Battle for Azeroth: Der neue Build 26610

Überraschenderweise spielten die für die Entwicklung von Battle for Azeroth verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht den brandneuen Build 26610 auf die Testserver der geschlossenen Beta dieser kommenden Erweiterung auf, der trotz seiner geringen Größe aber dennoch einige äußerst interessante Neuerungen mit sich brachte. Den Berichten der Data Miner zufolge beinhaltete diese neue Spielversion von Battle for Azeroth nämlich den Ablauf des Szenarios rund um die Freischaltung der Mag’har, eine Reihe von neuen Erfolgen, hochauflösende Modelle für die Erdelementare des Spiels und neue Modelle für Uther Lichtbringer und Rhonin. Weitere Details zu den Inhalten von Build 26610 findet ihr bei Interesse in der folgenden Übersicht.
Die Freischaltung der Mag’har:
Nachdem der letzte Build für die Beta von Battle for Azeroth bereits die Dialoge für die Freischaltung der Mag’har als spielbares Volk der Horde beinhaltete, folgten mit dem neuen Build 26610 nun auch noch die einzelnen Schritte für das Szenario rund um diese Rasse. Der in diesen Schritten erwähnte Exarch Orelis erinnert bisher noch sehr stark an die lichtgeschmiedeten Draenei.
Tyranny of the Light
- NEW Stage 1: Travel to Beastwatch
- Go to the aid of Beastwatch! It is the site of an impending assault by the Lightbound.
NEW Stage 2: The Lightbound
Defend Beastwatch against the Lightbound assault.
NEW Stage 3: Evermorn Hold
Track down Exarch Orelis in Evermorn Hold.
NEW Stage 4: Exarch Orelis
Defeat the Lightbound Exarch.
NEW Stage 5: Report to the Warchief
Return to Grommash Hellscream at Hellsreach Citadel.
NEW Stage 6: Defense at Brimstone Tower
Use the turret at the top of Brimstone Tower to defend the Mag’har.
NEW Stage 7: Narrow Escape
Escape Gorgrond through the Rift to Azeroth.
Neue Modelle:
Zur Überraschung dieser Community beinhaltete dieser neue Build neben neuen hochauflösenden Modellen für Erdelementare auch noch ein neues Modell für Uther Lichtbringer und Rhonin mit sich. Das neue Modell für Uther passt sehr gut zu dem optischen Update für das Grabmal dieses Charakters und könnte auf neue Inhalte (Rückblenden) rund um diesen Charakter hindeuten.
Die Belohnung für den Erfolg „Glory of the Wartorn Hero„:
Wer es in Battle for Azeroth schafft alle Erfolge in den mythischen Dungeon dieser Erweiterung abzuschließen und den dafür gewährten Erfolg „Glory of the Wartorn Hero“ zu erlangen, der wird scheinbar mit einem Obsidian Krolusk als Reittier belohnt.
Neue Icons:
Neue Erfolge:
World Quests:
Slayer of the Alliance
While at Assassin rankWith a bounty on your head while within War Mode, get500 honorable kills.10 honorable kills without dying. -
Slayer of the Horde
While at Assassin rankWith a bounty on your head while within War Mode, get500 honorable kills.10 honorable kills without dying. -
War Supplied Loot
300 War Supply Chestsa War Supply Chest from the Air Supply Drop Crates while within War Mode.
Dungeons & Raids:
NEW Battle for Azeroth Dungeon Hero Complete the Battle for Azeroth Heroic dungeon achievements listed below.
NEW Glory of the Wartorn Hero Complete the Battle for Azeroth Mythic dungeon achievements listed below.
NEW At Least You’re Being Careful Proud owner of the 2018 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Toy Armor Set.
NEW Edgelords Defeat Zul, Reborn in Uldir without any player stepping onto the inner ring of the Oblivion Door on Normal difficulty.
NEW Heroic: Shrine of the Storm Defeat Vol’zith the Whisperer in Shrine of the Storm on Heroic difficulty or higher.
NEW Heroic: The MOTHERLODE!! Defeat Mogul Razdunk in The MOTHERLODE!! on Heroic difficulty or higher.
NEW I Don’t Feel So Good Defeat Mythrax the Unraveler in Uldir after reaching Stage Three with all players at or above fifty stacks of Annihilation on Normal difficulty or higher.
Losing My Profession Find and kill all of the
dungeon creaturesenemies in Waycrest Manor listed below on Mythic difficulty. -
NEW Mythic: Shrine of the Storm Defeat Vol’zith the Whisperer in Shrine of the Storm on Mythic difficulty.
Now We Got Bad Blood Defeat Vectis in Ul’dir after
slaying the Husk of Rakkaliinfecting Warmother Rakkali with Pathogen Bomb on Normal difficulty or higher. -
NEW Thrash Mouth – All Stars Defeat Fetid Devourer after having all players hit by Terrible Thrash at least once on Normal difficulty or higher.
NEW What’s in the Box? Defeat Zek’voz in Uldir after exposing the Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron to the Projection of Yogg-Saron on Normal difficulty or higher.
Death Knight:
- Blood
- Talents
Anti-Magic Barrier Reduces the cooldown of Anti-Magic Shell by 15 sec and increases its duration and amount absorbed by 30%.
- Blood: Now requires Level 60, up from 58
- Tier 4 Talent, in place of
Grip of the Dead
Foul Bulwark Each charge of Bone Shield increases your maximum health by 1%.
- Blood: Now requires Level 58, down from 75
- Tier 3 Talent, in place of
Will of the Necropolis
Grip of the Dead Defile Death and Decay reduces the movement speed of enemies within its area by 90%, decaying by 10% every sec.
Blood: Now requires Level 75, up from 60
Tier 3 Talent, in place of
Will of the Necropolis
Unholy: Now requires Level 58, down from 60
Tier 3 Talent, in place of
Bursting Sores
Ossuary While you have at least 5 Bone Shield charges, the cost of Death Strike is reduced by 5 Runic Power. Additionally, your maximum Runic Power is increased by 10.
Blood: Now requires Level 58, down from 75
Tier 3 Talent, in place of
Anti-Magic Barrier
Rune Tap Reduces all damage taken by 30% for until cancelled.
Blood: Now requires Level 60, up from 58
Tier 4 Talent, in place of
Wraith Walk
Tightening Grasp Reduces the cooldown on Gorefiend’s Grasp by 30 sec.
Blood: Now requires Level 75, up from 60
Tier 5 Talent, in place of
Tombstone Consume up to 5 Bone Shield charges. For each charge consumed, you gain 6 Runic Power and absorb damage equal to 6% of your maximum health for until cancelled.
Blood: Now requires Level 58, down from 75
Tier 3 Talent, in place of
Rune Tap
Will of the Necropolis Damage taken below 35% Health is reduced by 35%.
Blood: Now requires Level 60, up from 58
Tier 4 Talent, in place of
Tightening Grasp
- Talents
- Frost
- Talents
Abomination’s Might Obliterate critical strikes have a 20% chance to drive lesser enemies to the ground, stunning them for until cancelled. Players are Dazed for until cancelled instead.
Frost: Now requires Level 58, down from 60
Tier 3 Talent, in place of
Avalanche While Pillar of Frost is active, your melee critical strikes cause jagged icicles to fall on your nearby enemies, dealing (8.19% of Attack power) Frost damage.
Frost: Now requires Level 60, up from 58
Tier 4 Talent, in place of
Winter is Coming
Blinding Sleet Targets in a cone in front of you are blinded, causing them to wander disoriented for until cancelled. Damage may cancel the effect.
Frost: Now requires Level 58, down from 60
Tier 3 Talent, in place of
Glacial Advance
Glacial Advance Summon glacial spikes from the ground that advance forward, each dealing (61.425% of Attack power) Frost damage to enemies near their eruption point.
