Battle for Azeroth: Der neue Build 26707

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht haben die für die fortlaufende Entwicklung der am 14. August 2018 erscheinenden Erweiterung „Battle for Azeroth“ verantwortlichen Entwickler von World of Warcraft interessanterweise den neuen Build 26707 auf die Testserver der geschlossenen Beta dieses Addons aufgespielt, der selbstverständlich eine Reihe von Fehlerbehebungen, Anpassungen an bereits vorhandenen Inhalten und kompletten Neuerungen mit sich brachte. Zu den mit diesem Update erschienenen Inhalten gehört unter anderem eine Vielzahl von Spielbalanceänderungen, mehrere neue Ladebildschirme für neue Teile der Spielwelt, ein hochauflösendes Modell für Feuerelementare und viele neue Erfolge für bestimmte Tätigkeiten. Genauere Details zu den verschiedenen Inhalten von Build 26707 findet ihr bei Interesse in der folgenden Übersicht der bisher von Data Miner entdeckten Neuerungen.
Besonders interessante Erfolge:
- NEW Battle for Azeroth Keymaster Complete the following Battle for Azeroth dungeons using a Mythic Keystone:
- NEW Battle for Azeroth Keystone Conqueror: Season One Complete all Battle for Azeroth Mythic dungeons at Level 10 or higher within the time limit, before the end of the first Mythic Keystone season.
- NEW Battle for Azeroth Keystone Master: Season One Complete all Battle for Azeroth Mythic dungeons at Level 15 or higher within the time limit, before the end of the first Mythic Keystone season.
- NEW Keystone Master Guild Run Complete a Level 15 or higher Mythic dungeon within the time limit while in a guild group.
- NEW Realm First! Battle for Azeroth Keystone Master Participated in the realm-first completion of a Level 15 or higher Battle for Azeroth Mythic dungeon within the time limit.
Realm First! Keystone Master Participated in the realm-first completion of a Level 15 or higher Legion Mythic dungeon within the time limit.
Battle on Zandalar and Kul Tiras Complete 20 Pet Battle World Quests on Zandalar and Kul Tiras with a full team of level 25 pets. New reward: Reward: Laser Pointer
- NEW Let’s Bee Friends Feed Bumbles the Mildenhall Growth Formula.Reward: Pet Reward: Bumbles
- How to Keep a Mummy Free Miimii the Mummy in Kings‘ Rest on Mythic difficulty. New reward: Reward: Miimii
Neue Modelle:
Neue Haustiere:
Neue Ladebildschirme:
Neue Spielzeuge:
Neue Karten:
Neue Icons:
Death Knight
- Frost Fever A disease that deals
[ 72.1% of Attack Power[ 328.000 * CAP / Attack Power + 0.721 * CAP ;] Frost damage over 24 sec and has a chance to grant the Death Knight 5 Runic Power each time it deals damage. Unlimited range. Instant. - Talents
- Breath of Sindragosa Continuously deal [ 51.76% of APCAP Attack Power ] Shadowfrost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. You will continue breathing until your Runic Power is exhausted or you cancel the effect. Frost Death Knight – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
- Glacial Advance Summon glacial spikes from the ground that advance forward, each dealing [ 61.43% of APCAP Attack Power ] Frost damage to enemies near their eruption point. Frost Death Knight – Level 60 Talent. 1 Runes. 100 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown.
- Blood
- Blood Death Knight Increases damage/healing by 29%: Avalanche, Blood Boil, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Death’s Caress, Defile, Epidemic
, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Heart Strike, Heartbreaker, Inexorable Assault, Marrowrend, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Soul Reaper, Unholy Blight Increases periodic damage/healing by 29%: Avalanche, Blood Boil, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Death’s Caress, Defile, Epidemic, FrostBreath, FrostFever, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Heart Strike, Heartbreaker, Inexorable Assault, Marrowrend, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Soul Reaper, Unholy Blight Increases damage/healing by 80%:Consumption andDeath Strike Death Knight – Blood Spec.
- Blood Death Knight Increases damage/healing by 29%: Avalanche, Blood Boil, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Death’s Caress, Defile, Epidemic
- Frost
- Frost Death Knight Increases damage/healing by 28%: Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption,
Crystalline Swords,Death and Decay, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frost Strike, Frost Strike Off-Hand, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse,Frozen Soul, Glacial Advance, Heartbreaker, Howling Blast, HypothermiaGlacial Advance, Heartbreaker, Howling Blast, Inexorable Assault, Obliterate, Obliterate Off-Hand, Remorseless Winter, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike,Sindragosa’s Fury, Soul Reaper, ThronebreakerSoul Reaper, Unholy Blight Increases periodic damage/healing by 28%: Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption,Crystalline Swords,Death and Decay, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frost Strike, Frost Strike Off-Hand, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse,Frozen Soul, Glacial Advance, Heartbreaker, Howling Blast, HypothermiaGlacial Advance, Heartbreaker, Howling Blast, Inexorable Assault, Obliterate, Obliterate Off-Hand, Remorseless Winter, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike,Sindragosa’s Fury, Soul Reaper, ThronebreakerSoul Reaper, Unholy Blight Death Knight – Frost Spec. - Howling Blast Blast the target with a frigid wind, dealing
[ 13.43% of Attack Power[ 0.134 * CAP ;] Frost damage to that foe, and[ 6.72% of Attack Power[ 0.067 * CAP ;] Frost damage to all other enemies within 10 yards, infecting all targets with Frost Fever. [spell_deathknight_frostfever] Frost Fever A disease that deals[ 72.1% of Attack Power[ 328.000 * CAP / Attack Power + 0.721 * CAP ;] Frost damage over 24 sec and has a chance to grant the Death Knight 5 Runic Power each time it deals damage. Death Knight – Frost Spec. 1 Runes. 30 yd range. Instant. - Remorseless Winter Drain the warmth of life from all nearby enemies, dealing
[ 42.8% of Attack Power[ 0.428 * CAP ;] Frost damage over 8 sec and reducing their movement speed by 20%. Death Knight – Frost Spec. 1 Runes. Instant. 20 sec cooldown.
- Frost Death Knight Increases damage/healing by 28%: Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption,
Demon Hunter
- Havoc
- Havoc Demon Hunter Increases damage/healing by 7%
: Anguish of the Deceiver, Blade Dance, Chaos Nova, Chaos Strike, Dark Slash, Demon’s Bite, Eye Beam, Fel Barrage, Fel Rush, Felblade,Fury of the Illidari, Immolation Aura, Inner DemonsImmolation Aura, Insatiable Hunger, Metamorphosis, Throw Glaive, Vengeful Retreat Increases periodic damage/healing by 7%: Anguish of the Deceiver, Blade Dance, Chaos Nova, Chaos Strike, Dark Slash, Demon’s Bite, Eye Beam, Fel Barrage, Fel Rush, Felblade,Fury of the Illidari, Immolation Aura, Inner DemonsImmolation Aura, Insatiable Hunger, Metamorphosis, Throw Glaive, Vengeful Retreat Demon Hunter – Havoc Spec.
