Overwatch League: Der Championship Skin für Winston

Im Juli 2018 konnten sich die Spieler von London Spitfire im Finale der Overwatch League Playoffs für dieses Jahr gegen das Team Philadelphia Fusion durchsetzen und dadurch dann die erste Championship Series der Overwatch League gewinnen. Um das Jubiläum dieses Meilensteins zu feiern haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment vor Kurzem einen speziellen Championship Skin für Winston enthüllt, der ein Geschenk der Entwickler an die Spieler dieses Team darstellt und zwischen dem 29. August und dem 16. September 2019 von daran interessierten Personen erworben werden kann. Auch wenn der Preis für diesen Skin im Moment noch nicht offiziell bestätigt wurde, so gehen viele Fans aufgrund vergangener Skins dieser Art im Moment aber von einem Kaufpreis in Höhe von 200 Ligamarken aus.
Was die Optik dieses bald verfügbaren legendären Skins für Winston betrifft, so haben die Designer sich komplett an London Spitfire orientiert. Aus diesem Grund trägt Winston in diesem Skin auch ein Outfit, welches zu großen Teilen aus hellblauen oder orangefarbenen Elementen bestimmt. Zusätzlich dazu beinhaltet dieser Skin viele dekorative Elemente, die die Spieler an die Spitfire Jagdflugzeuge erinnern sollen. Dazu gehören beispielsweise die Weste von Winston, seine Fliegerkappe, die wie Turbinen aussehenden Sprungdüsen auf dem Rücken dieses Helden und ein klassischer Schnurrbart.
Folgend könnt ihr selbst einen Blick auf diesen Skin werfen und weitere Informationen zu seiner Erschaffung finden.
Aces of the Sky
The London Spitfire weren’t sure what to expect. They sat on the couches in the common area of the Overwatch development team’s offices—a stuffed Winston plushie in Seung-Tae “Bdosin” Choi’s hands (perhaps a hint?), team captain Jae-Hui “Gesture” Hong holding a pillow festooned with tiny Jeff Kaplan faces.
Unlike the Zen-Nakji skin that last season’s MVP, Seong-Hyun “Jjonak” Bang helped customize, the Spitfire’s championship skin was to be a surprise—a gift from the development team to the players who made history last year in Brooklyn at the Grand Finals. So, a day after the one-year anniversary of that championship moment, the Spitfire went down to Blizzard headquarters for an unveiling.
Which hero were they expecting to see? The players threw out some familiar names—D.Va, Winston, and classic British hero Tracer were all brought up. (As for least expected, Symmetra was the overwhelming consensus.) As for what they hoped the skin to be, “I would like to see a visual showing that we won,” said main support, Jong-Seok “Nus” Kim.
After months of research and work, the dev team was finally ready to reveal the Flying Ace skin—a whimsical twist on a vintage design for Winston that incorporates plenty of the Spitfire’s team branding.
The players’ first glimpse of the skin made them lean forward, eager to soak in all of the details. Jun-Ho “Fury” Kim, who had correctly guessed Winston earlier, exclaimed, “See, I knew it!” before delightedly pointing out Winston’s bushy black mustache.
The mustache is one of several period-specific details the artists zeroed in on to make the skin a historically accurate homage to the actual Spitfire pilots who fought in World War II; the Flying Ace skin features a blue-and-orange life preserver vest, aviator goggles and hat, and leathery pilot gloves.
The dev team also took inspiration from the Spitfire Mark II plane itself for additional elements of Winston’s gear, including the battle-worn “Aces High” iconography painted on the side of the fuselage and the propellers themselves, which add dynamic motion to the skin, even at rest.
As senior outsource supervisor Nathan Brock explained, “We spent a lot of time trying to make sure we did a correct homage to that particular plane, so everything from the shape of the wings to his booster packs, which are actually a fuel tank that certain models had, and then on the sides, the exhaust vents—they all match the engine of the original Spitfire.”
Dylan Jones, lead character technical artist for Overwatch, said the team had one more inspiration for making the Flying Ace skin: “Just seeing you guys hold that trophy on the stage, and us recognizing that we needed to do something special for that moment.”