BfA: Die Fähigkeiten der Bosse in Uldir

Bei dem ersten Schlachtzug in der kommenden Erweiterung „Battle for Azeroth“ handelt es sich um den in Nazmir positionierten Komplex UIdir, der vor sehr langer Zeit von den Titanen als eine Forschungseinrichtung gebaut wurde und mittlerweile den Ursprung der in Zandalar wütenden Verderbnis darstellt. Auch wenn die auf den Alphaservern spielenden Personen diesen Raid im Moment noch nicht besuchen dürfen, so listet das in dieser Testphase vorhandene Dungeonkompendium praktischerweise aber schon einmal die wichtigsten Mechaniken und Fähigkeiten dieser zukünftigen Encounter auf. Durch diese leider noch unfertige Übersicht können daran interessierte Personen schon jetzt einen Eindruck davon gewinnen, was für Bosse in Uldiar vorhandenen sind, welche Mechaniken diese Encounter verwenden und welche Rolle dieser Schlachtzug in der Geschichte des Addon spielt. Folgend findet ihr nun sowohl eine Übersicht mit den Fähigkeiten der in Uldir vorhandenen Bosse als auch Bilder zu den vorläufigen (unfertigen) Modellen dieser Encounter.
(Hinweis: Der Schlachtzug befindet sich aktuell noch immer in einer sehr frühen Entwicklungsphase. Aus diesem Grund sind derzeit auch nur 6 bon 8 angeblichen Bossen bekannt und die Encounter verwenden oft die falschen Modelle.)
Titan Keeper Hezrel:
Bei Hezrel handelt es sich um einen Wächter der Titanen, der von Spielern in Nazmir gefunden und im Verlauf einer Questreihe repariert wird. Leider gibt es aktuell noch keine Informationen darüber, warum er als Encounter in diesem Schlachtzug auftaucht und was für Fähigkeiten er verwendet.
Red Queen:
Dieser Encounter stellt das von den Titanen errichtete Sicherheitssystem von Uldir dar. Die Spieler dürfen die hinteren Abschnitte des Raids erst dann betreten, wenn sie durch die Dekontaminationskammer der Red Quest getreten sind.
- Defense Grid: Passing through the Defense Grid inflicts 11700 to 12300 Arcane damage to all players and increases damage taken from Defense Grid by 100% for 6 sec. This effect stacks.
Additionally, a Remnant of Corruption is summoned after 3 sec.- Remnant of Corruption
- Clinging Corruption: Spreads a vile, clinging corruption to players within 10 yds, inflicting 9750 to 10250 Nature damage and an additional 5000 Nature damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
- Remnant of Corruption
- Cleansing Purge: Upon entering a room, the Red Queen begins a countdown to performing a full cleansing purge of all living matter within the space.
- Once the room has been purged it inflicts 30000 Fire damage every 1 sec to players within.
- Sundering Scalpel: The caster slices with a focused laser scalpel, inflicting 29250 to 30750 Fire damage in a cone in front of them, and increasing damage taken by Sundering Scalpel by 100%. This effect stacks.
- Purifying Flame: Vents within the chamber unleash jets of purifying flame, each inflicting 19500 to 20500 Fire damage to all enemies within 3 yards.
- Wind Tunnel: Massive air vents throughout the chamber open, moving players towards jets of Purifying Flame.
Fetid Devourer:
Diese mehrköpfige Bestie scheint in dem Bereich von Uldir zu hausen, der für die Aufbewahrung oder die Entsorgung von Abfällen bestimmt ist. Zumindest verwendet dieser Boss viele auf Gestank und Müll basierende Fähigkeiten.
Overview: Fetid Devourer engages players, storing up energy over time to unleash [Rotting Regurgitation]. Periodically, Waste Disposal Units around the room will activate, dumping waste into the room and leaving behind Corruption Corpuscles. Players must kill these before they release [Enticing Essence], or Fetid Devourer will move to them and [Consume Corruption], healing and gaining energy. At 50% health, Fetid Devourer will enter into a [Fetid Frenzy].
The primary tank on Fetid Devourer will take more consistent – but overall higher – damage.
As the secondary tank, stand nearby the primary tank so that you are targeted by [Terrible Thrash], and be prepared for large spikes of damage when it hits.
The primary tank on Fetid Devourer will take more consistent – but overall higher – damage, and the secondary tank will take intermittent, high damage from [Terrible Thrash]. Be sure the secondary tank’s is near full health when [Terrible Thrash] is incoming.
After players are afflicted with [Malodorous Misama], they will develop [Deadly Disease], which inflicts high damage and requires focused healing.
- Damage Dealers:
- Kill Corruption Corpuscles before they finish releasing [Enticing Essence].
- When Chimaera nears 100 energy, prepare to avoid [Rotting Regurgitation]!
Thrashing Terror: Every fourth attack, Fetid Devourer will use Thrash on the closest player to the current tank.
Terrible Thrash: Thrashes the target, inflicting 300% of a standard melee attack to them.
Rotting Regurgitation: When Fetid Devourer reaches 100 Energy, he unleashes a Rotting Regurgitation, inflicting 30000 Nature damage immediately and an additional 20000 Nature damage every 2 sec. in a cone in front of him for 8 sec.
Shockwave Stomp: Inflicts 9750 to 10250 Physical damage to all players and knocks them back.
Malodorous Miasma: The foul stench of the area sickens players, inflicting 4500 Nature damage to afflicted players every 1.5 sec. for 18 sec.
When this effect expires, it applies Deadly Disease to the affected player.- Deadly Disease: Inflicts 12000 Nature damage every 2 sec. for 6 sec.
Enticing Essence: Releases pheromones, drawing Fetid Devourer to consume the Corruption Corpuscle.
Consume Corruption: Consumes a Corruption Corpuscle, healing Fetid Devourer for 10% and granting 20 Energy.
- Fetid Frenzy: At 50% Health, Fetid Devourer frenzies, increasing damage dealt by 25% and damage taken by 50%.
Titan Discs:
Die Spieler versuchen auf die korrumpierten Scheiben (Aufzeichnungen) der Titanen zuzugreifen und werden dabei von vielen verschiedenen Dienern der Alten Götter angegriffen. Interessanterweise erzeugen die Scheiben selbst mehrere in diesem Kampf auftauchende Mobs, die aufgrund des Hintergrunds von Uldir aus anderen Erweiterungen bekannte Diener der Alten Götter darstellen.
Overview: Zol’thuum assaults players while the compromised Titan Discs come online, calling forth powerful Old God magics and summoning their lesser servants. As new Titan Discs come online, previously activated Discs will go dormant.
Avoid being struck by [Void Lash] multiple times during [Might of the Void].
Consider the position of your allies when redirecting casts of [Void Lash].
[Titan Spark] strikes random targets peroidically.
[Void Surge] inflicts substantial damage to all party members in addition to the lethal damage within each eruption.
The damage dealt by [Corruption Pulse] increases with each cast until the [Orb of Corruption] is disturbed.
Damage Dealers:
Keep a safe distance from your allies when [Chaotic Glare] is preparing to fire.
Consider your positioning when [Roiling Deceit] is about to expire.
Avoid [Orb of Corruption] while under the effects of [Corruptor’s Pact].
Free allies from [Will of the Corruptor] by attacking them.
Titan Spark: Titan energy arcs from the damaged Titan Disc, striking several targets for 4880 to 5130 Nature damage.
Void Surge: Upon reaching 100 energy, Zol’thuum unleashes a series of eruptions in quick succession. Each eruption inflicts 34125 to 35875 Shadow damage to players caught within it. In addition, each eruption inflicts 7800 to 8200 Shadow damage to all players.
Might of the Void: Zol’thuum performs a series of powerful attacks.
Void Lash: Zol’thuum summons lashing tentacles, inflicting 39000 to 41000 Shadow damage in a frontal cone, and reduces healing received by 50% for 8 sec. This effect stacks.
Stage One: Chaos:
At 90% health remaining Protocol: Chaos begins. Summoning projections of C’Thun and replicating minions from the Qiraji empire.-
Eye Beam: The Eye of C’Thun penetrates the soul of the target, dealing 13455 to 14145 Nature damage and leaping to any nearby allies for increased damage.
Jagged Mandible: The Qiraji Warrior’s melee attacks maim the target, inflicting 4875 to 5125 Physical damage every 3 sec and reducing movement speed by 20% for 15 sec. This effect stacks.
Stage Two: Deception:
At 60% health remaining Protocol: Deception begins. Summoning projections of Yogg-Saron and replicating servants from Azjol-Nerub.-
Roiling Deceit: Yogg-Saron corrupts the target, inflicts 9750 to 10250 Shadow damage every 2 sec and forms an Ominous Cloud upon expiration.
Ominous Cloud: Ominous Clouds slowly drift through the area and will Boil Ominously if an enemy strays too close, summoning a Guardian of Yogg-Saron.
Guardian of Yogg-Saron: Casts Shadow Nova upon reaching 100 energy or when defeated.
Shadow Nova: Self destructs, Inflicting 19500 to 20500 Shadow damage to all enemies.
Withering Touch: Launches Shadow energy towards an enemy, inflicting 9750 to 10250 Shadow damage and an additional 7800 to 8200 Shadow damage every 2 for 20 sec.