- Havoc Demon Hunter Increases damage/healing by 7%
- Moonfire (Balance) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for
[ 22.5%[ 15% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 90% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec. - Moonfire (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for
[ 22.5%[ 15% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 90% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec. - Moonfire (Bear Form) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for
[ 22.5%[ 15% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 90% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec. - Moonfire (Balance) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for
[ 22.5%[ 15% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 90% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec. - Moonfire (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for
[ 22.5%[ 15% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 90% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec. - Moonfire (Bear Form) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for
[ 22.5%[ 15% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 90% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec. - Rebirth Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 100% health and 20% mana. Castable in combat. Usable in all shapeshift forms.
1030 Rage. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. 10 min cooldown. - Talents
- Force of Nature Summons a stand of 3 Treants for 10 sec which immediately taunt and attack enemies in the targeted area. Generates 15 Astral Power over 10 sec. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Balance Druid – Level 15 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Fury of Elune Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy that follows the target enemy for 8 sec, dealing
[ 60%[ 26% of Spell Power ] Astral damage to all nearby enemies every sec.Balance Druid – Level 100 Talent. 80 Lunar Power. 40 yd range. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.Generates 40 Astral Power over its duration. Balance Druid – Level 100 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 1.2 min cooldown. - Incarnation: Chosen of Elune An improved Moonkin Form that increases the damage of all your spells by
35% and causes your Lunar Strike and Solar Wrath to generate 50% additional Astral Power25% and grants you 15% Haste. Lasts 30 sec. You may shapeshift in and out of this improved Moonkin Form for its duration. Druid – Level 75 Talent. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Nature’s Balance
Aligns the power of the Moon and Stars, causing Lunar Strike to extend the duration of your Moonfire by 6.0 sec, and Solar Wrath to extend the duration of all of your Sunfires by 4.0 sec. Balance Druid – Level 100 Talent.While in combat you generate 2 Astral Power every 3 sec. While out of combat your Astral Power rebalances to 50 instead of depleting to empty. Balance Druid – Level 15 Talent. - New Moon Deals [ 117% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to the target and empowers New Moon to become Half Moon. Generates 10 Astral Power. 3 charges. Can’t be cast in Cat Form, Tree of Life Form, Travel Form, Bear Form, Flight Form. Balance Druid – Level
90100 Talent. 40 yd range. 1 sec cast. 30 sec recharge. 1 sec global cooldown. 3 charges. - Shooting Stars Moonfire and Sunfire damage over time has a 10% chance to call down a falling star, dealing
[ 11.25%[ 180 + 18% of Spell Power ] Astral damage and generating42 Astral Power. Balance Druid – Level90 Talent.100 Talent. - Soul of the Forest Increases the damage
bonusbonuses from Lunar and Solar Empowerment byan additional 20%30%. Reduces the Astral Power cost of Starfall by 10. Balance Druid – Level 75 Talent. - Starlord
Lunar and Solar Empowerments also reduce the cast time of their affected spells by 15%. Balance Druid – Level 15 Talent.Starsurge and Starfall grant you 3% Haste for 15 sec. Stacks up to 3 times. Gaining a stack does not refresh the duration. Balance Druid – Level 90 Talent. - Stellar Drift Increases Starfall’s radius by 30%,
Starfallits damage by 25%, and allows you to cast while moving while within Starfall’s area. Balance Druid – Level100 Talent.90 Talent. - Stellar Flare Burns the target for
[ 52.5%[ 40% of Spell Power ] Astral damage, and then an additional[ 210%[ 180% of Spell Power ] damage over 24 sec.Stellar Flare benefits from Starfall’s Stellar Empowerment. Balance Druid – Level 75Balance Druid – Level 90 Talent. 10 Lunar Power. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Twin Moons (New) Moonfire deals 20% increased damage and also hits another nearby enemy within 20 yds of the target. Balance Druid – Level 75 Talent.
- Warrior of Elune Your next 3 Lunar Strikes are instant cast and generate 40% additional Astral Power. Balance Druid – Level 15 Talent. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
- Balance
- Balance Druid Decreases damage/healing by 15%:
Echoing Stars, Full Moon, Fury of Elune, Half Moon, Lunar Strike, Moonfire, New Moon, Power of GoldrinnFury of Elune, Lunar Strike, Moonfire, New Moon, Shooting Stars, Solar Wrath, Starfall, Starsurge, Stellar Flare, Sunfire Decreases periodic damage/healing by 15%:Echoing Stars, Full Moon, Fury of Elune, Half Moon, Lunar Strike, Moonfire, New Moon, Power of GoldrinnFury of Elune, Lunar Strike, Moonfire, New Moon, Shooting Stars, Solar Wrath, Starfall, Starsurge, Stellar Flare, Sunfire Increases damage/healing by 83%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 83%: Regrowth Druid – Balance Spec. - Celestial Alignment Celestial bodies align, increasing the damage of all your spells by
30%, and increasing the Astral Power generated by Lunar Strike and Solar Wrath by 50%. Lasts 1520% and granting you 15% Haste for 20 sec. Can’t be cast in Travel Form, Aquatic Form, Flight Form. Druid – Balance Spec. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Eclipse (New) Lunar Strike has a 20% chance to grant you Solar Empowerment. Solar Wrath has a 20% chance to grant you Lunar Empowerment. Druid – Balance Spec.
- Empowerments (New) Starsurge grants you Lunar and Solar Empowerment: Lunar Empowerment Increases the damage of your next Lunar Strike by 20% and reduces its cast time by 15%. Solar Empowerment Causes your next Solar Wrath to explode for an additional 10% of its damage to all nearby enemies and reduces its cast time by 15%. You can accumulate up to 1 of each Empowerment. Druid – Balance Spec.
