Patch 8.2: Eine Vielzahl von Informationen zu diesem Update

Da die für den öffentlichen Testserver von World of Warcraft bestimmte Version von Patch 8.2: Rise of Azshara mittlerweile bereits seit einigen Stunden von Spielern heruntergeladen und installiert werden kann, stand den findigen Data Minern von Plattformen wie beispielsweise WoWhead mittlerweile mehr als genug Zeit dafür zur Verfügung, um die Spieldaten dieses Update nach allen kommenden Neuerungen zu durchsuchen. Dabei haben diese wichtigen Mitglieder der Community bisher bereits eine Vielzahl von neuen Modellen, neue Icons, neue Karten, den Ablauf einiger geplanter Szenarien, neue Elemente für das Interface, eine Reihe von Mounts und viele weitere Neuerungen entdeckt. Folgend findet ihr nun neben den netterweise von Blizzard Entertainment veröffentlichten PTR Development Notes zu dieser Version von Patch 8.2 auch noch eine umfangreiche Übersicht zu allen Inhalten, die Data Miner bereits in diesem Content Update entdecken konnten. Weitere Informationen folgen im Verlauf der Nacht und des morgigen Tages.
Die PTR Development Notes:
We’re deploying our first build for the upcoming content update—Rise of Azshara—to our Public Test Realms. It is now testable. Here’s an outline of what’s coming in this PTR.Now Available for Testing
- Heart of Azeroth system update: introducing Essences
- New Zone: Mechagon
- New Arena: The Robodrome
- Mount Equipment
- Crestfall and Snowblossom Island Expeditions
- Ashran Epic Battleground
Our initial testing will be primarily technical, so some Rise of Azshara features will be locked/unavailable for the first few days while we work on initial concerns with the above content. Please note that Ashran may not easily complete a queue in the PTR.
- Coming Soon
- Heroic Battle for Stromgarde
- New Missions
- New Zone: Nazjatar
- Explore the new zone including quest lines, World Quests, and World PvP Events focused on strengthening alliances with the new aquatic races
- Heritage Armors
- New Profession Recipes
- New Raid– Azshara’s Eternal Palace
- As always, we’ll coordinate the testing of this new raid’s encounters via scheduled announcements.
- New Dungeon– Operation: Mechagon
- Pet Battle Dungeon: Stratholme
- Direhorn Training quests
- Updates to Brewfest
We plan to do a wipe of all characters in a few weeks after getting focused feedback on the Heart of Azeroth Essences. This will allow us to test the feel and pacing of obtaining them all naturally. We’ll give you a heads up on that character wipe here in this forum.
Get into the PTR!
The PTR is now available. To log in to the PTR, simply create a PTR account and copy the character you wish to test from your account. Step-by-step directions can be found here.
Note : World of Warcraft PTR realms are only available to players who have a full World of Warcraft account.
Ein neues Modell für Thrall:
Neue Modelle:
Neue Fraktionen:
NEW Unshackled
Oppressed by the Naga, these refugees have banded together to rise up and seize their freedom.
NEW Hunter Akana
Hunter Akana is an experienced hunter with excellent survival skills.
NEW Bladesman Inowari
Bladesman Inowari is a veteran warrior who commands the respect of the Ankoan people.
NEW Neri Sharpfin
Horde Faction 2
NEW Rustbolt Resistance
The Rustbolt Resistance holds the line against King Mechagon and his evil plans.
NEW Hivemother
NEW Queen
NEW Ankoan (Paragon)
An ancient species of deep sea warriors, the Ankoan traverse the deepest and most dangerous parts of the ocean.
NEW Unshackled (Paragon)
Oppressed by the Naga, these refugees have banded together to rise up and seize their freedom.
NEW Farseer Ori
Farseer Ori is a wise and formidable shaman with the power to command the elements.
NEW Poen Gillbrack
Horde Faction 1
NEW Vim Brineheart
Horde Faction 3
NEW Rustbolt Resistance (Paragon)
The Rustbolt Resistance holds the line against King Mechagon and his evil plans.
NEW Drone
NEW Honey Bee
NEW Ankoan
An ancient species of deep sea warriors, the Ankoan traverse the deepest and most dangerous parts of the ocean.
Neue Haustiere:
Neue Icons:
Neue Szenarien:
Spirit Hunt
- Chasing Spirits – Follow Baine and the spirit walkers down Fargaze Mesa.
- Defeat the Corrupted Spirits – Spirits have ambushed your party, attack!
