BfA: Patch 8.1 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

Nachdem Game Director Ion Hazzikostas bereits in seinem vor einigen Tagen auf Twitch durchgeführten Livestream zu dem nächsten Content Update für World of Warcraft erwähnte, dass die Entwickler die auf dem öffentlichen Testserver stattfindende Testphase für Patch 8.1 auf jeden Fall noch in dieser Woche starten möchten, ist dieser informative Testserver im Verlauf des heutigen Abends nun überraschenderweise tatsächlich online gegangenen. Aus diesem Grund konnten findige Data Miner auch jetzt schon einen Blick auf den derzeit auf den Download-Servern des PTRs vorhandenen Build 27826 werfen und sich anschauen, was für komplette Neuerungen und Änderungen an bestehenden Inhalten dieses Update mit sich bringen möchte. Wer sich jetzt gerne ebenfalls über den kommenden Patch 8.1 informieren möchte, der findet folgend sowohl eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Inhalte als auch eine Übersicht zu den unterschiedlichen Neuerungen aus diesem Update.
- Die Daten erwähnen eine neue Zone „8.3 Zone – Outdoor“.
- Die Hochbergtauren erhalten ein eigenes Modell für ihre Mondkingestalt.
- Die Menschen aus Kul Tiras besitzen jetzt ein Modell für ihre Mondkingestalt.
- Die Zandalari besitzen eine einzigartige Wassergestalt.
- Der Build beinhaltet eine Vielzahl von Waffenmodellen (Liste)
- Das Reittier für die Menschen aus Kul Tiras ist ein gepanzertes Pferd.
- Malfurion hat ein einzigartiges Bärenmodell erhalten.
- Die Allianz erhält ein neues Szenario, welches den Kampf von Tyrande gegen die Horde an der Dunkelküste thematisiert. Wer dieses Szenario abschließt, der schaltet den „Night Warrior“ als neue Charakteroption für Nachtelfen frei.
- Die Horde erhält ein Szenario rund um die Geschichte des Sonnenbrunnens. Sowohl Arthas als auch Kael’thas tauchen in dieser Questreihe auf. Dadurch schalten die Spieler mit Blutelfen ihre Traditionsrüstung frei.
- In einem weiteren Szenario konfrontieren die Spieler an der Seite von Vol’jins Geist den Lichkönig.
- Die Questreihe für die Freischaltung der Traditionsrüstung der Zwerge spielt sich in Uldur ab.
- Der Kampfhaustier-Dungeon in Gnomeregan ist in dieser Spielversion enthalten.
- Es gibt Szenarien für Tol Dagor und die Waffenkammer der Zandalari.
- Zwei neue Inselexpeditionen: Havenswood und Jorundal.
- Patch 8.1 beinhaltet eine Reihe von Klassenänderungen (Link).
- Die Kriegsfront an der Dunkelküste wurde hinzugefügt.
- Es gibt nun Paragonruf für die Fraktionen aus BfA.
- Mehrere Bosse aus der Belagerung von Zuldazar sind bekannt.
- Zwei Bosse aus „Crucible of Storms“ sind bekannt.
- Der Build beinhaltet viele neue Modelle.
- Die Berufe erhalten einige Neuerungen (Liste)
Neue Modelle:
Highmountain Tauren – Moonkin Form
Kul Tiran Human – Moonkin Form
Zandalari Troll – Aquatic Form
Tree of Life
Air Elemental
Neue Erfolge:
- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs – A – Mistvine Ledge – Unlocked (KMS) –
- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs – A – Mugamba Overlook – Unlocked (KMS) –
- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs – A – Veiled Grotto – Unlocked (KMS) –
- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs – A – Verdant Hollow – Unlocked (KMS) –
- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs – A – Grimwatt’s Crash – Unlocked (KMS) –
- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs – A – Vulture’s Nest – Unlocked (KMS) –
- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs – H – Mudfisher Cove – Unlocked (KMS) –
- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs – H – Swiftwind Post – Unlocked (KMS) –
- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs – H – Hillcrest Pasture – Unlocked (KMS) –
- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs – H – Stonetusk Watch – Unlocked (KMS) –
- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs – H – Windfall Cavern – Unlocked (KMS) –
- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs – H – Stonefist Watch – Unlocked (KMS) –
- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs – H – Wolf’s Den – Unlocked (KMS) –
- War Campaign – Chapter 04 Complete (H) –
- War Campaign – Chapter 04 Complete (A) –
- Combatant: Battle for Azeroth Season 1 – Earn the rank of Combatant during Battle for Azeroth Season 1. Title Reward: Combatant
- Sinister Gladiator: Battle for Azeroth Season 2 – End Battle for Azeroth PvP Season 2 in the top 0.1% of the 3v3 arena ladder (requires 150 games won your current faction in Battle for Azeroth Season 2). Title Reward: Sinister Gladiator
- Sinister Gladiator’s Proto-Drake – Obtain the Sinister Gladiator’s Proto-Drake from Battle for Azeroth Season 2.
