BfA: Die Dialoge der Bosse aus Uldir

Die Data Miner der bekannten und von vielen Spielern sehr oft besuchten Internetseite „wowhead“ konnten in den Daten des vor Kurzem für die Alpha von Battle for Azeroth veröffentlichten Build 26287 eine Reihe von neuen Dialogen für unterschiedliche NPCs ausfindig machen, die unter anderem für die Encounter in dem kommenden Schlachtzug Uldir bestimmt sind. Auch wenn diese Dialoge keine größeren Geheimnisse aus der Hintergrundgeschichte der nächsten Erweiterung preisgeben, so vermitteln sie daran interessierten Personen aber dennoch bereits einen ersten Eindruck davon, welche Rolle diese Encounter in diesem Schlachtzug spielen und warum die Helden von Azeroth diese Bosse unbedingt besiegen sollten. Zusätzlich dazu enthüllen diese Dialoge einen zuvor unbekannt gewesenen Boss aus diesem Raid und sie lassen den Endboss G’huun durchgehend wie ein richtiges Monster wirken. Wer keine Lust hat alle Texte selbst durchzulesen, der findet folgende eine kurze Zusammenfassung der interessantesten Informationen.
(Hinweis: Einige Encounter aus diesem Raid besitzen noch keine Dialoge und sind daher auch nicht in der folgenden Übersicht vorhanden.)
Interessante Informationen aus diesen Dialogen:
- Die Namen und Mechaniken einiger Encounter wurden ausgetauscht. Das Blut von G’huun ist jetzt beispielsweise das „Blood Elemental“.
- Überraschenderweise handelt es sich bei einer wiederbelebten Version des Propheten Zul um einen Encounter in Uldir. Scheinbar wurde dieser Troll nach seinem Ableben in Zandalar von G’huun wiederbelebt.
- Das von den Titanen erschaffene Konstrukt Mother (Matron Of Tenacity, Herald of Endless Research) wurde noch nicht von G’huun verdorben und es ist scheinbar der Grund dafür, warum sich die Verderbnis von G’huun noch nicht in der gesamten Anlage verbreitet hat.
- Die Spieler werden von den Systemen in Uldir selbstverständlich als verdorben eingestuft.
- Jede Fraktion erhält einen NPC, der sie durch Uldir führt. Bei der Allianz ist das Brann und bei der Horde Talanji.
- G’huun scheint nur an der Verbreitung der von ihm ausgehenden Korruption interessiert zu sein.
- Brann Bronzebart bezeichnet G’huun als einen Alten Gott.
- Uldir speichert Daten in Form von sogenannten „norgabytes“.
Zul the Prophet:
Ah’shel ywaq qam yrr woth’gl!
Witness your end and despair!
Iggksh ywaq ag’rr ni ky!
Return your blood to me!
Ga ag’rr ez AN’zig wgha kyth zuq!
Za ag’rr wgah thyzz zuq!
De power of G’huun will be your doom!
My power will break you!
Come, brethren! Feed upon de unfaithful!
Rise from my blood to crush de weak!
Arise my chosen! Through blood we shall conquer!
G’huun’s blood flows through my veins! Tremble before my power!
Come, fools! I’ve already seen your end.
Everything is as I have foreseen!
Wait… Dis was not the future I was promised…
Weak. Just as I predicted.
You never had a future.
G’huun! Accept dis offering of blood!
Ahhh, $n. Yes. Dey have proven demselves useful.
Taloc the Corrupted:
Specimen targeted for destruction.
Deploying cudgel.
Fluid evacuation in progress. Entering standby.
Levels at maximum. Resume collection.
Initiating blood dispersal of target host.
Activating cudgel retrieval.
Initiating plasma collection.
Hosts detected. Infection commencing.
Fuel levels depleted. Shutting down…
Additional fuel for rot.
New candidate for corruption.
Subjects primed for contamination.
Attention. A new power matrix is available.
A power matrix is ready for acquisition.
A new power matrix can now be collected.
Alert. Reorgination blast sequence initiated. Please vacate the area.
Warning. Reorigination blast imminent. Please clear the area.
Infection levels critical. Full purge initiated.
New strain detected.
Viral levels increasing.
Contagion spreading.
Testing bacterial resistance to extreme heat.
Surgical field engaged. Preparing samples for study.
Dissection protocol initiated.
Venting containment chamber.
Cleansing protocol activated.
Virulent strain detected. Neutralize with extreme prejudice.
Infection purged.
Contagion level reduced.
Sanitation complete.
Now entering the viral ecology wing.
This laboratory contains thousands of the most dangerous viral strains in the known cosmos, alphabetically sorted for ease of access.
Alert. Viral containment breached. Contaminated specimen approaching. Risk of infection imminent.
Virulent specimen removed. Opening decontamination chamber.
I am the Matron Of Tenacity, Herald of Endless Research. Designation: M.O.T.H.E.R.