Frost: Now requires Level 60, up from 58
Tier 4 Talent, in place of
Blinding Sleet
Icecap Your Frost Strike Frostscythe and Obliterate critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown of Pillar of Frost by 1 sec.
Frost: Now requires Level 60, up from 58
Tier 4 Talent, in place of
Abomination’s Might
Winter is Coming Enemies struck 5 times by Remorseless Winter are rooted in place for until cancelled.
Frost: Now requires Level 58, down from 60
Tier 3 Talent, in place of
- Talents
- Unholy
- Specialization
Festering Strike Strikes for (101.088% of Attack power) Physical damage and infects the target with
3-3 Festering Wounds.2-3 Festering Wounds.-
Festering Wound
A pustulent lesion that will burst on death or when damaged by Scourge Strike, dealing (20% of Attack power) Shadow damage and generating 3 Runic Power.
Sudden Doom Your auto attacks have a chance to make your next Death Coil cost no Runic Power.
- Talents
Asphyxiate Lifts the enemy target off the ground, crushing their throat with dark energy and stunning them for until cancelled.
Unholy: Now requires Level 58, down from 60
Tier 3 Talent, in place of
Unholy Blight
Bursting Sores Festering Wounds deal 25% more damage when burst, and all enemies within 8 yds of a burst Festering Wound suffer (20% of Attack power) Shadow damage.
Unholy: Now requires Level 57, down from 58
Tier 2 Talent, in place of
Pestilent Pustules
Death’s Reach Increases the range of Death Grip by 5 yds. Killing an enemy that yields experience or honor resets the cooldown of Death Grip.
Unholy: Now requires Level 58, down from 60
Tier 3 Talent, in place of
Ebon Fever
Ebon Fever Virulent Plague deals 15% more damage over time in half the duration.
Unholy: Now requires Level 57, down from 58
Tier 2 Talent, in place of
Harbinger of Doom
Grip of the Dead Defile Death and Decay reduces the movement speed of enemies within its area by 90%, decaying by 10% every sec.
Blood: Now requires Level 75, up from 60
Tier 3 Talent, in place of
Will of the Necropolis
Unholy: Now requires Level 58, down from 60
Tier 3 Talent, in place of
Bursting Sores
Harbinger of Doom Sudden Doom triggers 15% more often and stacks up to 2 times.
Unholy: Now requires Level 60, up from 57
Tier 4 Talent, in place of
Death’s Reach
Pestilent Pustules Bursting a Festering Wound has a 10% chance to grant you Runic Corruption.
Unholy: Now requires Level 60, up from 57
Tier 4 Talent, in place of
Grip of the Dead
Soul Reaper Rip out an enemy’s soul, dealing [(0% of Attack power)] Shadow damage over until cancelled. If the enemy dies while afflicted by Soul Reaper, gain 10% Haste for until cancelled. Generates 2 Rune.
Unholy: Now requires Level 60, up from 57
Tier 4 Talent, in place of
Unholy Blight Surrounds yourself with a vile swarm of insects for until cancelled, stinging all nearby enemies and infecting them with an unholy disease that deals (0% of Attack power) damage over until cancelled.
Unholy: Now requires Level 57, down from 58
Tier 2 Talent, in place of
Soul Reaper
- Specialization
Demon Hunter
- Havoc
- Specialization
Demon’s Bite Quickly attack for (45.279% of Attack power) Physical damage.
Generates25 to 25 Fury.20 to 30 Fury.
- Specialization
- Beast Mastery
- Artifact Traits (1)
Cobra Commander Cobra Shot has a 10% chance to create
3-32-4 Sneaky Snakes that attack the target for until cancelled.
- Artifact Traits (1)
- Holy
- Artifact Traits
Blessing of Sacrifice Reduces the damage you take from Blessing of Sacrifice by
10%25%. -
Second Sunrise Light of Dawn has a 20% chance to create a second cone of light immediately after the first.
- Artifact Traits