Shadowlands: Eine erste Übersicht zu den Fähigkeiten aus Torghast

Eine der größten Neuerungen aus der kommenden Erweiterung Shadowlands ist der in dem Schlund der Schattenlande vorhandene Turm Torghast. Dabei handelt es sich um einen beinahe endlosen Dungeon, der sich dauerhaft verändert, 1 bis 5 Spieler erlaubt und die Spieler bei jedem Besuch vor andere Herausforderungen stellen soll. Um dieses ein wenig an die Verstörenden Visionen aus Patch 8.3 angelehnte Feature möglichst interessant für die Spieler zu gestalten, haben die Entwickler diesen Turm mit einer Reihe von freischaltbaren Belohnungen ausgestattet. Dazu gehören beispielsweise herstellbare legendäre Gegenstände, Elemente der Story, kosmetische Gegenstände oder auch brandneue Fähigkeiten für den eigenen Helden.
Während die Spieler die Legendaries und die kosmetischen Inhalte mit in die Außenwelt der Schattenlande nehmen dürfen, so sind viele der mechanischen Verbesserungen nur in Torghast selbst verwendbar. Durch diese nur im Turm einsetzbaren Fähigkeiten erhalten die Spieler bei ihren Kämpfen gegen die in Torghast vorhandenen Feinde einige entscheidende Vorteile, die in der offenen Spielwelt oder anderen instanzierten Spielinhalten zu stark wären. Durch diese Fähigkeiten können Spieler dann unter anderem nicht ausgewählte Talente aktivieren, ihren Schaden erhöhen, die Abklingzeiten von anderne Fähigkeiten reduzieren oder bestimmte Zauber mit anderen Effekten ausstatten.
Auch wenn Torghast im Moment noch nicht in der Alpha vorhanden ist und die Entwickler noch immer aktiv an dieser Neuerung arbeiten, so konnten findige Data Miner in den Spieldaten der Alpha aber zumindest schon einmal eine Liste mit vielen für diesen Turm bestimmten Fähigkeiten entdecken. Folgend könnt ihr selbst einen Blick auf diese Liste werfen. Wichtig dabei ist allerdings, dass diese Fähigkeiten aus den Spieldaten stammen und sich vor dem Release des Addons noch einmal alles verändern könnte.
Die bisher gefundenen Fähigkeiten:
- Deathlord’s Legacy – [Granted the Heartbreaker talent.] (Blood), [Granted the Runic Attenuation talent.] (Frost), [Granted the Harbinger of Doom talent.] (Unholy)
- Deathlord’s Cypher – [Granted the Heartbreaker talent.] (Blood), [Granted the Inexorable Assault talent.] (Frost), [Granted the Infected Claws talent.] (Unholy)
- Deathlord’s Gift – [Granted the Rapid Decomposition talent.] (Blood), [Granted the Runic Attenuation talent.] (Frost), [Granted the Bursting Sores talent.] (Unholy)
- Deathlord’s Lesson – [Granted the Foul Bulwark talent.] (Blood), [Granted the Death’s Reach talent.] (Frost), [Granted the Grip of the Dead talent.] (Unholy)
- Deathlord’s Invocation – [Granted the Will of the Necropolis talent.] (Blood), [Granted the Avalanche talent.] (Frost), [Granted the Pestilent Pustules talent.] (Unholy)
- Deathlord’s Legacy – [Granted the Grip of the Dead talent.] (Blood), [Granted the Permafrost talent.] (Frost), [Granted the Spell Eater talent.] (Unholy)
- Deathlord’s Mythos – [Granted the Voracious talent.] (Blood), [Granted the Gathering Storm talent.] (Frost), [Granted the Pestilence talent.] (Unholy)
- Deathlord’s Ultimatum – [Granted the Purgatory talent.] (Blood), [Granted the Icecap talent.] (Frost), [Granted the Army of the Damned talent.] (Unholy)
- Eyes of the Unceasing – Shackle the Unworthy cooldown reduced by 10 seconds.
- Reinforced Manacle – Shackle the Unworthy reduces enemy damage dealt to you by an additional 10%.
- Darkhelm of Nuren – Shackle the Unworthy causes enemies within 10 yards of your target to tremble in fear, stunning them for 5 sec.
- Hateforged Cilice – Shackle the Unworthy also increases your damage dealt to the target by 20%.
- Twisted Hellchoker – Shackle the Unworthy charms the target, causing them to fight alongside you for 0 sec.
- Oppressor’s Chain – Shackle the Unworthy will automatically be cast on enemies that strike you in melee. This effect cannot occur more than once every 20 sec seconds, and does not incur the ability’s cooldown.
- Slayer’s Legacy – [Granted the Demonic Appetite talent.] (Havoc), [Granted the Fallout talent.] (Vengeance)
- Slayer’s Cypher – [Granted the Blind Fury talent.] (Havoc), [Granted the Abyssal Strike talent.] (Vengeance)
- Slayer’s Gift – [Granted the Insatiable Hunger talent.] (Havoc), [Granted the Feast of Souls talent.] (Vengeance)
- Slayer’s Lesson – [Granted the Trail of Ruin talent.] (Havoc), [Granted the Flame Crash talent.] (Vengeance)
- Slayer’s Invocation – Granted the Soul Rending talent.
- Slayer’s Legacy – [Granted the Cycle of Hatred talent.] (Havoc), [Granted the Concentrated Sigils talent.] (Vengeance)
- Slayer’s Mythos – [Granted the Unleashed Power talent.] (Havoc), [Granted the Gluttony talent.] (Vengeance)
- Slayer’s Ultimatum – [Granted the Demonic talent.] (Havoc), [Granted the Last Resort talent.] (Vengeance)
- Flail of Merkur – Your Steward’s Phial of Serenity refreshes the cooldown of Elysian Decree.
- Mask of the Winged Dominator – 20% of the damage dealt by Elysian Decree is returned to you as healing.
- Searing Deathbrand – Elysian Decree deals 40% more damage.
- Souleater’s Claw – Elysian Decree refunds 2 additional Lesser Soul Fragments.
- Sacrificial Soul-Ash – The damage of your next Elysian Decree is increased by 10% for every second that you do not cast it while it is on cooldown, up to a maximum of 300% additional damage.
- Scouring Rags of Torghast – Elysian Decree does not incur its cooldown if it hits a Mawrat.
- Fleetwing Torch – Your next Unburden has infinite duration.
- Felborn Torch – Immolation Aura increases the damage of [Chaos Strike] (Havoc), [Soul Cleave] (Vengeance) by 50% and changes the damage type to Fire.
- Felborn Shield – [Chaos Strike] (Havoc), [Soul Cleave] (Vengeance), automatically applies [Blur] (Havoc), [Demon Spikes] (Vengeance). This effect can only occur once every 20 sec.