Alert. Contaminated life forms detected. Incinerators engaged.
System restored. Levels returned to secure thresholds.
Facility systems compromised. Proceed with caution.
This facility has experimented on a variety of lifeforms to research solutions for Old God corruption.
Observation accurate. This facility has run numerous experiments on loa to research solutions for Old God corruption.
Tests focused on the ability of G’huun’s corruption to reanimate expired tissue. Results were inconclusive and specimens were destroyed.
Analysis of your cerebral cortices indicates previous interactions with Old God specimens for certain individuals.
Any available data from your prior experiences can aid in this facility’s research.
Analysis of your cerebral cortices indicates all present individuals have previously interacted with Old God specimens.
Please report to the medical bay for neural extraction and cerebral tissue collection.
Now entering the data vault. This is a comprehensive collection of titan knowledge.
These discs currently contain fifty norgabytes of biological data on known lifeforms throughout the cosmos.
Seventy five norgabytes of every existing chemical compound.
And nine hundred fifty billion norgabytes of musical playlists and self-portrait images.
Boot sequence initiated.
Error. Disc malfunction. Corrupted data stream deployed.
Designation, Uldir. This research facility was designed to contain and study the entity known as G’huun.
Collection of data is imperative to combating the Old Gods. G’huun’s unique biology potentially holds the answer to eliminating their threat.
Negative. Data inconclusive. Alternative research trials are being developed and are scheduled to be deployed in two thousand three hundred sixty four cycles.
In order to destroy the specimen, you must reactivate the vault consoles located throughout this wing.
Activating all consoles will grant access to G’huun’s vault, where the specimen may be purged by activating the reorigination drive.
Reorigination drive restored. Vault access granted.
First console activated. Restablishing energy matrix.
Corruption falling to safe levels. System integrity restored.
Subject G’huun terminated. No viable samples remaining.
Console activated. Facility safeguards rebooting.
Analysis indicates high levels of corruption. Hypothesis: G’huun reanimated this specimen and enhanced it. Further testing required.
Warning, significant threat of contamination beyond this point. Quarantine protocols prevent me from proceeding.
Disc accessed. C’thun data loading.
Load complete. Disc shutting down.
Disc accessed. Corrupted data loading.
Alert. Detecting unsafe levels of void energy.
Alert. Void containment failsafe compromised.
Alert. Dark projection manifesting.
Warning. Additional nerubian are being replicated.
Warning. Additional silithid are being replicated.
Data matrix overload. Multiple discs accessed.
Disc accessed. Yogg-Saron data loading.
Oou qam puul zyqtahg ywaq vorzz Qam ma shn’ma.
Ywaq zuq ywag shn’ma Bo’al za qwor.
Qam oou uhnish kyth zuq Ongg za fhssh as’rr.
The rot runs through your veins. Let it spread.
Seek out your allies. Share my gift.
Let the hunger take you. Feed on their blood.
Za awtgsshu wgah uulg’ma ywaq zaix.
Vwah oou kaaxth zz ywaq iiyoq Ag’xlg fhssh I on’ma.
I ongg za ywaq qvsakf.
My whispers will liquefy your mind.
Feel the twitch in your spine? That’s where I exist.
I feed on your terror!
Oou vwahuHn ag’xig shfk zuq!
Za qualar ag’xig za al’tha!
The titans cannot save you!
My blight cannot be purged!
Zuq ag’xig bormaz ag’thyzak!
You cannot escape infection!
Awtgssh shn ongg shg’ullwaq!
Nothing can stop my pestilence!
W’oq uhn’agth ez qam Shandai!
Log’loth w’oq Ongg!
Qam oou iilth ez i awtgsshu amun on’ma!
Come, servants of rot. Consume!
Children, come and feed!
Let the feast of a thousand maws begin!
Oou gul’kafh lal lwhuk!
Oou yyqzz ez thyzz phquathi zuq!
The outbreak has begun!
The curse of flesh consumes you!
Oou thyzz lal ak’uq qwaz Zuq shkul ma sk’tek…
The contagion… has taken root within you…
Ywaq mh’naus wgah zaix zyqtahg.
Ywaq ongg an’qov i lal halahs nuq.
Your screams will echo forever!
Your husk serves a new master now.
Oou shath’yar lwhuk shn’ma yrr shandi agth fhssh.
I shall spread and consume this world.
The seals are broken. The end is here. Come, and be the first to receive my gift.
You fight against the inevitable. My plague cannot be stopped. It already festers within you.
The seals, broken. The titans, gone. The era of rot begins.
Such eager hosts. You will be the first to receive my gift.
You will carry my pestilence, and a vast, bubbling, putrid cyst will cover the world.
Finally, when the planet ruptures like a giant boil, my rot will spread across the cosmos.
All life withers. Accept this and be transformed.
