Overwatch League: Die Sieger der Overwatch League Championships 2019

Nach mehreren Monaten mit regelmäßig durchgeführten Vorrunden und einem spannenden Wettkampf zwischen vielen verschiedenen Teams veranstalteten die Betreiber der Overwatch League am gestrigen Sonntag, den 29. September 2019 nun endlich die finalen Championships der zweiten Saison dieser bei vielen Spielern beliebten eSports-Liga. In den Finalrunden dieses Wettbewerbs traten die San Francisco Shocks gegen die Vancouver Titans vor einem komplett ausverkauften Saal im Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia an. Auch wenn beide Teams in den vergangenen Wochen und Monaten ihr Können unter Beweis stellen konnten, so dominierten die Shocks aus San Francisco diese Finalrunden und konnten sich durch einen Punktestand von 4-0 sowohl das Preisgeld in Höhe von $1,100,000 USD als auch die Championship Trophäe dieser Saison sichern.
Wer den Wettkampf zwischen diesen beiden Teams verpasst hat oder sich einfach nur für die wichtigsten Momente der Finalrunden interessiert und gerne durch die Partien springen möchte, der findet folgend den auf Twitch vorhandenen Mitschnitt zu den Overwatch League Championships 2019. Zusätzlich dazu befindet sich darunter auch noch ein Beitrag von der Communityseite der Overwatch League, der noch einmal einige der wichtigsten Momente der Partien beschreibt.
Der Mitschnitt:
Shock Topple Titans, Capture League Championship
The San Francisco Shock have won the 2019 Overwatch League championship. The Shock dominated the Vancouver Titans 4-0 on Sunday, in front of a sold-out crowd at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia.
Overwatch League commissioner Pete Vlastelica and Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan presented the Shock with the championship trophy.
“This has just been my dream for a long time now,” said Shock damage player Jay “Sinatraa” Won. “All of our teammates… this was their biggest goal, and we made it 4-0.”
The Shock added a Grand Finals championship to an already impressive list of season accolades, including a golden stage (28-0 on maps), a stage title, the league MVP, and a 20-0 map win run that led them out of the loser’s bracket and into the record books as the winners of the Overwatch League’s second championship.
“They’re used to championships, and now we’ve taken our place in the San Francisco sports scene,” said Shock owner Andy Miller. “This is just a group of baby-faced killers that’s just been doing it all year long.”
Hyo-Bin „Choihyobin“ Choi was named the 2019 Grand Finals MVP presented by T-Mobile. The vote was determined by a combined vote that included 25% from fans and 75% from team coaches, GMs, league casters and analysts, and press who cover the league.
San Francisco opened the match strong on Lijiang Tower, capturing the point first. The Titans attempted to slow down Sinatraa’s Doomfist with an early Brigitte pick by Ju-Seok “Twilight” Lee, but had to abandon the strategy as it proved ineffective. Ultimately, the Titans had no answers as the Shock swept them 2-0 to take the first map of the match.
The Titans picked Eichenwalde for the second map, and both teams traded impressive attack runs with just two seconds between their time banks. Vancouver’s second attack was turned away by some clutch Pharah play by Dong-Jun „Rascal“ Kim, who was subbed in for the map. On their attack, the Shock took their time but finally burst through the Titans’ defense to capture the point in Overtime.
The Shock entered the first intermission up 2-0 and riding high.
On the third map, Temple of Anubis, the teams traded full captures—but on Vancouver’s second attack, the Shock allowed a Point A capture and then shut the door. After an immediate Point A capture, the Shock would not be denied, winning the map and taking a commanding 3-0 match lead.
On the fourth map, the Shock put all the pressure on the Titans with a full capture on Gibraltar. Despite a valiant push, Vancouver fell short of the final capture point, locking up the championship for San Francisco.