- Finely-Honed Bone Blades – The damage of [Blade Dance] (Havoc), [Sigil of Flame] (Vengeance) is increased by 50%.
- Demonglass Curio – The cooldown of [Blade Dance] (Havoc), [your Sigils] (Vengeance) is reduced by 15%.
- Darkglare Medallion – [Eye Beam] (Havoc), [Fel Devastation] (Vengeance) has a 20% chance to not incur its cooldown.
- Ragehoof – Killing a Mawrat during Metamorphosis adds 6 sec to the duration.
- Mark of the Ogre – Metamorphosis increases your size, movement speed, and melee range by 100%.
- Shifting Signet – Metamorphosis cooldown reduced by 15%.
- Cadaverous Eye – [Eye Beam] (Havoc), [Fel Devastation] (Vengeance) cooldown is reduced by 85% during Metamorphosis.
- Frenzywing – [Fel Rush] (Havoc), [Infernal Strike] (Vengeance) has a 1 sec recharge.
- Forcewing – [Fel Rush] (Havoc), [Infernal Strike] (Vengeance) range increased by 100%.
- Ghastly Chains – NYI Obtain 3% all stats.
- Tormentor’s Spiked Noose – Imprison now charms your target, forcing them to fight alongside you.
- Heart-Piercing Spine – Your next 3 uses of Throw Glaive will always reduce enemy health to at least 50%.
- Grim Tinder – Dealing any damage refreshes the duration of Immolation Aura.
- Immolation Flux – Immolation Aura damage increased by 50%.
- Soarstone – You restore 3% health per second while Gliding.
- Seeker’s Rage – Destroying a destructible object increases the damage of your next [Demon’s Bite] (Havoc), [Shear] (Vengeance) by 5%. This effect stacks up to 100 times.
- Willbreaker – Damaging the same enemy with [Demon’s Bite] (Havoc), [Shear] (Vengeance) 3 times in a row grants you 10% additional damage to that enemy.
- Fury Wrappings – Using [Blade Dance] (Havoc), (Vengeance) increases your chance to dodge by 15% for 8 sec.
- Dark Stalker’s Draught – Every 5 uses of [Blade Dance] (Havoc), [your Sigil abilities] (Vengeance) will heal you for 50% of your maximum health and refill your Fury.
- Phantasmal Iris – Looting Phantasma increases the damage of your next [Eye Beam] (Havoc), [Fel Devastation] (Vengeance) by 1%.
- Shield of Unending Fury – You are immune to all damage when casting [Eye Beam] (Havoc), [Fel Devastation] (Vengeance).
- Fleetwing – You move 100% faster for 5 sec after casting [Fel Rush] (Havoc), [Infernal Strike] (Vengeance).
- Furywing – [Fel Rush] (Havoc), [Infernal Strike] (Vengeance) damage is increased by 400%, but it damages you for 15% of your total health if it doesn’t hit an enemy.
- Felborn Pendant – Your first [Chaos Strike] (Havoc), [Soul Cleave] (Vengeance) on a floor deals an additional 750% damage.
- Mark of the Ogre – Metamorphosis increases your size, movement speed, and melee range by 100%.
- Cadaverous Eye – [Eye Beam] (Havoc), [Fel Devastation] (Vengeance) cooldown is reduced by 85% during Metamorphosis.
- Blindfold of Focus – Casting Throw Glaive from at least 20 yards away will grant you 100 Fury.
- Resonant Mawfang – Interrupting with Disrupt deals 10% of the target’s health as damage, up to maximum of [ 300% of Total Health ].
- Manafeeder’s Bib – Successfully casting Consume Magic heals you for 20% and grants you a random Well Fed Buff.
- Soulrender of Zovaal – Generate a Lesser Soul Fragment from a nearby enemy every 5 sec.
- Bounty of the Grove – Purity’s Vale lasts 10 sec longer.
- Overgrown Garden – Purity’s Vale is 50% larger.
- Sun-Drenched Grove – Purity’s Vale instantly casts Sunfire on all enemies in the area.
- Darkening Canopy – Purity’s Vale blinds enemies instantly and every 5 sec, disorienting them for 2 sec.
- Wisdom and Fury – When Purity’s Vale ends it causes a burst of fiery energy, dealing [ 1,500% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to all enemies in the area.
- Wisdom’s Embrace – Purity’s Vale healing is increased by 50%.
- Giving Tree – Purity’s Vale grants you [2 Astral Power] (Balance), [5 Energy] (Feral), [2 Rage] (Guardian), [5% mana] (Restoration) every 4 sec.
- Winds of Bastion – Purity’s Vale instantly casts Ursol’s Vortex at its location.
- Command the Grove – Purity’s Vale’s cooldown is reduced to 20 sec, but it costs [60 Astral Power] (Balance), [100 Energy] (Feral), [60 Rage] (Guardian), [10,000 mana] (Restoration) to cast.
- Archdruid’s Cypher – [Granted the Abundance talent.] (Restoration), [Granted the Predator talent.] (Feral), [Granted the Nature’s Balance talent.] (Balance), [Granted the Brambles talent.] (Guardian)
- Archdruid’s Gift – Granted the Tiger Dash talent.
- Archdruid’s Lesson – [Granted the Balance Affinity talent.] (Restoration), [Granted the Balance Affinity talent.] (Feral), [Granted the Feral Affinity talent.] (Balance), [Granted the Balance Affinity talent.] (Guardian)
- Archdruid’s Invocation – Granted the Mighty Bash talent.
- Archdruid’s Legacy – Granted the Soul of the Forest talent.
- Archdruid’s Mythos – [Granted the Inner Peace talent.] (Restoration), [Granted the Scent of Blood talent.] (Feral), [Granted the Stellar Drift talent.] (Balance), [Granted the Earthwarden talent.] (Guardian)
- Archdruid’s Ultimatum – [Granted the Photosynthesis talent.] (Restoration), [Granted the Moment of Clarity talent.] (Feral), [Granted the Shooting Stars talent.] (Balance), [Granted the Rend and Tear talent.] (Guardian)
- Huntmaster’s Cypher – [Gain the Killer Instinct talent.] (Beast Mastery Hunter), [Gain the Master Marksman talent.] (Marksmanship Hunter), [Gain the Viper’s Venom talent.] (Survival Hunter)
- Huntmaster’s Gift – [Gain the Scent of Blood talent.] (Beast Mastery Hunter), [Gain the Careful Aim talent.] (Marksmanship Hunter), [Gain the Guerilla Tactics talent.] (Survival Hunter),
- Huntmaster’s Lesson – Gain the Trailblazer talent.
- Huntmaster’s Invocation – [Gain the Spitting Cobra talent.] (Beast Mastery Hunter), [Gain the Steady Focus talent.] (Marksmanship Hunter), [Gain the Bloodseeker talent.] (Survival Hunter)
- Huntmaster’s Legacy – Gain the Born To Be Wild talent.