- Challenger: Battle for Azeroth Season 2 – Earn the rank of Challenger during Battle for Azeroth Season 2. Title Reward: Challenger
- Combatant: Battle for Azeroth Season 2 – Earn the rank of Combatant during Battle for Azeroth Season 2. Title Reward: Combatant
- Rival: Battle for Azeroth Season 2 – Earn the rank of Rival during Battle for Azeroth Season 2. Title Reward: Rival
- Duelist: Battle for Azeroth Season 2 – Earn the rank of Duelist during Battle for Azeroth Season 2. Title Reward: Duelist
- Hero of the Alliance: Sinister – End Battle for Azeroth Season 2 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won on your current faction in Battle for Azeroth Season 2).
- Hero of the Horde: Sinister – End Battle for Azeroth Season 2 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won on your current faction in Battle for Azeroth Season 2).
- Gladiator: Battle for Azeroth Season 2 – Earn the Rank of Gladiator during Battle for Azeroth Season 2. Reward: Gladiator Title
- Sinister Combatant –
- Sinister Combatant –
- In Teldrassil’s Shadow – Complete the Tyrande’s Ascension storyline. Reward: ‚Night Warrior‘ Night Elf Customization
- Defeat 2 Commanders (Horde) (Hidden) – Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde:
- Defeat 2 Commanders (Alliance) (Hidden) – Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde:
- Kings‘ Rest unlocked –
- Siege of Boralus unlocked –
- The Shadow Hunter – Aid Vol’jin in his search for answers.
Waffen für Blutelfen:
Neue Reittiere:
Neue Einträge für die Gruppensuche:
- The Battle for Darkshore – Rally beside your forces and push forth to Lor’danel in an effort to reclaim Darkshore for the Alliance.
- The Battle for Darkshore – Rally beside your forces and push forth to Lor’danel in an effort to reclaim Darkshore for the Horde.
- Havenswood – Head out for adventure on Havenswood.
- Jorundall – Head out for adventure on Jorundall.
- Ulduar – 8.1 Dwarf Heritage Armor – You tread within the ancient titan city of Ulduar.
- The Sunwell – Heritage Armor –
- Tyrande’s Ascension –
- The Whispering Reef – Head out for adventure on The Whispering Reef.
- Zandalari Treasury – Gold. Gems. Probable doom.
- 8.1 Darkspear – Icecrown – The Frozen Throne (ZTO) – Help the Spirit of Vol’jin confront the Lich King.
- 8.1 War Campaign – Chapter 03 – To Tol Dagor (msc) – Tol Dagor Breakout
Neue Karten:
Neue Fraktionen:
- Dino Training – Direhorn –
- Zandalari Empire (Paragon) – The oldest empire of Azeroth, the Zandalari are powerful trolls who bargain with fearsome loa and whose navy is unmatched on the Great Sea.
- Proudmoore Admiralty (Paragon) – Masters of the sea and commanders of Azeroth’s finest navy, the distinguished Proudmoore family has led Kul Tiras for decades from their seat of power in Boralus.
- Talanji’s Expedition (Paragon) – Princess Talanji and her allies fight to protect Zandalar from the onslaught of the Blood Trolls.
- Storm’s Wake (Paragon) – Home to farmers, craftsmen, soldiers, and the mysterious tidesages, the Storm’s Wake seeks to reclaim Stormsong Valley and affirm their place in Kul Tiras.
Neue Encounter:
Siege of Zuldazar
- Grimfang and Firecaller –
- Duel with a Duo (H) –
- King Grong –
- Flying Ape Wranglers
- Grong
- Apetaganizer 3000
- Loa Council – Deep within the golden city of Zuldazar, the revered loa are worshipped within a chamber constructed to honor them. Six of the most prominent loa are represented here, gaurded by their most devout champions. Any trespasser that dar enter this sacred hall will be met with the fury of Zuldazar’s most powerful loa.
- Frida Ironbellows – On the frontlines of the assault on Zuldazar, Frida Ironbellows leads her troops towards victory. Using the powers of the Light to both infuse herself and her allies with power, she is a overpowering force on the battlefield.
