Warcraft III Reforged: Die Patchnotes zu Patch 1.32.8

Warcraft III Reforged: Die Patchnotes zu Patch 1.32.8
Warcraft III Reforged: Die Patchnotes zu Patch 1.32.8
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In der Nacht von gestern auf heute wurde der öffentliche Testserver für Warcraft III Reforged erneut aktualisiert und mit den Inhalten des in der nahen Zukunft auch für die Liveserver erscheinenden neuen Patch 1.32.8 ausgestattet. Gleichzeitig damit haben die Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment auch noch einen neuen Bluepost in den Foren veröffentlicht, der die offiziellen englischen PTR Patchnotes zu diesem Update beinhaltete und somit alle Auswirkungen von Patch 1.32.8 in einer übersichtlichen Liste zusammenfasste. Dieser nützlichen Übersicht zufolge wird der neue Patch 1.32.8 eine Reihe von Fehlerbehebungen für unterschiedliche Aspekte des Spiels, eine Verschleierung von Spielernamen in FFA-Runden, einen kleinen Nerf für den Gruftlord der Untoten, einige Verbesserungen für Tooltips und eine Bestätigung für erfolgreich heruntergeladene Replays mit sich. Somit beinhaltet dieses Update zwar keine der von Spielern erwarteten größeren Neuerungen, aber es bringt zumindest eine Reihe von kleineren Verbesserungen für das Spiel mit sich und es stellt einen weiteren monatlichen Patch für Warcraft III Reforged dar.

Genauere Informationen zu den Inhalten des seit gestern Abend auf dem PTR vorhandenen Patch 1.32.8 findet ihr bei Interesse in den folgenden PTR Patchnotes zu diesem Update.


Warcraft III: Reforged PTR Patch Notes – Version 1.32.8:

Please note: These PTR Patch Notes are a work in progress and will be updated with further changes before the release of Patch 1.32.8.


  • Breath of Frost spell effect now displays at full quality in Reforged mode.
  • Tuskarr Trapper projectile is no longer invisible in Classic mode.
  • Adjusted Priestess of the Moon’s positioning within her selection circle in Reforged mode.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Classic mode version of the Blood Wizard to not display.
  • The spell effect for Dragonhawk Rider’s Aerial Shackles is more visible in Reforged mode.
  • The spell effect for Faerie Dragon’s Mana Flare is more visible in Reforged mode.
  • The spell effect for Destroyer’s Orb of Annihilation in Reforged mode is larger, to better fit the area it affects.
  • The spell effect from Protection Scroll is more visible in Reforged mode.
  • Many units that were added in Reforged now have shadows in Classic mode.
  • Rokhan’s selection splat is now centered.



  • Added obfuscation to player names in FFA games.
  • Crypt Lord – Level 2 and Level 3 Carrion Beetles hit points reduced from 330/490 to 275/410.
    • Developers’ notes: While we are not doing a full balance pass in this patch, we do want to add a balance tweak. Although we like that the Crypt Lord has provided a new macro-oriented opener for Undead, we have concerns about how effectively it transitions into the mid-game, specifically with how effectively Level 2 beetles are able to harass enemy workers. At the same time, we’d like to preserve the uniqueness of the beetles; that is, that they are permanent summons and have access to Burrow. Therefore, we’re targeting their ability to tank damage. Reducing beetle hit points will require players to pay more attention to their beetles and reduce their ability to damage before being forced to burrow.


Custom Games

  • Adjusted the bottom of the Custom games lobby list to keep games at the bottom of the UI from being blocked by the buttons.
  • Added tooltips for Custom Game creation options.



  • Burrowed Crypt Fiends no longer retain their Web ability after being reanimated via Animate Dead.
    • Developers’ notes: This was a legacy bug. While a corner case scenario, it only happened to Crypt Fiends who were literally burrowed, killed then had Animate Dead cast on them, we still wanted to address this since it went against the rules of how Animate Dead is supposed to work.
  • Added a tooltip to the Disease Cloud ability on Plague Ward.


User Interface

  • Added a toast when a replay has been successfully downloaded.




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