- Huntmaster’s Mythos – [Gain the Stomp talent.] (Beast Mastery Hunter), [Gain the Lethal Shots talent.] (Marksmanship Hunter), [Gain the Tip of the Spear talent.] (Survival Hunter)
- Huntmaster’s Ultimatum – [Gain the Aspect of the Beast talent.] (Beast Mastery Hunter), [Gain the Calling the Shots talent.] (Marksmanship Hunter), [Gain the Birds of Prey talent.] (Survival Hunter),
- Deathwire – Resonance Trap cooldown reduced by 10 seconds.
- Deadsoul Aspect – When an enemy triggers a Resonance Trap, the hunter and their pet are healed for 25% of their maximum HP.
- Hell-Hardened Quartzite – Resonance Trap duration increased by 50%.
- Super Soul Scope – Resonance Trap increases the hunter’s chance to critically hit the target by an additional 25%.
- Sling of the Unseen – Increase the hunter’s damage dealt to targets within Resonance Trap’s effect by 10%. If the hunter does not have line of sight on the target, damage is instead increased by 1,000%.
- Pact of the Soulstalkers – The 30% bonus critical strike chance from Resonance Trap now applies to the hunter’s entire party.
- Huntsman’s Pouch – The damage of [Kill Command] (Beast Mastery) [Aimed Shot] (Marksmanship) [Raptor Strike] (Survival) is increased by 25%.
- Huntsman’s Sash – The cooldown of [Kill Command] (Beast Mastery), [Aimed Shot] (Marksmanship), [Wildfire Bomb] (Survival) is reduced by 15%.
- Phantasmal Fetish – Looting Phantasma increases the damage of your next (Multi-Shot/Carve) by N%, up to a maximum of X%.
- Art of the Endless Cavalcade – [Multi-Shot] (Beast Mastery), [Multi-Shot] (Marksmanship), [Carve] (Survival) no longer has a Focus cost.
- Beaststalker’s Signet – The cooldown of [Bestial Wrath] (Beast Mastery), [Trueshot] (Marksmanship), [Coordinated Assault] (Survival) is reduced by 15%.
- Beaststalker’s Wrappings – (Bestial Wrath/Trueshot/Coordinated Assault) also increases your chance to dodge by N%.
- Moccasins of Ascent – A special 1-minute (Bestial Wrath/Trueshot/Coordinated Assault) is automatically applied to you every time you ascend to a new floor.
- Hateful Shard-Ring – Interrupting with (Counter Shot/Muzzle) reducdes the cooldown of (Bestial Wrath/Trueshot/Coordinated Assault) by N sec.
- Flute of Skoldus – A Mawrat fights by your side.
- Soul Eater Jerky – Increase your pet’s health by N%.
- Bone Collar – Increase your pet’s damage by 20%.
- Pristine Flute of Skoldus – An Enormous Mawrat fights by your side.
- Deadeye Satchel – Your next N Kill Shots are guaranteed kills.
- Acrobat’s Rations – Disengage gains N charges.
- Acrobat’s Vision – Disengage grants N Focus.
- Cadaverous Cleats – Landing on a Mawrat with Disengage will instantly kill it. Performing this feat N times will increase all damage done by X%.
- Acrobat’s Razor – Your first damaging attack after Disengaging deals an additional (large number)% damage.
- Feline Femur – Aspect of the Cheetah’s cooldown is decreased by 15%.
- Scent of Blood – Killing an enemy adds N seconds to the duration of your next Aspect of the Cheetah.
- Graven Winds – Aspect of the Cheetah’s movement speed bonus is increased by an additional 20%.
- Sigil of Scutes – Aspect of the Turtle reduces damage taken by an additional 10%.
- Chelonian Crest – Killing an enemy adds N seconds to the duration of your next Aspect of the Cheetah.
- Euphoria Emblem – Exhilaration heals you for 10% additional health.
- Wildhide Bandages – You can now attack during Aspect of the Turtle, and its duration is tripled.
- Permafrost Barbs – Exhilaration automatically applies Aspect of the Cheetah (and Aspect of the Eagle/Aspect of the Wild), even if it is on cooldown.
- Peltsman’s Grit – The first N attacks against targets affected by your Freezing Trap will not break the effect.
- Necrotic Touch – Your [Concussive Shot] (Beast Mastery), [Concussive Shot] (Marksmanship), [Wing Clip] (Survival) lasts forever.
- Appetizing Gravy – You take N% less damage for X seconds after placing a trap.
- Craven Strategem – Mawrats periodically attack the target of your Hunter’s Mark.
- Hunter’s Spoils – The damage of your next [Barbed Shot] (Beast Mastery), [Steady Shot] (Marksmanship), [Kill Command] (Survival) is increased by 5% when you break a Destructible Object. Stacks up to 100 times.
- Touch of the Unseen – Door of Shadows heals you for 20% of your maximum health.
- Archmage’s Cypher – [Gain the Amplification talent.] (Arcane), [Gain the Firestarter talent.] (Fire), [Gain the Bone Chilling talent.] (Frost),
- Archmage’s Gift – [Gain the Mana Shield talent.] (Arcane), [Gain the Blazing Soul talent.] (Fire), [Gain the Glacial Insulation talent.] (Frost)
- Archmage’s Lesson – Gain the Incanter’s Flow talent.
- Archmage’s Invocation – [Gain the Resonance talent.] (Arcane), [Gain the Flame On talent.] (Fire), [Gain the Frozen Touch talent.] (Frost)
- Archmage’s Legacy – [Gain the Chrono Shift talent.] (Arcane), [Gain the Frenetic Speed talent.] (Fire), [Gain the Frigid Winds talent.] (Frost)
- Archmage’s Mythos – [Gain the Reverberate talent.] (Arcane), [Gain the Flame Patch talent.] (Fire), [Gain the Freezing Rain talent.] (Frost)
- Archmage’s Ultimatum – [Gain the Overpowered talent.] (Arcane), [Gain the Kindling talent.] (Fire), [Gain the Thermal Void talent.] (Frost)
- Anima-Flecked Topaz – Radiant Spark cooldown reduced by 5 seconds.
- Scroll of the Arcane Meditator – Radiant Spark’s initial damage is increased by 100%.
- Winged Curio – Radiant Spark lasts an additional 4 seconds.
- Long-Forbidden Words – Radiant Spark can be cast instantly and interrupts spellcasting.
- Urael’s Finality – After hitting an enemy with Radiant Spark, the damage of your 4th subsequent direct damage spell against that target is increased by an additional 600%.
- Wizard’s Prayer – 800% of the damage dealt by Radiant Spark is returned as healing to the mage’s party.