- Lunar Strike Call down a strike of lunar energy, causing
[ 85%[ 76.5% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to the target, and[ 21.3%[ 25.2% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to all other enemies within58 yards. Generates 12 Astral Power. Can be cast in Tree of Life Form, Moonkin Form. Druid – Balance Spec. 40 yd range.2.5 sec cast.2.2 sec cast. - Mastery: Starlight Increases Starsurge,
Starfall, and Fury of Elune damage by [ 225%Stellar Flare, Fury of Elune and Starfall damage by [ 200% of Spell Power ]%. Increases theeffects of Lunar Empowerment, Solardamage effects of Lunar Empowerment, and Stellar Empowerment by an additional[ 225% of Spell Power ]%. Druid – Balance Spec.[ 200% of Spell Power ]%. Increases the damage effect of Solar Empowerment by an additional 0.0%. Druid – Balance Spec. - Moonkin Form Shapeshift into Moonkin Form, increasing the damage of your
Druidspells by 10% and your armor by 125%, and granting protection from Polymorph effects. While in this form, single-target attacks against you have a 0% chance to make your next Lunar Strike instant. The act of shapeshifting frees you from movement impairing effects. Can’t be cast in Tree of Life Form. Druid – Balance Spec. Instant. - Starfall Calls down waves of falling stars at the targeted area, dealing
[ 83.3%[ 90% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec. Also applies Stellar Empowerment to each target, which increases periodic damage taken from your Moonfire and Sunfire by 20%. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Can’t be cast in Tree of Life Form. Druid – Balance Spec.6050 Lunar Power. 40 yd range. Instant. - Starsurge Launch a surge of stellar energies at the target, dealing
[ 150%[ 160% of Spell Power ] Astral damage. Also grants you Lunar and SolarEmpowerments, which increase the damage of your next Lunar Strike and Solar Wrath by 20%, respectively. You can accumulate up to 1 of eachEmpowerment. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Can’t be cast in Tree of Life Form. Druid – Balance Spec. 40 Lunar Power. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Balance Druid Decreases damage/healing by 15%:
- Feral
- Feral Druid Increases damage/healing by 29%
: Ashamane’s Bite, Ashamane’s Frenzy, Berserk, Brutal Slash, Feral Frenzy, Ferocious Bite, Incarnation: King of the Jungle, Maim, Moonfire, Rake, Rip,Shadow Thrash,Shred, Swipe, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 29%: Ashamane’s Bite, Ashamane’s Frenzy, Berserk, Brutal Slash, Feral Frenzy, Ferocious Bite, Incarnation: King of the Jungle, Maim, Moonfire, Rake, Rip, Shadow Thrash, Shred, Swipe, Thrash Increases damage/healing by 83%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by 83%: Regrowth Druid – Feral Spec.
- Feral Druid Increases damage/healing by 29%
- Restoration
- Restoration Druid Restoration Druid core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Cenarion Ward, Cultivation,
Dreamwalker,Efflorescence, Germination, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Mark of Shifting, Nature’s Essence, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Spring Blossoms, Swiftmend, Tranquility, Wild Growth Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Cenarion Ward, Cultivation,Dreamwalker,Efflorescence, Germination, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Mark of Shifting, Nature’s Essence, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Spring Blossoms, Swiftmend, Tranquility, Wild Growth Increases damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: King of the Jungle, Mangle, Moonfire, Shred, Solar Wrath, Sunfire, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: King of the Jungle, Mangle, Moonfire, Shred, Solar Wrath, Sunfire, Thrash Druid – Restoration Spec.
- Restoration Druid Restoration Druid core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Cenarion Ward, Cultivation,
- Talents
- Double Tap Your next Aimed Shot will fire a second time instantly at 100% power without consuming Focus, or your next Rapid Fire will shoot
twice as many100% additional shots during its channel. Marksmanship Hunter – Level 90 Talent. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Streamline Rapid Fire now lasts an additional
2.01.0 sec. Marksmanship Hunter – Level 60 Talent.
- Double Tap Your next Aimed Shot will fire a second time instantly at 100% power without consuming Focus, or your next Rapid Fire will shoot
- Beast Mastery
- Beast Mastery Hunter Increases damage/healing by 6%: A Murder of Crows, Barrage, Butchery, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Cobra Shot, Explosive Shot, Flanking Strike,
Fury of the Eagle,Kill Command, Mongoose Bite, Multi-Shot, Piercing Shot,Serpent Sting, Stampede, Steel Trap, Stomp, Surge of the StormgodStampede, Steel Trap, Stomp, Volley Increases periodic damage/healing by 6%: A Murder of Crows, Barrage, Butchery, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Cobra Shot, Explosive Shot, Flanking Strike,Fury of the Eagle,Kill Command, Mongoose Bite, Multi-Shot, Piercing Shot,Serpent Sting, Stampede, Steel Trap, Stomp, Surge of the StormgodStampede, Steel Trap, Stomp, Volley Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec. - Bestial Wrath Bestial Wrath’s remaining cooldown is reduced by 12 sec each time you use
Dire Frenzy. Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec.Barbed Shot. Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec. - Bestial Wrath Sends you and your pet into a rage, increasing all damage you both deal by 25% for 15 sec. Bestial Wrath’s remaining cooldown is reduced by 12 sec each time you use
Dire FrenzyBarbed Shot. Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec. 100 yd range. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown. - Wild Call Your auto shot critical strikes have a 20% chance to reset the cooldown of
Dire Frenzy. Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec.Barbed Shot. Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec.
- Beast Mastery Hunter Increases damage/healing by 6%: A Murder of Crows, Barrage, Butchery, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Cobra Shot, Explosive Shot, Flanking Strike,
- Marksmanship
- Precise Shots Aimed Shot causes your next 1-2 Arcane Shots or Multi Shots to deal 100% more damage. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec.
- Rapid Fire Shoot a stream of 10 shots at your target over 3 sec, dealing a total of [ 400% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Each shot generates
21 Focus. Usable while moving. Requires Ranged Weapon. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast (Channeled). 20 sec cooldown.
- Pets
- Blood of the Rhino (New) The Clefthoof has 10% additional armor and increases the effectiveness of healing received by 20%. Exotic Ability.
- Dune Strider (New) Increases the Silithid’s movement speed by [ 30 + 25% of Spell Power ]%. Exotic Ability.
- Dust Cloud The Tallstrider kicks up a cloud of dust towards the target, slowing movement by 50% for 6 sec. Special Ability. Melee range. Instant.
25 sec cooldown.10 sec cooldown.
- Arcane
- Arcane Mage Decreases damage/healing by 6%: Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, Arcane Explosion, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb
, Arcane Rebound, Blast Wave, Comet Storm, Conflagration, Ebonbolt, Flame Patch, Frost Nova, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Nova, Living Bomb, Mark of Aluneth, Meteor, Nether Tempest, Phoenix Flames, Ray of Frost, Supernova, Time and Space Decreases periodic damage/healing by 6%: Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, Arcane Explosion, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb,Arcane Rebound,Blast Wave, Comet Storm, Conflagration, Ebonbolt, Flame Patch, Frost Nova, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Nova, Living Bomb,Mark of Aluneth,Meteor, Nether Tempest, Phoenix Flames, Ray of Frost, Supernova, Time and Space Mage – Arcane Spec. - Displacement Teleports you back to where you last Blinked from. Resets the cooldown of Blink. Only usable within 10 sec of Blinking. Mage – Arcane Spec.