- Tracking… – A Corrupted Spirit got away, but Akule can track it.
- Friend or Foe – Check the Ancestoral Spirits for signs of corruption.
- Walk To Area 3 – Continue to track the Malevolent Spirit.
- Facing Your Fears – Confront the Malevolent Spirit.
- Final Confrontation – Follow and eliminate the Malevolent Spirit.
- Painful Memories – Defeat the Malevolent Spirit.
- Communion With Cairne – Walk with Cairne and Baine.
- Leaving The Past Behind – Speak with Spiritwalker Ussoh to return home.
Stay of Execution
- It Begins – Get past the guards at the end of the passage.
- Under Watchful Eyes – Avoid the guards as you cross the room.
- Devise a Plan – Devise a plan with Thrall.
- Fight Me! – Challenge Elite Horde warriors to provide a distraction.
- Traitors in Our Midst – Follow Lenara and get updated orders.
- Unlikely Alliance – Rejoin Thrall and Saurfang and continue deeper into the underhold.
- Truce and Consequences – Work with the Alliance to find Baine.
- Strike Them Down! – Defeat Rowa Bloodstrike.
- Check on Baine Bloodhoof – Go to Baine Bloodhoof.
- It’s a Trap! – Defend Baine Bloodhoof, destroy the inhibitor crystals.
- Destination: Anywhere But Here – Take the portal out
Stay of Execution
- It Begins – Leave the platform.
- Down and out in Orgrimmar – Cross the catwalk and head down the steps.
- Mecha-Gone – Destroy mechs in the Azerite research facility then leave.
- Hang a Right – Head for the gate.
- Exit, Pursued by a Mech – Protect Shaw while he opens the gate out.
- Unlikely Alliance – Continue deeper into the underhold.
- Truce and Consequences – Work with the Horde to find Baine.
- Strike Them Down! – Defeat Rowa Bloodstrike.
- Check on Baine Bloodhoof – Go to Baine Bloodhoof.
- It’s a Trap! – Defend Baine Bloodhoof, destroy the inhibitor crystals.
- Destination: Anywhere But Here – Take the portal out
Stay of Execution
- It Begins (normal) – Get past the guards at the end of the passage.
- Under Watchful Eyes – Avoid the guards as you cross the room.
- Devise a Plan – Devise a plan with Thrall.
- Fight Me! – Challenge Elite Horde warriors to provide a distraction.
- Inspect the Troops – Inspect the Troops.
- Unlikely Alliance – Rejoin Thrall and Saurfang and continue deeper into the underhold.
- Truce and Consequences – Work with the Alliance to find Baine.
- Strike Them Down! – Defeat Rowa Bloodstrike.
- Check on Baine Bloodhoof – Go to Baine Bloodhoof.
- It’s a Trap! – Defend Baine Bloodhoof, destroy the inhibitor crystals.
- Destination: Anywhere But Here – Take the portal out
Summons from the Depths
- Ritual of Summoning – The naga are summoning a creature from the deeps, slay them!
- Summon from the Deeps – Defeat the summoned monstrosity.
- Empowered Monstrosity – Azshara herself has summoned and empowered the monstrosity, it must be slain!
Defend the Rig
- Rebuild the Reclamation Rig – Rebuild the Reclamation Rig to activate it.
- Defend the Reclamation Rig – Defend the rig against the attack.
- Defeat Oil Surges – Defeat Oil Surges
- Defeat Unstabled Irradiated Golem – Defeat Unstable Irradiated Golem
- Dead things everywhere – Here there be skeletons.
In the Shadow of Crimson Wings
- Vermillion Holdout – Defeat the Void-Twisted attackers at the vermillion holdout.
- The Life-Binder – Speak with Alexstrasza atop the Vermillion Redoubt.
- Stemming the Corruption – Free the corrupted drakes atop the Vermillion Redoubt.
- Take to the Skies! – Mount Kalecgos atop the ridge at the Vermillion Redoubt.
- From the Shadows – Confront Vexiona outside of Grim Batol.
Essence of Eternity
- Eternal Essence – Investigate the Arcane Prism.
- Eternal Defenses – Defeat the prism’s defenses.
- Anomaly of Eternity – Defeat the Anomaly of Eternity
Massive Hardened Razorshell
- We’re Under Attack! – Drive back the Massive Hardened Razorshell.
- Follow the Foe – Follow the Massive Hardened Razorshell.
- Battle the Razorshell – Attack the Massive Hardened Razorshell.
- To the Nest! – Follow the Massive Hardened Razorshell to its nest.
- Slay the Razorshell – Slay the Massive Hardened Razorshell in its nest.
Primal Chitterspine Crusher
- We’re Under Attack! – Drive back the Primal Chitterspine Crusher.
- Follow the Foe – Follow the Primal Chitterspine Crusher.
- Battle the Crusher – Attack the Primal Chitterspine Crusher.
- To the Nest! – Follow the Primal Chitterspine Crusher to its nest.
- Slay the Crusher – Slay the Primal Chitterspine Crusher in its nest.
Snapdragon Dire Alpha
- We’re Under Attack! – Drive back the Snapdragon Dire Alpha.
- Follow the Foe – Follow the Snapdragon Dire Alpha.
- Battle the Alpha – Attack the Snapdragon Dire Alpha.
- To the Nest! – Follow the Snapdragon Dire Alpha to its nest.
- Slay the Alpha – Slay the Snapdragon Dire Alpha in its nest.
Gargantuan Deepcoil Slitherking
- We’re Under Attack! – Drive back the Gargantuan Deepcoil Slitherking.
- Follow the Foe – Follow the Gargantuan Deepcoil Slitherking.
- Battle the Slitherking – Attack the Gargantuan Deepcoil Slitherking.
- To the Nest! – Follow the Gargantuan Deepcoil Slitherking to its nest.
- Slay the Slitherking – Slay the Gargantuan Deepcoil Slitherking in its nest.
Towering Cavern Glimmershell
- We’re Under Attack! – Drive back the Towering Cavern Glimmershell.
- Follow the Foe – Follow the Towering Cavern Glimmershell.
- Battle the Glimmershell – Attack the Towering Cavern Glimmershell.
- To the Nest! – Follow the Towering Cavern Glimmershell to its nest.
- Slay the Glimmershell – Slay the Towering Cavern Glimmershell in its nest.
Elder Trench Glider
- We’re Under Attack! – Drive back the Elder Trench Glider.
- Follow the Foe – Follow the Massive Hardened Razorshell.
- Battle the Glider – Attack the Elder Trench Glider.
- To the Nest! – Follow the Elder Trench Glider to its nest.
- Slay the Glider – Slay the Elder Trench Glider in its nest.
Invasive Reefwalker
- We’re Under Attack! – Drive back the Invasive Reefwalker.
- Follow the Foe – Follow the Invasive Reefwalker.
- Battle the Reefwalker – Attack the Invasive Reefwalker.
- To the Nest! – Follow the Invasive Reefwalker to its nest.
- Slay the Reefwalker – Slay the Invasive Reefwalker in its nest.
Monstrous Great Eel
- We’re Under Attack! – Drive back the Monstrous Great Eel.
- Follow the Foe – Follow the Monstrous Great Eel.
- Battle the Great Eel – Attack the Monstrous Great Eel.
- To the Nest! – Follow the Monstrous Great Eel to its nest.
- Slay the Great Eel – Slay the Monstrous Great Eel in its nest.
Operation: Mechagon
- Operation: Mechagon –
Neue Karten:
Neue Elemente für das Interface:
Die bisher gefundenen Mounts:
- NEW Silent Glider
- Gasses naturally stored within the creature allowed it to survive within the depths, those same gasses also allow them to effortlessly float through the air.
- Drop: Soundless
- Zone: Nazjatar
- NEW Crimson Tidestallion
- The blood-red coloration of these creatures is ideal for hiding in large coral formations.
- NEW Inkscale Deepseeker
- Schools of tidestallions will viciously slam their muscular chests into their prey to take them down.
- NEW Captured Swampstalker
- A swamp-dwelling subspecies of pterrordax known to feast on young bloodfeasters.
- Vendor: Provisioner Lija
- Zone: Nazmir
- Faction: Talanji’s Expedition – Exalted
- Cost: 50000
- NEW Dusky Waycrest Gryphon
- Common to the dark forests of Drustvar, these gryphon are silent and swift. Their prowess at operating on their own or as mounts lends them to be used for ambush and shock tactics.
- Vendor: Quartermaster Alcorn
- Zone: Drustvar
- Faction: Order of Embers – Exalted
- Cost: 50000
- NEW Proudmoore Sea Scout
- Only a few gryphons are selected to be Sea Scouts operating from flag ships in the fleet. Their long range reconnaissance is an integral part of Kul Tiran sea dominance.
- Vendor: Provisioner Fray
- Zone: Tiragarde Sound
- Faction: Proudmoore Admiralty – Exalted
- Cost: 50000
- NEW Spectral Pterrorwing
- Vengeful spectres abound in the spirit realm surrounding Dazar’alor.
- Vendor: Natal’hakata
- Zone: Zuldazar
- Faction: Zandalari Empire – Exalted
- Cost: 50000
- NEW Azshari Bloatray
- The naga raised these rays in captivity, harvesting their gas organs to craft alchemy which allowed them to breathe air more easily.
- Achievement: Glory of the Eternal Raider
- Category: Dungeons & Raids
NEW X-995 Mechanocat
The X-995 is the ultimate in customizeable feline robo-companionship.
Vendor: Pascal-K1N6
Zone: Mechagon
NEW Wonderwing 2.0
Don’t ask what happened to the first one — Mechagon technology is still gnome technology!
Achievement: Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part Two
Category: Battle for Azeroth
NEW Voldunai Dunescraper
These brightly-colored fliers are rarely captured in the wild due to their naturally untrusting natures.
Vendor: Hoarder Jena
Zone: Vol’dun
Faction: Voldunai – Exalted
Cost: 50000
NEW Aerial Unit R-21/X
King Mechagon’s private aerial unit, complete with deployable blast cannon and foot warmers.
Drop: King Mechagon
NEW Fabious
He emerges from the water, fins swaying lazily in the breeze, sun-kissed scales glittering. He is… Fabious.
NEW Stormsong Coastwatcher
Tasked with keeping watch on the seas for approaching dangers, the Stormsong Coastwatchers fly constant patrols.
Vendor: Sister Lilyana
- Zone: Stormsong Valley
- Faction: Storm’s Wake – Exalted
- Cost: 50000
NEW Snapdragon Kelpstalker
When a snapdragon bites you, the worry isn’t about the bite itself, but the poison that will begin to eat away at the wound.
Quest: A Gift from Neri
NEW Snapback Scuttler
Giant crabs are native to Nazjatar and a favored food of the naga. This one must have been well-kept to grow this large.
Zone: Nazjatar
NEW Rusty Mechanocrawler
The check engine light is always on, it’s when it goes off that you should be worried.
Drop: Mechagon
NEW Unshackled Waveray
The Unshackled have a natural kinship with the species of the deep seas that have seen cruelty at the hands of the naga.
NEW Xiwyllag ATV
It was said that this invention was modeled after the likeness of a very wealthy goblin. Although others don’t really see the resemblance.
Profession: Blacksmithing & Engineering
NEW Ankoan Waveray
- The Ankoan have been battling the naga for years, and with a natural affinity for the sea, training the local wildlife was a natural strategy.
- Kul Tiran Charger
The Kul Tiran military prides itself on mastery of both sea, through a vast navy, and land, with armed cavalry.
Achievement: Allied Races: Kul Tiran Human
NEW Royal Snapdragon
Captured at a young age and raised to serve naga hunters, snapdragons are loyal and fierce companions.
Zone: Nazjatar
NEW Mechacycle Model W
The rapid technological evolution of the descendents of Mimiron began with the introduction of a new gear, leading to such wonders as the tragically under-produced Model W.
Achievement: Mecha-Done
Category: Battle for Azeroth
NEW Junkheap Drifter
The mount to use when you really want to be witnessed is certainly a giant, barely-held-together wheel.
Drop: Rustfeather
Zone: Mechagon
NEW Child of Torcali
This daughter of the great direhorn loa, Torcali, never lost faith that her keeper would help her grow to her full potential.
Quest: Wander Not Alone
Zone: Zuldazar
NEW Mechagon Peacekeeper
Keeps the peace by turning you into pieces.
Drop: Mechagon Dungeon
NEW Scrapforged Mechaspider
You built this yourself, you should be proud, even though it’s smoky, sparky, and loud.
Quest: Drive It Away Today
Zone: Mechagon
NEW Rustbolt Resistor
„R E S I S T“ is carved into the seat in crude letters, along with several, more profane things.
Vendor: Stolen Royal Vendorbot
Zone: Mechagon
Faction: Rustbolt Resistance – Exalted
Cost: 524288
NEW Deepcoral Snapdragon
- The snapdragon is a quiet hunter in the water, but is far less stealthy on land.
- Quest: A Gift from Akana