- Frostbite Wand – Damaging an enemy will also apply Frostbite, dealing damage equal to 50% of their total hit points. After 4 sec, the enemy will start regenerating all of the lost health over a period of 10 sec. Creatures can only be Frostbitten once.
- Icy Heartcrust – Absorb 60% of damage dealt to you when your health is below 15%.
- Wand Grease – The cast time of [Arcane Blast] (Arcane), [Fireball] (Fire), [Frostbolt] (Frost) is reduced by 0.3 |4second:seconds;.
- Pandemonium Lens – The radius of [Arcane Explosion] (Arcane), [Flamestrike] (Fire), [Blizzard] (Frost) is increased by 4 yards.
- Whizzard Hat – Killing a creature with [Arcane Explosion] (Arcane), [Flamestrike] (Fire), [Blizzard] (Frost), increases your Haste by 10% for 15 sec. Stacks up to 10 times.
- Bombardier’s Etching – Damaging an enemy with [Arcane Explosion] (Arcane), [Flamestrike] (Fire), [Blizzard] (Frost), automatically applies [Prismatic Barrier] (Arcane), [Blazing Barrier] (Fire), [Ice Barrier] (Frost). This effect can only occur once every 20 sec.
- Manascale – Your [Fire and Frost] (Arcane), [Arcane and Frost] (Fire), [Arcane and Fire] (Frost) damage is increased by 100%.
- Sapphire Prism – Mirror Image summons 1 additional |4copy:copies; of yourself.
- Scroll of Explosure – Damaging an enemy with Arcane Explosion increases the damage it takes from all sources by 15% for 10 sec.
- Highly-Polished Handmirror – Your Mirror Images become more intelligent, gaining access to more spells and abilities.
- Polymorbid Rat Liver – Teaches you Polymorph: Mawrat, which works on Undead creatures.
- Rotten Grains – Polymorph duration is increased by 60 seconds.
- Constellation Shield – Effectively countering an enemy spell with Counterspell reduces your damage taken by 25% for 10 sec.
- Resolute Medallion – The absorb of your Barrier spells is increased by 50%.
- Tundrid Phial – Frost Nova cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds.
- Everwarm Socks – Ice Block no longer covers your feet, allowing you to move… albeit very slowly.
- Tome of Zoomancy – Polymorphed creatures regenerate health 75% more slowly, and the first 3 damaging attacks or spells that they receive do not break the effect.
- Grisly Icicle – Damage no longer breaks Frost Nova.
- Triune Ward – Casting any Barrier spell grants the effects of Blazing Barrier, Ice Barrier, and Prismatic Barrier.
- Bottled Tesseract – Alter Time’s maximum duration is increased by 5 seconds.
- Timeweaver’s Needle – Casting Alter Time reduces the duration of Temporal Displacement by 10 seconds for all players in your party.
- Echoes of Elisande – Time Warp also increases the rate at which time passes by 30%.
- Timebreaker’s Paradox – Time Warp lasts 200% longer, but causes all affected players to die at the end.
- Runecloth Wrappings – The damage of [Arcane Blast] (Arcane), [Fireball] (Fire), [Frostbolt] (Frost) is increased by 2,000% when you cast it while Invisible.
- Mad Wizard’s Scrawlings – At the beginning of each floor, you will receive an intuition, telling you to cast a series of spells in a certain order. If you successfully cast these spells in the correct order, your Intellect will be increased by 10%.
- Arcanic Pulse Detector – You will automatically cast Invisibility when you die, hiding you from the Jailer and preventing your death from being noticed. This effect is then consumed.
- Spaceweaver’s Thread – Blink’s cooldown reduced by 2 |4second:seconds;.
- Art of the Blinkmage – Blink no longer has a cooldown or mana cost, but your movement speed is now capped at 3 yards per second.
- Clouded Diamond – Blinking leaves a Mirror Image behind. This Mirror Image lasts for 10 sec.
- Constellation Shield – Effectively countering an enemy spell with Counterspell reduces your damage taken by 25% for 10 sec.
- Mad Wizard’s Intuition – At the beginning of each floor, you will receive an intuition, telling you to cast a series of spells in a certain order. If you successfully cast these spells in the correct order, your Intellect will be increased by 10%.
- Timeweaver’s Needle – Casting Alter Time reduces the duration of Temporal Displacement by 10 seconds for all players in your party.
- Scroll of Explosure – Damaging an enemy with Arcane Explosion increases the damage it takes from all sources by 15% for 10 sec.
- Seeker’s Scroll – Breaking a Destructible Object increases the damage of your next Fireball, Frostbolt, or Arcane Blast by 10%. This effect stacks up to 100 times.
- Whizzard Hat – Killing a creature with Arcane Explosion (Arcane), Flamestrike (Fire), Blizzard (Frost) increases your Haste by 10% for 15 sec. Stacks up to 10 times.
- Chaos Invitation – Your first Arcane Explosion (Arcane) on a floor deals an additional 850% damage.
- Chaos Invitation – Your first Flamestrike (Fire) on a floor deals an additional 850% damage.
- Chaos Invitation – Your first Blizzard (Frost) on a floor deals an additional 850% damage.
- Dimensional Blade – Blinking through a Mawrat will instantly kill it and reset the cooldown of Blink.
- Grandmaster’s Cypher – [Gain the Eye of the Tiger talent.] (Brewmaster), [Gain the Mist Wrap talent.] (Mistweaver), [Gain the Eye of the Tiger talent.] (Windwalker)
- Grandmaster’s Gift – Gain the Celerity talent.
- Grandmaster’s Lesson – [Gain the Light Brewing talent.] (Brewmaster), [Gain the Lifecycles talent.] (Mistweaver)
- Grandmaster’s Invocation – Gain the Tiger Tail Sweep talent.
- Grandmaster’s Legacy – [Gain the Bob and Weave talent.] (Brewmaster), [Gain the Healing Elixir talent.] (Mistweaver), [Gain the Inner Strength talent.] (Windwalker)
- Grandmaster’s Mythos – [Gain the Special Delivery talent.] (Brewmaster), [Gain the Summon Jade Serpent Statue talent.] (Mistweaver), [Gain the Hit Combo talent.] (Windwalker)
- Grandmaster’s Ultimatum – [Gain the High Tolerance talent.] (Brewmaster), [Gain the Focused Thunder talent.] (Mistweaver), [Gain the Spiritual Focus talent.] (Windwalker)
- Haven’s Breath – Your Steward’s Phial of Serenity refreshes the cooldown of Weapons of Order.
- Anima-Tinged Weapon Oil – Weapons of Order grants an additional 10% Mastery.
- Maw-Darkened Slippers – Jumping or Rolling while under the effects of Weapons of Order will shoot a bolt of Radiant energy at a nearby enemy, dealing Arcane damage.
- Forgotten Armor of Order – Weapons of Order increases Armor by 50%.
- Balancing Stave – The mastery effect of Weapons of Order also affects critical strike, haste, versatility, and leech ratings.
- Cragsman’s Fable – Weapons of Order does not incur a cooldown for the first 2 minutes of any Torghast floor.
- Highlord’s Cypher – [Granted the Crusader’s Might talent.] (Holy), [Granted the Holy Shield talent.] (Protection), [Granted the Zeal talent.] (Retribution)
- Highlord’s Gift – [Granted the Unbreakable Spirit talent.] (Holy), [Granted the First Avenger talent.] (Protection), [Granted the Fires of Justice talent.] (Retribution)
- Highlord’s Lesson – Granted the Fist of Justice talent.
- Highlord’s Invocation – [Granted the Devotion Aura talent.] (Holy), [Granted the Retribution Aura talent.] (Protection), [Granted the Divine Judgment talent.] (Retribution)
- Highlord’s Legacy – [Granted the Judgment of Light talent.] (Holy), [Granted the Unbreakable Spirit talent.] (Protection), [Granted the Unbreakable Spirit talent.] (Retribution)
- Highlord’s Mythos – [Granted the Sanctified Wrath talent.] (Holy), [Granted the Judgment of Light talent.] (Protection), [Granted the Selfless Healer talent.] (Retribution)
- Highlord’s Ultimatum – [Granted the Divine Purpose talent.] (Holy), [Granted the Last Defender talent.] (Protection), [Granted the Divine Purpose talent.] (Retribution)
- Ember of the Carillon – Divine Toll cooldown reduced by 10 seconds.
- Sonorous Shards – Divine Toll no longer has a mana cost.
- Belt of the Mawsworn Avenger – Divine Toll is automatically cast when Avenging Wrath is cast, and again when it expires.
- Cacopony Core – Divine Toll increases the caster’s Stamina by 5% for each target hit. This effect lasts for 30 sec.
- Big Clapper – Casting Divine Toll also instantly stuns all enemies within 30 yards.
- Soul’s Tolls – Divine Toll has a chance to instantly kill enemy targets.
- High Priest’s Cypher – [Gain the Castigation talent.] (Discipline), [Gain the Enlightenment talent.] (Holy), [Gain the Fortress of the Mind talent.] (Shadow)
- High’s Gift – [Gain the Body and Soul talent.] (Discipline), [Gain the Angel’s Mercy talent.] (Holy), [Gain the Body and Soul talent.] (Shadow)
- High’s Lesson – [Gain the Shield Discipline talent.] (Discipline), [Gain the Cosmic Ripple talent.] (Holy), [Gain the Twist of Fate talent.] (Shadow)
- High’s Invocation – [Gain the Psychic Voice talent.] (Discipline), [Gain the Psychic Voice talent.] (Holy), [Gain the Last Word talent.] (Shadow)
- High’s Legacy – [Gain the Sins of the Many talent.] (Discipline), [Gain the Surge of Light talent.] (Holy), [Gain the Auspicious Spirits talent.] (Shadow)
- High’s Mythos – [Gain the Purge the Wicked talent.] (Discipline), [Gain the Benediction talent.] (Holy), [Gain the Lingering Insanity talent.] (Shadow),
- High’s Ultimatum – [Gain the Lenience talent.] (Discipline), [Gain the Light of the Naaru talent.] (Holy), [Gain the Legacy of the Void talent.] (Shadow)
- Faithstone – Casting Unburden refreshes the cooldown of Blind Faith.
- Deeply-Held Vow – Blind Faith reduces channel time by an additional 10%.
- Second Chorus – The duration of the beneficial effect of Blind Faith is increased by 50%.
- Mark of Blinding Faith – Damaging an enemy while under the effects of Blind Faith has a very high chance to blind them, disorienting them for 6 sec.
- Answered Prayer – Blind Faith no longer has any negative effects upon expiring. Instead, you explode with Arcane energy, dealing [ 480% of Spell Power ] damage to enemies and [ 480% of Spell Power ] healing to allies within 12 yards.
- Blackened Shroud – Blind Faith causes you to go Truly Blind, increasing your damage and healing by 200% and reducing damage taken by 40%. While Truly Blind, you will be completely unable to see your surroundings.
- Light-Tinged Scraps – Reduce the mana cost of Flash Heal by 30%.
- Flash-Echo Focus – Flash Heal repeats its effect after 4 sec, healing for 50% of the original amount.
- Vandal’s Zeal – Destroying a breakable object within Torghast empowers your next Flash Heal, guaranteeing a critical hit.
- Flashbox – For every 30 seconds that you do not cast Flash Heal, the healing of your next Flash Heal is increased by by 100%. This effect can stack up to 6 times.
- Searing Lantern – Your Flash Heals apply Searing Luminosity to your targets, causing them to reflect 50% of damage taken back to attackers for 20 sec.
- Art of Phantasmal Healing – Your Flash Heals are now instant and cost no mana, but consume 5 Phantasma.
- Consuming Refrain – The periodic damage of Holy Fire lasts an additional 4 seconds.
- Holyfire Draught – Holy Fire has a 50% chance to not trigger its cooldown.
- Mark of Righteous Protection – You take 35% less damage while an enemy within 10 yards is under the effects of your Holy Fire.
- Holy Hellstone – When Holy Fire expires, it jumps to another nearby target.
- Idea Eater – Mind Blast critical strikes grant 1,000 Mana.
- Painwheel – Extend the duration of Shadow Word: Pain by 4 seconds.
- Red-Hot Mindpokers – The initial damage of Shadow Word: Pain is always a critical hit.
- Rat-Corpse Bag – Killing a Mawrat grants you a bonus charge of Shadow Word: Death
- Impulsor – Casting Mind Blast will daze the target, reducing the target’s movement speed and chance to hit by 20% for 60 sec. Subsequent casts of Mind Blast will remove this effect.
- Modified Impulsor – Casting Mind Blast will no longer remove the Mindblasted effect.
- Catharstick – 20% of all damage that you take is stored in the Catharstick. The initial damage of your next Shadow Word: Pain deals this stored damage to your target.
- Painbreaker Psalm – Shadow Word: Death consumes your Shadow Word: Pain effects on the target, dealing all remaining damage.
- Mind Exploder – Mind Blast damage is increased by 500%, but its cooldown is increased by 400%
- Diary of Necrotic Thoughts – Mind Control can be used on Undead beings.
- Psychic Wallet – Casting Mind Control on an enemy will empty their pockets, granting roughly 15 Phantasma.
- Commandment of Contagion – Using Mind Control on a Mawrat will trigger Rapid Contagion, causing all Mawrats within 0 yards to give birth to a litter of 2-5 additional Mawrats.
- Puppetmaster’s Strings – Mind Control also increases the target’s damage by 50%
- Cruelty Censer – You deal 25% more damage to creatures that are feared, horrified, stunned, or dazed.