Instant. 30 sec cooldown.40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Displacement Teleports you back to where you last Blinked from and resets the cooldown on Blink. Only usable within 10 sec of Blinking. Mage – Arcane Spec.
Instant. 30 sec cooldown.40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Arcane Mage Decreases damage/healing by 6%: Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, Arcane Explosion, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb
- Fire
- Fire Mage Decreases damage/healing by 5%
: Aftershocks, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Blast Wave, Blazing Barrier, Comet Storm, Conflagration, Dragon’s Breath, Ebonbolt, Fire Blast, Fireball, Flame Patch, Flamestrike, Frost Nova, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Nova, Living Bomb,Mark of Aluneth, Meteor, Nether Tempest, Phoenix Flames, Phoenix Reborn, Phoenix’sMeteor, Nether Tempest, Phoenix Flames, Pyroblast, Ray of Frost, Scorch, Supernova Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Aftershocks, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Blast Wave, Blazing Barrier, Comet Storm, Conflagration, Dragon’s Breath, Ebonbolt, Fire Blast, Fireball, Flame Patch, Flamestrike, Frost Nova, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Nova, Living Bomb,Mark of Aluneth, Meteor, Nether Tempest, Phoenix Flames, Phoenix Reborn, Phoenix’sMeteor, Nether Tempest, Phoenix Flames, Pyroblast, Ray of Frost, Scorch, Supernova Mage – Fire Spec.
- Fire Mage Decreases damage/healing by 5%
- Frost
- Frost Mage Decreases damage/healing by 5%: Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Blast Wave, Blizzard, Comet Storm, Cone of Cold, Conflagration, Ebonbolt, Fire Blast, Flame Patch, Flurry, Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Frozen Orb, Glacial
Eruption, GlacialSpike, Ice Lance, Ice Nova, Living Bomb, Mark of Aluneth, Mastery: Icicles, Meteor, Nether Tempest, Phoenix Flames, Ray of Frost, Supernova Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Blast Wave, Blizzard, Comet Storm, Cone of Cold, Conflagration, Ebonbolt, Fire Blast, Flame Patch, Flurry, Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Frozen Orb, GlacialEruption, GlacialSpike, Ice Lance, Ice Nova, Living Bomb, Mark of Aluneth, Mastery: Icicles, Meteor, Nether Tempest, Phoenix Flames, Ray of Frost, Supernova Mage – Frost Spec.
- Frost Mage Decreases damage/healing by 5%: Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Blast Wave, Blizzard, Comet Storm, Cone of Cold, Conflagration, Ebonbolt, Fire Blast, Flame Patch, Flurry, Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Frozen Orb, Glacial
- Blackout Kick (Brewmaster, Mistweaver) Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing [ 77% of
Spell Power ] Physical damage.Attack Power ] Physical damage. - Flying Serpent Kick Soar forward through the air at high speed for
21.5 sec. If used again while active, you will land, dealing [ 8.79% of Attack Power ] damage to all enemies within 8 yards and reducing movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. Instant. - Spinning Crane Kick (Windwalker) Spin while kicking in the air, dealing
[ 40% of Attack Power[ 0.400 * CAP ] Physical;] damage over 1.5 sec to enemies within 8 yds. - Spinning Crane Kick (Mistweaver) Spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 40% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 1.5 sec to enemies within 8 yds.
- Talents
- Good Karma (New) Touch of Karma can now redirect an additional 50% of your maximum health. Windwalker Monk – Level 60 Talent. 40 yd range.
- Serenity Enter an elevated state of mental and physical serenity for
912 sec. While in this state, you deal40%20% increased damage and healing, and all Chi consumers are free and cool down 100% more quickly. Windwalker Monk – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown. - Spiritual Focus (New) Every 2 Chi you spend reduces the cooldown of Storm, Earth, and Fire by 1.0 sec. Windwalker Monk – Level 100 Talent. 40 yd range.
- Brewmaster
- Brewmaster Monk Increases damage/healing by 9%: Blackout Kick, Blackout Strike, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning
, Crosswinds, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Keg Smash, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick,Strike of the Windlord,Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Increases periodic damage/healing by 9%: Blackout Kick, Blackout Strike, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning,Crosswinds,Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Keg Smash, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Strike of the Windlord, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Decreases damage/healing by 44%: Rushing Jade Wind Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Song of Chi-Ji, Tiger Palm Decreases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Eye of the Tiger Increases damage/healing by 40%: Vivify Monk – Brewmaster Spec.
- Brewmaster Monk Increases damage/healing by 9%: Blackout Kick, Blackout Strike, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning
- Mistweaver
- Mistweaver Monk Mistweaver Monk core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Celestial Breath, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Enveloping Mist, Essence Font, Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane, Mastery: Gust of Mists, Refreshing Jade Wind, Renewing Mist, Revival, Rising Mist,
Sheilun’s Gift, Soothing Mist, The Mists of Sheilun, Thunder Focus Tea, Vivify, Whispers of ShaohaoSoothing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea, Vivify Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Celestial Breath, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Enveloping Mist, Essence Font, Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane, Mastery: Gust of Mists, Refreshing Jade Wind, Renewing Mist, Revival, Rising Mist,Sheilun’s Gift, Soothing Mist, The Mists of Sheilun, Thunder Focus Tea, Vivify, Whispers of ShaohaoSoothing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea, Vivify Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Rising Sun Kick Increases periodic damage/healing by 400%: Crackling Jade Lightning Monk – Mistweaver Spec.
- Mistweaver Monk Mistweaver Monk core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Celestial Breath, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Enveloping Mist, Essence Font, Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane, Mastery: Gust of Mists, Refreshing Jade Wind, Renewing Mist, Revival, Rising Mist,
- Mistweaver & Windwalker
- Rising Sun Kick (Windwalker) Kick upwards, dealing
[ 115% of Attack Power[ 1.150 * CAP ] Physical;] damage, and reducing the effectiveness of healing on the target for 10 sec. - Rising Sun Kick (Mistweaver) Kick upwards, dealing [ 115% of Attack Power ]
damage.Physical damage. - Spinning Crane Kick (Windwalker) Spin while kicking in the air, dealing
[ 40% of Attack Power[ 0.400 * CAP ] Physical;] damage over 1.5 sec to enemies within 8 yds. - Spinning Crane Kick (Mistweaver) Spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 40% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 1.5 sec to enemies within 8 yds.
- Rising Sun Kick (Windwalker) Kick upwards, dealing
- Windwalker
- Cyclone Strikes (Windwalker) Spin while kicking in the air, dealing
[ 40% of Attack Power[ 0.400 * CAP ] Physical;] damage over 1.5 sec to enemies within 8 yds. - Cyclone Strikes (Mistweaver) Spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 40% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 1.5 sec to enemies within 8 yds.