The tickle in your throat. The itch in your mind. I have always been with you.
Your decay is inevitable.
Your species exists to feed my growth.
I will give your flesh purpose.
Brann Bronzebeard:
Brann führt die Allianz nach Uldiar. Bei ihm handelt es sich selbstverständlich nicht um einen Boss.
I cannae send me lads down into the temple with these tiki masks about. Their magic is too strong!
Fantastic! We’ll get an expedition underway immediately.
Someone’s been killin‘ the Zandalari trolls here, and it’s too dangerous fer the Explorer’s League tae enter the temple until somethin’s done about it! Get in there and root out the cause!
Ye done it! Now the lads from the Explorer’s League can investigate the temple in peace.
Bah, spiders! It’s always spiders! This Yazma has ‚em all over the place. Squish a few will ye, so we can work in peace!
Well done! Though I can still feel those creepy crawlies in me beard!
A warrior who trained the Zandalari royalty remains hauntin‘ this tomb. Put ‚im to rest!
Ha! Looks like ye showed him who’s the real master!
Bah, typical shoddy troll manufacturing. That golem’s gone haywire. Beat it into submission!
Pfft. Dwarven constructs wouldna gone haywire like that.
… Halls of Stone doesn’t count.
Those undead trolls look tougher than the rest. Watch out!
Ha! Looks like ye made those un-dead re-dead! Good work.
Ach! What manner o‘ beastie is this?!
I’ve never seen that kind o‘ corruption before.
It might be connected to Uldir. Let’s hurry and find out!
Did that thing just say G’huun?! Follow that machine!
Ach, the entrance is closing! I cannae let this chance pass me by!
Go, get help! I’ll see what I can do from inside Uldir tae stop this corruption!
These caves must lead to the legendary Uldir!
The titans constructed this facility after the fall o‘ the Black Empire to run experiments on all manner of beasties.
Who knows what secrets it contains? It may even have the answer tae defeatin‘ the Old Gods!
A close call there. If it had gotten past us, no tellin‘ how many it woulda infected on the surface.
Ye made it! Just gimme a second. I’ve accessed some sort o‘ caretaker that I believe operates this facility.
Gimme a sec. I’ll get these doors open.
What?! No! The blasted doors are sealed! Start breakin‘ things ‚til they open!
Aye! That did it! This technology isn’t all that confusing if ye have a knack for it.
Ach! What in blazes is that thing!?
Ye missed one!
I’ve heard stories about the power o‘ N’zoth’s minions, but I never thought I’d see one. Honestly, I hope I never do again.
You’re a sight for sore eyes. Close as I can figure, this is some sort o‘ research facility.
Well that explains why the blood trolls are lurkin‘ about, but why would the titans keep an Old God alive?
Did ye find the answer?
Ach! I dunnae think we have that kind of time. Best get rid of G’huun before this rot gets any worse.
Sounds like a plan. While we’re at it, I’ll see what other secrets the titans may have left behind.
I recognize the ugly on that troll. What is Zul up to?
Eugh, so he’s a reanimated corpse? Let’s put ‚im back in the ground.
We’ll take it from here. Time tae put an end to G’huun.
Mother und Talanji:
Die Horde wird von der Trollprinzessin Talanji nach Uldir gebracht. Dieser NPC führt ein interessantes Gespräch mit der Mother.
She must be de reason de corruption hasn’t completely overtaken dis facility.
Alert. Contaminated life forms detected. Incinerators engaged.
De doors be locked! Shut down dat machine before we are reduced to ash!
Facility systems compromised. Proceed with caution.
What is dis place?
Designation, Uldir. This research facility was designed to contain and study the entity known as G’huun.
You’ve been keeping dat abomination alive?! Why?
Collection of data is imperative to combating the Old Gods. G’huun’s unique biology potentially holds the answer to eliminating their threat.
And have you found de answer?
Negative. Data inconclusive. Alternative research trials are being developed and are scheduled to be deployed in two thousand three hundred sixty four cycles.
We don’t have dat kind of time! G’huun must be stopped now!
In order to destroy the specimen, you must reactivate the vault consoles located throughout this wing.
Activating all consoles will grant access to G’huun’s vault, where the specimen may be purged by activating the reorigination drive.
We have a plan. Let’s activate de consoles and put an end to G’huun’s plague once and for all.
Observation accurate. This facility has run numerous experiments on loa to research solutions for Old God corruption.
Tests focused on the ability of G’huun’s corruption to reanimate expired tissue. Results were inconclusive and specimens were destroyed.
It appears you missed one.
Zul!? How is he alive? I saw him die by my father’s hand!
Analysis indicates high levels of corruption. Hypothesis: G’huun reanimated this specimen and enhanced it. Further testing required.
Warning, significant threat of contamination beyond this point. Quarantine protocols prevent me from proceeding.
De rest is up to us. Let’s put an end to G’huun’s disease.