- Animagrips – Casting Thoughtsteal on a target has a chance to grant you a Maw Power. This effect can only occur once per level. NYI – Grants 3% all stats.
- Thick Burlap Sash – Power Word: Fortitude grants an additional 5% Stamina.
- Enchanted Shroud – Power Word: Fortitude now also reduces magical damage taken by 10%.
- Warm Blanket – Players affected by your Power Word: Fortitude now also grant 10% Stamina to party members within 3 yards.
- Horrific Dictionary – Each different „Word“ spell that you cast increases your Intellect by 5% for 5 min.
- Searing Luminosity – Reflect damage to your attacker.
- Mark of Righteous Protection – You take 35% less damage while an enemy within 10 yards is under the effects of your Holy Fire.
- Holy Hellstone – When Holy Fire expires, it jumps to another nearby target.
- Schauden Fluorite – When Shadow Word: Pain expires on a target, all party members within 0 yards of the target are healed for 10% of their maximum health.
- Dead Mawrat – The dead mawrat grants you an extra charge of Shadow Word: Death.
- Mindblasted – Casting Mind Blast will daze the target, reducing the target’s movement speed and chance to hit by 20% for 60 sec. Subsequent casts of Mind Blast will remove this effect.
- Catharstick – 20% of all damage that you take is stored in the Catharstick. The initial damage of your next Shadow Word: Pain deals this stored damage to your target.
- Rapid Contagion – Using Mind Control on a Mawrat will trigger Rapid Contagion, causing all Mawrats within 0 yards to give birth to a litter of 2-5 additional Mawrats.
- Torch of Humility – Your next Boon of the Ascended lasts for 30 sec.
- Faithstone – Your self-healing from Boon of the Ascended is increased by 100%.
- Second Chorus – The cooldown of Boon of the Ascended is reduced by 30 sec.
- Deeply-Held Vow – Ascended Nova applies Shadow Word: Pain to enemies and Renew to allies.
- Feathered Fetters – The damage and healing of Boon of the Ascended’s effects are increased by 300%, but you cannot move for its duration.
- Glorious Prayer – Boon of the Ascended heals you for 100% of your health. Ascended Eruption restores 100% of your [Insanity and] (Shadow) Mana.
- Power Word: Snuggle – Players affected by your Power Word: Fortitude now also grant 10% Stamina to party members within 3 yards.
- Shadowblade’s Legacy – Gain the Prey on the Weak talent.
- Shadowblade’s Cypher – [Gain the Master Poisoner talent.] (Assassination), [Gain the Weaponmaster talent.] (Outlaw), [Gain the Weaponmaster talent.] (Subtlety)
- Shadowblade’s Gift – [Gain the Nightstalker talent.] (Assassination), [Gain the Acrobatic Strikes talent.] (Outlaw), [Gain the Nightstalker talent.] (Subtlety)
- Shadowblade’s Lesson – Gain the Vigor talent.
- Shadowblade’s Invocation – [Gain the Leeching Poison talent.] (Assassination), [Gain the Iron Stomach talent.] (Outlaw), [Gain the Soothing Darkness talent.] (Subtlety)
- Shadowblade’s Legacy – [Gain the Internal Bleeding talent.] (Assassination), [Gain the Dirty Tricks talent.] (Outlaw), [Gain the Shot in the Dark talent.] (Subtlety)
- Shadowblade’s Mythos – [Gain the Venom Rush talent.] (Assassination), [Gain the Loaded Dice talent.] (Outlaw), [Gain the Dark Shadow talent.] (Subtlety
- Shadowblade’s Ultimatum – [Gain the Poison Bomb talent.] (Assassination), [Gain the Dancing Steel talent.] (Outlaw), [Gain the Master of Shadows talent.] (Subtlety)
- Elysian Trickster-Ring – Echoing Reprimand cooldown reduced by 10 seconds.
- Lightblade Haft – Echoing Reprimand no longer costs energy.
- Screaming Signet – Echoing Reprimand duration increased by 50%.
- Razorfeather – Increase the damage of Echoing Reprimand by 50%.
- Shadesinger’s Bargain – Echoing Reprimand grants 2 additional Animacharged combo points.
- Sharpened Harpstring – Echoing Reprimand also decreases the target’s damage by 50% and increases the target’s damage taken by 100%.
- Farseer’s Lesson – Granted the Spirit Wolf talent.
- Lingering Reverberations – Earthquake lasts 2 sec longer.
- Cracking Fissure – Earthquake is 30% larger.
- Violent Tremors – Earthquake’s damage is increased by 20%, or by 50% if it damages only one enemy.
- Might of the Worldsplitter – Whenever Earthquake knocks an enemy down, you generate 12 Maelstrom.
- Tectonic Storm – Chain Lightning always causes an Elemental Overload against enemies standing in your Earthquake.
- Earthen Resonance – Your Intellect is increased by 10% for each Earthquake you have active.
- Shake the Foundations – Casting Earthquake automatically casts Chain Lightning at 1 random enemies in the Earthquake.
- Totemic Slam – Whenever you summon a Totem, it causes an Earthquake at its location.
- Unstable Terrain – Earthquake reduces enemies‘ movement speed by 30%.
- Thermal Harmony – Casting Flame Shock also casts Frost Shock.
- Improved Healing Surge – Healing Surge restores 100% more health.
- Blessing of Ahune – Frost Shock reduces movement speed by an additional 20%, and lasts 6 sec longer.
- Mountains Will Fall – Your Mastery now affects Earthquake, allowing it to cause an Elemental Overload.
- Secret of Living Flame – Fire Elemental lasts indefinitely, but you cannot cast Frost spells.
- Consumed by Flame – Secrets of Living Flame prevents you from accessing Frost magic.
- Consumed by Flame – Secrets of Living Flame prevents you from accessing Frost magic.
- Consumed by Flame – Secrets of Living Flame prevents you from accessing Frost magic.
- Consumed by Flame – Secrets of Living Flame prevents you from accessing Frost magic.
- Farseer’s Cypher – [Granted the Torrent talent.] (Restoration), [Granted the Boulderfist talent.] (Enhancement), [Granted the Earthen Rage talent.] (Elemental)
- Farseer’s Gift – [Granted the Echo of the Elements talent.] (Restoration), [Granted the Landslide talent.] (Enhancement), [Granted the Aftershock talent.] (Elemental)
- Farseer’s Invocation – [Granted the Ancestral Vigor talent.] (Restoration), [Granted the Searing Assault talent.] (Enhancement), [Granted the Master of the Elements talent.] (Elemental)
- Farseer’s Mythos – [Granted the Flash Flood talent.] (Restoration), [Granted the Crashing Storm talent.] (Enhancement), [Granted the Surge of Power talent.] (Elemental)
- Farseer’s Ultimatum – [Granted the High Tide talent.] (Restoration), [Granted the Elemental Spirits talent.] (Enhancement), [Granted the Unlimited Power talent.] (Elemental)
- All-Consuming Blaze – Fire damage dealt by you and your summons increases the damage the target takes from your Lava Burst by 3%, stacking up to 99 times.
- Unquenchable Flame – Flame Shock lasts forever.
- Molten Shock – Earth Shock grants you Lava Surge, resetting the cooldown on Lava Burst and causing your next Lava Burst to be instant.
- Ignan Oblation – Summoning your Storm or Fire Elemental causes you to gain Ascendance for 10 sec.
- Magma Fist – Lava Burst knocks the target away from you.
- By Fire Be Purged – Successfully Purging an enemy casts Lava Burst at them.
- Galvanizing Nimbus – Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and their overloads cause your next Thunderstorm to deal 150% increased damage, stacking up to 30 times.
- Call of Fire – Increases the damage of your Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Lava Beam, and Fire Elemental by 20%.
- Call of Lightning – Increases the damage of your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Storm Elemental by 30%.
- Call of Earth – Increases the damage of your Earth Shock, Earthquake, and Earth Elemental by 40%.
- Flaming Lance – Anima Lance applies Flame Shock to enemies it strikes.
- Earthquake Upgrades – Coalescences within the Maw have improved your Earthquake spell.
- Farseer’s Legacy – Granted the Nature’s Guardian talent.
- Wildzeal Wraps – Vesper Totem cooldown reduced by 5 seconds.
- Generosity of the Winged Seer – Vesper Totem no longer has a mana cost.
- Weightless Spirit – Vesper Totem’s effect allows Unburden to be cast instantly, even if it is on cooldown.
- Vesperwind Bit – Vesper Totem also grants 20% Haste to its target.
- Brooch of the Vale-Spirit – The Mastery effect of Vesper Totem is increased by 200%.
- Diamondine Vesper – Vesper Totem now lasts for 5 minutes.
- Netherlord’s Cypher – [Gain the Nightfall talent.] (Affliction Warlock), [Gain the Dreadlash talent.] (Demonology Warlock), [Gain the Flashover talent.] (Destruction Warlock)
- Netherlord’s Gift – [Gain the Writhe in Agony talent.] (Affliction Warlock), [Gain the Demonic Calling talent.] (Demonology Warlock), [Gain the Reverse Entropy talent.] (Destruction Warlock)
- Netherlord’s Lesson – Gain the Demon Skin talent.
- Netherlord’s Invocation – [Gain the Sow the Seeds talent.] (Affliction Warlock), [Gain the From the Shadows talent.] (Demonology Warlock), [Gain the Inferno talent.] (Destruction Warlock)
- Netherlord’s Legacy – Gain the Darkfury talent.
- Netherlord’s Mythos – [Gain the Shadow Embrace talent.] (Affliction Warlock), [Gain the Soul Conduit talent.] (Demonology Warlock), [Gain the Roaring Blaze talent.] (Destruction Warlock)
- Netherlord’s Ultimatum – [Gain the Soul Conduit talent.] (Affliction Warlock), [Gain the Sacrificed Souls talent.] (Demonology Warlock), [Gain the Soul Conduit talent.] (Destruction Warlock)
- Tome of Taking – Scouring Tithe cooldown reduced by 6 seconds.
- Tithing Dish – If an enemy dies while under the effects of Scouring Tithe, they instantly grant 25 Phantasma to all players.
- Shard of Slath’gerrar – Scouring Tithe can be cast instantly.
- Indebting Word – Scouring Tithe’s periodic damage increased by 75%.
- Languishing Soul Detritus – Scouring Tithe duration increased by 200%.
- Ash and Anima – Scouring Tithe’s period and duration are reduced by 65%.
- Chaotic Effigy – Breaking a destructible object increases the damage of your next [Shadow Bolt] (Affliction Warlock), [Shadow Bolt] (Demonology Warlock), [Incinerate] (Destruction Warlock) by 5%. This effect stacks up to 100 times.
- Doomstone – NYI – (Shadow Bolt/Incinerate) has an N% chance to instantly detonate your Curse of Doom.
- Darkwhisper Signet – [Summon Darkglare] (Affliction), [Summon Demonic Tyrant] (Demonology), [Summon Infernal] (Destruction) summons 1 extra |4demon:demons;.
- Glutton’s Guise – Striking an enemy with [Soul Wrack] (Affliction), [Call Dreadstalkers] (Demonology), [Chaos Bolt] (Destruction) instantly grants you 5 Phantasma.
- Mark of Borrowed Power – [Soul Wrack] (Affliction), [Call Dreadstalkers] (Demonology), [Chaos Bolt] (Destruction) has a 15% chance to [refund 5 Soul Shards on completion.] (Affliction), [refund 2 Soul Shards and reset its cooldown.] (Demonology), [refund 2 Soul Shards.] (Destruction)
- Spattershield – [Unstable Affliction] (Affliction Warlock), [Call Dreadstalkers] (Demonology Warlock), [Chaos Bolt] (Destruction Warlock) contributes 400% more absorption to your Soul Leech shield.
- Realmlord’s Insignia – The cooldown of [Summon Darkglare] (Affliction), [Summon Demonic Tyrant] (Demonology), [Summon Infernal] (Destruction) is reduced by 10%.
- Heart of Endereth – Your [Darkglare] (Affliction Warlock), [Demonic Tyrant] (Demonology Warlock), [Infernal] (Destruction Warlock) increases the Versatility of all nearby players by 25%.
- Detonation Torch – The radius of [Seed of Corruption] (Affliction), [Implosion] (Demonology), [Rain of Fire] (Destruction) is increased by 20%.
- Inferno Skewers – [Seed of Corruption] (Affliction), [Implosion] (Demonology), [Rain of Fire] (Destruction) chance to critically strike is increased by 25%.
- Dissolving Vial – Corruption also reduces enemy movement speed by 60%.
- Eye of Endereth – The damage of your Corruption is increased by 10% for each Freed Soul you have in your possession, up to a maximum of 250%.
- Choking Chains – Your Summon Demon spells are now instant.
- Hellfire Pact – Your summoned demons‘ damage is increased by 25%.
- Kiss of Recklessness – Curse of Recklessness no longer increases your enemies‘ attack power.
- Accursed Ashes – NYI – The duration of Curse of Doom is increased by (large number)%, and its damage is increased by (VERY large number)%.
- Thirsting Chain – Drain Life healing increased by 20%.
- Whispers of the Jailer – Fear duration increased by 3 seconds.
- Sacrificial Vermin – Killing a Mawrat reduces the cooldown of Shadowfury by 20 seconds.
- Claw of Endereth – Drain Life drains the same amount of health 10% faster.
- Visage of Lethality – Fear instantly kills Mawrats.