- Flying Serpent Kick Soar forward through the air at high speed for
21.5 sec. If used again while active, you will land, dealing [ 8.79% of Attack Power ] damage to all enemies within 8 yards and reducing movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. Monk – Windwalker Spec. Instant. 25 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown. - Windwalker Monk Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning
, Crosswinds, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Rising Sun Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick,Strike of the Windlord, Thunderfist,Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Decreases periodic damage/healing by 21%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Crosswinds, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Rising Sun Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Strike of the Windlord, Thunderfist, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Increases damage/healing by 26%: Blackout Kick, Rising Sun Kick, Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 22%: Chi Wave and Rushing Jade Wind Increases periodic damage/healing by 22%: Eye of the Tiger Increases damage/healing by 140%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 50%: Blackout Kick Increases damage/healing by 40%: Vivify Monk – Windwalker Spec
- Cyclone Strikes (Windwalker) Spin while kicking in the air, dealing
- Talents
- Hammer of Wrath Hurls a divine hammer that strikes an enemy for
[ 80%[ 108% of Attack Power ] Holy damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health, or while you are empowered by Crusade. Generates 1 Holy Power. Retribution Paladin – Level 30 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant.6 sec cooldown.7.5 sec cooldown. - Hand of the Protector Calls down the Light to heal a friendly target for [ 280% of Spell Power ], increased by up to 200% based on your missing health. While you are standing in your Consecration, Hand of the Protector’s healing is increased by 0%. 1 charge. Protection Paladin – Level 75 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 15 sec recharge. 1 charge.
- Redoubt (New) Avenger’s Shield bounces to 1 additional targets and increases your Block by 75% for 8 sec. Protection Paladin – Level 15 Talent.
- Hammer of Wrath Hurls a divine hammer that strikes an enemy for
- Holy & Protection
- Consecration Consecrates the land beneath you, causing [ 31.5% of Attack Power ] Holy damage over
912 sec to enemies who enter the area. Paladin – Holy & Protection Spec. Instant.9 sec cooldown.4.5 sec cooldown.
- Consecration Consecrates the land beneath you, causing [ 31.5% of Attack Power ] Holy damage over
- Protection
- Avenger’s Shield Hurls your shield at an enemy target, dealing [ 52.42% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, interrupting and silencing the non-Player target for 3 sec, and then jumping to 2 additional nearby enemies. Increases the effects of your next Shield of the Righteous by 20%. Requires Shields. Paladin – Protection Spec. 30 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown.
- Hammer of the Righteous Hammers the current target for [ 27% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. While you are standing in your Consecration. Hammer of the Righteous also causes a wave of light that hits all other targets within 8 yds for [ 8.7% of Attack Power ] Holy damage. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. 2 charges. Paladin – Protection Spec. Melee range. Instant. 4.5 sec recharge. 2 charges.
- Mastery: Divine Bulwark
Increases the Armor bonus of Shield of the Righteous by [ 250% of Spell Power ]% of your Strength, andincreases your chance to block melee attacks by 0.0%, and reduces all damage taken while inside your Consecration by 0.0%. Also increases your attack power by 0.0%. Paladin – Protection Spec.
- Talents
- Binding Heal Heals you, your target, and another friendly target within 20 yards for [ 75% of Spell Power ;]. Reduces the remaining cooldown on both Holy Word: Serenity and Holy Word: Sanctify by 3 sec;]. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Holy Priest – Level 75 Talent. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
- Lenience Atonement reduces damage taken by 3%. Discipline Priest – Level
75 Talent.100 Talent. - Luminous Barrier Create a shield on all allies within 40 yards, absorbing shield damage on each of them for 10 sec.
DisciplinePriest – Level 100 Talent. 4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Sins of the Many (New) Your damage is increased by up to 10%, diminishing for each ally affected by your Atonement. Discipline Priest – Level 75 Talent.
- Discipline
- Mastery: Grace Name changed from „Mastery: Reverence“ to „Mastery: Grace“.
- Power of the Dark Side Purge the Wicked has a chance to empower your next Penance with Shadow, increasing
isits effectiveness by 50%. Priest – Discipline Spec. Approximately 1 proc per minute.
- Holy
- Holy Priest Holy Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Binding Heal, Body and Mind, Circle of Healing, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Heal, Holy Word: Salvation, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Holy Words, Orison, Penance, Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Renew Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Binding Heal, Body and Mind, Circle of Healing, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Heal, Holy Word: Salvation, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Holy Words, Orison, Penance, Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Renew Increases damage/healing by 10%: Dark Void, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Holy Words,
Light’s Wrath,Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Void, Smite, Void Torrent Increases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Dark Void, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Holy Words,Light’s Wrath,Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Void, Smite, Void Torrent Priest – Holy Spec.
- Holy Priest Holy Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Binding Heal, Body and Mind, Circle of Healing, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Heal, Holy Word: Salvation, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Holy Words, Orison, Penance, Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Renew Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Binding Heal, Body and Mind, Circle of Healing, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Heal, Holy Word: Salvation, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Holy Words, Orison, Penance, Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Renew Increases damage/healing by 10%: Dark Void, Divine Star, Halo, Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Holy Words,
- Shadow
- Shadow Priest Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Dark Void, Divine Star, Halo
, Light’s Wrath, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Sear, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Word: Void, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Vampiric Touch, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Torrent Decreases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Dark Void, Divine Star, Halo,Light’s Wrath,Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Sear, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Word: Void, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Vampiric Touch, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Torrent Increases damage/healing by 40%: Shadow Mend Priest – Shadow Spec.
- Shadow Priest Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Dark Void, Divine Star, Halo
- Assassination
- Assassination Rogue Increases damage/healing by 32%
: Bag of Tricks, Blade Rush, Blindside, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Envenom, Eviscerate, Fan of Knives,From the Shadows, Garrote, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Goremaw’s Bite, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, KingsbaneGarrote, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mutilate, Poison Bomb, Poisoned Knife, Rupture, Sinister Strike, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 32%:Bag of Tricks,Blade Rush, Blindside, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Envenom, Eviscerate, Fan of Knives,From the Shadows, Garrote, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Goremaw’s Bite, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, KingsbaneGarrote, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mutilate, Poison Bomb, Poisoned Knife, Rupture, Sinister Strike, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Rogue – Assassination Spec. - Sinister Strike (New) Sinister Strike’s energy cost is reduced by 5. Rogue – Assassination Spec.
- Sinister Strike
An instant strike that causes [ 152 + 21.76%Viciously strike an enemy, causing [ 21.76% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Awards 1 combo points. RequiresDaggers. Rogue – Assassination Spec. 40One-Handed Melee Weapon. Rogue – Assassination Spec. 45 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
- Assassination Rogue Increases damage/healing by 32%
- Outlaw
- Between the Eyes Finishing move that deals damage with your pistol and stuns the target. Critical strikes with this ability deal four times normal damage. 1 point :
[ 18.1% of Attack Power ] damage, 1 sec 2 points: [ 36.2% of Attack Powerdamage, 1 sec 2 points: [ 2.000 * damage ;] damage, 2 sec 3 points:[ 54.3% of Attack Power[ 3.000 * damage ;] damage, 3 sec 4 points:[ 72.4% of Attack Power[ 4.000 * damage ;] damage, 4 sec 5 points:[ 90.5% of Attack Power[ 5.000 * damage ;] damage, 5 sec 6 points:[ 108.6% of Attack Power[ 6.000 * damage ;] damage, 6 sec Rogue – Outlaw Spec. 25 Energy. 20 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown. - Dispatch Finishing move that dispatches the enemy, dealing damage per combo point: 1 point : [ 35% of Attack Power ] damage 2 points: [ 70% of Attack Power ] damage 3 points: [ 105% of Attack Power ] damage 4 points: [ 140% of Attack Power ] damage 5 points: [ 175% of Attack Power ] damage 6 points: [ 210% of Attack Power ] damage Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Rogue – Outlaw Spec. 35 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
- Outlaw Rogue Increases damage/healing by 28%: Ambush, Between the Eyes, Blade Rush, Blindside,
Blunderbuss,Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Dispatch, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade,Goremaw’s Bite, Greed, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, KingsbaneInternal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mastery: Main Gauche, Mutilate, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Riposte, Sinister Strike, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 28%: Ambush, Between the Eyes, Blade Rush, Blindside,Blunderbuss,Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Dispatch, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade,Goremaw’s Bite, Greed, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, KingsbaneInternal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mastery: Main Gauche, Mutilate, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Riposte, Sinister Strike, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Rogue – Outlaw Spec. - Pistol Shot Draw a concealed pistol and fire a quick shot at an enemy, dealing
[ 35.14% of Attack Power[ 0.351 * CAP ;] Physical damage and reducing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Awards 1 combo points. Rogue – Outlaw Spec. 40 Energy. 20 yd range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown. - Sinister Strike Viciously strike an enemy, causing [ 45.3% of Attack Power * mult ] Physical damage
. Sinister Strikehas a 35% chance to hit an additional time, making your next Pistol Shot half cost and double damage. Awards 1 combo points. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Rogue – Outlaw Spec. 45 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown. - Sinister Strike (New) Sinister Strike has a 35% chance to hit an additional time, making your next Pistol Shot half cost and double damage. Rogue – Outlaw Spec.
- Between the Eyes Finishing move that deals damage with your pistol and stuns the target. Critical strikes with this ability deal four times normal damage. 1 point :
- Subtlety
- Nightblade Finishing move that infects the target with shadowy energy, dealing Shadow damage over time and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target by
20%15%. Lasts longer per combo point. 1 point :[ 50.5% of Attack Power[ 1.333 * damage ;] over 8 sec 2 points:[ 63.1% of Attack Power[ 1.667 * damage ;] over 10 sec 3 points:[ 75.7% of Attack Power[ 2.000 * damage ;] over 12 sec 4 points:[ 88.3% of Attack Power[ 2.333 * damage ;] over 14 sec 5 points:[ 100.9% of Attack Power[ 2.667 * damage ;] over 16 sec 6 points:[ 113.5% of Attack Power[ 3.000 * damage ;] over 18 sec You deal 15% increased damage to enemies afflicted by your Nightblade. Requires Melee Weapon. Rogue – Subtlety Spec. 25 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown. - Shuriken Storm Sprays shurikens at all targets within 10 yards, dealing
[ 18% of Attack Power[ 0.180 * CAP ;] Physical damage. Damage increased by 50% while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active. Awards 1 combo points per target hit plus an additional 1. Rogue – Subtlety Spec. 35 Energy. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown. - Shuriken Toss Throws a shuriken at an enemy target for
[ 19.66% of Attack Power[ 0.197 * CAP ;] Physical damage. Awards 1 combo points. Rogue – Subtlety Spec. 40 Energy. 30 yd range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown. - Subtlety Rogue Increases damage/healing by 25%
: Akaari’s Soul, Backstab, Blade Rush, Blindside, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Eviscerate, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade,Goremaw’s Bite, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, KingsbaneInternal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mutilate, Nightblade, Poison Bomb, Second Shuriken, Shadow Blades, Shadowstrike, Shuriken Storm, Shuriken Toss, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%:Akaari’s Soul,Backstab, Blade Rush, Blindside, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Eviscerate, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade,Goremaw’s Bite, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, KingsbaneInternal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Main Gauche, Mutilate, Nightblade, Poison Bomb, Second Shuriken, Shadow Blades, Shadowstrike, Shuriken Storm, Shuriken Toss, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Rogue – Subtlety Spec.
- Nightblade Finishing move that infects the target with shadowy energy, dealing Shadow damage over time and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target by
- Stormstrike Energizes both your weapons with lightning and delivers a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of [ 179% of Attack Power ]
NaturePhysical damage. Requires Melee Weapon. Melee range. Instant. - Stormstrike Off-Hand Energizes both your weapons with lightning and delivers a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of [ 179% of Attack Power ]
NaturePhysical damage. Requires Melee Weapon. Melee range. Instant. - Talents
- Ascendance Transform into an Air Ascendant for 15 sec, reducing the cooldown and cost of Stormstrike by
80%66%, and transforming your auto attack and Stormstrike into Wind attacks which bypass armor and have a 30 yd range. Enhancement Shaman – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Fury of Air Creates a vortex of wind 8 yards around you, dealing
[ 6.22% of Attack Power[ 0.062 * CAP ;] Nature damage every 1 sec to enemies caught in the storm, and slowing them by 30% for 3 sec. Enhancement Shaman – Level 90 Talent. 3 Maelstrom, plus 3 per sec. Instant.
- Ascendance Transform into an Air Ascendant for 15 sec, reducing the cooldown and cost of Stormstrike by
- Elemental
- Elemental Shaman Elemental Shaman baseline passive Increases damage/healing by 9%: Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Earthquake, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Frost Shock, Fulmination, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield,
Seismic Storm,Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Thunderstorm, Volcanic Inferno, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 9%: Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Earthquake, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Frost Shock, Fulmination, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield,Seismic Storm,Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Thunderstorm, Volcanic Inferno, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 106%: Healing Surge Increases damage/healing by 100%: Earth Shield Shaman – Elemental Spec. - Frost Shock Chills the target with frost, causing
[ 22.5%[ 45% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and reducing the target’s movement speed by 50% for5 sec. Maelstrom increases damage and duration up to 100%6 sec. Shaman – Elemental Spec. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Elemental Shaman Elemental Shaman baseline passive Increases damage/healing by 9%: Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Earthquake, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Frost Shock, Fulmination, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield,
- Enhancement
- Crash Lightning Electrocutes all enemies in front of you, dealing
[ 14.04% of Attack Power[ 0.140 * CAP ;] Nature damage. Hitting 2 or more targets enhances your weapons for 10 sec, causing Stormstrike and Lava Lash to also deal0[ 0.179 * CAP Nature damage to all targets in front of you. Requires Melee Weapon. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. 20 Maelstrom. Melee range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown. - Enhancement Shaman Decreases damage/healing by 40%: Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm
, Doom Vortex, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Earthquake, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Flametongue, Flametongue Attack, Frostbrand, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Rockbiter, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering,Unleash Doom,Windfury, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Decreases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm, Doom Vortex, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Earthquake, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Flametongue, Flametongue Attack, Frostbrand, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Rockbiter, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering,Unleash Doom,Windfury, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 100%: Earth Shield Shaman – Enhancement Spec. - Stormstrike Energizes both your weapons with lightning and delivers a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of [ 179% of Attack Power ]
NaturePhysical damage. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. 30 Maelstrom. Melee range. Instant. 9 sec cooldown.
- Crash Lightning Electrocutes all enemies in front of you, dealing
- Talents
- Bilescourge Bombers Tear open a portal to the nether above the target location, from which several Bilescourge will pour out of and crash into the ground over 6 sec, dealing [ 15% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within
108 yards. Demonology Warlock – Level 15 Talent. 2 Soul Shard.10040 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Dark Soul: Misery Infuses your soul with the misery of fallen foes, increasing haste by [ 30 + 25% of Spell Power ]% for 20 sec.
Can be cast in Metamorphosis.Affliction Warlock – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Deathbolt Launches a bolt of death at the target, dealing 30% of the total remaining damage of your damage over time effects on the target. Counts up to 16 sec of your Corruption’s damage. Affliction Warlock – Level
1590 Talent. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Demonic Calling Shadow Bolt and Demonbolt have a 20% chance to make your next Call Dreadstalkers cost
no Soul Shards1 less Soul Shard and have no cast time. Demonology Warlock – Level 30 Talent. - Doom Inflicts impending doom upon the target, causing [ 250% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage after 30 sec. If Doom kills the target, there is a 5% chance to summon a Doomguard to fight for you for 25 sec. Generates 1 Soul Shard when dealing damage. Demonology Warlock – Level 30 Talent. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Drain Soul Drains the target’s soul, causing
[ 90%[ 75% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 5 sec. Damage is increased by 100% against enemies below 20% health. Generates 1 Soul Shard if the target dies during this effect. Affliction Warlock – Level9015 Talent. 0% of Base Mana, plus 1% per sec. 40 yd range. 5 sec cast (Channeled). - Grimoire: Felguard Summons a Felguard who attacks the target for 25 sec. that deals 100% increased damage. This Felguard will stun their target when summoned.
Summon. 1 Soul ShardDemonology Warlock – Level 90 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown. - Nightfall Corruption damage has a chance to cause your next Shadow Bolt to be instant and deal 25% increased damage. Affliction Warlock – Level
9015 Talent. Approximately 3 procs per minute. - Phantom Singularity Places a phantom singularity above the target, which consumes the life of all enemies within 15 yards, dealing
[ 160%[ 144% of Spell Power ] damage over 16 sec, healing you for 25% of the damage done. Warlock – Level 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.40 sec cooldown.45 sec cooldown. - Sacrificed Souls
Each Soul Shard spent increases the damage of Shadowbolt and Demonbolt by 5% for 10 sec, stacking up to 5 timesShadow Bolt and Demonbolt deal 5% additional damage per demon you have summoned. Demonology Warlock – Level 100 Talent. 100 yd range. - Shadow Embrace Drain Soul applies Shadow Embrace, increasing your damage dealt to the target by 3% for 10 sec. Stacks up to 3 times. Affliction Warlock – Level
15 Talent.90 Talent. - Vile Taint Erupts a vile pool
under the target’s location, dealing [ 100%at the target location, dealing [ 70% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 10 sec to all enemies within010 yds and reducing their movement speed by 30%. Affliction Warlock – Level 60 Talent. 1 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.15 sec cooldown.20 sec cooldown.
- Bilescourge Bombers Tear open a portal to the nether above the target location, from which several Bilescourge will pour out of and crash into the ground over 6 sec, dealing [ 15% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within
- Affliction
- Affliction Warlock Increases damage/healing by 25%: Agony, Bilescourge Bombers, Cataclysm, Channel Demonfire,
Compounding Horror,Corruption, Doom, Drain Life, Drain Soul, Grimoire of Sacrifice,Harvester of Souls,Haunt, Phantom Singularity, Rain of Fire, Rend Soul, Roaring Blaze, Seed of Corruption, Shadow Bolt, Shadowburn, Siphon Life, Soul Fire, Soul Flame, Unstable Affliction, Vile Taint Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Agony, Bilescourge Bombers, Cataclysm, Channel Demonfire,Compounding Horror,Corruption, Doom, Drain Life, Drain Soul, Grimoire of Sacrifice,Harvester of Souls,Haunt, Phantom Singularity, Rain of Fire, Rend Soul, Roaring Blaze, Seed of Corruption, Shadow Bolt, Shadowburn, Siphon Life, Soul Fire,Soul Flame,Unstable Affliction, Vile Taint Warlock – Affliction Spec.
- Affliction Warlock Increases damage/healing by 25%: Agony, Bilescourge Bombers, Cataclysm, Channel Demonfire,
- Demonology
- Demonic Core When your Wild Imps expend all of their energy or are imploded, you have a 10% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core. When your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away, you have a 100% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core. Demonic Core reduces the cast time of Demonbolt by 100%. Maximum 4 stacks. Warlock – Demonology Spec. 100 yd range.
- Berserker Rage (Fury) Also Enrages you for
6 sec.4 sec. - Execute Off-Hand Attempt to finish off a wounded foe, causing
[ 131.5%[ 160% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health. Generates 20 Rage. Requires Melee Weapon. Melee range. Instant. - Raging Blow A mighty blow with both weapons that deals a total of [ 54.2% of Attack Power * mult ] Physical damage.
Generates 5Raging Blow has a 25% chance to instantly reset its own cooldown. Generates 12 Rage. Requires Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant. - Raging Blow A mighty blow with both weapons that deals a total of [ 54.2% of Attack Power * mult ] Physical damage.
Generates 5Raging Blow has a 25% chance to instantly reset its own cooldown. Generates 12 Rage. Requires Melee Weapon. 100 yd range. Instant. - Victory Rush Strikes the target, causing [ 311 + 32.76% of Attack Power ] damage and healing you for 20% of your maximum health. Only usable within 20 sec after you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor.
Warrior – Arms & Protection Spec. Melee range. Instant.Melee range. Instant. - Talents
- Bladestorm Become an unstoppable storm of destructive force, striking all targets within 8 yards with both weapons for [ 379.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec. You are immune to movement impairing and loss of control effects, but can use defensive abilities and
canavoid attacks. Fury Warrior – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown. - Bolster (New) Last Stand’s cooldown is reduced by 60 sec, and it additionally causes you to block all melee attacks. Protection Warrior – Level 60 Talent.
- Carnage
Reduces the cost of Rampage by 15 RageRampage costs 10 less Rage and deals 10% increased damage. Fury Warrior – Level 75 Talent. - Dragon Roar Roar explosively, dealing
[ 22.11%[ 80% of Attack Power ] damage to all enemies within 8yards and increasing all damage you deal by 15% for 6 sec. Dragon Roar ignores all armor and always critically strikesyds and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Fury Warrior – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 25 sec cooldown. - Endless Rage
Your auto attack generates 30% additional RageGain 6 Rage whenever you Enrage. Fury Warrior – Level 15 Talent. - Fresh Meat Bloodthirst has a
60% increased critical strike chance against targets above 80% health15% increased chance to trigger Enrage and heals for 25% more. Fury Warrior – Level 15 Talent. - Frothing Berserker
When you reach 100 Rage, your damage is increased by 15% and your movement speed by 30%Rampage now costs 95 Rage and increases your damage done by 10% and Haste by 10% for 6 sec. Fury Warrior – Level 75 Talent. - Impending Victory Instantly attack the target, causing [ 39.31% of Attack Power ] damage and healing you for 15% of your maximum health. Killing an enemy that yields experience or honor resets the cooldown of Impending Victory.
ArmsFury Warrior – Level 30 Talent. 10 Rage. Melee range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Inner Rage
Raging Blow no longer requires Enrage and deals 100% increased damage, but has a 4.5 sec cooldownNYI. Fury Warrior – Level 90 Talent. - Never Surrender
Your block chance is increased by up to 30%Ignore Pain will prevent up to 100% more damage, based on your missing health. Protection Warrior – Level 60 Talent. - Reckless Abandon Recklessness lasts 2 sec longer and generates 100 Rage. Fury Warrior – Level
100 Talent.45 Talent. - War Machine Your auto attacks generate 10% more Rage. Killing an enemy instantly generates 10 Rage, and increases your movement speed by 30% for 8 sec.
Arms Warrior – Level 15 Talent.Fury Warrior – Level 15 Talent. - Warpaint
You now take only 15% increased damage from EnrageYou take 10% reduced damage while Enrage is active. Fury Warrior – Level 60 Talent. - Wrecking Ball Your attacks have a chance to make your next Whirlwind deal 300% increased damage. Fury Warrior – Level
45100 Talent. Approximately 3 procs per minute.
- Bladestorm Become an unstoppable storm of destructive force, striking all targets within 8 yards with both weapons for [ 379.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec. You are immune to movement impairing and loss of control effects, but can use defensive abilities and
- Arms
- Arms Warrior Increases damage/healing by 25%: Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand, Bloodbath, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Deep Wounds, Devastator, Dragon Roar, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Hamstring, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Mastery: Deep Wounds, Mortal Strike
, Odyn’s Fury, Opportunity Strikes, Overpower, Raging Blow, Ravager, Rend, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand, Bloodbath, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Deep Wounds, Devastator, Dragon Roar, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Hamstring, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Mastery: Deep Wounds, Mortal Strike,Odyn’s Fury,Opportunity Strikes, Overpower, Raging Blow, Ravager, Rend, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 50%: Bladestorm and Bladestorm Off-Hand Warrior – Arms Spec.
- Arms Warrior Increases damage/healing by 25%: Bladestorm, Bladestorm Off-Hand, Bloodbath, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Colossus Smash, Deep Wounds, Devastator, Dragon Roar, Execute, Execute Off-Hand, Hamstring, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Mastery: Deep Wounds, Mortal Strike
- Fury
- Bloodthirst Assault the target in a bloodthirsty craze, dealing [ 43% of Attack Power * mult ] Physical damage and restoring 4% of your health. Generates
108 Rage. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. Warrior – Fury Spec. Melee range. Instant. 4.5 sec cooldown. - Enrage
Bloodthirst critical strikes or activating Berserker Rage will Enrage you, increasing your attack speed by 50% and damage you take by 20% for 6 sec. Warrior – Fury Spec.Bloodthirst has a 30% chance to Enrage you, increasing your Haste by 25% and movement speed by 10% for 4 sec. Warrior – Fury Spec. - Execute Attempt to finish off a wounded foe, causing
[ 131.5%[ 160% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health. Generates 20 Rage. Requires Melee Weapon. Warrior – Fury Spec.25 Rage. Melee range. Instant.Melee range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown. - Furious Slash Aggressively strike with your off-hand weapon for [ 50.3% of Attack Power * mult ] Physical damage.
Increases your Bloodthirst critical strike chance by 20% until it next deals a critical strike, stacking up to 6 timesand has a 10% chance to Enrage you. Generates 4 Rage. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. Warrior – Fury Spec. Melee range. Instant. - Raging Blow A mighty blow with both weapons that deals a total of [ 54.2% of Attack Power * mult ] Physical damage.
Generates 5Raging Blow has a 25% chance to instantly reset its own cooldown. Generates 12 Rage. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. 2 charges. Warrior – Fury Spec. Melee range. Instant.7.5 sec recharge. 2 charges. - Rampage Enrages you and unleashes a series of 5 brutal strikes
over 2 sec for a total of [ 145.1%for a total of [ 210% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. Warrior – Fury Spec. 85 Rage. Melee range. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown.2 sec global cooldown. - Recklessness Lets loose a battle cry,
granting your abilities 100%increasing all Rage generation by 100% and granting your abilities 20% increased critical strike chance for610 sec. Generates 100 Rage. Warrior – Fury Spec. Instant.60 sec cooldown.1.5 min cooldown. - Titan’s Grip Allows you to dual-wield a pair of two-handed weapons,
and increases your maximum health by 15%. Warrior – Fury Spec.Warrior – Fury Spec.
- Bloodthirst Assault the target in a bloodthirsty craze, dealing [ 43% of Attack Power * mult ] Physical damage and restoring 4% of your health. Generates