- Frida Ironbellows
- Anointed Disciple
- Darkforged Crusader
- High Tinker Mekkatorque –
- King Rastakhan –
- Headhunter Gal’wana
- Siegebreaker Roka
- Bwonsamdi
- King Rastakhan
- Rastari Honorguard
- Prelate Za’lan
- Sea Priest Blockade –
- Tidepriest Joseph
- Kul Tiran Strongarm
- Tidepriestess Katherine
- Laminaria
- Kul Tiran Tideweaver
- Kul Tiran Stormbringer
Crucible of Storms
- The Restless Cabal – Called from the depths to retrieve three relics of ancient power, The Restless Cabal is bound to serve N’Zoth attend to his will. Zaxasj speaks of promises and power while Fa’thuul crushes the opposition with pure force.
- Uu’nat, Harbinger of the Void – Temp text
- Ivus the Forest Lord –
Neue Szenarien:
Escape from Tol Dagor
- Speak to Warden – Speak to Warden Amical.
- – Send the guards away, and take the Master Key.
- Release Ashvane – Release Ashvane
- Create a distraction – Release prisoners and plant the explosives.
- Escape the Prison – get through sewers
- Defeat the Warden –
- Get to the Ship – Deliver Ashvane
- Automated Defenses – The automated defenses of Gnomeregan have been activated!
- Out of Control Elementals – Defeat the Living Elementals.
- Pull the Correct Levers – Use the correct sequence of levers to activate the Door Control Console.
- Bypass the Mine Field – Ride the Bomb Stomper 5000 through the deadly field of Bomb Bots.
- Resilient Critters – Defeat the critters that somehow survive in this place.
- You Dirty Rat – There’s a Leper Rat of unusual size guardng that door. It looks mean.
- Gnomeregan Defense Force, Activate! – Defeat the Gnomeregan Defense Force.
- Shadowy Figure – Someone has telepoted into the room. Confront them!
- Thermaplugg’s Latest Invention – Mekgineer Thermaplugg has left his latest invention here as the last bastion of defense for Gnomeregan. Smash it!
Jailor of the Damned
- Confront the Lich King –
- Reach the Death Gate – Retreat to Bwonsamdi’s Death Gate.
- Escape the Frozen Throne – Use Bwonsamdi’s Death Gate to escape the Frozen Throne.
The Battle for Darkshore
- To Auberdine! – Remove the Alliance from the Ruins of Auberdine.
- Preparation – Prepare yourself for battle.
- To Auberdine! – Remove the Forsaken threat and begin the reclamation of Ruins of Auberdine.
- Forward Progress – Claim Bashal’Aran for the Horde.
- Advancing the Effort – Construct the means necessary to defeat the enemy.
- Applying Pressure – Defeat the Horde’s forward commander in Ruins of Auberdine.
- Forward Progress – Reclaim Bashal’Aran.
- End of the Road – Defeat the enemy commander and claim Darkshore for the Horde.
- Advancing the Effort – Construct the means necessary to defeat the enemy.
- The Fallen Moon – Defeat the enemy commander and reclaim Darkshore for the Alliance.
The Fall of the Sunwell
- By Blood Remembered – Shine the lantern and start the memories of the fallen.
- Until Our Last Breath – Hold the line against the Scourge
- Delaying Death’s March – Defeat Seer Drannix
- For Anasterian! – Face Arthas.
- A Setback – Shine the lantern on Kael’thas‘ decision.
- He Who Walks the Day – Break through to the Sunwell.
- A Prince’s Decision – Defend the Magisters during their ritual.
The Treasury Heist
- A Simple Plan – Use the G.P.G.
- Mission: Probable – Proceed further into the treasury.
- Take the Shortcut – Head towards the central chamber.
- Nevermind – Return to the outer hallway.
- Let’s Try This Again – Gather Data using G.P.G.
- The Search Continues – Proceed further into the treasury.
Tyrande’s Ascension
- In Teldrassil’s Wake – Sail to the Ruins of Auberdine.
- Elune’s Gaze – Find the Eye of Elune in the Ruins of Auberdine.
- Cornered! – Defeat Bilegut and escape the hall.
- A Cry for Help – Investigate the screaming nearby.
- No Elf Left Behind – Rescue the kaldorei prisoners in the Withering Thicket.
- Closing In – Find Tyrande Whisperwind in Bashal’Aran.
- Zenith – Guard Tyrande while she completes the Ritual of the Night Warrior.
- The Night Warrior – Witness Tyrande’s ascension into the Night Warrior.
- Nowhere to Run – Hunt down Nathanos Blightcaller.
- Nowhere to Hide – Find Nathanos Blightcaller nearby.
- The Queen’s Pawn – Intervene before Nathanos raises the fallen as forsaken.
- Eyes of the Forest – Return to the fleet and scout the Horde army.
Neue Icons: