Shadowlands: Die Development Update Notes vom 15. Juli

Mit dem Wechsel von einer geschlossenen Alpha zu einer geschlossenen Beta haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment gestern Abend noch einmal einige Anpassungen an ihren offiziellen Development Update Notes zu der fortlaufenden Testphase von Shadowlands durchgeführt und diese Übersicht dadurch dann auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Diese vorläufigen Patchnotes zu dem nächsten Addon listen jetzt alle von eingeladenen Spielern testbaren Inhalte, anhaltende Probleme mit dieser Testphase und die Pläne der Entwickler für die nahe Zukunft der geschlossenen Beta auf. Durch diese Development Update Notes erfahren daran interessierte Spieler unter anderem, dass das Team mit den nächsten Build für die geschlossene Beta weitere Optionen für die Charaktererstellung, die Möglichkeit zum Durchführen von Haustierkämpfen und den brandneuen Schlachtzug Schloss Nathria in diese Testphase einbauen möchte. Wer jetzt gerne mehr über die Beta von Shadowlands und die testbaren Inhalte erfahren möchte, der kann folgend selbst einen Blick auf die aktualisierten Development Update Notes werfen.
Shadowlands Development Update Notes – July 15
Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands test environment. Please read on for an outline of what’s currently being tested, what has recently changed, and what’s coming for testing later in the Beta.
Current Content Testing
- Torghast, Tower of the Damned is now available for testing. Read more about it in our Torghast preview blog post, and please submit your feedback on Torghast in the dedicated feedback thread here.
- All world and leveling content is now being tested.
- Please use the in-game bug report tool for bugs, and post your feedback on zones in the Shadowlands Alpha Leveling, Questing, and World forum.
- Please post Covenant feedback in the appropriate feedback thread in the Shadowlands Classes and Covenants forum.
- The level cap is currently: 60. This is the maximum level attainable in Shadowlands.
- In dungeon testing, please use the in-game bug report tool for bugs, and post your feedback on Shadowlands dungeons in the Shadowlands Beta Dungeons and Raids forum .
- The new starting experience is now available to level 1 Alliance characters. Read more about it here, and please post feedback on the new starting expeirence here
- Many character customization updates are now available for testing. More updates to this system will come in a future Beta patch.
- Class Changes
- Soulbinds are now available for testing .
- All classes are undergoing major updates. Our Covenant Class and Signature Abilities blog post has been updated on May 13. Please read the class summary blog pos , and place your focused feedback in one of the dedicated threads in the Shadowlands Alpha Classes and Covenants forum:
- Death Knight feedback
- Demon Hunter feedback
- Druid feedback
- Hunter feedback
- Mage feedback
- Monk feedback
- Paladin feedback
- Priest feedback
- Rogue feedback
- Shaman feedback
- Warlock feedback
- Warrior feedback
Work in Progress
We’re currently working through the following issues and limitations:
- In the previous version of the Shadowlands test, we had a character template called “Venthyr Endgame” that allowed testers to create a level 60 character after choosing a Covenant. That template is no longer available, and has been replaced by a new one. Please do not do further testing with a character templated by Venthyr Endgame. If that was your only test character, please make a new character in this build. We intend to do a complete wipe of all test characters in a forthcoming build.
- Testing with Dark Iron Dwarf characters is currently disabled.
- The new starting experience can only be tested by level 1 Alliance characters.
Coming Soon
We’re unlocking much more content for testing over the next few weeks:
- Pet Battle content
- The Castle Nathria raid
- More Character Creation/Customization Updates
Please note that the above is not a comprehensive list of features to be tested in the entirety of the Shadowlands Beta.
Thank you very much!