth. You’ll find that connection weakens when you step foot into areas or instances not introduced in Battle for Azeroth, severing features that derive power from it—Essences and Azerite Traits. The potency of these powers will reactivate whenever you return to eligible regions and instances (e.g. Horrific Visions.
Your Essences Preferences
If you’re trying to collect the prestigious title Azeroth’s Champion, be sure to add earning the achievement Phenomenal Cosmic Power to your list of things to do, as all Rank 4 Essences can no longer be earned once Shadowlands strikes.
To earn: Infuse the Heart of Azeroth with all available Essences from the Rise of Azshara update for any role at Rank 4. Refer to Wowhead’s comprehensive Essence collection guide to get started!
Going Away with Shadowlands Pre-patch
Mind-Blowing Mount
The prestige achievement Battle for Azeroth Keystone Master: Season Four and its reward the Awakened Mindborer mount will only be available to earn prior to the release of Shadowlands. To earn the achievement and mount, you must complete all Battle for Azeroth Season Four dungeons at Mythic Level 15 or higher, within the time limit.
Unsure of your current progress? See which Keystones you need to complete by checking your progress in the Mythic Keystone section in the Group Finder (default hotkey: i).
Extinction Event
Mighty Caravan Brutosaur
Just like the real dinosaurs that once walked our own earth, the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur’s days in Azeroth are numbered. Once the Shadowlands pre-patch goes live, the shady vendors Talutu and Tricky Nick will cease selling it, and the accompanying Feat of Strength Conspicuous Consumption will no longer be obtainable. The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur mount will then trek from its Battle for Azeroth vendors to the Black Market Auction House where it can show up occasionally as a purchasable mount for players to bid on.
To earn: Purchase for 5,000,000 gold from Talutu in Grand Bazaar, Dazar’alor (Horde) or Tricky Nick in Hook Point, Boralus (Alliance).
Corruption Cleansed
With the Black Empire turned to ash, the Old Gods’ power of Corruption will wither away once the Shadowlands pre-patch goes live. Your Corruption-tainted items will shed away their dark power, leaving your gear in its pure form. With Corruption no longer a threat, the Corruption Resistance found on certain Essences and your legendary cloak will also dissipate.
Utter Madness
One of the more challenging achievements to arise in Visions of N’Zoth—Mad World—will no longer be acquirable once the pre-patch goes live. If you successfully earn the Feat of Strength, you’ll be granted a fitting title, “the Faceless One.”
To earn: Complete all objectives in the Horrific Visions of Stormwind and Orgrimmar in a single visit while not in a party and with all 5 Faceless Masks active.
Changing of the Seasons
The current PvP Season will end with the pre-patch, taking with it all of the usual earnable rewards for eligible players who end the season in the top 0.1% of the 3v3 arena ladder. To commemorate this feat, these elite players will earn the Corrupted Gladiator title, Corrupted Gladiator’s Tabard, and the Corrupted Gladiator mount.
Top of the Class
Just as with previous raids at the end of an expansion, the Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge achievements for defeating N’Zoth the Corruptor on Heroic and Mythic difficulties will go away at the beginning of pre-patch. In addition to earning limited-time achievements, you’ll also get your Uncorrupted Voidwing and—for those seeking to get Cutting Edge—have a chance to get the Ny’alotha Allseer mount for defeating N’Zoth on Mythic difficulty.
Which mount or achievement is on your list to collect?