Stage Three: Corruption:
At 30% health remaining Protocol: Corruption begins. A warped projection appears and shadowy whispers echo through the chamber. The magic released from the damaged Titan Discs appears to be unchecked and more than a mere demonstration of power…-
Orb of Corruption: A manifestation of N’Zoth’s power forms. Inflicts 10250 Shadow damage to all enemies every 10 sec, increasing with each pulse. Coming into contact with the orb resets this effect, but afflicts the victim with Will of the Corruptor.
Corruption Pulse: Inflicts 9750 to 10250 Shadow damage to all enemies, damage increased with each pulse.
Will of the Corruptor: Coming into contact with an Orb of Corruption charms the victim, causing them to attack nearby allies. When this effect is removed, the victim gains Corruptor’s Pact.
Corruptor’s Pact: N’Zoth’s power courses through you, increasing your damage, healing, and absorption effects by 25%. You are vulnerable to N’Zoth’s influence and coming into contact with an Orb of Corruption will consume you.
Servant of N’Zoth: Coming into contact with an Orb of Corruption while affected by Corruptor’s Pact consumes the victim, transforming them into a mindless servant of N’Zoth.
Blood of G’huun:
Eine Probe des Blutes von G’huun wurde zum Leben erweckt und läuft Amok. Die Titanen sahen diese Blutprobe als eine Infektion an, die das gesamte Leben auf Azeroth auslöschen kann.
Overview: The Blood of G’huun creates instances of [Omega Vector] which bounce endlessly between players during the encounter. When [Omega Vector] jumps between players it leaves behind a stack of [Lingering Infection], which has no duration and cannot be removed.
[Mutagenic Pathogen] is the source of new copies of [Omega Vector], with one [Omega Vector] being created whenever [Mutagenic Pathogen] expires from a player.
Make sure you are close to desirable hosts for [Omega Vector] targets when [Mutagenic Pathogen] fades.
Hold the Blood of G’huun’s threat for as long as you can to prevent generating too many copies of [Omega Vector].
Targets afflicted by [Omega Vector] and [Gestate] will require heavy healing to survive.
Help tanks survive several stacks of [Mutagenic Pathogen] as they try to minimize the number of [Omega Vector] jumping through the raid.
[Lingering Infection] cannot be removed and does not have a duration, making it more virulent as the encounter goes on.
Communicate with your allies to control each jump of [Omega Vector].
Damage Dealers:
Kill Plague Amalgams quickly to prevent excessive heal absorbs from [Immunosuppression].
Avoid the area damage from targets affected by [Gestate].
Communicate with your allies to control each jump of [Omega Vector].
Lingering Infection: Weakens the player’s resistance to future infections, increasing Nature damage taken by 5%.
Omega Vector: Omega Vector takes root in a player, inflicting 6800 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 10 sec. On expiration, Omega Vector jumps to the closest ally and applies a stack of Lingering Infection to its former host.
Mutagenic Pathogen: Inflictins 3200 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 12 sec. Each subsequent application of Mutagenic Pathogen doubles the damage per tick of the previous application. On expiration, the Mutagenic Pathogen evolves into Omega Vector and jumps to the target with the fewest Lingering Infections from among the three closest players.
Gestate: Inflicts 2500 damage every 1 sec to a random player and all players within 8 yards for 5 sec. Stuns the initial target while a Plague Amalgam gestates within the player. On expiration, the Plague Amalgam will spawn 5 yards from that player.
Immunosuppression: Spreads a toxin that absorbs 18000 healing done to all players within 500 yards.
Contagion: Inflicts 15000 Nature damage to all players.
Liquefy: Transforms into a pool of toxic blood, triggering Lingering Infection on players who come into contact with the pool.
Blood Geyser: A geyser of corrupted blood inflicts 8550 to 9450 Shadow damage to all players within 1 yards. Affected players gain a stack of Lingering Infection.
Hypergenesis: A pool of blood forms, erupting for 14250 to 15750 Shadow damage to players within 6 yards after 8 sec.
If no players are hit by the eruption, it instead inflicts 17100 to 18900 Shadow damage to all players.
Der möglicherweise fünfte Alte Gott G’huun wurde von den Titanen in Uldir eingesperrt und diente ihnen einige Zeit lang als Versuchsobjekt für ihre unterschiedlichen Experimente. Im Laufe der Zeit haben sich allerdings die Schutzmaßnahmen dieser Einrichtung ein wenig gelockert, weshalb G’huun sowohl die Bluttrolle als auch Teile von Zandalar verderben konnte.
Stage One: My Minions are Endless!
Arena Floor
Blood Shield: While shielded, G’huun’s regenerates 5% of his maximum health every 0.5 sec.
Spew Corruption: G’huun lobs a blast of corruption that sloshes towards a random player, inflicting 12343 to 12657 Plague damage to any player within 10 yards of the impact.
After bounding 3 times the glob forms a Inflicts 5000 Plague damage every 2 sec while within the area..-
Pool of Corruption: Inflicts 5000 Plague damage every 2 sec while within the area.
Call Corruption: G’huun calls all pools of corruption back to him over 12 sec.
Thousand Maws: G’huun summons forth minions to assist him.
Torment: The caster assaults a random player’s mind, inflicting increasing 0 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 18 sec.
Massive Smash: Filled with unending rage the caster slams their target, inflicting 19750 to 20250 Physical damage and knocking them back.
- Dark Bargain: Increases the damage taken and damage done of all creatures, including players, within 15 yards of the caster by 50%.
Blightspreader Tendril: The Blightspreader Tendril slowly loses energy over time. Upon reaching 0 energy, the tendril burrows through the ground to a new location, casting [Mantle of Shadow] upon emerging.
Decaying Eruption: Inflicts 7312 to 7688 Plague damage to all players, consuming up to 10 energy upon a successful cast.
Mantle of Shadow: The caster forms a shield of shadows around itself, absorbing the next 500000 damage taken. While the absorb shield is active the caster is immune to interrupt and silence effects.
In addition, the caster’s energy is refreshed to 100.
Upper Platforms
- Defensive Countermeasure: Upon dying a Defensive Countermeasure explodes, dropping a Titan Core.
- Titan Core: A mote of titanic power, depositing this core in a Power Conduit generates 20 energy.
- While holding the Titan Core, the target’s movement speed is reduced by 20% every 2 sec until they become immobile.
Throw Titan Core: Throws the titan core up to 20 yards. If the core is not caught by another player it is destroyed.
Imperfect Physiology: The lingering effects of the curse of flesh interfere with the titan’s power, preventing interaction with the Titan Cores for 2 min.
- Defensive Countermeasure: Upon dying a Defensive Countermeasure explodes, dropping a Titan Core.
Tendrils of Corruption: Nightmarish tendrils grasp and squeeze any player who touches them, immobilizing the target and inflicting 0 Plague damage every 5 sec for 12 sec.
- Stage Two:
- Arena Floor
Crimson Blight: G’huun’s presence corrupts nearby players, inflicting 975 to 1025 Shadow damage every 1.5 sec. This affect intensifies every 8 sec.
Blood Feast: G’huun corrupts his current target, inflicting 5000 Shadow damage every 2 sec.
After 10 sec, players within 8 yards of the target have their applications of Crimson Blight reset to 1 and a Gibbering Horror is spawned.-
Blood Might: Each application of Crimson Blight that is consumed by Blood Feast increases the Gibbering Horror’s maximum health and damage done by 5%.
Mind-Numbing Chatter: The caster babbles incoherently, inflicting Shadow damage to all players and interrupting casting for 3 sec.
Gaze of G’huun: G’huun unleashes a wave of terror, causing all players to flee in fear for 3 sec.
Dark Purpose: The Spawn of G’huun fixates upon a random player and moves towards them, increasing in speed over time. Upon reaching the target the Spawn of G’huun burrows into the target, making it a Blood Host.
Blood Host: The Spawn of G’huun burrows into it’s target, inflicting 1000 Plague damage every 2 sec for 20 sec.
Upon removal, 2 Spawn of G’huun erupt from the afflicted player.
Upper Platforms
Defensive Countermeasure: Upon dying a Defensive Countermeasure explodes, dropping a Titan Core.
- Titan Core: A mote of titanic power, depositing this core in a Power Conduit generates 20 energy.
- While holding the Titan Core, the target’s movement speed is reduced by 20% every 2 sec until they become immobile.
Throw Titan Core: Throws the titan core up to 20 yards. If the core is not caught by another player it is destroyed.
- Imperfect Physiology: The lingering effects of the curse of flesh interfere with the titan’s power, preventing interaction with the Titan Cores for 2 min.
- While holding the Titan Core, the target’s movement speed is reduced by 20% every 2 sec until they become immobile.
- Titan Core: A mote of titanic power, depositing this core in a Power Conduit generates 20 energy.
- Amorphus Cyst
- Undulating Mass: Creates an area of mossy growth that, inflicts 246 to 254 Plague damage every 1.5 sec and reduces movement speed by 75% while standing within the area.
- Tendrils of Corruption: Nightmarish tendrils grasp and squeeze any player who touches them, immobilizing the target and inflicting 0 Plague damage every 5 sec for 12 sec.
- Arena Floor
Stage Three: Reorigination
Reorigination Blast: Unleashes a blast of titanic power, inflicting 10862 to 11138 Arcane damage to all players every 5 sec for 25 sec. This blast incapacitates G’huun, and increases his damage taken by 500% for 25 sec.