- Shadowed Shortblade – Shadowfury deals 50 Shadow damage to creatures that are already crowd controlled.
- Zovaal’s Resolution – Unending Resolve lasts forever.
- Warlock’s Bargain – Instantly earn 10-10 Freed Souls. There is a small chance that this will kill you.
- Dissolving Vial – Corruption also reduces enemy movement speed by 60%.
- Soulvoid Bag – Creatures that die while affected by Corruption have a 5% chance to grant a Freed Soul.
- Art of the Blood Passage – Demonic Gateway can now be used once every 3 seconds, but it deals damage to the warlock for 5% of their total health.
- Chaotic Effigy – Breaking a destructible object increases the damage of your next Shadowbolt or Incinerate by 5%. This effect stacks up to 100 times.
- Soul Platter – The duration of your [Summon Darkglare] (Affliction), [Summon Demonic Tyrant] (Demonology), [Summon Infernal] (Destruction) is increased by 100%, but it has a 50% chance to consume one of your Freed Souls when summoned. If a soul is consumed, the [Darkglare’s] (Affliction) , [Demonic Tyrant’s] (Demonology), [Infernal’s] (Destruction) damage is also increased by 100%.
- Pact of Thickness – Your summoned demons have 25% more health.
- Pact of Infernal Intimacy – Your summoned demons gain 100% health and damage every time you ascend a floor. This bonus is lost when the demon dies or is dismissed.
- Disembodied Tongue – Every enemy within 40 yards that is afflicted by Curse of Tongues grants you 5% Haste.
- Battlelord’s Cypher – [Granted the War Machine talent.]
- Battlelord’s Gift – [Gain the Double Time talent.]
- Battlelord’s Lesson – [Gain the Massacre talent.] (Arms), [Gain the Fresh Meat talent.] (Fury), [Gain the Best Served Cold talent.] (Protection)
- Battlelord’s Invocation – [Gain the Second Wind talent.] (Arms), [Gain the Furious Charge talent.] (Fury), [Gain the Crackling Thunder talent.] (Protection)
- Battlelord’s Legacy – [Gain the Collateral Damage talent.] (Arms), [Gain the Fervor of Battle talent.] (Fury), [Gain the Bolster talent.] (Protection)
- Battlelord’s Mythos – [Gain the In For The Kill talent.] (Arms), [Gain the Wrecking Ball talent.] (Fury), [Gain the Into the Fray talent.] (Protection)
- Battlelord’s Ultimatum – [Gain the Anger Management talent.] (Arms), [Gain the Reckless Abandon talent.] (Fury), [Gain the Heavy Repercussions talent.] (Protection)
- Kyrian Warhelm – Your Steward’s Phial of Serenity refreshes the cooldown of Spear of Bastion.
- Elysian Shoulderwrap – Spear of Bastion’s periodic damage increased by 50%.
- Stonepiercer Signet – Spear of Bastion duration increased by 50%.
- Ancient Prolegomenon – Casting Spear of Bastion also applies 5 stacks of Sunder Armor to the target, reducing their armor by 25% for 30 sec.
- Soulcarved Vow – The damage effect of Spear of Bastion lasts forever.
- Spearheads of Eternity – The instant damage dealt by Spear of Bastion is increased by 100% each time it is cast, up to a maximum of 800%, after which it returns to its base damage again and repeats the cycle.
- Shadehound Tooth – The cooldown of Mortal Strike (Arms), Bloodthirst (Fury) or Shield Slam (Protection) is reduced by 1.5 sec.
- Edge of Hatred – Using (Bladestorm/Recklessness/Avatar) instantly grants 100 Rage.
- Bladed Bastion – Using Bladestorm or Avatar (Arms), Recklessness or Bladestorm (Fury), Avatar (Protection) also applies Shield Wall (even if you are not wearing a shield).
- Zovaal’s Warbanner – The durations of Bladestorm and Avatar (Arms), Recklessness and Bladestorm (Fury) or Avatar (Protection) are increased by 200%.
- Propeller Blade – Whirlwind increases your movement speed by N% and reduces your fall speed.
- Fan of Longswords – While Whirlwinding, you now periodically cast Heroic Throw at a random enemy once every N sec.
- Hurricane Core – While Whirlwinding, you now periodically cast Heroic Throw at a random enemy once every N sec.
- Inertia Charm – Heroic Leap increases your Whirlwind damage by N% for X sec.
- Dessicated Grasshopper – Striking an enemy with Heroic Leap restores N% of your health.
- Stone of the Unmoving Citadel – After landing your Heroic Leap, your damage taken is reduced by N% and your damage dealt is increased by X%. This effect goes away once you move.
- Victory Sash – Victory Rush’s damage is increased by 400%.
- Steel Siphon – The health gained from Victory Rush is increased by N%.
- Victor’s Braggadocio – Victory Rush has an N% chance to be castable again.
- Scratched Knife – Heroic Throw now chains to N additional enemy/enemies.
- Longstrider Chalice – The range of Charge and Intervene is extended by N yards.
- Sprinter’s Braid – The damage of Charge is increased by N% for every X seconds that you do not cast Charge, up to a maximum of Y%.
- Windswept Visor – You can Charge without triggering its cooldown while under the effects of Victory Rush.
- Juggernaut’s Warhorn – Your Shouts increase the damage of your next Charge by N%.
- Cowing Glare – Intimidating Shout now increases enemy damage taken by N%.
- Ragemote – Your abilities do not consume Rage for 60 sec after choosing this power.
- Musomisiac’s Brass Knuckles – Your Rage increases by N/second while there are living Mawrats within X yards.
- Signet of Unending Fury – Casting Slam when at 100 or more Rage will expend 100 Rage, dealing (very large number)% additional damage, but stunning you for N seconds.
- Periapt of Furor – Berserker Rage lasts 100% longer and also causes your party members to go berserk.
- Mark of Masochism – Hamstring steals the enemy’s speed, granting you N% movement speed for the duration of the effect.
- Hero’s Flag – Rallying Cry grants an additional N% max health to players in your party.
- Bladelord’s Intimidator – Successfully interrupting a spell with Pummel causes the target to tremble in fear for N sec.
- Tendon Slicer – Hamstringing an enemy that you have already Hamstrung will root them for N sec.
- Champion’s Decree – Breaking a Destructible Object increases the damage of your next Mortal Strike (Arms), Bloodthirst (Fury) or Shield Slam (Protection) by 5%. This effect stacks 100 times.
- Spattered Soles – Striking a Mawrat with Heroic Leap instantly kills the Mawrat and resets the cooldown of Heroic Leap.
- Bloodsoaked Haft – Your first Heroic Throw on a level deals 20,000% increased damage.
- Resonant Throatbands – Your Shouts destroy all Destructible Objects within 12 yards.
- Thundering Roar – Your Shouts last 100% longer.